Bacterial Vaginosis- Top Cure!
Natural Remedies

Home Remedies for BV-H2O2, Folic Acid, Acidophilus

| Modified on Jan 26, 2022
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Bri (Minneapolis ) on 04/06/2016

Hello. So first off I'm really excited I've run into this. I've been battling BV since I was 16... (now 28) and I'm positive my flare ups happen with new sex partners and sometimes my period. I'm sick of antibiotics as I know it doesn't take care of the underlying issue but simply strips all bacteria away leaving your V confused only for the infection to my case. I was BV free for a year or so a couple years ago and thought I was free. Until a few months returned and I got antibiotics. It hasn't stayed gone more then a week in 6 months. I could cry. I found this site and am on day 2 of 2× day dough of 1/2 distilled water 1/2 3% peroxide, after the morning douche I insert Acidophilus capsule to restore good bacteria. I also take orally the Acidophilus 2× per day and Folic Acid 1× per day. After day one I had little to no symptoms except a little bit of itching/mild burning. Here on Day 2...basically no symptoms at all. Smell is gone also.

My question is how long to keep up with this? I was thinking 7 days. Also wondering what preventative measure should be taken after the treatment considering I actually get rid of this. I don't want it to come back. It has ruined me mentally and sex has been embarrassing plenty of times...although no complaints, it bothers me. If this works I literally will cry happy tears.

So, maintenance? And how do you deal with periods as this has been a trigger for me also. I want to be able to have unprotected sex with my partner freely with out the worry of waking up to this awful situation like we used to. Also I use a PH balanced feminine wash. Input would be appreciated. And I will post updates. Thank you :)

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Jessica (Georgia) on 01/21/2017

To be honest I think my BV started after dating this guy who wasn't circumcised. But it isn't always caught that way. I just noticed that it started while and still after.... My bv went away for a while, but after I had my child it returned... Of course I got prescribed the metro gel and the dflucan multiple times! I was sooo tired of it. I prayed to God about it. My husband even started to really let it effect our marriage . I was like God I know this isn't what life is supoosed to be. I was std negative and pretty healthy. Butttt! I looked healthy but honestly I wasn't.... I barely drunk water. I rarely had fresh vegetables or fruits.... I loved to eat alot of sweets. Im not over weight. 5"1" 106 pounds... Like I said I looked healthy....soooo I started off with just taking odorless garlic pills and folic acid pills... Instantly the smell was gone.... So I vowed to God that I would only drink water. And this helped a lot! I also dropped all unnatural sweets no candy or doughnuts...

Then one day the garlic pills turned on me lol... It made me smell super cheesy... So I backed off of the garlic pills. And started the half peroxide half distill water douches! And took 3 800mg folic acid pills. Some days I would take 2 some days 3....anyways yall I couldn't stop sticking a q-tip into my vagina every day for a smell check and it has been ordorless for 20 days...

Also I did drink Kefir for like 2weeks and it worked as well. I just actually started the acidophilus pills. I had a very bad sore throat and I got prescribed some antibiotics ...of course my period came on ...of course I got a yeast infection from the antibiotics! But I never stopped taking my folic acid pills.. Still no scent! My period felt normal too no extra ordors.... But I mixed crushed acidophilus pills with peroxide and the distilled water tonight, just in case BV tries to reresurface. I will also start taking an acidophilus pill in the am and pm along with the folic acid.

But in all honesty I feel good and I smell like nothing dead lol.... I just had to come back on here and say that the combos do work. And I thank God❤ btw my husband can't keep his hands off of me! Ladies you are not alone! Be honest with yourself and drop the bad stuff out of your diet.... Drink plenty of water too. I hope this gives someone a peace of mind. Im glad God helped me find this site! Sorry it's so long! If anyone has any questions please ask away! Have a blessed day❤

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Gabriela (Bethlehem, Pa) on 04/06/2015

You will not be disappointed! I have been dealing with bv and yeast infections for about a year. 1 to 2 times a month and I already tried everything that over the counter and prescribed. this past Saturday I noticed my inseparable friend bv was back and I came across this website. I work at a hospital so I brought home 2 10ml flushes (syringes) and the first night I diluted the h2o2, a ratio of 1:9 ml. 2 flushes Saturday night. Since in the hospital the most used schedule for antibiotics is every 12 hours, I decided to do the same thing with the h2o2. YES! It has worked. 2 days later (today) is the first time in about a year that my panties are 99.9% dry. no discharge.

I have an appointment w/ a vaginal imbalance specialist in the summer( yes 3 months way) that I can see myself cancelling, that's how optimistic I feel w/ the results I just got.

ps: 1st time writing a review only because I know it really works and I absolutely love the results.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Anon (United States) on 05/20/2016

It works ladies! I have done a combination of the hydrogen peroxide douche, acidophilus and folic acid. For the douche I inserted an acidophilus pill used half water and half hydrogen peroxide. After douching be sure to douche again with just cold water so the hydrogen peroxide doesn't burn the skin. I repeated two times a day. I also take acidophilus by mouth everyday. This has provided instant relief for and I've had no side effects.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Sara (Los Angeles) on 07/02/2017

I've noticed after treatments, the vagina emits an itchy discharge as it cleanses and detoxifies. It is best to flush the vagina with warm water of discharge for approx 2/3 days before attempting another treatment, as over-treating with HP will only weaken the overall homeostasis of good bacteria and delay healing. The infection was lodged in my right ovary/fallopian tube and was painful at times

i say 'treatments' because I had been in a sexual relationship for a year where my male partner was repeatedly reinfecting me due to his own denial and lack of responsibility and even down right manipulation to get sex. So, be sure to address the nature of your relationship. A horny, careless man isn't worth damage to ovaries and overall loss of sensitivity. Sex has not been the same since and I am abstaining until fully healed and a more honest, communicative, understanding man enters my life. Anyway, hopefully the knowledge I've gained from my experience can help someone else. And if there is a man who has achieved cures through natural methods, plz plz post on the BV male link because technique and treatment knowledge for men is needed

here are some suggestions to apply to your own experimentation:

if you are experiencing discomfort right now, put this down and go flush the vagina with warm water and then come back to this with a clearer mind. Lie on your back and pour water into yourself anyway you can. Repeat until the water runs clear.

Water flushes, I am convinced, are the most important go-to to gage how the healing is coming along. Do not expect results overnight, though that could happen depending on your individual condition. If the infection doesn't clear after a 2/3 days of water flushes, you know its time for another treatment

I use a large plastic syringe bought in the kitchenware section of the dollar store.

First, flush vagina of any discharge. Then put 1 capful of HP in with purified water (if you have it), lay on your back and let it sit for at least 5 min, or longer if the infection is in your ovaries. In that case, you might even want to repeat with another capful + water. One treatment was enough to at least get rid of the horrid fishy smell

if you require another treatment, try next a few spoonfuls of the best, purest, probiotic plain yogurt you can buy. Dilute it with water and let it sit 5-10 min. I suppose acidophilus would work too, but I never tried it. Flush out yogurt with water

if you find that your BV has now uncovered symptoms of a yeast infection, insert a clove of garlic and let sit overnight.

If symptoms are reoccurring, repeat the cycle of treatments with regular water flushes. HP is very strong, so I recommend no more than 2 capfuls per treatment and after a period of water flushes, replenish good bacteria with yogurt. But you must learn what works for you as ever body is different! In my case, ACV did not work

Unfortunately, I cant remember which treatment finally cleared the infection from my ovaries but I think it was the colloidal silver. At this point, I was motivated by shear frustration from re-infection and an emotionally/physically unhealthy sexual relationship and not thinking too clearly, so details are missing. But I would suggest for anyone really suffering and the above mentioned treatments not working to try 1 capful of CS. I used 2 and thought that might have been too much, but perhaps it wasn't

ok, well I hope this helps! Be sure to cleanse the body with healthy foods as well. I eat LOTS OF YOGURT. it works wonders. and remember, most importantly, the importance of creating harmonious and hopefully loving sexual relationships! Blessings!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Izzy (Houston) on 12/02/2015

Hi Mary Jane,

I had the same problem last year, I'm 33 also and experienced bv that occured pretty often. I was so desperate since I really wanted something natural to fight bv. After trying numerous crazy things I got it under control by douching with salty water! I mix 2 tbsp of salt and two cups of warm water. I used celtic salt. Not sure if the type of salt makes a difference but I thought you might want to try exactly what I did. I bought douche at my local $1 store, dumped the content and use the bottle. I douche once a month just in case, and had no problem with bv since then. The first time I think I douched 3 times on the first day and once for the next two or three days. The great thing about it is you immediately feel the relief! I really hope you'll get to read this and it will work for you if you decide to give it a try :)

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Dancer (San Joaquin Valley, Ca) on 09/23/2010

This will work for you. You just need a bit of patience. Completely cured in 2 weeks. Purchase the following:
Summer's Eve disposable douche (empty the contents), Folic Acid 800 mcg, Hydrogen Peroxide and the best Acidophilus you can find. Folic Acid - 800 mcg - twice a day. Acidophilus - Need 4 capsules a day. Hydrogen Peroxide - Several bottles

AM - Take 1 acidophilus and 1 folic acid orally and douche with solution of 1/2 Hydrogen Perox. & 1/2 water. Noon - Take 1 acidophilus orally

Evening - Take 1 acidophilus & 1 Folic Acid orally. Douche with same mixture as AM. Insert 1 acidophilus vaginally (after douching)

If you want to add an extra Acidophilus vaginally at noon, it couldn't hurt. By week three I cut the douching to once a day and continued the oral regimen. By week four, I quit using the peroxide douches but continued with the supplements. I have not had any symptoms of BV for 3 weeks. If anything changes, I'll submit an update.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Shondell (Smyrna, Georgia) on 09/24/2011

Thank you so much for this recommendation! I have had BV for years ( I am 34 and it started when I was around 24 or 25) and since I am not sexually active, I could not understand why I was having these problems. I would just wait until it would go away. However it go so bad 2 years ago that the bottom of my stomach ached and my undergarment was soaked with discharge. Just like everyone else, I was given antibiotics that only offered a temporary fix and I was too embarassed to keep asking for more. Recently, the odor got to be embarassing and unbearable so I decided to look for what else I could do.

The hydrogen peroxide douche is excellent. I used 1/2 hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 bottled water. After the first cleaning, the odor was drastically reduced and so was the discharge. After three douch treatments and daily doses of acidophulus and folic acid tablets, it is now 5 days later and I am finally good. These treatments worked much faster and better than the antibiotics. ( And the douche provided an extra bonus because I feel clean. ) The douche did not burn when I used it. I also slept without panties so that that area could get air and I would wear cotton panties only to assist with that area getting air during the day. I also bathe that area with an antibacterial soap. Thank you all so much for sharing. I feel like a brand new woman!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Margo (Florida) on 05/23/2016

Aloha love. Stop with the pH balance feminine wash. Let your vaginal breathe. All the oral antibiotics over the years have wrecked your natural gut flora so what you need to focus on is strengthening your gut. Get a really good probiotic. Also start with some kombucha at least a few times a week. The pesticides from tampons are super triggers too. So if you're using tampons you might want to tampons which are sea sponges....but I would say let you body free bleed for at least 3 months don't put anything in there and no more douches. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Harlemkatt (Ny, Ny) on 11/06/2017

Girls, I dealt with BV for 4 years off and on, the only thing I found that works and it never came back was doing 3 things.

1) Hydrogen Peroxide and water solution (half and half) 2x a day for 2-3 days.

2) Daily soaks in boric acid, baking soda, with lavender, and tea tree drops.

2)I inserted a garlic clove into the vagina at night before bed, remove in morning.

Evey one is different, and I tried many remedies, this is what workd for me.

Good luck ladies.

I did this for a week.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Naynay (Westland, Mi/usa) on 05/01/2012

Thank you for the suggestions of hydrogen peroxide, folic acid and probiotic. Your a life saver... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! Been suffering bv and candida problems for years and the results from the remedy I learned here were immediate, thank you!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Wanted: A Healthy Vajay (St.louis, Mo) on 10/26/2010

The past few years I have struggled with what I thought was recurring sinusitis and with lifelong asthma, I was living on anti-biotics and high doses of steroid inhalers, but never getting better. I kept getting yeast infections and would get meds called in from the doc, which was always embarrassing having to call about once a month! During this period, I have also became lactose intolerant, which is most definitely NOT helping my already depleted "vaginal ecosystem". After visiting an ENT and getting scoped and an MRI, we come to find out all the sinus infections were due to severe allergies! So I stopped the anti-biotics and went full force on allergy injections once a month and take cetrizine (antihistamine) religiously everyday for the past six months. I have not have one sinus infection since-- yay! But on the down side, I thought I was having a yeast infection from hell, went to the doctor to find out it was BV!! I had been researching yeast infections prior to the doctor's visit and asked the doc if I could get some lactobacillus suppositories to help rebuild my ecosystem. She just prescribed me flagyl. I was skeptical and asked if this was going to be a recurring problem, but she said it shouldn't be.

I researched BV online and found otherwise. Also after reading the insert on the antibiotics, I found the side effects and warnings are that it may cause C-dif and other problems related to wiping out all the bad bacteria- What the heck?? How could doctors SERIOUSLY be treating people with bacterial related infections with this crap?? You would think with all the research and technology we have, aside from the dozens of testimonies women have written online, they would have figured it out by now!! (I also have mild c-dif, which I also presume is from lack of lactose and anti-biotics destroying my good bacteria. ) My mom, an RN for over 20 years suggested an apple cider vinegar douche, but I had been told by doctors for years douches are a no-no. Anyway, I took a round of antibiotics and it went away for a couple of weeks. Now the BV is back with vengeance, preventing me from having sex with my boyfriend---the pain and discomfort are unbearable with bleeding after sex, and constantly smelling like a nasty gym bag!!! I have been looking online for natural remedies--could only find those websites trying to sell A BOOK FOR $30-60--- again, ARE YOU SERIOUS??!

When I found this site, it was an AH-HA moment for me. I am so glad women are finding the lacto capsules with folic acid, B vitamins and H202 douches are effective. I am going out right now to buy some and keep my fingers crossed! I am also interested to hear that women have found avoiding sugar and gluten beneficial. I also suffer from endometriosis and have been trying to follow the "endometriosis diet" to keep it under wraps. It seems there are general guidelines for overall health that come from a simple diet and natural supplements along with regular exercise, sleep, and stress management that our healthcare providers do not emphasize enough and instead skip over to prescribe harmful pharmaceuticals--some are even being manufactured in China!! God knows what is actually in our medications these days.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Elizabeth (Omaha, NE) on 09/01/2008

Praise God!! I have had BV for almost 2 years now on and off. Every single time I would be treated for it with an antibiotic, it would come RIGHT back. I was becoming so hopeless, and figuring out that I would just have to deal with this the rest of my life. I had searched and searched online for remedies but never found anything that would work-I never found this site once.

After months of prayer, prayer, and more prayer, I decided one more time I was going to search for maybe a home remedy (after being treated with BV AGAIN)....and Oh my gosh, I found this website, and after reading all of the feedback, I INSTANTLY went to the store and bought the hydrogen peroxide, folic acid and acidophillus pills. Within ONE BV WAS COMPLETELY CURED. i was gone ALL weekend in the heat and sweating, and NO SYMPTOM WHATSOEVER popped up of BV. I AM SO, SO, INCREDIBLY THANKFUL.

Thank you for this website!! It also helped me feel SOO much better about what I had been suffering with- I'm not the only one!! If you are suffering with this problem, just keep praying and praying- God WILL take care of you! I am SOO thankful. Thank you so much- God bless you all!!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Mary Jane (Renton, Wa) on 11/16/2015


I've been dealing with bv for about a year now. I'm 33 and have never had this problem till recently. I've gone to the doctor and done the antibiotics but only had relief for a month or so only to have it return. I started using boric acid, hydrogen peroxide, folic acid, multivitamins and probiotics. All of these seem to help. I've done all treatments for 5-7 days at a time. The odor goes away completely. BUT... If I don't use my boric acid or hydrogen peroxide for 2 days the odor returns. Comes right back! Am I stuck having to use these forever? Everyday? It's so frustrating! Please help me!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Joyce (Lansdowne, Pa) on 02/27/2014

I use regular 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. However, I find that when I use regular tap water it does not go away quickly. When I use it with distilled water I only have to use the solution once. I use it once per day for one or two days.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Kim (Indianapolis, IN) on 08/11/2014

I have suffered with BV for the longest; no antiboitics worked so I am now doing home remedies. I find that the Peroxide douche to be very effective if you like lay on your back and hold it in for like 5 min; do this twice a day. I noticed that it worked but of course here comes mother nature to screw it all up; once I get a period, it comes back. So I am now going to take the Acido pills and folic acid pills, try eating plain yogurt daily. And also do the peroxide douche. I mean the smell is not soo bad, but it's there.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Marina (Grants Pass, Or) on 03/01/2012

In reply to: 02/21/2012: Po-princess from New York

1) Yes, same pill you take orally, you just insert the capsule by pushing it in with your finger. There are vaginal suppository plastic applicators that you can buy to insert as well.

2) I would say turkey baster to squeeze in yogurt? Seems messy to me.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Ash (Chicago, Il) on 09/28/2012

came across site because im a bv suffer, I noticed after reading alot of comments that alot of you said it gets worse after sex ummm mayb the men need to b treated too.. I really think they are the cause of the inbalance.. Yes these things help but you have to keep taking them just to keep the (va jaja)healthly.. Man need to start goin to the doctor more.. Im starting to think its a form of sum type of std its to common not to be... sick of it..

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Ikatcure (Hamden, Ct, Uas) on 05/10/2011

Hi, I'm new to the forum. I posted this yesterday but couldn't find it. Hope it's more accessible here.

I was diagnosed with bv 3 years ago and since then I have taken multiple oral and topical antibiotics, all while abstaining from sex, eliminating sugar and refined carbs and taking probiotics and folic acid but my symptoms always returned.

I tried all of the regimines listed on EC for bacterial vaginosis but they all only worked temporarily.

Finally I decided to try oregano oil. I bought it at the health food store. It's also available online. There is an essential oil which should not be used. I used the kind that is blended with olive oil and fit for consumption. I took it orally (3 drops 4 times daily for 14 days) and applied it vaginally (1 drop 2 times a day for 7 days then 1 drop once a day for 7 days). I know that generally it is unadviseable to use this oil vaginally but it was the only thing that worked for me and it was uncomfortable for about 5 minutes a day but completely worth it. It's been 3 weeks now and none of my symptoms have returned. I apply 1 drop internally after sex and take 2 drops daily by mouth. I don't know if it's necessary to continue this treatment but I think I will for the time being just to make sure it's gone for good.

I also inserted a tampon with plain organic yogurt 4 hours after my second oregano oil application and left it for 2 hours daily. (I tried this with the other treatments too so I know this in and of its self wasn't the cure)

This condition has been terrible to try and deal with. Between visits to the DR, prescriptions and various treatments I spent over a thousand dollars trying to treat this without any success. I hope that sharing this remedy will help someone else out there who is still looking for help.

Note! Do not use this cure if you are using condoms as your main mode of contreception - the oil may break down the latex.

Best wishes for good health to all the ladies out there who are suffering with this condition.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Nursemamaof2girls (A Little Lost Town, Me) on 06/14/2011

I was just diagnosed with this BV crap. This is the second time I have had it. Both times I was unaware I had it because I have no symptoms. I have read over and over that this is the most common vaginal infection out there. Well if it is, then why don't they automatically test you for it during all pelvic exams? If untreated, it can lead to PID. These dr's need to get smart. I refuse to take flagyl for the simple fact that it completely destroys your stomach to pieces and then you are left diarrhea and a yeast infection. No thanks. I just have to say that I am going shopping tomorrow for a few items to try at home! Thanks to all the wonderful women out there that are posting such wonderful advice. And for once I would like a man to deal with this problem just once. They did give me an Rx for metragel. Has anyone tried this and if so did it work? I really don't know what to look for because I honesly don't have the discharge or odor...=/

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Jennifer (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/21/2010

I had been suffering from BV for 2 months and was tired of feeling bad and the aweful smell. I did a desperate web search and came across this site. I don't usually submit information on sites like this...but I was so pleased with what I read, that I wanted to say thank you to everyone for sharing their success stories and I wanted to share what worked for me (and I tried a ton of different things). I take the following everyday:

(2) acidophilus capsules by mouth

folic acid 800 mcg by mouth

B12 500 mcg by mouth

For 3-5 days at bedtime, I douched vaginally with full strength Hyrogen peroxide mixed with a few drops of tea tree oil. This was very refreshing and helped with the uncomfortable feeling.

The next night at bedtime, I inserted a tampon covered in plain yogurt and I cut open one of my acidophilus capsules and sprinkled the powder on the yogurt (I also cut down the size of the small tampon once it expanded from the yogurt).

I only used the yogurt tampon 1 time and within 4 days, the smell was completely gone and no uncomfortable pain....I feel great! I still take the pills everyday, but have cut down to 1 acidophilus capsule a day. I will keep you posted if things change...but so far so good! Thanks to everyone for all of their helpful posts:)

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Pdanls (Tampa, Fl) on 01/16/2010

I too suffer with BV and I was tired of taking Flagyyl for it. To also make matters worse I'm a nurse and I didn't want to pay some doctor to give me something that only helps for a short while. Doctor's visits and prescription medicine aint cheap. Thank God for google and the internet, as well as all the women who shared the stories. I tried the refrigerated acidophillis (5 billion), folic acid 800 mg capsule, peroxide douche, and mixed powered acidophillus with water to make paste and coated a tampon with it. the next day no more nasty odor or discharge. I'm goin to do this for 3 more days.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by looking4hope (Nashville, TN) on 07/19/2009

Folic Acid, acidophilus, hydrogen peroxide used to control BV

I am 37 and have been suffering with chronic BV infections since June of 2007. Unbeknownst to me at the time my husband was having an affair with a women that I later have found out was messing around with a few other men as well. ( Yeah I know noce right?) I was back and forth to the doctor with one RX after another.. it would clean up for about a week maybe two.. then back again.. nothing worked. I have spent many hours searching the internet for an answer and was relieved that I am not alone in my suffering. I was beginning to think it was all me. I even changed doctors, my new doctor is a woman, she has worked with me on trying to find something that will work for me. She has been wonderful in being able to call in meds for me so that I did not have to be seen for what I already knew I had. My husband was busted out a few months after this all started, and we have worked hard to get past that... he says he is not messing around with anyone ever again.. ( yeah okay... I am suppose to believe that?) I had started putting a few things together even keeping a food journal as my doctor suggested. I am a type 2 diabetic but I do not take meds for that as of yet. I noticed that when my urine smells like Sweetened Puffed Wheat Cereal I can bet for certain that BV is about to creep in.. and sure enough... the dischange, the smell and the sore tender insides. So, it was suggested that I cut out certain things in my diet that made my sugar get all outta whack. Sodas, milk chocolate, caffein, sugar in general, alcohol... so I did that. and it does help at times.. it seems like I get a mild case of BV . Then one day.. POW... it just started coming back... and I was pulling my hair out... nothing was working that I had been doing.... so after coming across this site I set out on a mission... I went to the drug store and purchased ditilled water and hydrogen peroxide and a pack of vinegar water douches, one bottle of 400mcg folic acid tablets, and acidophillus____ that contain 1 billion CFU ___.

I emptied the vinegar water douche solution and added hydrogen peroxide and distiled water 1:1 used that first, then took two of the folic acid tablets and one of the acidopholus later that night before bed I took another folic acid tablet and another acidopholus. By morning I felt wonderful, no smell, no discharge, no bloated feeling, no tender feeling.. Ah Hah... I was on to something... so that morning I took two more folic acid tablets and one acidopholus ____... no douche this day.. was going to ride it out and see what happened. I have been doing this daily for going on 3 months now, and just had a couple times that I had to use the douche again up until recently... I have gone back to drinking sodas, and my sugar is outta control and it seems that the BV is harder to control with the methode that I have described here. Keep in mind that it is mild, nothing like before, so I am continuing with the folic acid and the acidopholus pearls. I have cut out the sodas once again.

The things that I noticed that have caused my BV to occur....

1. stress
2. uncontroled blood glucose levels
3. sex with my husband can sometimes trigger a lot of that depends on his diet as well.
4. weight... I have put on 30 of the 50 pounds that I had lost last year.

control of stress, and blood sugar, along with weight loss help out a lot to keep BV in check, the pills mentioned above do the rest of the job.

I am going back to my gyn next month for a folow up exam for an abnormal pap, and copolscopy, where it was also determined that I had HPV. ( and not the one that causes warts, I have the kind that is known to turn into cancer.)

I will report back with what my gyno tells me at that visit. And will see what she has to say about what I have been using to control my BV.

Please continue to see your gyno regularly for preventative messures, and continue to network and take charge of your own bodies to control BV and other nastiness in your lives. Natural medicine is a good thing.... thank you to all those that were brave enough to give it a try so that the rest of us could be made aware of your success, and incorporate it into our own plan of treatment. Not everything works for everybody, but do your research on whatever it is that you are going to try. Pay particular attention to the other good things that Folic acid can do for you... more than you know... it shocked me... and has done more for me than just help control my BV

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by M (Ny) on 10/19/2010

Update: Been taking a total of 800mg of folic acid and 2 capsules of acidophilus daily for a two months now. Also, I do the peroxide/water douche once per week. It keeps the discharge, discomfort and smell at bay but does not cure it. 2 days after the douche, the discharge is back. If I skip two days of the folic acid/acidophilus, the fishy smell returns. So I will continue to do this daily until my gyno appointment in 2 weeks. I give up.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Tonika (High Point, North Carolina) on 07/13/2009

BV is not an STD and women can get it even when they're not having sex. I've learned that my bouts are linked to when my husband and I have sex. I do not have an odor, but I do have plenty of vaginal irritation which leaves me wanting to crawl into bed and just lay there forever. My doctor prescribed 600mg boric acid capsules that are to be inserted in the vagina. I hate that I wasn't told about these before now. A woman's vagina is normally acidic, but when males ejaculate into our vagina they introduce semen that changes our ph balance to a neutral or more alkaline environment which is not something that our good bacteria (Lactobacillus) likes. When our ph is out of whack, other "bad" bacteria can thrive and leave our good bacteria less effective to fight the bad ones and they cause the smell that some of us experience. Please ask your doctor about boric acid. Boric acid helps to return the vagina to its normal acidic enviornment which is what we need. I have been telling any and everyone who will listen that they have worked wonders for me. Just as a precaution to ensure that my natural balance is okay, I also eat yogurt that contains a probiotic daily and I take a probiotic capsule orally daily that contains lactobacillus acidophilus. Hope this helps you.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by No More Fishy!! (Ft. Worth, Texas) on 04/05/2009

I came across this site after a sneaking suspicion I was dealing with BV again. I'd only had it once before after sex with a new partner years ago, and back then I was prescribed metro and was fine, plus I dumped the guy. No problems for 2 years after. I'm positive I got it from a new sex partner, again, and I dumped him fast. It wasn't to the point where I was smelling like a fish tank before my last period, but there was a distinct sour smell and alot of drainage and after my period was over... Yuck. My new insurance isn't effective yet so here I am.

Here is my own version of the treatment per the other ladies' suggestions:

800mg Folic Acid, twice daily.
A 3% peroxide-soaked tampon inserted every evening for about an hour while lying down.
Acidophillus (the refrigerated kind) - three 135mg tablets at least twice daily.

I've been doing this for a week and it seems to be working. Last night was the first time I didn't sound like a soda pop fizzing "down there" from all that gunk the peroxide soaked tampon was attacking. I took the tampon out and it was CLEAN. No gunk or anything stuck to it. I have some minimal drainage but no smell, and I feel comfortable most of the time. I'm going to ease off of the peroxide for the next few days but keep up the pills.

This website is really awesome - I'm so glad I found it. Y'all need to keep up the re-posting because I need to know if this works long term or if I need to tweak it. I'll definitely re-post if I come up with anything new. I thank God for all of you and for Earth Clinic!!!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by No More Fishy!! (Ft. Worth, TX) on 04/06/2009

Hey ladies, I just wanted to add that I had tons of sex with other guys in between these occurrences with no issues, so I'm CONVINCED the guys I contracted from were "carriers". From what I've read, they can "try" to treat the guy but it usually doesn't work. If you're married and getting it over and over, or suddenly get it and then keep getting it over and over after treatment, I'd look DIRECTLY at your man as the cause. Granted, he may not have done anything more than change soaps. Make sure he's not unwittingly causing your issue, or worse, MAKE SURE he's not messing around!!!! I know this post is long enough already, but here is my proof: One of my boyfriends I was with for about 2 years, no problems. We split up. My next boyfriend, no problems during a 7 month relationship. We break up. I stay celibate for a while. My ex dated around, a couple of years go by and we end up together again. BOOM, there goes the BV. I had it IMMEDIATELY. He got it from someone and guess what, nothing happens to HIM, just to ME. Needless to say, we are now "JUST FRIENDS" and I pray to God my next guy gives me no issues, and he's the last guy. A good man will make sure you stay healthy. I was pissed at my ex at first, but then I thought, dang, this could have been alot worse. We discussed it and he's looking into trying to get some treatment but Dr.s have basically told him "good luck, and that'll be 200.00". This was a wakeup call. Ladies, take a stand and tell your guy he's off limits if you keep having issues. Funny how a man's hearing gets better when he's cut off. Take care of yourself first, you deserve it.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Sarah (Pa) on 02/01/2014

I'm somewhat confused and disturbed by your mention of your partners; are you saying you dumped them because you are under the impression they "gave" you BV, perhaps because they were dirty or infected? If so, you are hugely misinformed about the causes of BV. Sexual contact with a perfectly clean and hygienic man who has never before had a sexual partner can very, very easily cause a bout of BV (as happened to me) because the exchange of fluids caused the normally acidic environment of my vagina to become to alkaline, this reducing my levels of beneficial bacteria and allowing the non-beneficial bacteria to over grow. This change in the vaginal environment is the same reason women who are virgins or who have not been sexually active for years get BV.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Pattie (Upstate Ny) on 01/26/2017

Hi Jessica, so glad to hear your change in diet and the folic acid helped clear up your BV. You may want to incorporate into your diet a really good strong probiotic, not just the acidopholis. Also, make sure your underwear is all cotton And keep up the water drinki. God Bless you.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Patty (Wa) on 02/24/2017

Anon, how long did you do this treatment before you didn't need to anymore?

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Kathy (Idaho Falls, Idaho) on 01/25/2022

Hi there. I'm glad to hear you've found a cure for your BV. I am desperately seeking a cure for my 19 year old daughter that has suffered with this for about a year and a half now. She's at her witt's end!

My question for you.. is the BV still gone? If so, this sounds like a fantastic cure for her to try. She's been to several doctors and has been told to change the way things she eats, avoid new partners, avoid douches, avoid tampons and etc., but each doctor prescribes her the same medications and says it will get better but it still keeps coming back over and over. She is dealing with so many problems in her life right now I would like to do all I can to help her. She was diagnosed with a hole in her heart last year and due to covid it has grown and is now causing occasional fainting spells, so now requires surgery to get it repaired. Two weeks ago her job reduced her to part time because she has had to miss work here and there due to the fainting from her heart, so she lost her insurance and now faces these constant expensive charges to treat this horrible problem. This week they only have her scheduled to work 4 hours. Every thing you mentioned in your post that helped you is quite inexpensive and I will run right out and purchase them for her if you are still BV free and not having problems with it any more. Thanks so much for posting your cures! You are greatly appreciated!

Hydrogen Peroxide, Folic Acid, Acidophilus
Posted by Capricciosa (Canada) on 04/05/2015

I have been battling BV for over a year now, on going. Many doctors visits, creams, bouts of antibiotics, lots of disappointment! I take folic acid and acidophilus daily. I have a healthy diet and eat lots of yoghurt. I just bought some 3% H202.. really excited to try this, fingers crossed. Waiting for my period to finish then will do the 3 day, twice a day method while upping my acidophilus dosage! Will let you know how it goes!

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