Natural Lung Infection Treatments: Herbal & Homeopathic Guide

Buteyko Breathing
Posted by Indira (Netherlands) on 06/18/2021 6 posts

Editor's Choice Ok I am reading your question years later, but for others. Yes, Butyenko therapy really helped. We are now 8 years further, and my panic attacks never came back. My breathing has improved and I haven't had any problems ever since. I still do it almost every day, sometimes for 15min. sometimes for hour and a half. Depending on how hard I need it. Nowdays I just do it to calm my nerves and muscles around the middle.

EC: Thank you so much for updating your post after so many years. Much appreciated!

Buteyko Breathing
Posted by Ralph (Thailand) on 03/26/2014

I've done Buteyko Breathing and it was really good! A few ailments I'd had just disappeared within a day or two : difficulty swallowing was the big one : I was able to eat easily again: the doctors had decided to throw a pile of antibiotics at me in the hope one of them would help....nutters. I live where it's either hot or really hot most of the time and I had a noticeable increase in my energy levels and ability to cope with the heat while outdoors for extended periods of time..I stopped getting worn out.

Buteyko Breathing
Posted by Indira (Utrecht, Netherlands) on 12/11/2012

Dear Earthclinic, First I want to thank you for your existance. I've been frequently on it last 4, 5 months and has helped me a great deal, but not fully. This is why I want to contribute with my story. Writing you for the first time;-)

So last august, the day I decided to drive back home to Netherlands from Croatia (on holiday) I got sick. The same second we made desicion to go back home I got pain in my chest. A panic started to take over me, but I could reduce it and drive back home. Btw I have a baby and it was first time on holiday with the baby. And it was a looot of stress. Before that holiday my house was beeing rebuild, so my whole year was in a great stress. Any how I came back home safe and still alive. Did I mentioned I had a panic attack and was thinking I was going to dye? (or however u spell that). So after a few days situation got worse and I went to doctor. They told me I was in stress and send me back home. It didnt help offcourse. So after a few Dr. appointments they found out I had a reflux. Gave me some pills. They helped for 3 days and stoped helping again.

That is when I discovered your website. Started drinking apple cider and bicarb. Helped a lot to lose the pain in chest. But I also had pain in left arm, chin, back, alergies, and probably few more, but cant remember. The panic attacks where frequent and always on friday 6pm when Dr. is closed. So Apple Cider Vinegar helped a lot for pain in my chest, and lot of other problems I didnt ven know I had. I also didnt think any more I was gong to have a heart attack. But then my nipple started to burn. I was walking with it for a month and a half, went to Dr. went to check on it and it was luckly all ok. The same time I started to use magnesium. And somehow the fears went for a great deal away. They where still there but not as much as it was. I still had panic attacks but I could somehow get them under controll quiet quick. But in meanwhile while some problems where gone other came. Then one would leave and one would come back. In meanwhile I had a big scala of problems. So execive burping, back pain, headache, arms feeling slow and not eough circulation, then a flew or a virus got me so my throut was feeling good and bad off and on. All that didnt help me to start losing my stress, (since my house is finished in meanwhile so I should be able to destress). But all them diseaes didnt help. By now, via your website, I have learned to recognize the problem and deal with it in a quick way. Now I know when to take acv, when bicarb or just salt water, or magnesium. But all this has helped a great deal, lets say 80% but didnt helped to get rid of it.

Then I went to a long weekend on holiday to germany. Arround that time I also started to breath deeper from my stomach instead of my upper lungs. I heard all kind of noises from my stomach every time I breath through it. I continued doing it as long as I could. I also walked outside a lot and ate a lot. I finaly started gaining waight as well and was feeling a lot better. Then I came back home and same problems came back. So I thought wtf was it, that helped. First I though walking outside. So I went out every day and that also helped a lot. but was still there.

now lets go back to my 13th. I then for first time had a speach problem. It came from nowhere when I was shouting for my mother to come outside. I called her and it came out of my throught as ma--ma. That was strange but hej f. It. So that never went away. It stayed with me untill today. There was a period in my life when it was quiet well under controll, that was when I had peace and good life (still have it btw;-). but then when I got sick it came back, just as bad as it was.

then I stared connecting the dotts. I looked closer to myself and though of my speach problem. I figured out my dyaphragm was in a total crunch, and I needed to relax it. When I relax it I feel good, when it's in crunch I feel agony. Because I went to logopedie some years ago I remembered what she told me. BREATH. That was all. So I went online and look for yoga breath techinques. Started imediatly with practice. then I went online and found this.

Buteyko method
The russian lung Dr. figured out that modern human breath too much air. And when we get sick we breat from our lungs and not our dyaphragm. We take too much air what results in losing too much co2. That in turn brings all the moder problems with it. He basicly say breath from your stomach, BREATH LESS, and take longer pauses after you breath out. Take a pause and breath in. As longer your pause is as healthier you are. You can do a test on how helthy you are. take a look at this link:

any now I stared his techinque (just read some stuff on internet and didnt follow any courses) just beeing aware of my pauses in between the breath. And it f. worked a miricale. All my simptoms incl. Agony went away the same day. I am now 4th day and get this even my speach is starting to lower. It is not gone but it's only been a few days. Went to Dr. She told me, all I said souns very logical, but since she has never had any patient like this before. She had to look up in her books. I will hear from her tomorow I guess. But for first time in all these months I actually feel great and clear in my head and in my body. So pls. take a look at this buteyko theory, try it and I am sure you too will be blown away. It's for free so it must work;-)

they claim a lot of modern sickneses are coming from upper breathing, like astma, copd, mental problems, back, heart... Dont know all the details myself but take a look. It's probably next acv;-)

love you all, Indira
