Natural Remedies

Hyperthyroidism Remedies: Natural Tips for Thyroid Health

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Lemon Balm, Bugleweed, Motherwort
Posted by Needing Answers (Dubai) on 03/13/2013

Dear Folks! After 3 years of having issues with my thyroid this is my current situation: Hot toxic nodules and ths: 0.06 ft 3:256 and ft 4:0.9

Internist mentioned hyperthyroidism. How can it be when ft3 and ft4 is so low?

I have tried lemon balm and bugleweed motherwort. TSH and FT3 seems to improve but not ft4.

I really need answers. I am planing to go to 2 different endo but I know already their answers. To remove or to take RAI. This is not an option for me. I really need answers. First how can I know the right diagnosis? Second, what will it the be the right protocole? Thanks in advance. Regards, Needing answers
