Natural Treatment for Keloid Scars

Posted by Jasmine (Portland, Oregon) on 04/04/2015

I have many small-medium size keloids all over my shoulders and a few on my chest. Most from acne, some mysteriously showed up. Have had them for years.

At one point though, I had about 8/9 small keloids on my chest. And through a series of events I'm still trying to figure out, all of them but one completely went away! And within just a few weeks too, I was literally watching them flatten out and fade. So what happened was I got a few Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments, then went to Florida and accidentally got too much sun and it got much darker. They became dark brown squares from where the IPL was done. I was pretty upset. The dermatologist gave my some hydroquinone to fade the pigment and eventually it scabbed over and peeled off. The keloids were still underneath though, but more pink. Then very shortly afterwards, they started just going away on their own! So I decided to try to do the same thing with the ones on my shoulders, although I didn't expose it to sun and the treated area didn't get hyperpigmented. The keloids are sitll there. This all happened 3 or 4 years ago.

Anyway, I know it's a bit counterintuitive as it says everywhere that sunlight causes darker pigmentation. But maybe in a controlled setting, it could actually boost something within the skin cells to heal?? I mean the sun is life giving in many ways, does anyone here have any thoughts on how some heliotherapy may be beneficial for the skin? Thanks.

Posted by Art (California, US) on 04/04/2015 2274 posts

Some people believe that vitamin D can help alleviate keloids. Here is an article and an abstract that suggests just that:

Exposure of your skin to uvb rays from the sun will generate vitamin d as long as your shadow is shorter than you are tall when out in the sun. Vitamin D supplementation at higher dosing may be a way to avoid the potential for hyperpigmentation with sun exposure in some individuals while still getting the potential keloid benefit if any.

It takes at least four weeks of regular supplementing before any potential benefit might likely be seen as vitamin d takes time to build up in your system.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tch (Nc) on 05/26/2015

My son had an extremely painful raised keloid appear after having a mole with cancerous cells removed from his chest. He was 6 years old. The keloid was surgically removed last year, he was 17. We were hopeful his chest would heal properly but it did not. The keloid came back with a vengance. It is now triple the size it was and much more painful. I am trying now to get him into a keloid clinic. I will have him try the ACV over the next week and let you know of the results....

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kia (England) on 04/05/2016

Hi Tch Nc

Did the ACV help for your son? This is because I am experiencing the same issue and I am planning to start on using the ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dorriel (Texas) on 08/04/2015

I have been reading that some doctors have been very successful using lasers. Pick a dermatologist who does this a lot.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Missp916 (Sacramento, California) on 02/28/2015

I haven't tried it yet, but from what I am reading the pus is normal. It means its working

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nathalie (Johannesburg) on 04/28/2015

Please tell exactly how to apply because I don't understand what is ACV? does it stand for apple cide vinegar?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nyjhia (St.louis ) on 06/04/2015

Yes, ACV stands for Apple Cider Vinigar. Today is my first day trying it and I plan on sleeping with it over night.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rehan (Abu Dhabi, Uae) on 08/03/2015

Dear Nyjhia, could you please share your experience after applying ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by V Kumar (Pune) on 08/19/2015

Dear Tjgarcia,

I am glad to hear that ACV has worked for you. I am writing to request you for further progress on your scar treatment. I have never used ACV on my Chest Keloid which is approx 5cm x 2 cm in size and active causing lot of pain and itching. I wanted to know, how was your Keloid before ACV treatment? Was it active ( pain or itching)?

I am little skeptical to start my ACV treatment at home as I am not sure about its side effect. Did keloid returns after getting treated with ACV or it gets permanently cured.

Request you to kindly share your experience. Your experiece with ACV will definitely help us. Thanks in advance for your help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marissa (U.S.) on 03/16/2016

I know this is an older post, so I'm not sure if you will see or respond to my comment but I would like to know more about your ACV process and your results! I have a keloid scar on my chest and I have been using ACV. I have noticed it getting smaller, but it is also getting raw and then scabbing over. I have read that this is normal because of the acidity of the ACV eating away the scar tissue. Did this happen to you as well? And how well did it work in the long run? Did this method remove your keloid completely, and if so, how long did it take? Thank you!! :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Durrya (Karachi) on 09/17/2017

I accidentally rub my keloid with cotton pad while massaging and it became red and I am feeling some burning sensation now.
So what should I do now? Should I continue applying ACV or not?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Visha (India) on 12/14/2014

Anybody Tried ACV on Chest Keloids that are 15 years older?

I want to use alternative methods for the treatment of keloid...I tried steroid injections and other ayurvedic treatment...which are not so useful. I believe steroid injections gave me another keloid near the old one....since then I stopped injections...

Before taking some aggressive treatments like Cryotherapy or Radaiation... want to try alternate methods... Please post your experience with alternative treatment for CHEST KELOIDS

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Visha (India) on 02/23/2015

Are your scars Keloids or just scars or Hypothetic scars? Please respond as you have a good knowledge on the keloids and scars

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Visha (India) on 02/23/2015

Hi Jess,

Thanks for the information, as you mentioned serrapeptase eats fibrous and other dead tissues, can we combine it with cryotheraphy, like have done cryotherapy and have the serrapeptase along with it for some months it will reduce the inflamation caused by cryo...

Did you know anybody who had done like this? Please respond ASAP.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ify (Nigeria) on 08/17/2015

Please what's the best brand of Serrapeptase to take as I heard some of them use substances that could cause side effects. Again, which unit do I start with?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stephanie (United States) on 10/22/2014

I was also wondering the same thing. My skin has peeled to the white meat with the Apple Cider Vinegar but it doesnt seem to be doing anything else. I would sleep with the Apple Cider Vinegar on and then in the morning after my shower and when the scabs peeled off I would put hydrogen peroxide on the open sore and cover it with a bandaide. I read this morning that lugols iodine can work too which I had some in my medicine cabinet so now I did my regular routine but over top of the peroxide I put the iodine and covered it with a bandaid. Hopefully this will help dissolve the excess tissue away to completely flatten it. It itches like crazy though. Ive been struggling with this keloid for 9 years and im more than ready for it to be gone!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jasmyne (Las Vegas, NV) on 12/17/2014

Hi Susan I wanted to see if your keloid went away yet because I'm at the stage where my keloid opened up and the keloid is still there but it's a fleshy lump. I wanted to know has your keloid flattened since you last posted on here and what stage are you at now; like can you describe what yours look like now? Thanks a lot, hope to hear from you soon :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sky (Fort Lauderdale, Fl.) on 03/22/2015

Hi peroxide and ACV mixture does not work. I tried it. It made the keliod bigger. I never knew I could use it on closed scar. I used it as prevention. Now that same scar that became bigger I'm using ACV only. I spray ACV on a bandage and spray through out day. It's getting smaller. I'm shocked cuz this scar is stubborn. I've tried almost everything for like 5 years.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Violet (Nigeria) on 08/27/2014

i have a keliod scar from the CS operation to have my son. its so big and ugly that I am so ashamed even to undress in front of a mirror or before my husband. I have had it removed with surgery but it grew back even bigger this time.

I saw your post on ACV and I have decided to use it. after the first day it looked like there was dirt on the scar. I have used it for three days now and today it looks like the skin is peeling off. I am worried cos I dont want anther injury there, but I want to know if its normal.

truly it smells bad. but if it would work I am willing to stick to using it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angel (Tx) on 03/08/2015

Hi I have a large keloid(1 yr) between my breast I went through horrible experience of surgery and injections which actually left me with a larger scar. It is flat in areas but others it's not. Will apple vinegar lighten to make scar to blend in with my skin...HELP

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Adrian (Norfolk, Va ) on 04/11/2015

What kind of ACV did you use?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Babra (Uganda) on 11/19/2022

Kindly, which ACV brand should I use? Is any brand okay?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nancy (Montreal) on 06/21/2015

How many time a day do u put on the scar?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cristina (Ct) on 03/17/2016

Thanks so much for the info, I have 2 keloids on my chest and one on my back I started using ACV last night, I hope it works!!!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Rajendra (India) on 06/21/2014

I have kelloids on chest. Severe pain, irritation and inflammation. I read about tea tree oil. Whether available in india? Is it specific or general. Suggest and also let me know where I can contact and to whom?

Reply would be appreciated. REGARDS, RKGUPTA

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Salenai (Bratislava, Slovakia) on 03/16/2014

I would like to ask Ted from Bangkok about keloid scar please

Dear Ted, I had hypertrophic scar on my nose for 5 years, from a cystic pimple. Microdermabrasion 3 years ago flattened it a little bit. Scar was still bothering me, so I massaged it month and week ago with castor oil, which improved and worsened the scar, since there was worsening, I decided to keep the oil within boundaries, therefore massaged it with qtip, which was a bad idea, because it made scar swell up, scab turned on half of it, scar became bigger and wider.

On New Year's Eve (2,5 months ago) I have been observing changes, scar has been raising up a little bit more, and widening more, mainly it grows in line (you could call it either flat or straight keloid I guess), I am afraid that I may have created keloid, because it went further than where damage occured. I have visited dermatologists (2) and plastic surgeons (2), they all said that I have either normal or hypertrophic scar, but believe me, I had some before, and none of them behaved this way. This is definitely something different than what I had previously, and in my opinion it definitely is keloid.

Btw, I have seborrhoeic dermatitis, not sure if it is related somehow to my scar or not (perhaps pressure due to oil is pushing the scar tissue up? Or that oil makes it seem like there is continues damage taking place under the skin?

During last month I have been eating a lot more veggies. In the morning I eat only fruits (mostly oranges and apples, or kiwi, or banana from time to time), and then I have at least 1 salad, where I put ALWAYS broccoli, kale, and spinach (I steam them for couple of minutes of course), carrot, and then rest of the vegetables vary, but mostly it is kohlrabi, red radish, olives (either green or black), cucumber. I also put olive oil or other kind of oil into salad, along with either apple cider vinegar or balzamico vinegar. I also try to drink 1 tea a day, drink lots of water, and take B6, zinc, D3 each day. Scar has still been worsening and spreading unfortunately :(.

How should I treat it please?:(

Thank you.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Cam (Minnesota) on 03/16/2014

You could try serrapeptase, a digestive enzyme. I had read about it to minimize scar tissue formation after a car accident, and read it can also help keloid. I was out of my soft neck collar the day after starting it, used 2 capsules twice daily initially, now 2 capsules three times daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rahim (Mo, US) on 09/26/2014

Mark ,

I wanna try ACV on my chest got 5 yr keloids, a little bit worried on applying. Did your keloid go away completely?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Philippines ) on 11/21/2014

Hi! I do also have this keloid for 5 years now and im very much self conscious about it. I've seen the recent posts and I've been using ACV for two weeks now. Its also scabbing a lot, also the unaffected areas near the keloid. There also is a white meat I see in CHEST PART where my keloid is. Is that natural or what ? It also stings really hard, its tolerable. Please email me as soon as possible because Im really worried of this situation now if it might be infected. I hope ACV really works. Thanks for the testimonials. I hope and pray that it might get better sooner never later.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Juliejab (Batangas City, Philippines) on 11/21/2014

Hi ? I do want to ask if Apple Cider Vinegar is really effective for treating Keloid (5 year old) I've been using it for 2 weeks now and there has been a scab, and it stings. The testimonials have been an eager push for me to try ACV. Please email me for more information about ACV's BENEFIT for treating keloids. Thank you. God Bless.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Columbus, Hi) on 01/15/2015

Hi I had my keliod occurred when I pierced my ear in high school. The scar grew about the size of a large grape on the back of my ear then grew out the front of my ear the size of a pea. I got the scar removed a year ago and now it's coming back. Do you think these Apple Cider Vinegar treatments will work for me? I want to stop it while it's still small.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thaps (Jhb, South Africa ) on 04/27/2015

Hi people, I've had my keloids at the back of my head. They started of as little rash but now they've formed a huge scar which at times itches. I've read somewhere where aloe Vera oil and apple cider vinegar helps. Question is do u apply both all at once and taking vitamin E capsules? Ur feedback is crucial at this point (viable options please ).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maik (Freiburg, Germany ) on 05/24/2018

Hello - I test the ACV at the moment. so u use it, wait until it creates a scrab and gets inflamend and then you let it heal out a bit and put Apple Cider Vinegar on it agian and agian until the keloid is flat enough? My question is ... it is normal that it grow a back a bit in the first few healing processes?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Linda3480 (Orlando Fl) on 01/19/2016

I have been suffering from chest keloids since I was a teenager, I have had years of injections, it use to work but now every injections causes more damage to the area and then heals which causes more keloids and now I have 5 on my chest area where is use to be 1. Now in my 50's they are painful, itchy, and spreading across my chest. I need relief. I know nothing will make them go away and the Apple Cider treatment does not seem safe. I did read about a change in diet to anti-inflammatory foods, anyone have success in this method? And what can I use to ease the burning and itching?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Charmain (Memphis, TN) on 11/03/2014

I had a keloid on both ears about the size of a lima bean from ear piercings. I had them removed, but they grew back and continued to grow larger. Frustrated, I gave up and put on clip on earrings. The earrings stopped the growth and flattened the keloids out. It was a little painful but well worth it after two surgeries on one ear and oee on the other. I think it was the pressure. Probably the same principal of putting a bandage on twice after a shot so that it won't swell.

Castor Oil
Posted by Salenai (Bratislava, Slovakia) on 02/04/2014

Hello, I had hypertrophic scar on my nose for 5 years, from a cystic pimple. Microdermabrasion 3 years ago flattened it a little bit. Scar was still bothering me, so I massaged it month and week ago with castor oil, which improved and worsened the scar, since there was worsening, I decided to keep the oil within boundaries, therefore massaged it with qtip, which was a bad idea, because it made scar swell upp, scab turned on half of it, scar became bigger and wider.

During last month, I have been observing changes, scar has been raising up a little bit more, and widening a little bit more, I am afraid that I may have created keloid, because it went further than where damage occured.

How should I treat it please?:(

Btw, I have seborrhoeic dermatitis, not sure if it is related somehow to my scar or not (perhaps pressure due to oil is pushing the scar tissue up? Or that oil makes it seem like there is continues damage taking place under the skin?)

Thank you.

Castor Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/05/2014

Salenai, could this be a case of "getting worse before getting better"? Is the Castor Oil pulling things up from below? You can back off a while and read up on other anti-scar remedies.

Castor Oil
Posted by Salenai (Bratislava, Slovakia) on 02/09/2014

Well, maybe before. But now I have not really been using anything on the scar, and scar has been worsening by itself. It is widening, and raising on it's own :/. Sometimes I have a feeling like it itchces, but that may be my imagination due to reading so much about keloids and their symptoms.

Not sure if I have keloid or not, but it very well may be one :(. What should I use on it please? I am observing changes every 8-12 hours. It is near tip of my nose, VERY visible :(, and still worsening. It has been month and half now. Thanks.

Castor Oil
Posted by Mr. A (Denmark) on 06/01/2014

Hi thanx for sharing experiences in here. I have keloid on my chest and now going to try the ACV method. I have tried steriod injections and they are as you guys mention, very painfull and only helps to flatten out the keloid, however after some time it returns.

I will keep you posted :) Br, Mr. A

Castor Oil
Posted by Visha (India) on 12/14/2014

Can you post the results here please....

Detox Diet
Posted by Biljana (Beograd, Serbia) on 01/12/2014

I have just sent you letter with my case and my way of thinking about keloid and much more. I have found your site the only one that connected tags keloid and detoxifying which means to me so much as this support my way of thinking. I am here alone as our medicine treat keloid as an esthetic problem and is not interested in reason or causes and if it is - the reason is connected with being prone to or hurted by more- all other conclusions that I made by reading a lot and thinking a lot were nearly put to scince fiction or psychiatric case. When I saw your site and understanding the connection between keloid and toxins and your suggestions about treatment I feel that I have friends, able to run away from manipulation, to treat problem with open mind and to treat people with problem in democratic way with communication. I have read a lot from your site and at the moment i am gathering information about detoxifying people with keloid. I sent you my experience. For me actual problem should be many conflict information about antioxidants like garlic, onion, some oils, some vegetables and eg coffe .so i have decided to make decision with help of my sense for good and bad and my body reaction in this conflict information.generally i am using natural food as it possible with lot of vitamins and minerals, trying to avoid! "bad food" and drinking enough water and using showers few time a day , ....but no chemicals .....not teeth paste, not cleaning chemicals, not food staying long time with chemical support, not parfumes , not ear rings, no magnet and so so...I am feeling better as I am not still able to work as I have sometimes some signs coming back and I fall in depression as I am not like others and I still depend on my mother money as our sooial help is not to be mentioned , it is enough for three day eating healthy food and nothing else, so I would like also to see some articles about social treatment of people with such problems

Detox Diet
Posted by Lana (New Zealand ) on 08/28/2014

You're right, Biljana, detox is key to immunity . Try to se /read about breathing - Buteyko Method .. it was the greatest discovery of the last cenury for human health ..natural.. that helps to rise O2 (atomar, in blood/cells up to 100%) rapidly. Immunity grows 5-7 times as much in several days: asthmatics stop to have asthma attacks in 4 days (but they have to continue some more weeks to get full recovery, of course). Buteyko Method helps to detox effectively ..and you're right, after a proper detox body can recover using it's own strength! You can find out - if patient enough how to do right breathing exercises (on utube: only one person gives it - Patric McCeown, hope spelling is right) If you'd learn this unique Buteyko method of reduced /diaphragmal breathing - you 'd recover , and - may 'd be able to teach other people (after you recovery - in couple of months takes discipline/patience , but the result.. hope you 'd see it , if you'd decide to check it).. and may be later on even get some more means to survive..Or may be find work abroad..and meanwhile - wish you all the best, friend , cheer up! PS Many thanks to EC!!!

PPS: just couple of more words: Buteyko breathing method works not only for asthma, of course rising detox/immunity to its max, it helps with a long list of health problems..who'd wish to find out : will find more sources/articles/research results ..

Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil
Posted by Reshma (Germany) on 11/08/2013

Hello.. I am sufferenig from 2inch thick keloid for over 10 yrs now.. I got it as a result of a pimple.. and it has been growing ever sincs.. help needed.. will tea tree oil and lavender oil work on this.. pls help..

Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 11/08/2013

Dear Reshma,

Lavender and Tea Tree are usually safe to use on the skin. However, most find Tea Tree to be a little strong used straight. You could diulte it a little (1 part tea tree, 1 part lavender and 2 parts (or more) coconut oil or olive oil.)

Wheat Germ Oil is supposed to be good for scars, but I haven't done that personally.

Comfrey is also a good herb for the skin. It has been known to help heal old scars. You might be able to find a comfrey salve for this purpose.

I have recently been learning about Serrapeptase, which is supposed to dissolve fibrous (scar) tissue. You take it internally. But I am new to using it, so I do not know if it would work for this, but it might be something to research.

Please let us know what helps you. I hope you find your solution soon.

~Mama to Many~

Tea Tree Oil, Lavender Oil
Posted by Neeta (Singapore) on 04/19/2017

Hi, I too hv read about serrapeptase enzyme being used for keloid scar removal. Any idea, as to how to go about buying serrapeptase in Singapore?

Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by KT (Ca) on 10/06/2013

I am a 37 year old male and have had keloids on my back and shoulders for about 15 years and on my chest for about 10. According to the doctor these were formed as part of the healing process for acne that I had in these parts. Aside from surgical removal, I have tried steroid injections and multiple scar removal creams. I recently read the posts I tried the baking soda/hydrogen peroxide remedy as mentioned on the earth clinic site. It has been over a month but has not had an effect on the keloids.

Any further suggestions would be really appreciated. The keloids don't hurt much but do itch and sometimes sensitive to the touch. Thank you.

Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by KT (Ca) on 10/15/2013

Any suggestions? Thank you.

Baking Soda, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Emjae (Georgia, US) on 08/28/2014

I found this link while searching for treatments for my daughter. It seems the most effective is Apple Cider Vinegar. Since I have an Aloe plant, Lavender Oil, and other home remedies on hand... I may try more than one. I'll take a picture and keep you posted. (If I can remember :) )

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jeon (Dubai) on 09/25/2013


i tried the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda paste but I noticed that my keloid got burned and it is so painful. So I replaced it with tea tree oil now and ingesting Apple Cider Vinegar with 1/4 tbs of honey.. Now it is getting flattened but the color is much darker than before so what will be the remedy to lighten the skin color?

Posted by Shiyoko (New York) on 09/13/2013

I actually just started using this on both ear keloids. I'm using SSKI which is a saturated iodine that is clear instead of staining your skin. It will take up to a year but worth the wait. I searched many sites and this is the best I could find. I'm hoping it rids me of these ugly scars. 2 or more drops of sski rubbed in to the keloid twice a day or more. May take a few months to see a change. The more you put on the better and faster results! I'll keep you updated. Before and after pics soon to come somewhere..

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Arushi (Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh) on 08/01/2013

Hello, I am suffering from keloid formation, and I need Dr. Ted s advice what to do. My scar is on my wrist and is 0.5cm, it was bitten by yellow wasp and was small in size and round. I'm really in a problem as it itches a lot. About 1 year back I consulted a dermatologist and he injected steroids in it. and it got flattened but again grew. When the hair comes out of it, itching begin more. I just want your suggestion that being a girl I have to give birth to a child and if it will be done thru cesarian operation it will show mark there also. Is homeopathy effective or the things you have suggested are different for different people. Even I had it in my ear lobes wen got pierced and it was removed by surgery and I had not pierced it again. Can I get it pierced again. Kindly help me sir as m in a big problem as m a girl and I have to give birth to a child after marriage. I am 26 year old and I have this problem when I was 12 years old. Plz plz do help me and reply me as it irritates psychologically also and what can be done as you have suggested different things to different people depending upon the depth of their keloids. Please help me

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Posted by Achraf (Djerba, Tunisia) on 07/12/2013

Hi, I'm achraf from Tunisia. Well! I'm suffering from facial keloid. i do everything but I want try Chinese treatment. so please help me and i'm ready for everything.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Posted by Susan (Bali, Indonesia) on 10/10/2014

Hi Achraf,

I have tried electro-acupuncture (12 treatments total so far) for my keloids on my chest, shoulder and arm, and did notice some very interesting results.

My keloids are very old (20+ years) but responded in the following ways:

--almost completely stopped itching

--started to flatten

-- color started to turn skin-colored in small patches within the keloid

the change was gradual, over the course of the 12 treatments in 2 months, but also noticed more tissue flexility and nervous system reactions in those areas due to the treatment.

However, it requires a lot of patience and is somewhat painful (at needle insertion), and somewhat expensive considering the number of treatments required -- but not as expensive as steroid injections or laser treatment of course -- so I would try the home remedies first if you can.

I had to leave my acupuncturist for travel that I'm currently doing, so now I will try the home remedies while I am away.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Posted by Tehi (Mumbai, India) on 12/02/2014

Hi, I wanted to know if organic Apple Cider Vinegar is a must, or can any store-bought ACV work? Also, is it necessary to buy ACV with the 'mother'?

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Posted by Revathi (India) on 08/08/2016

I applied organic vinegar which was bought online. It's better to use organic raw unfiltered for results.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tired Of Keloids (Toronto, Ontario) on 06/09/2013

Hi, I am from Toronto. I have had keloid for many years now (abt 5) on my chest. I used ACV for a mth and noticed scabs on it. It did get smaller also. I stopped using it for a bit because around my chest ACV used to burn on my skin. I have started again but don't see much difference. I will try the tylenol thing tonight hopefully it will work.

I am booked for a surgery for this in August where my doctor will shave the keloid but the products that will be used to prevent from coming has been suggested as cancerous later in life.

I am hoping that the suggestions on this page will work.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, Tx) on 06/10/2013

My keloid scar began disappearing when I began ingesting ACV and using coconut oil directly on it. It is so flat now and so much less noticeable that I am astounded. But, I ask myself the question, which one was it? The ACV taken daily or cleaning & moisturizing my skin with the VCO? Perhaps a combination of both! The VCO has really gotten my facial scars better and ACV has brightened my face up.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nina (England) on 03/24/2014

Hi, I understand exactly where you are coming from - I am also tired of keloids! I learned to get on with it though! I really hope I am not too late, but having my keloid shaved was the worst decision of my life. It grew back bigger and more aggressive (I currently have a bag of ice cubes on my chest to prevent the itchiness when it gets warm) I wish id left it alone! With research you'll get to understand your keloid and I think diet is the best option in helping it heal from the inside out, sounds ridiculous I know but I have noticed when my hormones change (increase in estrogen) and when I'm not eating particularly well, it tends to feel more sore look more red and feel uncomfortable and itch and when it itches I know it's growing! Cool compress seems to help me ease the pain and keeping my skin hydrated! I hope this has helped x

Posted by Ty (Riverside, California) on 06/11/2013

So was the keloid fairly new? Did you try it right away or no? Also, how big was the keloid?

Posted by Ren (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 06/29/2013

Can you tell me what king of Tylenol did your daughter use since there are too many kinds sold in the store.

Posted by Ben (Uk) on 04/19/2014

From my understanding, a keloid scar can form over a site of infection such as a boil on the chest. Could this not be what happened here?

Posted by Katie (Me) on 09/20/2016

Did your old scars go flat?

Razor Bumps and Keloid Remedies
Posted by Marckeliod (Boston , Ma United States ) on 04/04/2013

I have a razor bump keloid on both sides of my jaw line. I noticed them about few years ago. They first look or feel just like a pimple; but when it starts to heal, the skin start to get hard and grow the keliods. They itch sometimes when the hair is growing. What can I do to reduce the itch and the hardness on them sometimes. I noticed that, after I drink alchol, they tend to be more itchy and harder. I workout a lot at the gym too, so I eat a lot of food and drink milk all the time. I need help as to what I can eat to see results and I will appreciate all the help! I would also love to get Ted's input about this question thank you!

General Feedback
Posted by Carla (Lakewood, Co) on 03/20/2013

In doing some online research for keloid treatments, I found the following:

Dr. Tirgan in New York City has started the Keloid Research Foundation. There they are attempting to obtain funding for research on this condition. There are several surveys that those people with keloids can take to provide them with more information regarding this condition. You can also sign up to be a member. Although I am not certain there's much reason to do so, I did. Dr. Tirgan has a specialized website for his private practice, also, and one dedicated to keloid information. He sells a topical panax ginseng cream for keloid treatment. Anyway, I would encourage ANYONE who is seeking treatment or information regarding keloids to get in touch with the foundation! The more people willing to participate in the surveys, etc, the more they'll learn about this condition.

I'm trying the scar treatment cream along with lugol's iodine solution AND Kelocote silicone gel. Not sure, but it seems my keloid scars are reducing just barely. I plan to continue this course even if over the next year and hope to see noticable results!

General Feedback
Posted by Ami (Australia) on 04/30/2015

Hi .. Thanks for sharing this information. Can you please share your results with ointments used.

Keloid Remedies
Posted by Teegurl (Lagos) on 02/21/2013

Dear Ted, please I need help with an extensive keloid on my chest &shoulders which I suffer last July 2012 as a result of a fire incident. Presently, I am very miserable and depressed owing to the discomfort from the keloid, I can't turn my neck because of the keloid over my neck & chest and my functionality has being seriously impaired. Right now I'm in India where I planned to have surgery to remove the keloids and restore my functionality but upon consuting with the plastic surgeon, he expressed his reluctance for the surgery because of my skin's proneness to keloid and the possibility of it recurring after the surgery. I started using a balm I bought from an ayurvedic dr in which I've been using since October 2012 but so far have not notice any improvement only more pains & discomfort from using the balm. Pls help me before I lose my mind, my life has since come to a standstill.

i will appreciate if you can take time to read my mail and proffer solution.


Keloid Remedies
Posted by Teegurl (Bangalore, India) on 03/16/2013

Thanks Bill, will definitely try your suggestion, but pls any idea how I can get the DMSO, and is that the common name?. Also if I have to apply the solution on the keloid area that will mean my entire upper region, my keloids are extensive spreading across my chest, neck and shoulders, both neck &chest are fixed together by a long stretch of skin. Please, I would like to know if the solution can be applied with a cotton wool. Thanks.

Keloid Remedies
Posted by Alex (US) on 04/26/2013

Hello! Have you heard of this place in India?

I have had keloids on my jawline, chest, and shoulders now for 5 years. I Have had countless painful cortisone injections, an even had surgery on my neck. I have ordered the cream from that site, but I think going to the doctor there will help a lot more. I tried the ACV last night, mixed with organic wheat grass, and I do see the results! I have been mixing it with notoginseng for about a month, which has made my keloids shrink, as well as become lighter. So far, the ACV has worked the best! I wish you the best!!

Keloid Remedies
Posted by Geiac (Las Pinas City) on 05/14/2013

Bill, where can I get SSKI or Lugol's in Manila? Most pharmacies don't carry SSKI

Posted by Joyce (Sacramento, Ca) on 09/10/2013

How did you use the iodine on your keloid?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Perev (Toronto, Ontario) on 08/20/2012

Dear Ted, I have used the ACV solution on my keloid for about 5 days where I soaked a cotton with ACV and keep it on my Kel'd from the time I wake up, the entire day until I go to sleep, now I have noticed it has scabbed, turned very red, feels warm to the touch and there's a blue bruise type, like a thread form on it. I have stopped for a day to using ACV, just wanna ask if its okay and if its normal. What do I do next... Just nervous if its goin to have any reactions and turn my scar even bigger.. Please help me thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by San (Houston, Tx) on 10/15/2012

Please keep us posted on if ACV removes the redness of the keloid. I have around 30 keloids, I have used Kennacort injections to great success, applying Triocaine makes the process painless. The keloids have flattened but the redness is still there, I am wondering how can I get rid of that. Thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Puggle (Beaumont, Tx) on 03/05/2013

consider sauna or read up on it......

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sania (Toronto, Ontario) on 03/25/2013

It's been a month since I have been using ACV and I have about 4 scabs (bruises) on my keloid. For those who have used ACV, does it remove the keloid?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Stacy (Nigeria) on 01/27/2015

I would like to know much better about ACV.. And I want to ask, what type of ACV can I apply on my keloid?is it ACV with mother and organic or ordnary ACV?I just wanna know.. Thanks.

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