Diabetic Leg Ulcers: Home Remedies to Heal Leg Sores

Tamanu Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Pbird (Wa, Usa) on 10/16/2013

Regarding tamanu oil... I have used it to heal really stubborn leg wounds that would not heal for most of a year before I started using the oil. It was quite a process but worked better than anything else.

Replied by Dnara14
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Greetings, I am in my 60's, I have this Ulcer wounds above the ankles and below the ankles on both my legs for many years now. Can you please suggest how the use of Tamanu oil help to heal this type of wounds. Where can one get this oil. Thank you for your help. Best regards. Nara

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Nara,

People apply Tamanu Oil straight to wounds. I used it on my daughter this week for a skin irritation and the results were pretty impressive. It was my first experience with it.

Tamanu is native to Malaysia, so you should be able to find it where you live, but it may be called something else. This website has some information and includes some alternate names.


Activated charcoal is also really good for diabetic leg ulcers. Here are some encouraging stories.


Both of these remedies could be used together.

Wounds will heal best if you are also getting plenty of water, have a nutritious diet, and your body is eliminating regularly. If you would be able to add fresh vegetable juice, like carrot, to your diet, that would be very helpful.

I hope you are able to get your ulcers healed soon!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Karen
(North Carolina)

How do u put it on? Does it burn? Does it heal the wound?

Tamanu Oil
Posted by Pbird (Wa, Usa) on 09/05/2013

I am using tamanu oil to finish healing up a leg ulcer that has taken nine months to heal. This oil is the best thing I have used I think. Everything had its place. I used poultices of activated charcoal and also bentonite clay when the staph infection was active. I used everything from oxygenated olive oil to Amerigel, coconut oil, bismuth impregnated gauze, Manuka honey (very strong and effective on infection)... but the oil seems to be bringing it all to a nice end.

The only thing I did not use was colloidal silver. I just never got around to it and had a hard time seeing the use of it.

Replied by KS
(Mumbai, India)

I suffer from diabetic foot ulcer on my big toe from last 1 year and it's not healing. I am in pain and lots of burning. Pls let me know about tamanu oil and how to use it. Or any other treatment. Thanks.

Vitamin E

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Harvey (Winnipeg, Canada) on 02/22/2019

I had leg ulcers but now healed. Healing left me with three new scars with new skin a white color, like baby skin. No problem, very happy I healed. But skin around some of the area on my ankle is discolored and looks like a heavy tan….I still put lotions to moisturize the area.

When healing, I put on a lot of Vitamin E oil which I have had tremendous success over the years with several scars….that disappeared. I am going to use Vitamin E oil again. I have been using 100% aloe vera oil lately. I am hoping the discoloring will fade in time. Any suggestions? will be much appreciated….Harv

Replied by ORH
(Ten Mile, TN)

HI U HARVEY,,,,,,,,,,,,

my experience is that wounds that do not heal are due to lack of oxygen or circulation. You can do a Hydrogen Peroxide IV or to start...... spread ozonated oil on the wound. Go with the best first and that is the IV.


Replied by Mama to Many
(United States)

Dear Harvey,

I would try a salve with comfrey in it. It helps cells to regenerate. It even helps with old scars. I use comfrey all the time at my house!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Alma
(Baton Rouge LA)

Harvey in Winnepeg: Please explain exactly what healed your leg ulcers...was it the application of Vitamin E oil only? Also, how often did you apply the oil?

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