The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Vitamin C
Posted by Annabelle (California ) on 12/28/2021
Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid form powdered form liposomal C) has completely calmed me down and abated my hyperthyroid symptoms. I feel so much calmer, less stressed, and much more even-keeled since the first day of taking it. I need very little to feel a relief - 1/4 tsp twice a day of the powdered form or 1/8 - 1/4 tsp of the liposomal form twice a day. I read that vitamin C helps anxiety, and my hyperthyroid symptoms made me feel extremely anxious, so I'm wondering if there is some sort of overlap/correlation.
General Feedback
Posted by Vivian (Seattle) on 02/05/2021
I found this:
General Feedback
Posted by Mary (Arkansas) on 07/17/2018
Be careful of recommending any iodine product for hyperthyroidism! Just got out of the hospital from the condition, which put me into atrial fibrillation. I believe it was the result of taking Lugol's every day since my thyroid hormones used to be low and are now out the roof. Just be careful!
Posted by Terry (Ok) on 02/11/2018 7 posts
I take Iodine for hyperthyroid. I started taking it less than a year ago as the pharmaceutical meds were killing me. The Iodine has CURED my hyperthyroid. Iodine has helped me a lot. My doctor is open minded and said everyone needs to take Iodine.
Argan Oil
Posted by Barak (Tx) on 12/04/2017
Is argan oil still working for you?
Posted by Jon (Milpitas, Ca) on 10/16/2017
Copper with boron and magnesium has helped me with my hyperthyroid. I used to take take zinc supplents and vitamis C during allergy season but unfortunately it cause deficiency in copper and hyperthyroidism. Copper regulates the the thyroid to slow down while zinc does the opposite. Eventually we need balance between the 2 minerals.
Posted by Gabbi (Usa ) on 10/03/2017
Hi, Have you rechecked the levels? I heard it's not good for hyperthyroidism?
General Feedback
Posted by Monsoon (Washington State) on 05/04/2017
Bill, were you or someone you know cured of hyperthyroidism by taking large doses of iodine?
Argan Oil
Posted by Irina (New York, Ny) on 02/06/2017
While taking culinary Argan oil, I've been noticing a number of amazing and miraculous health benefits. Within the first day or so of taking it (1 teaspoon), my hyperthyroid symptoms completely abated. The jitteriness and anxiety coupled with racing, skipping heart just went away - I feel calm for the first time in a very long time. You can purchase Argan oil from Morocco or Israel (I am taking the kind from Israel). I am taking just a teaspoon - 2 teaspoons was too much for me. The dosage for a woman is that you can go up to almost a Tablespoon. I posted about Argan oil in the chronic sinusitis section also - it helped clear my sinuses also!
Krill Oil
Posted by Patty (Ohio) on 01/15/2017
Is krill still helping you? Do you take any prescribed medication? Looking for any safe healthy alternatives to Hyperthyroidism.
Posted by Millie (Colorado ) on 01/10/2017
Boric oxide is not the same chemically as borax. Boric oxide is used to make glass. I wouldn't take it internally.
Posted by Vija (London) on 01/10/2017
I bought online borax powder (boric oxide), is it safe to take it with water if I have overactive thyroid, I am little bit scare.Thank you
Posted by Amanda (Boston, Ma) on 12/27/2016
Biotin - I'm currently taking 10,000 mcg - has helped tremendously with my hyperthyroid symptoms!
Iodoral Iodine, Magnesium and Selenium
Posted by Maria Jane (Cornwall, Uk) on 07/04/2016
Hi, that is great!! Did his t4 rise before it went down? I was taking iodine for a week without selenium and my thyroid swelled but no thyroid feelings if that makes sense! What effects did your husband get when he started taking it and how long was he on if for and how is he now? Cheers Maria.
Posted by Ann (New Jersey) on 06/11/2016
What kind of Borax, regular borax that can be purchased at a supermarket?
EC: Please read our borax page for more information.
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 06/10/2016
HI U SUNRISE,,,,,,,,,,, let me say that you are one tough hyde. That's a compliment.
Posted by Sunrise (Sydney, Au) on 06/08/2016
Borax works for Hyperactive Thyroid/Grave's Disease - at least, for me.
I'm a 59 year old female who's had Grave's Disease/Hyperthyroidism since 2006.
After a botched R.A.I. treatment that I was bullied into having in 2009, which killed off the left side of my thyroid and exacerbated the right side, I flushed all meds and refused to see another doctor ever again.
That was the first right decision I made.
Being normally very petite in stature, I was the 'lucky' statistical 1-in-10,000 to actually gain weight the worse the condition became, rather than lose weight, as most normally do.
It's been difficult finding information on Borax for this condition and if you do, it seems to be only vaguely mentioned; rather, 'hormone balancing' seems to be the catchphrase used most often rather than specifics, so I ordered some anyway to see whether it might help or not because frankly, I'd tried just about everything else over the years, to no avail.
I began taking Borax in earnest 6 weeks ago. That was the second right decision I made.
The recommended 'concentrate' to make up is 1 level teaspoon in 1 litre (about 30 or so oz) of water.
I take 20 mls of the concentrate in a glass of water 3 or 4 times a day, usually with a meal just so I remember to take it, but not always with a meal.
There's no taste or smell to Borax used in this way; it just tastes like water in water.
*Note: At first, I only took 5mls of concentrate 3 or 4 times a day, but the only change I saw for the first 2 weeks was that all of the excess weight I'd gained fell off, which I hadn't expected - and it has stayed off.*
So I raised the dose to 20mls of concentrate in water 3 or 4 times a day and have been doing so ever since, with the occasional day or two break from it.
The most visually obvious change (aside from the weight loss) is the right hand side of my thyroid, which is no longer protruding/enlarged.
If I touch it, it feels only slightly larger than normal. This I find to be remarkable - and most encouraging - after all these years.
I'm no longer shaking like a human jackhammer 24/7 (part and parcel of the illness) and that's a pretty big deal for me!
I do still very occasionally shake, but haven't yet figured out what sets it off and it doesn't last very long in any event. It may be triggered by a sudden bout of stress.
My heart rate no longer pounds ferociously almost constantly, although it's still irregular (sinus arrhythmia), but should it decide to start doing the tango in my chest again, drinking a glass of very cold/icy water settles it down rather smartly (probably shocks it).
Have had no thyroid storms whatsoever during this past 6 weeks, which were almost a regular occurrence. Another big deal for me.
I'm no longer falling over at the drop of a hat due to weakened bones (which, I hasten to add, only became weak following the R.A.I. treatment).
My bones feel so much stronger and I can walk sure-footed once again.
My eyes are still a little bit 'buggy/bulgy' (another symptom that only arose after the R.A.I. treatment) but nowhere near as much as they were before I began taking Borax.
So although I wouldn't say the condition is '100% better', I can say that Borax has achieved remarkable things that I didn't expect and didn't dare hope for.
I would say my health is about 85% improved - better than it's been since 2006.
As I've only been taking it for 6 weeks, it could well be that, over time and with continued use, my thyroid might become completely normal again, despite only one side of it having survived the R.A.I. treatment and having to function alone.
Certainly nothing else I've read about and tried has produced such remarkable results for me personally.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Annf (Usa) on 03/27/2016
Try taking Magnesium, and make sure you use unfiltered ACV, with "the mother" in it.
Chia Seeds
Posted by Annf (Usa) on 03/27/2016
Flax seeds and especially flaxseed products, like ground seeds and oil, can go bad pretty fast. I have a feeling they are using some kind of preservative on them -- one of those added things the FDA doesn't think needs to be included on the labels, so maybe research it. I do know that the whole seeds do have a longer shelf life than the ground products, but it is still short.
ACV, Garlic, Lemon
Posted by Lhucky (Manila, Philippines ) on 03/03/2016
I am not a healthy person. I smoke. I cough my lungs out. had flu sometimes accompanied by fever whenever my menstruation were about to arrive. I love fatty food. pork fats especially. And then 7 years ago, diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I never like drinking any kind of liquor. beer makes me puke, while liquor makes me feel very very cold. I'm prone to UTI as well. had +++ blood in urine last 2015. I had cold almost about every month, sometimes accompanied with fever. I tried looking for alternative for hyperthyroidism. sadly, I found that it cannot be treated. drinking iodine radiation nor operation wasn't an option. my heartbeat doesn't really bothered me that much. What bothered me then was how hot I feel. I sweat a lot. Lost 25 kg in 7 years.
My family were always on alternative medication. More like Chinese herbal medicine. But since I don't know any Chinese herbalists nowadays, I now rely more on Internet.Nov. I started drinking Apple Cider Vinegar water. Most days I tried to make sure to drink at least 2 or 3 liter a day. There were also days that I can only drink 1 liter. Dec. I felt a lump on my left breast. Started reading about natural remedies for cancer. Came across the concoction acv, ginger, garlic, lemon, honey mixture for heart disease. Jan. I felt like I'm going to have a heart attack. The symptoms where there. My heart was pounding, there's a pain on my upper right back. Right shoulder feels like I sprained myself, tingling feeling on my right arm, my chest feels tight. I can still think straight though, I quickly took an aspirin, 1 low dose tablet. that next day, my husband made the concoction. I took 3 Tbsp that night. Told myself to drink it 3x a day. (While I asked my husband to take 1 Tbsp a day) had a good night sleep, feels energetic next day. but succeeding days I feel tired. sleepy. there were nights that I can't sleep. we finished the 1st batch in just a couple of weeks. The feeling of tightness on my chest were slowly going away. I can barely feel my back ache. I don't cough that much also.Comes Feb. I woke up having fever, my body feels very very weak, my hands and feet were very cold. My back is aching a lot. Heart pounding, Had nausea, and no appetite. accidentally drink mefanamic acid thinking it was an antibiotic. feels ok after 30 minutes later, had my breakfast around 3 pm in the afternoon. My husband insist on seeing urologist next day. next day, I woke up like I didn't fell sick yesterday. Urologist asked for blood test, urine samples, kidney ultrasound along with breast ultrasound and mammogram (diagnosis center only accept 40 years old patients for mammogram. I'm still 3 years far) after taking antibiotic for a week.Still taking 3 Tbsp 3x a day, along with 1 capsule of coq10 2x a day, and antibiotic with Tapazole in the morning and inderal 2x a day for a week. Still drinking Apple Cider Vinegar water 2 or 3 liter a day. At this time, I also add cayenne pepper on my Apple Cider Vinegar water.
Results came. I was shocked to see my blood test results were all in range. Createnine at 61 umol/L. Ph level 7. I even asked my husband if there's a possibility that someone mixed up with the results. (Laugh at the possibility that someone out there were worried sick with my blood test results.) My T3 and T4 were in range. Although TSH still at <0.005. (Might visit another endo for that) my T3 and T4 were always high. My chest tightness slowly going away. My right arm wasn't that weak anymore. I can still feel something was pushing inside my arm though, going up to my neck. But I feel great. My heartbeat doesn't feel like pounding anymore.
Foods to Avoid: Soy
Posted by Samantha (New York, Ny) on 02/25/2016
Thanks for your reply. I'm actually not estrogen dominant at all, I have a slightly elevated level of testosterone. I am 100% certain that soy exacerbates my hyperthyroid symptoms.
Posted by Amanda (New York, Ny) on 09/14/2015
I tried Moringa for insomnia and it made me very depressed, so be careful. I hope I am alone in having this reaction but wanted to warn people in case I'm not. I have never had depression before, and I suffer from no mood disorders or anything. My experience with Moringa was very scary, I think because it lowers the T3 thyroid levels it can cause depression. I saw on Earth Clinic a few people complaining that they had depression and were trying to elevate their T3 levels to help treat it. So be careful out there, even natural substances can cause reactions in some people unfortunately.
Krill Oil
Posted by Irina (New York) on 09/13/2015
I have hyperthyroid and I took Krill Oil just for basic health, I had read positive and negative reports about it, decided to try it, and in 1 day taking ONE pill my heart stopped racing and my hyperthyroid symptoms completely disappeared - the jitteriness, insomnia, anxiety, heart racing, everything - gone in 1 day. I know this sounds incredulous, I can hardly believe it myself!
I have been taking 1 capsule of krill oil now for 5 days and I am sleeping 10 hours a night and I feel totally calm for the first time in many years.
I highly recommend if you suffer from hyperthyroidism (or heart palpitations) that you try this! It has been a true miracle so far for me!
General Feedback
Posted by Tammie B (Iowa) on 08/09/2015
I have been having a thyroid problem and I went to the doctor and he prescribed methamazole. I took it for a while and then started taking carrot and broccoli juice with one clove of garlic. After one day it takes away the pain in my eyes. It is not curing anything. I would like to know where you get the CO-Q10, selenium, lysine, and other ingredient to take for my hyperthyroidism. :)
Thank you for your post. Sincerely, Tammie B.
Foods to Avoid: Soy
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/30/2015 2042 posts
If one shows such extreme sensitivity to Soy foods at even small amounts, it surely suggest an estrogen dominance or overabundance in the body. The supplement DIM is effective in freeing up that excess estrogen for use in the body the way it's supposed to. The amino acid Methionine is also good for reducing high estrogen levels.
Foods to Avoid: Soy
Posted by Samantha (New York, Ny) on 05/29/2015
I just wanted to tell everyone here to be SUPER careful to avoid soy at all costs if you have hyperthyroid! I found out there is soy in a LOT of foods these days - both packaged and prepared. If you go out to eat, make sure to ask what kind of oil they use to make salad dressing, avoid condiments unless you purchase them at the health food store are check all the ingredients. Foods you would never think to be wary of like mayonnaise, for example, contain soy. I have checked through the ingredients and as long as I avoid soy at all costs (as well as caffeine, chocolate, coffee, the usual suspects), I feel MUCH, MUCH better, calmer, and more relaxed! Be vigilant about avoiding soy and I think you will notice a big change and might even be able to avoid taking medication. Magnesium is also very good for helping to calm you down.
General Feedback
Posted by Ariel (New York, Ny) on 05/29/2015
Be VERY careful supplementing with iodine if you have hyperthyroid! It made my symptoms a million times worse!
Lemon Balm, Bugleweed
Posted by Juliet (Dubai) on 05/26/2015
The testimony above is faith strengthening. I have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and have done extensive research. Problem is I don't know where to get Bugle weed and motherwort here in the UAE. Still searching
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Damon (California, US) on 04/19/2015
At 37 and in great health (so I thought) I developed hyperthyroidism. I first noticed it after intense workouts. I would get the tremors. Then I couldn't sleep, was always overheating, etc. I went from a muscular 170 to a dangerously thin 140. My first reaction was to go to the doctor. Their solution was to put me on a heavy dose of medications. They said if this didn't work, they would remove my thyroid. I knew not to do this ever. I went to see a natural doctor who's been practicing for 60 years and she put me on a large array of supplements. After six months I am completely healed! I want to share with everyone exactly what I was on and did. First off I want to let everyone know that she tested every supplement to me because she said some brands work better than others on certain people. the Brown I was on worked for about 80 percent of all people. I don't know if I can get brand names but I will if they let me. I'm only going to stick to the stuff I believe was for my hyperthyroidism because apparently I had several other issues as well that I didn't know about.
First my lifestyle changes that started with my sister (a registered dietitian) that helped right away.
Eliminate the following: caffeine (aside from white tea), sugar (I had some coconut sugar, black strap mollases and stevia when I needed a fix) and gluten. I found out later that I was not gluten intolerant so I switched to sprouted breads.
Everyday (recommended by the health doc): you can skip this but I wouldn't.
White tea (she put me on a cheap brand called tenren)
Fresh juice : 1/2 of a carrot, beet, lemon, lime cucumber and apple. I also added a bit of ginger and either or both of spinach and kale. I sometimes would add a small slice of jalapeno....but it's spicy.
Exercise. Dr. recommended the mini trampoline to jump on for at least five minutes a day because it's the only way to clear out your lymph nodes. However, I usually did some running and some lifting.
Supplements: taken with every meal. I was religious about it and only missed a few times, but never more than one time a day. I just carried around a little pill holder full of stuff and measured out daily:
- magnesium MG zyme by biotic research or Douglas labs
-adrenal complex by professional formulas
-super krill omega
- milk thistle v max, it's either Douglas or biotic research again.
I was also on the following that I would recommend because 90% of Americans have poor digestion. if you can't digest the nutrients they will do you little good.
-pan ox 5 , I think it's also Douglas labs
-Quadra zyme ( they do 50% off a few times a year)
I also was on the following droppers from professional formulas. these were hard to take since you have to take them 3 times a day at 10 drops but you have to be 15 minutes before or after meals or brushing your teeth. each one is taken individually under the tounge and swish it around in your mouth.
- pituitary stimulus
- liver stimulus
-kidney stimulus
If you still have silver fillings you should add
I pray this helps somebody. today I'm completely better except I still get the tremors on rare occasions. Oddly enough my coworker has had them his whole life and tried the adrenal complex that I was on and it almost completely eliminated them. God bless
Eltroxin, Supplements
Posted by Marie Nurse Aesthetician (South Florida, US) on 04/03/2015
YOU were not CURED of Hyperthyroidism. Your Thyroid was shut down by Radiation to either produce hardly any hormone or Stop producing all together; causing you to now have Hypothyroidism and have to take hormone replacement medication for the Rest of your life (or optional natural treatments). THERE IS NO CURE for Autoimmune Thyroid Disease caused by Graves Disease (hyper) or Hashimoto's disease (Hypo). IT'S EASIER TO 'TREAT' HYPOTHYROIDISM so that's been the treatment plan by many specialists-to take patients from Hyper to Hypo.
Glad that you're feeling much better now and have your symptoms under control with supplement, vitamins, and herbs. I'm so happy that you're taking a more natural approach to treating your Thyroid Disorder; natural treatments work well for many. Unfortunately there are no case studies of better success stories on natural treatments to prove it to the scientific world.
Posted by Alexa (Boston, Ma) on 04/03/2015
Flaxseeds have made me feel calmer and for the first time I am having a good night's sleep. I suffer from bouts of hyperthyroidism and flaxseeds have helped me to stay calmer A LOT. I may never need thyroid medication if I can control it with flaxseeds! I take 2-4 tablespoons a day. The kind you have to grind up, I believe those are more potent.
Chia Seeds
Posted by Annabell (Chicago, Il) on 03/22/2015
I found an even more effective remedy - 2 rounded tablespoons of Flaxseeds. Somehow Flaxseeds have been working even better for me - I completely went off the Chia and onto the Flax and I'm really on the road to recovery now! My heart has stopped racing, and I have no jitteriness or other hyperthyroid symptoms!
Chia Seeds
Posted by Annabell (Chicago, Il) on 02/28/2015
Chia Seeds from day 1 have helped so significantly with my hyperthyroid symptoms it's hard to believe and it's as though I've been taking medication (I haven't). I started out with 2 rounded tablespoons a day (I put them in almond milk or yogurt), and I immediately from that 1st or 2nd day felt drastically better; I felt a huge relief as I was calmer, less shaky, and actually able to sleep. Some days I went up to taking 2 rounded tablespoons 2X a day, but found I didn't need that much, and I did get a slight stomach ache, so probably wise to go up in dosage slowly, if you need to. I feel I am on the road to recovery, feeling my symptoms diminish more each day. Chia seeds are miraculous!
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Wendy (Maryland, US) on 02/22/2015
Hello, Regarding your hair loss, my dermatologist put me on extra strength Rogaine for men (not women), and my hair stopped falling out. Supposedly, there are no side effects except a healthier looking head of hair and I have not seen any side-effects except occasional scalp itching (that is manageable with another foam my dermatologist prescribed for me as needed), so please try this for the hair issue to see if there is improvements. Talk to your dermatologist so that you feel safe about it.
Parasite Cleanse
Posted by Em (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 12/04/2014
Hi Marryanne, I too am suffering from a hyperthyroid condition (originally Hashimoto's that was in remission), and I strongly suspect a gastrointestinal link to this problem. I suspect a bacterial/fungal gut infection. I would love to know what exactly you purchased from whole foods and how you took it to achieve your results! Thanks for your post. It caught my attention and opened my eyes to a possible cause of my hyperthyroidism.
Posted by Alyssa (Boston, Ma) on 11/25/2014
The powdered form gave me acid reflux, the capsules I'm fine on.
Posted by Hubz (Vancouver) on 11/04/2014
@Tanyavw - Moringa is the most nutritious plant on earth. nowadays you will find different product form. I highly suggest to visit and do further readings. You're in the right path of regimen.
@Alyssa - powder form is best to have specially when it's processed properly and consumed it enzymatically alive.
Potassium Iodide
Posted by Harmen (Groningen, The Netherlands) on 10/08/2014
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Prioris (Fl, US) on 10/04/2014
Lugols iodine. Lot of information on internet.
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Scopa (Brooklyn, New York) on 10/04/2014
Hello All,
I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in November last year. Since then I have been on methimazole various dosages because either I ended up as hypothroid or my levels were not changing. I am somewhat stable now forever my hair fell out so much since before I was officially diagnosed. It is so sorry now it's depressing. I had really really long hair. I was on metoprolol for one month but not any more. I would like for my hair to grow back and still have energy and eventually get off this medication before they say I need surgery or radioiodine therapy. I started taking 5000mcg biotin, along with omega 3-6-9 everyday but yet no change in my hair growth. I am also using Apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses for the past two weeks that I learned about on this site for fibroids. The fibroids were diagnosed in December. All this really took me by surprise because I pride myself on eating health and just being healthy overall. What do you suggest?
Thank you.
From At my wits end.
Posted by Alyssa (Boston, Ma) on 09/23/2014
I have learned NOT to take Moringa in powdered form - don't even make your own from the powder into capsules. Just buy the Moringa already in capsule form. I would start with 1 capsule per week and build up to desired dose, to where you feel good. I'm only taking 2 capsules and just that small amount makes me feel calm and have a great night's sleep!
Posted by Tanyavw (Az, US) on 09/09/2014
I was curious. Do you know how much moringa one must consume and how long one must take it?
General Feedback
Posted by Nejla (New Jersey, US) on 08/05/2014
I didn't quite get what the Metoprolol did to you!! I've been to the ER twice within a week with palpitations that felt more like a revolution is going on in my heart, thuds, flip flops and of course anxiety and fear, especially when my blood pressure shot up to 220/100. The 2nd trip to a different ER added hyperthyroidism to what was going in my heart which one doctor said was really PVC's :( well I've been reading online about treatment and I don't want the doctors to kil my thyroid.
I told my doctor that I thought the Metoprolol gave me symptoms, but she insisted I stay on them and that they would help. I am so confused. I have been taking many of the supplements mentioned here but nonetheless I have these symptoms. I always took Turmeric, L-Lysine, Cinnamon, Resveratrol, L-Carnitine+Alpha Lipoic Acid and then I started taking this new (SeroVital) which is a combo of amino acids that are precursors to HGH production, so I got really scared when I got sick and I stopped them all for a week.
Now I started taking the turmeric, L-Glutamine, Cinnamon, vitamin D3, my B complex, L-Carnitine+AlphaLipoic Acid and today I felt the best since these things started 9 days ago. I'd really appreciate any info on treating hyperthyroidism naturally andany info on PVC's (premature ventricular contractions) Mine is RV outflow PVC's. Thank you all.
Posted by Alyssa (Boston, MA) on 07/25/2014
I have Hyperthyroidism and Moringa has helped me to feel very calm and sleep well. I have not gotten my levels re-checked or anything, just feel a LOT better! I also have been getting my periods longer, something that is shortened when I get a hyperthyroid episode. I read this about Moringa:
Moringa oleifera leaf extract has been observed to decrease the conversion of T4 to T3 in female but not in male adult Swiss rats, therefore increasing the T4/T3 ratio, [7] indicating a potential use for therapy of hyperthyroidism
General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fenando, Philippines) on 06/16/2014
Hi Eileen...They were curing hyperthyroidism in the 1800s by using just Lugols Iodine. The dosage of iodine given for hypothyroid problems in those days was around 600 mgs of lugols iodine per day -- which converts to about 100 drops of 5% lugols iodine per day. See the research here: r_pg1.html
Hyperthyroidism can also involve other adjoining factors such a low cortisol and low iron in the blood. See the research here:
And if you want to see the importance of iodine for the whole body(not just the thyroid) then see this link:
Although supplementing acetyl-l-carnitine may help your thyroid symptoms, it will not cure your hyperthyroid condition which is at the root of it all. From the research that you quoted in your last post, acetylyl-l-carnitine just acts to inhibit the absorption of iodine into the cells of the body. But it will have no action whatsoever on actually healing the thyroid(ie curing the root cause).
Should you decide to use lugol's iodine for your problem then you must ensure that you take the the full Iodine Protocol with companion nutrients. It might also be advisable to have a professional naturopath or doctor who is iodine-literate to help you monitor your own use of lugols iodine wrt your hyperthyroid condition.
General Feedback
Posted by Eileen (Sumter, Sc) on 06/16/2014
I am a 65 year old female. With the onslaught of menopause 15 years ago and then diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, I have suffered with depression and severe anxiety for all these years. I have been taking 10 milligrams of Tapazole all these years. It was supposed to inhibit the growth of the hot nodule, 1in X .5in. Well, it is now about the size of a large egg and now I have another one about the same size on the left side of my thyroid. I have taken antidepressants off and on for these many years with little relief. Seems that as I age the anxiety gets worse. I read on this site about acetyl-l-carnitine for depression and anxiety. I have been praying to God to show me something natural to help. I have been searching the web for more research to confirm this and I found this website for hyperthyroid. Wanted to post this if someone else is having these same miserable symptoms.
I also found other articles to confirm this information So I am going to give it a try.
Potassium Iodide
Posted by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 06/13/2014
I am a big fan of supplementation but one problem with it is that we can induce deficiencies of other nutrients, creating an imbalance. The key is to bring those other nutrient levels up.
I ignore numbers and look at symptoms. Your sleep problems, heart rate issue and history of loud noise exposure and stress point to magnesium deficiency.
Taking iodine May have caused your selenium levels to become depleted. Consider researching this connection and supplement with selenium for your symptom of hyperthyroid.
Potassium Iodide
Posted by Pete (St. Paul, Mn, Usa) on 06/12/2014
I have been taking Iodoral for over 3 years. I started VERY cautiously with a lugol solution first, tiny, tiny amounts of iodine and took thyroid tests that were fine, then carefully went up, first 6 mg. then 12.5, then 18 mg. I rarely, occasionally would try 25 but felt it wasn't needed. I also took iodine tests to see how much was being retained (urinalyses). I was fine until this week. Suddenly hyperthyroid. Heart rate was over 130 so I went to ER, where they found this in blood tests. Now I am afraid to take the iodine, will stop for the foreseeable future. I'm hoping this is a temporary thing brought on by screwed up sleep patterns for the past few weeks, and maybe a local throat infection or inflammation--I was having to shout for hours at a time at loud parties while entertaining people in my work. Am on a fruit and raw veg juice diet today, maybe a full fast this weekend. I keep wondering if anyone else has tried fasting for this, since it shows so much benefit to any kind of inflammation or auto-immune conditions.