Smoking Addiction
Natural Remedies

The Best Natural Remedies to Quit Smoking

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Ginger Root
Posted by Scott (Pen Argyl, Pa) on 08/26/2013

Nothing worked for me until I ran across something by accident. I'd found that ginger helped cure my dog's lymphatic leukemia and works on many other cancers as well. My family has an extensive history of cancer to I started taking it myself as a preventative measure. Since then I've noticed many other benefits from it and researching it on the net confirmed it was the ginger responsible for several of those benefits.

Among those benefits was a massive decrease in the urge to smoke. It turns out that ginger contains niacin which flushes nicotine out of the body. Nicotine is the addictive ingredient in tobacco. Obtaining the niacin with fresh ginger seems to be more effective than supplments but that's just my own opinion.

The only problem is that ginger is also a stimulant and will keep you up nights so don't take it if you're planning on going to sleep in 4 hours or so.
