Natural Lung Infection Treatments: Herbal & Homeopathic Guide

Essential Oils
Posted by Thracia (Decatur, Il, United States) on 03/05/2012

My mom developed severe allergies and asthma in her late 40s. It started off mild and got severe. She started getting bronchitis and antibiotics would only help a little, but not get rid of it completly. Then she would get it again. My mom is stubborn and does not like to go to the hospital. One night she scared me, because she was wheezing and gasping for breath. Her nose was running and even though she found out she was alergic to cats that triggered her asthma she loved our cat so much that she wouldn't ever get rid of him. We also couldn't afford 200 dollars every month for meds.

I didn't know what to do I went on earth clinic, because of all the times it has helped me, but we didn't have any ingredients except apple cider vinegar on hand. I tried to get my mom to drink some with water. But she kept refusing, because she hates vinagar. I began searching all over the web desperatly. I was afraid I was going to lose my mom if I didn't. I had gone to a site and found a lady with a similar story. She said to take 12 drops of thieves Essential Oil Blend which has in it- (clove, lemon, cinnamon bark, Rosemary cineol, Eucalyptus Radiata, 6 drops of oregano Essential Oil and 2 drops of Frankincense Essential Oil and place in a "00" capsule and it makes a natural antibiotic that works on almost everything. It has to be theraputic grade or it would hurt you. It also said not to take it in pill form if you are pregnant and not to use the pills on children. I put the name theives, because they are the only people that make that particular blend. She also said it showed it to have a 99.96% success rate against airborne bacteria. The bacteria cultures were sprayed in an enclosed area, and Thieves essential oil blend was diffused for a given amount of time. After only 10 minutes of exposure, there was a reduction of 82% in Micrococcus luteus, 96% in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 44% in Staphylococcus aureus. Coincidentally I had accidentally bought the Theives essential oil blend when trying to buy a different oil awhile back. I did not have a 00 capsule either and this was an emergency, so I had to think outside the box. I knew asthma is caused by bacteria that embeds itself deep into the lungs. I had my mom take a steaming hot rag and told her to put about 12 drops on the rag and to put it on her chest. Also told her to keep sniffing the bottle. She hadn't been able to sleep for a long time and she fell into a deep sleep for about 45 minutes. When she woke up there was no more wheezing or noises in her chest and she could talk normally. I was in shock. After this she did the same thing two nights in a row or whenever she starts to have an attack or get bronchitis and it works everytime. Thank God! There is also another treatment thats natural that I would like to try with her. I found it that night when I was searching. Apparently people who have asthma, allergies, snoring problems or any other lung problems do really well when they go to salt mines, because the salt kills bacteria and other stuff. CNN did a special on it and people overseas started making spas where the floor, ceiling and everything is covered in salt. You can watch the video on youtube just type in CNN Vital Signs - Salt Cave London. They also made a machine that you add salt and water to and it puts the salty moisture in whatever room you would like to put it in and its not expensive. I think the name of the machine is breath free. It's called in home salt therapy. It also has a salt inhaler.
