Natural Remedies for Melanoma: Complementary Treatment Options

Posted by Sumner (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/26/2011

Hi, I'm healing skin cancer using bloodroot.

best, Sumner

Posted by Lorica (New Albany, Indiana) on 08/13/2011

Earlier this summer I found a little bump on my forehead, about the size of 1/2 of a good sized pea. It was slightly crusty and there was crustiness around that area. I have since seen on the net that this matches one description for a precancerous skin condition.

I tried topical Iodine & hydrogen peroxide with no success whatever.

I am not trying to get religious here but I feel I should give credit where credit is due. I prayed about what to do and felt YHWH brought me the word "eggplant" later out of the blue when I wasn't even thinking about the problem.

You can see on the net that there is an ingredient in eggplant that kills surface cancer cells - and they don't come back.

I started rubbing that bump & much of the surrounding area with a slice of the eggplant every night. I used the white side, not the dark skin. I used no vinegar, just the eggplant slices plain & simple. Within a few days the bump was shrinking. Within a month it was, and still is, totally gone.

Now I am going to get maybe a little bizarre. Since my sister has been found to have pre cancerous lesions in her colon, and since such things are very common, I have even taken to doing 2 retention enemas a week with eggplant added in after its been in the blender. I figure it can't hurt (and it hasn't, though whether it's a coincidence or not I can't say but I have become much more regular) and might help.

Risks of Self-Treating Melanoma
Posted by J4given (Phoenix, Az) on 06/28/2011

I am going to try the eggplant/vinegar recipe. Last winter I was diagnosed with breast cancer (non-aggressive). After my PET/PEM scan to determine any mets, I developed 3 spots on my skin that appeared to look like melanoma. That kind of cancer is not non-aggressive The one on my abdomen wasn't there at the time of diagnosis of my breast cancer but after the PET scan. I am using a variety of alternative supplements including: Protocel, Paw Paw, Graviola and Curcumin. I switched from Protocel 23 to 50 after finding the melanoma. I've applied protocel topically to the growths and they have gone away but not completely. The conventional medical community has nothing to offer but surgery, radiation (LOL) and chemo. My breast cancer started about the time I had extensive mammogramming procedures over 5 years ago. To the reader who cautioned others to seek conventional medical help... I will let you know if I survive.

Posted by C.c. (Los Angeles, Ca) on 06/25/2011

Re. Melamona. Research BLOODROOT. Also known as black salve.

Posted by Robert (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) on 06/25/2011

My brother had a large growth on his belly next to his navel and if he bumped it on something it bleed alot. I tried for a long time to have him go to the doctor about it but he did not go. However, when he did go they found that the growth was melanoma and he was sent to the surgen. The growth was removed along with one of his limpth nods which had no melanoma in it. He was told to come back for additional treament which he chose not to do. Now he has three lumps that came up on his back.... So I guess the melanoma is spreading. Is there anything that he can do now since he is in the situation that he is in.

Robert in Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Daustin (Austin, Tx) on 04/28/2011

Thanks!!! Tonight, after reading your post, I bought a huge bottle to treat our dog. He has a small, possibly melanoma growth. While I was applying it, my hands started stinging in places. Then, I remember all the fire ant stings I got last weekend. The hydrogen peroxide was treating them and bringing them to the surface. Maybe it will do that with the melanoma too. Our dog seemed to like getting the hydrogen peroxide put on. I've been trying so many mostly expensive remedies since I discovered his latest growth last weekend. Last year, he had half of his lower jaw removed because of a melanoma under his tongue. I didn't want to put him under the knife again for the one below his rectum. Hydrogen Peroxide is WAY cheaper and MUCH less stressful! We have our fingers and pads crossed that it will work!

General Feedback
Posted by Cornabuille (Dublin, Ireland) on 04/24/2011

Hi to Brian who asks help re his melanoma on his thigh. My advice is to go and have it removed by a dermatologist for analysis in order to find out if it is cancerous and if so, the kind and the size of the growth. They do not do anything further until the growth has been properly analysed and assessed for degree of advance of tumour. After this process is over you can then begin to use alternative treatment strategies. But you need proper diagnosis first. The mainstream medics are excellent at this, whatever about the treatment offered afterwards. So use all means at your disposal to offer yourself the best results. Unless you have the growth removed initially, any treatment option is likely to fail because the cancer will have begun it's ruthless course. Remove the cancer first, then change your diet and lifestyle to give yourself the best chances of stalling all future growth of the cancer.

That's the course I took for my melanoma. I'm three years cancer free except for a new small black nevus now on my left index finger. I'm going to my derma in two weeks to have it removed and analysed. It might not be what I think it is, unless I have it examined professionally. Good luck and keep us updated.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Linda (York County, Maine) on 03/23/2011

Hi Melanoma Ma - someone whose education and words of wisdom I take seriously may suggest that you brew up the four herbs of Essiac tea and, in addition to ingesting the tea, use the sludge on your finger; check out herbalhealer for some good (in my belief) information! Best wishes, Linda

Essiac Tea
Posted by Melanoma Ma (Staten Island, Ny) on 03/22/2011

I just purchased the Essiac Concentrated Liquid for a Melanoma on my index finger that the Oncologist wants to cut off. I want to try this before the surgery, but I am wondering if I bought the right one and what is the right way to use it? Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. And thank you for your post, your post led me to this.

Risks of Self-Treating Melanoma
Posted by Linda (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 01/16/2011

Interesting, but very dangerous, first of all, a melanoma can ONLY be diagnosed after excision by a pathologist and second of all, it is the most deadly skin cancer around, which can easily be cured with a little cut, when you are early enough.

I know, I had it and I would warn anyone who suspects (s)he has a melanoma; go to the docter and ask for it to be cut out, it's NOT worth the risk to lose time over it with self care which takes time you might regret later if you will die of this.

People tend to call a spot 'melanoma' without having 'hard core' evidence it is. This is very dangerous, cause 95% will die when metastised (and it does it fast) in a few years, most will die within 6 months.

But if your fast enough, and teh melanoma is small and cut out, your chances are almost 100 % to survive it.

Do not underestimate this cancer by thinking you can diagnose it yourself without any real knowledge and without a pathologist and then assume you can easily cure it with a 'potion': you may spread false information and someone might die as a result of your infornation.

Posted by Michele (Wolcott, Ct) on 08/13/2010

Yes this worked for me. Very successful. Thanks for recommending it. Same product that you recommended from the same site.

Posted by Sue (La, Ca) on 08/06/2010

For well over a year I have had a slowly enlarging growth on my face that began with tiny discoloration under my skin. After it broke the surface I began trying every one of a number of creams that have worked on rashes, etc. , in the past, such as vaseline, cortesone, Neosporin, and even the strong Desoximetasone Cream. The growth increased in size - about like a fingernail - and became red and rough. After reading about Iodine on this site, I researched and ordered Lugol's. Two weeks ago I took it internally for four days as they direct and also began applying it to the area every night. It stung at first and seemed slightly irritated, but after a week I suspected improvement and it no longer stung. Last night it felt tight so I barely scraped at the edge of the thin scab and it fell off. Today the redness is gone and a little residue is visible only because I know where to look. With a magnifying mirror I observed a little star patterned mark, which may mean something to a dermatologist. This is just terrific.

Posted by Mike (Durham, Nc, Usa) on 01/23/2010

I just wanted to let you know what else has worked for me now. I was using applications of ACV directly to the basal cell or cancer spots of types unknown. The ACV worked to an extent but took many months it seemed. Then I read a bit about the fact that melatonin has been known to help with the control of melanoma. I never found any actual hard core documentation about the melatonin but there is a lot of references to the fact that melatonin has been useful in the treatment of cancer within the body to certain extents unknown. Nonetheless, I decided that there would be little or no harm in trying to apply melatonin directly and topically to my spots of skin cancer. I am never really sure of what type of skin cancer I have but in the past I have had surgery for carcinomas . I have also been biopsied for pre-cancer and basal cell etc etc. I do not know if I had a melanoma spot recently but it was not healing with ACV or cream or efudex etc. The dermatologist had previously prescribed Efudex for topical treatments when need. By the way, the Efudex did seem to work on the carcinoma and the pre-cancer cells but I am not sure if the Efudex ever really cured anything as I was also using melatonin off and on. So, one day I decided to mix a batch of melatonin for topical applications. So I went and bought some melatonin pills. I took about 20 pills and crushed them as best I could using the back of a stainless steel spoon and a flat glass dinner plate. I crushed the pills into a fine powder and made the powder as fine as I could get it with the spoon method. I did not really know how to make a fine powder so this is what seemed to work. I then mixed the fine crushed melatonin powder with about 3 parts of coconut oil. I used coconut oil because I have learned that it is very high in antioxidants. That's 1 part melatonin powder and 3 parts coconut oil. I mixed the powder into the oil as best I could again using a spoon. The coconut oil can be formed into paste or not formed. The oil seems to turn from paste to oil at about 76 degrees or lower. It does not matter to the mixture. However, I like to keep the coconut oil cooler so that it stays as a paste. After mixing the powder with the coconut oil I began to apply the paste to my suspect spots 3 times per day. I used my fingers to apply as from what I could determine, the melatonin will not harm good cells. I decided that if I applied the melatonin mix to a spot without cancer cells, then that spot would be unchanged? Not very scientific I suppose but I am no scientist or chemist or expert. Exactly why the melatonin works is somewhat explained within various research articles found on the internet but I am not smart enough to explain the chemical actions myself. Nonetheless, I applied the mix to my spots and within about a week or less I noticed that the spots began to scab at the crown of each spot. I was also applying Efudex on some days in place of the melatonin mix. I am not sure why I switched back and forth but I did. The spots kept healing and then I decided to use the melatonin mix only and stopped the Efudex and each spot healed fully within a month and never returned. Because of a biopsy, I was scheduled to have a carcinoma spot on my head surgically removed via the MOHS method but I was not happy about surgery of any kind and especially not on my forehead. So I opted out of the surgery and used the melatonin mix three times per day for about 3-4 weeks until the spot appeared to be just sort of red without scabs and without scales. Just pinkish. Then I stopped using any topical applications to the area so as the air could heal the spot/spots. The melatonin mix worked really well for me and none of the spots has returned within the last 6 months. I also decided to start using a supplement of (COq10, alpha lipoic acid and Acetyl L carnitine) combined. So at the same time, I began taking the supplements because my very limited and elementary research abilities began to show me that the supplements would help stop the occurrence of cancer spots of all types. I am not saying that this method will heal melanoma or prevent melanoma or prevent anything else, because I do not know that at all. I was never diagnosed as actually having melanoma but then again, I never had all the spots biopsied. I am simply saying that I used the mix on all suspect spots and it always worked. I am however, convinced that if I truly saw spots that appeared to have the strong possibility of being a melanoma, I would charge off to the doctor for a biopsy. That's just me. I no longer have any spots and I am hoping that I never will again. We all have very different chemistry within our bodies so your experience might be different. good luck,, mike at [email protected]

Salicylic Acid
Posted by Phantom010436 (Singapore) on 01/18/2010

17% salycidic acid can kill and remove skin cancers (melanoma) but not the healthy tissue. Salycidic acid is
commonly used to remove wart but few know that it can also kill cancer cells. Salycidic acid is common asprin made from the bark of a willow tree. Just apply salycidic acid to the cancer parts often and the cancer cells will be killed. Common vinegar can also cure chronic ear infections like swimmers ear.

Posted by Coregon (Medford, Oregon ) on 06/26/2009

If you're using iodine for topical use and don't want the orange stain..remember you can buy decolorized (clear) iodine. Leaves no evidence behind! I found mine at the local drugstore for about $5.

Posted by James (Summit, NJ) on 04/18/2009

The last two years or more I've been watching a mole like growth on my lower leg next to my calf. It didn't do much for a while but about six months ago it started to grow. It was about half inch across, maybe slightly less. It had a brown reddish dark hue. The texture was scaly and bumpy. Edges were irregular. It did have a more "round" shape. In short, it was the classic melanoma. I looked on the web and yes there it was in dozens of photos. An angry dark spot spreading out. I figured it was time to get to the Dermatologist but for some reason I held off. I started to take turmeric as a supplement in my morning smoothies. Intially I took turmeric as a cure for a severe case of diahrrea, which it cured almost instantly. After some more research I started taking it every day. After about a month I noticed that my small melanoma was changing. It was becoming lighter, the edges were turning into new skin. Now it's almost gone after three months. New skin has taken over most of it. There is only a small area in the original center left which won't be there long from the looks of it. I put a teaspoon of turmeric in my berrie smoothie, which hides the taste. I actually like the tast of it so for me it's not a problem.

Essiac Tea
Posted by Paul (Tucson, Arizona) on 04/06/2009

Essiac Cure: I had nodular Melanoma on my finger and the doctor wanted to chop my finger off but I told them I wanted to look around first, I put them off for 2 1/2 months while I tried Essiac that I found on the internet and sure enough I still have my finger and the doctor gave me a clean bill of health after I had finished. All of this started back in sept. 2005, It is now 2009 and my finger is in great shape thank you.

PS I would recomend essiac to anyone.


General Feedback
Posted by Brian (USA) on 02/10/2009


Your site is very interesting to me , I have recently found a spot on the back of my thigh that appears to be cancer to me..

Is there anyone who has used this concoction to rid themselves of the same.(melanoma).

I am having an issue going to a dr., if I am correct it will be surgery, chemo(poison) introduced to my system..

The reason I have for issues are drs. Are to eager to put poison in you without good prospects, my father died of non hodgkins lymphoma, when it was discovered it was stage iv. The oncologist convinced him it would give him 6 -10 months, so facing death he elected for the treatment, the first leg did not work and then periontitis, he lasted 1 month.
My problem is I don't wnt to be an oncologists testing ground for his database of what doesn't work, the medical community gets to "practice", attorneys "practice".

I have spoken with friends in medical field and all say witchcraft, and danger abounds, I expected this kind of answer, what, the medical community can only accept what they are taught, there was interesting feedback being you don't know what it will affect that doesn't need to be messed with..

Soon I will need to see a dr., should i get a diagnosis first, if a biopsy is decided on don't they generally remove at the time, and if thereis possible lymph node invasion,they will remove those as well at the time. Should i then consider my own course of action? I believe our health care system makes money by not trying to cure. Should i seek remedies overseas if there is any.

I know once you have cancer, you always have it, 5 years seems the best results for any except pancreatic cancer..

I don't know what to do, yes I am very worried, is life over at 50.

Intravenous Vitamin C
Posted by Rich (Boca Raton, Fl) on 01/11/2009

Intravenous Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate), will apparently kill melanoma. The mechanism appears to be that it increases the level of h202 in the blood. So our guys with the Peroxide cures appear to have gotten it right. It's also nice to see a Linus Pauling cure in the process of being proven correct (even if he got the mechanism wrong).

Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C) Induces Apoptosis in Melanoma Cells via the Down-Regulation of Transferring Receptor Dependent Iron Uptake

Vitamin C 'slows cancer growth'
"The vitamin C reacts with this chemical make-up, producing enough hydrogen peroxide to kill the cell, while leaving healthy cells unscathed."
"Tumour growth and weight fell by between 41% and 53%

Posted by Diane (Chesapeake, VA) on 02/26/2007

I use tincture of iodine (everyday) on skin ulcers which refuse to heal. Sometimes I apply iodine 2 to 3 times a day. I never miss a day when treating squamous cell carcinoma. The area being treated by the tincture of iodine often becomes very sensitive or itchy...don't discontinue the iodine...keep applying iodine on the ulcer. The itchy skin will scab's just the healing process. Scrape off the skin if it again develops a white flaky patch or a brown scab...then, apply more iodine. Use the iodine for at least one to two months until the skin ulcer has completely disappeared. Then, use Retin-A cream to complete the skin rejuvenation process. Use Palm Fruit Oil along with the iodine to promote deep healing and along with sun block to prevent future skin damage. The ulcer patches have developed on my hands and lower arms. One skin damaged area shows my skin separating on crease lines on top of my wrist. The day after I applied the tincture of iodine to the separating skin, the crease lines showed signs of healing, as blood circulation appeared in the area. The areas I treat are all about the size of a quarter, which is larger than the freckle-sized spot. I figure the underlying skin damage takes in a larger area and it may only show up on the skin as a small freckle-sized spot. Last, everyone will ask you why you are using iodine on your's's sooo old fashioned. Don't let the embarrassment of orangey skin stop your beats having a doctor remove the cancer and leaving you with holes where the carcinoma or melanoma used to be. I use this treatment on all skin problems, to include possible melanoma. In addition to the topical treatment, I plan to add a daily dose of Lugol's Iodine in my drinking water. I want to treat all cancers and other health problems from within. I have red hair and white skin with lots of freckles, and I am very sun sensitive. I have been terribly burned year after year while growing up in California. I am now 56 years old, and the skin cancer is just starting to appear. That's why I feel it necessary to add the Lugol's Iodine daily to my drinking water.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Teresa (Kenedy, Texas) on 08/24/2008

I had 3 moles on my arm very close to one another. One mole was a dark melanoma mole, the second a pink, fleshy mole and the other a pink hard mole. I've had these moles since I was a child and wanted to really remove the black mole and since the other moles were right beside it, I treated all the moles at the same time with 35% peroxide. One word of warning is to use vaseline up to the base of the moles, I did protect the surrounding skin, but not up to the base, actually on the mole and I received some nasty chemical burns on all three moles.

They all did change color within the first day, it took about 4 days for them to scab up but took 2 to 3 weeks to heal from the chemical burn. I believe it will scar, and the scar will be bigger than the moles were. I am applying emu oil, iodine and other moisturizers daily to reduce the appearance of the scars. I am glad the moles are gone, just wish I had been more careful about the surrounding skin and I wouldn't have been so vigorous in applying the HP. Patience is the key.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dave (Dallas, Texas) on 08/12/2008

35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide--

MY SKIN CANCER (Melanoma) "erased" with topical application of 35% Food Grade HP: I had several dark mole-like formations on my forearms come up after being out in the Texas sun a lot. They itched, and my doctor friend said they were Melanomas and that I should see a professional about them. I knew what HP would do for them, so I took a nail file and GENTLY abraded the surface of these dark bumps, and then I applied straight 35% Food Grade HP to the spots with a Q-Tip (cotton swab on a stick) UNTIL THEY TURNED WHITE IN COLOR. I did this 3 times a day for a week. By the end of the week, they had turned to powder or dust, and were FLAT and GONE! There was no itching, NO pain, and they left a slightly lightened spot on my arm where they used to be. They never came back again, and that was over 20 YEARS ago!

ARTHRITIS IN MY KNEES: 17 years ago, I developed rhumatoid arthritis in both knees. I began the HP method by washing my knees with soap and water to remove any body oil, then MISTED them with a 3% solution of HP that was diluted down from 35% Food Grade HP (12:1) with PURE WATER. I wore shorts and then misted my knees, then waited until they were dry, then misted them again while I watched Television or did Computer work. I did this for at least 30 minutes at a time, and I did 4 HP misting sessions a day. My knees were back to NORMAL WITH NO PAIN in ONE WEEK!! I was so happy! I told my friends who had similar problems, and they said that they tried SOAKING their finger and elbow joints in 3% Food Grade HP by pouring the 3% HP solution into a shallow bowl and soaking them for 30 minutes 3-4 times a day. When finished, they would pour the 3% HP solution back into a one gallon plastic jug. The last soaking, they put it in the refrigerator for safe keeping overnight. The next day, they would remove the HP jug from the refrigerator and let it sit out until it had warmed to room temperature, then use in in the bowl to soak their joints until the evening. Worked great!! If you make up one gallon of 3% solution and keep it in the refrigerator, it should last at least one month before you need to make another gallon of it.

IN DALLAS, TEXAS, I found 35% Food Grade HP at "Roy's Natural Market" 6025 Royal Ln. Ste 130
Dallas, TX 75230-8857
Phone: (214) 987-0213. They have been selling HP for many years, and it is about $16.00 (US) for one quart, which will last a long time when you are spraying it.

I had crippling rheumatoid arthritis in 1985, where all the joints in my right arm were locked up and would not move. I was in constant, horrible pain and got no sleep for over 3 months. I began drinking extremely dilute amounts of the 35% HP DROPS in PURE WATER (NOT Tap Water!!)I also had candida albicans, and my cholesterol level was 465 as tested by my MD friend. Within 1 week the pain in my joints on my right arm was GONE and I was sleeping like a baby! Within one month I had free range of motion in all joints--from my fingers to my shoulder. My cholesterol was down to 289 and the candida symptoms were greatly reduced. By the end of the second month, my cholesterol was 155 (normal and safe) and all symptoms of candida albicans infestation were GONE. That was 28 YEARS ago, and I have had NO reoccurances of any of the above problems. I call that a "CURE!"

H2O2 amounts taken: Begin first day with ONE DROP H2O2 in 8 oz. PURE WATER. Second day: two drops H2O2. Third day: three drops H2O2...and so on until you reach 10 drops per day. Now, if the taste is too bad, split the HP drops into 5 in the morning, and 5 in the evening--near bed time. Work back taking 10 drops twice a day, THEN split it into THIRDS, AND begin taking 7 drops THREE times a day, or whatever you can handle. Slowly work back up to taking 10 drops THREE times a day. Don't go much higher than that, or you might want to stay at 7 drops, three times a day. Let your body determine your amount.

ALSO, do NOT drink any H2O2 water 45 minutes BEFORE OR AFTER EATING A MEAL OR TAKING SUPPLIMENTS! You may throw up (vomit.)

ALSO, take 500 mg. of Vitamin C once a day to neutralize any free radical formations that may have occured. The oxygen in the H2O2 attacks the iron in the blood and causes that reaction. The Vitamin C will clean it up, and Selenium may also be substituted for the Vitamin C.

Enjoy being pain-free!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Vicki (FT. WORTH, TX) on 08/09/2008

I made the mistake of using fingernail polish that contained those cute little sparkles of glitter. Developed melanoma under both big toe nails. The doctors froze it, it came back, and I almost lost my toenails. I remembered reading about H202 and tried it. Soaked cotton balls, placed them on my toenails overnight wrapped in plastic wrap. YAHOO! Melanoma GONE! And my toenails grew back normal. Readers, if something you read sounds feasible, try it. Always use caution but try anything that has worked for others. Sadly our government and the powers that be are not for our health. They want us sick for that almighty dollar. Thank this site for being free and your ability to read for yourself.

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