Eye Twitch
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Eye Twitching

| Modified on Jan 07, 2025
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Tonic Water for Eye Twitch.
Eye twitching, or blepharospasm, is an involuntary eyelid movement that can occur every few seconds. While not usually a sign of a serious health condition, it can be bothersome. Natural remedies, including supplements and home treatments, can relax eye muscles and improve nervous system function to reduce or stop eye twitching.

What Causes Eye Twitching?

  • Eye Conditions: Issues like blepharitis, dry eyes, light sensitivity, and pink eye.
  • Nervous System Disorders: Conditions affecting the brain and nerves can trigger spasms.
  • Eye Makeup: New eye products like mascara can cause irritation and twitching. If symptoms begin after trying a new product, discontinue use to see if the condition improves.

Top Natural Remedies for Eye Twitching

  • Magnesium: Magnesium helps regulate nerve impulses and muscle contractions. It supports the circulatory system, promoting a steady heart rhythm and normal blood pressure. Take magnesium supplements or consume foods like spinach, almonds, and avocado.
  • Potassium: Found in bananas, oranges, and potatoes, potassium is an essential electrolyte for muscle function. It helps prevent spasms by ensuring proper communication between nerves and muscles. Regular intake of potassium-rich foods or supplements can alleviate twitching.
  • Calcium: Calcium is vital for nerve health and neurotransmitter function. Foods like dairy, kale, and fortified plant milk or calcium supplements can help stabilize nerve signals and reduce eye twitching.
  • Tonic Water: Tonic water contains quinine, which may help relax muscles and reduce spasms. Drink a small glass daily as a simple home remedy.

Additional Tips to Prevent Eye Twitching

  • Get adequate rest to reduce eye strain and fatigue.
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol, which can exacerbate twitching.
  • Practice stress management techniques like meditation or yoga to calm the nervous system.
  • Use artificial tears if dry eyes are a contributing factor.

*If eye twitching persists or worsens, consult a healthcare provider to rule out underlying conditions.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Acupressure on Eyebrow

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Posted by Raju (Bengaluru, India) on 01/22/2016

My left eye has been twitching for many months now and I ignored it hoping it would cure itself, but it didn't. So I found this site discussing cures.

This is what worked for me. I closed my eyes and used the my back of my left index finger to apply heavy pressure over the middle and last part of the left eyebrow for a few minutes. After a minute or so of applying pressure, the left eyelid stopped twitching. I continued applying pressure for 5 minutes more or so. I fell asleep and when I woke up the twitching had gone completely. Let's hope it does not return.


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Posted by Karen (New York, USA) on 12/30/2007

I had a severe eye twitch for 10 months. It was driving me crazy. Homeopathy didn't work; rest and relaxation didn't work- and I was at my wits' end. Then I got smart- I went to an acupuncturist. After just TWO sessions the twitch was completely gone, and it has not returned! It has been about 5 months.


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Posted by Nick (Los Angeles, Ca) on 01/26/2008

Every time my eye starts twitching I eat a banana. It's a great source of potassium.

Replied by Ga_bass
(Atlanta, Ga)

I started a diet and had been eating 2-3 bananas for the past week. My eye started jumping 3 days ago. Today looking for a remedy for eye twitching and came across the bananaa remedy. This is a fail. It does not work.

Blink Rapidly

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Posted by Xanadu (Memphis, Tn) on 09/23/2020

My right upper eyelid started twitching many times per day causing me to seek a cure here. I tried bananas, potassium, magnesium, pressure in the area. None of those worked. I remembered that when my ribs were in pain my Chiropractor said the muscles were in spasm from a fall I had that caused a nerve to be pinched. When adjustments to relieve the pinched nerve failed he put electrodes on the area and applied shock treatments to the area to exhaust the muscles so they would be too tired to spasm and would get out of the habit of doing so.

That made me think I needed to exhaust the eye muscles but unwilling to put electrodes and shock in the area of my eye I just practiced blinking the eyelid as rapidly as possible for 30-45 seconds and found that stops it for a few hours so I am not constantly bothered by the twitching.

Hope this helps someone else. I still hope to find something that works totally.

Replied by Carolyn

Hi Xanadu,

I occasionally get eye twitching as well. I've found that it is when I am usually a little stressed and my diet hasn't been too good. I find that taking multiple b supplements a few times a day with my meals usually gets rid of it within a day. Usually 50mg works well.

Hope this helps! By the way, that's in addition to my daily vitamin regimen.

Replied by Jamie

Xanadu, this helped me. I have been doing eye blinking and omg I believe this is finally it. I have tried everything for the last couple of years. I think you have to reset it. Thank you!!!!

Calcium and Magnesium Supplements

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Posted by Veronicah (Kenya ) on 04/17/2015

Editor's Choice

I came to this site desperately trying to cure my twitching eye that had gone on for almost a month. The twitching was constant and I was feeling horrible. I was looking at the mirror a thousand times a day hoping it would have stopped. I tried taking tonic water and other remedies without success.. I then decided to start taking magnesium and calcium tablets....pap, it's gone, within two days of administering the multivitamins. Am so happy and thankful to God for using all the good people in this site. I will keep my diet on good check and never again take health for granted. Thanks to all you who share the knowledge.

Replied by Linda

How much do you take of the calcium and magnesium Supplements. It's for a friend. It's for the eye twitching.

Replied by Mary


Eye twitching means the body is lacking magnesium. Mag. chloride rubbed onto the skin is what is suggested. Also you can use about 6 to 10 drops of mag chloride in a glass of water daily or whatever your body can stand.

Replied by P B
(Cape Breton)

Just a note re: the comments about magnesium/calcium and potassium for eyelid twitching.

Magnesium and calcium are regulated by a cellular "pump" and your body needs them at a 2:1 (calcium to magnesium) ratio. If you over-supplement with one or the other, your body will try to correct the imbalance (calcium is also related to iron absorption; if you take too much calcium you can give yourself anemia!). So those reporting cures are perhaps taking them in the correct ratio, or they are taking in adequate amounts of one or the other in their diet to offset the supplement.

Potassium levels are also regulated by a cellular pump that takes in potassium and removes sodium (or vice versa). Magnesium deficiency can affect the function of this pump. That's why only taking potassium may not help with eyelid twitch or other muscle spasm problems.

Replied by There

Please I need that supplement...i experienced eye twitching since a years as of now. I don't know how to stop this.just please let me know what's that magnesium and calcium..

Calcium and Magnesium Supplements
Posted by Jen (New Port Richey, Florida) on 03/29/2010

I occasionally get a twitch in one eye (either side). When I do, I also take calcium and magnesium, and the spasm goes away completely. This has also worked for me with leg muscle spasms.

Calcium and Magnesium Supplements
Posted by CHD (PD, USA) on 12/02/2007

EYE TWITCHING REMEDY, Every now and then my eye will start twitching, so I take a good dose of liquid calcium and magnesium, and it will go away.

Castor Oil

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Posted by Brc (Austin, Tx) on 12/09/2015

Castor oil cured my eye twitch.

I applied a drop of castor oil in my eye before bed. It itched a little at the site of the twitching. It took about 3-4 days before the twitching stopped completely.

Coconut Water

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Posted by Veronica (California) on 03/15/2018

Twitching Eye:

Coconut water is a great source of potassium and it contains less carbs than a banana.

Dried Figs

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Posted by Junebug (East Earl, PA) on 05/30/2022

I was suffering from an eye twitch on the upper lid of my right eye for over a year. I tried magnesium supplements and eliminating caffeine, without any effect. Then I started snacking on figs to curb my desire for sugar. Within probably less than a week of eating about a cup of dried figs a day, I noticed my eye twitch was gone and I was sleeping much better. I missed a day of eating the figs and my trouble sleeping returned that night, but my twitch did not return. I have since continued eating the figs daily. It's been about a month now that I have been eating this way and still no return of the twitch. I imagine it's the magnesium content of the figs but also perhaps something in the balance of that with other minerals in them because mag supplements and other magnesium-rich foods that I tried like hemp and pumpkin seeds had no effect.

Replied by Art
2395 posts


A lack of potassium and or magnesium can cause eye twitching and muscle spasms. Figs are a good source of potassium.


(East Earl, PA)

Thank you, Art. It might be the potassium, but I eat bananas almost every day, so I am still inclined to think that there is something about the balance of minerals in figs that is making the difference (for my body at least).

Eye Movements

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Posted by Alex (Latin America) on 12/26/2021

For months, my eyes would twitch at any moment during the day or night. It was an issue if I was outside because I couldn't see properly when it happened.

I tried both tonic and coconut water with no success.

Eventually I decided to move my eyes to different directions whenever the twitching appeared. During one or two minutes, I would look up, down, to the sides, etc.

The problem disappeared within days.

Filtered End of a Cigarette

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Posted by Mq (Eagle River, Alaska, U.S.A.) on 11/14/2009

For what seemed like an incredibly LONG six months, I had an eye twitch that only became worse. In the begining it would only happen 3-4 times per week. At the end, 40-60 times PER DAY!!

Within the first week of starting a new job in a new town, in the NE New Mexico area, a co-worker noticed my twitch and shared this little trick. He said he would get them here and there as a kid and his Grandmother said it was caused by an air bubble in the tear duct. The bubble was trapped & as it would move it would then randomly touch, or cause pressure against, a nerve (maybe another reason why acupuncture is sometimes an effective cure.) there by cause a twitch if you will.
The secret cure?
A lit cigarette in the ear (the filter end, of course)!!!

*For those lacking in common sense: Please perform with EXTRA caution.

If your right eye twitches, then put it in the right ear. Remember that the eye, the ear, the nose & the mouth are all connected.

Why does this work?

If you truly have an air bubble, then the burning cigarette will cause a vaccum and draw out the air bubble! Pretty simple, huh?!?! ;-)

-Make darn sure to keep hair back.
-Do NOT perform this metheod with any type of hair care/styling product that is flammable. (duh)
-Use as long of a cigarette as possible for 2 reasons: less chance of burning yourself & greater vaccum.
-Try to make a better seal in your ear by wrapping paper towel or tissue around the filter, but not to cover the end of the filter.

This worked for me in just a matter of minutes. I only had to leave it in my ear for 3 or 4 minutes. Just be sure to keep the cherry (for non-smokers this is the burning/smolder, red hot end.) as hot as possible. For smokers, you'll know what I mean when I say "hot-box the heck out of it!". For non-smokers, that means suck on the filter long inhales and rapidly so that the paper burns away and the tobacco will have a very long smoldering area. 1/4" is a lot but again, it creates a stronger vaccum/suction. The goal here isn't to perform a stupid frat-party thing, but rather a 'medical procedure' (LOL ;-) of sorts!

Hope this helps and BE CAREFUL!!!

Replied by Ari

Filtered end of cigarette? This sounds like nonsense and isn't even worth considering. Try anything else. Calcium and magnesium are not bizarre solutions.

Replied by Tish

Ear candles might be an alternative to cigarettes. Although used to remove excess wax, they can an possibly work if it is trapped air.

Lower Calcium Intake

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Posted by Jane (Phoenix, Az ) on 05/18/2017

I had an annoying eye twitch for months. Tried supplementing with Magnesium (tablets and transdermal-lotion) and increasing my potassium too, neither seemed to help. Finally I gave up, but recently realized the twitch was gone. I've recently gone low-carb and have cut out all of my daily glasses of milk (still eat plenty of cheese though! ) I think that for me, I had an overabundance of calcium caused by all the milk I drank, and supplementing with magnesium & potassium still couldn't bring it into the proper ratio. So my suggestion is to try cutting DOWN on your calcium if you tend to ingest alot, like I did.

Lubricant Eye Drops

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Posted by Mesolo (Chicago, IL) on 12/18/2022

Eye Twitching - I believe it is from dehydration, especially in the winter when it is much drier in the Midwest, it especially affects the eyes. The best solution for me is using lubricant eye drops, I use the ones that come in separate vials. My eyes will stop twitching immediately when I apply the lubricant. This really works!


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Posted by Fan B (Pasadena) on 07/24/2017

Try taking "Natural Calm", it immediately stops my twitching no matter what part of the body.

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