Natural Remedies for Melanoma: Complementary Treatment Options

Posted by Sumner (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/26/2011

Hi, I'm healing skin cancer using bloodroot.

best, Sumner

Posted by Michele (Wolcott, Ct) on 08/13/2010

Yes this worked for me. Very successful. Thanks for recommending it. Same product that you recommended from the same site.

Posted by Penny (Oregon) on 12/16/2006

Our doctor used it on my husband's nose... He had been to a dermatologist, found out this spot was cancer, and instead of letting the dermatologist cut it out, he went to our naturopathic doctor The doctor put a very tiny amount of concentrated bloodroot on the spot, about the size of a pin head, no more. Then slapped a Band-Aid on it... Two days later the spot is black, it ate ALL THE CANCER away, and left a big hole... The hole eventually closed in... Be careful with this stuff it is very potent, but it does work.

Posted by Mike (USA) on 12/05/2006

I tried Cansema #100 from The Original Cream Company. It healed two spots of skin cancer on my head and I also removed a funny growing mole on my left side. This has been 2 years or more ago and nothing has returned. The salve came as a kit it took about 2 minutes to make. Their website had a lot a information and a great FAQ section. I have talked with them by phone and they have always been helpful when I had a question. I believe you will find them a wonderful company to work with.
