Try using a paste of sugar and antibiotic ointment on leg sores that will not heal! Bacteria will not grow in sugar and it will heal the sore fast!
My father had a large leg ulcer which he had for some years. I bought him some manuka honey which he put on the ulcer everyday. It completely cured the ulcer and has left no trace of a scar. This took 6 months.
One of the best remedies to heal dangerous leg ulcers happens to be activated charcoal. Sprinkling activated charcoal (mixed with water) directly onto an ulcer will start the healing process immediately.
It's a glass (Window) cleaner ... It is POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE in Liquide METHANOL... It stops the rot ...when nothing else will ... How do I know it works :-) I'm a DIABETIC ...and know about Diabetic Grangrene.
My husband developed non-healing sores (but not dangerous) on his leg near the ankle.They kept on getting bigger and were there for about a half year. He also had a bit of sugar in his blood. After going to doctors and trying many things, "Une boot wraps" is what helped heal the sores. Using these wraps was very painful the first few weeks, but they worked.
At the same time, someone mentioned seeing in a book*, a fasting program, that helps heal such sores. The Health food stores didn't have the book and the fasting program seemed hard. Other fasting programs also seemed to be a possibility. Since the sores healed before the books were bought, none of the fasting programs were attempted.
Recently, after getting a knock on the foot, the problem started to come back. There were two sores that were getting bigger. Instead of a fast, we (a few members of the family) began a mostly raw food cleansing program, eating raw fruit and vegetables throughout the day (after the first week, including figs and nuts and seeds) and eating one warm, cooked meal in the evening. The cooked meal being very simply, grilled fish and vegetable soup or chicken soup with cooked chicken and vegetables, including carrots, celery, onions, garlic, parsley root, sweet potato, asparagus and so on. No flour or corn starch was used in the soup to thicken it and no oils. Sometimes a cooked potato was included. Bread and grain flour products were also avoided. Milk and hard cheese was avoided. Unheated, unrefined olive oil was used occasionally on salads or other vegetables. This was meant to be a cleansing program, easier than a fast but cleansing nevertheless. One day a week, a variety of regular foods, including Challah, was eaten in moderation. At this point, several weeks into the program my husbands sores are almost completely gone, the sugar is completely gone, his heart feels stronger and he is able to walk more easily and faster. Thank you for letting me share this Rachel
My husband developed non-healing sores (but not dangerous) on his leg near the ankle.They kept on getting bigger and were there for about a half year. He also had a bit of sugar in his blood. After going to doctors and trying many things, "Une boot wraps" is what helped heal the sores. Using these wraps was very painful the first few weeks, but they worked.
At the same time, someone mentioned seeing in a book*, a fasting program, that helps heal such sores. The Health food stores didn't have the book and the fasting program seemed hard. Other fasting programs also seemed to be a possibility. Since the sores healed before the books were bought, none of the fasting programs were attempted.
Recently, after getting a knock on the foot, the problem started to come back. There were two sores that were getting bigger. Instead of a fast, we (a few members of the family) began a mostly raw food cleansing program, eating raw fruit and vegetables throughout the day (after the first week, including figs and nuts and seeds) and eating one warm, cooked meal in the evening. The cooked meal being very simply, grilled fish and vegetable soup or chicken soup with cooked chicken and vegetables, including carrots, celery, onions, garlic, parsley root, sweet potato, asparagus and so on. No flour or corn starch was used in the soup to thicken it and no oils. Sometimes a cooked potato was included. Bread and grain flour products were also avoided. Milk and hard cheese was avoided. Unheated, unrefined olive oil was used occasionally on salads or other vegetables. This was meant to be a cleansing program, easier than a fast but cleansing nevertheless. One day a week, a variety of regular foods, including Challah, was eaten in moderation. At this point, several weeks into the program my husbands sores are almost completely gone, the sugar is completely gone, his heart feels stronger and he is able to walk more easily and faster. Thank you for letting me share this.
Hello, My name is Omar, and I am from Saudi Arabia. First of all I'd like to express my appreciation for such valuable rich site. What I want to share with you is about using honey on the skin of a diabetic. As you know, an injury could be very fatal for a diabetic. My father developed a very late stage of diabetes. Once he had an injury in his hand, and the wound developed very badly. The doctor put him under a very strict diet with daily dressing for the wound, by water and salt. We know from our relegion that Honey is a cure, in general, and for specific health problems like dierea. So we tried to apply honey, after washing the wound and surrounding area with water and salt, on the wound(externally on the skin) that had 1.5 cm height full of buzz. We did this every day, continously for 10 or 15 days. We were amazed to see the wound noticably decreased in height and buzz material started to disappear from the first day of application. The wound was completely healed with no scars or a trace that there was a wound in that area.Thank you for readig and hope this was useful. Omar, Saudi Arabia.