Heel Spurs Treatment - Home Remedies that Work!

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Pammie (Australia) on 10/26/2021

Hi all,

I have had heel spurs for 8 weeks. In a lot pain. I had x-ray ultra scan which showed a heel spur flat arch. I had a shock wave treatment which didn't help much so I tried Apple vinegar wraps. brown paper bag soaked in a cup of vinegar. Brown bag in old slippers when home. changed when dry to wet moist ones. I started with 5 times a day for only day 3 and no pain. I kept it up for two weeks but such a relief to walk on heel again.

Try it, it works 🦶😀

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Roderick (Miami) on 08/21/2015

Yesterday I spent a few hours on my feet and at night my heel spurs were on fire. Pushing down even lightly on it felt like a nasty bruise.

I found the apple cider vinegar wrap remedy last night and immediately tried it. I used two small hand towels and Saran wrap. I placed the dry towel on my heel and started wrapping from my ankle down. Once the towel was tightly wrapped I poured the ACV down there and soaked the towel. I then finished wrapping to about the arch of my foot. This left my toes comfortably uncovered.

I slept about 7 hours and then took them off. My heels were like grapes. I thought that maybe I over did it. I pushed on the heel and felt no pain.

Today I was on my feet for hours and my feet feel great compared to yesterday. I don't have the bruising feeling. I just wrapped them again. I don't think I'll need to continue this very long. I'll update

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Corcoran's (Foley, Al) on 01/23/2015

On the Apple Cider Vinegar for heel spurs, we use Organic Unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar, Unfiltered.Organic Unrefined. It still has apple bits in it. You can find this in grocery stores or you can order online . This means the apples and the tree were never sprayed with chemicals and it's important to have the bits from the fermenting.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by June (Australia) on 03/18/2014

Apple cider vinegar wrap worked for mey heel spur I was in agony for months I had 3 cortozone injections in a week, that's how bad I was. I used a paper towel and made it damp but not soakin put it on my heel for most of the day. When it dried out I repeated the procedure. I did this for 6 weeks taking it of at night and I have been pain free for a year and a half. It sounded really daft but I think its fantastic. My skin peeled where I put to much but it wasn't painful. My brother soaked his feet in a bucket of water with apple cider vinegar added and he got relief too.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Pru (Medicine Hat) on 11/18/2013

I used a pair of socks and soaked them in apple cider vinegar and put bags on them for my heel spur.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Suzanneh (Newcastle, Australia ) on 10/10/2013

My family laughed at me when I told them I was going to try an apple cider vinegar wrap for my heel spur. The first morning, it did feel better, but didn't last for long only a few hours. The next day it felt better. The third day it felt heaps better. Not sure if I felt something perhaps break in the heal like the spur broke off. Anyway we are at the Bathurst racetrack now for the big race and I have been walking around a lot and it is good, so much better than before I tried it only a very small amount of pain now. Will do a few more treatments when we go back home.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 09/11/2011

I wrapped my feet with ACV soaked flannel overnight in a plastic gallon sized zip-lock bag on each foot. It gave me much relief. I wore Spenco orthotics ($40) in athletic shoes most of the summer. Target has some dress shoe orthotics that are clear and thinner (for when you are better) to wear with wedgies. My foot doctor recommended I wear wedge-heel shoes to support the arch.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Mary (Escanaba, Mi) on 06/24/2011

I am a foot reflexologist and I have been having pain in my heel from what I believe is a heel spur. I had been working on my feet and enduring the pain as I did not want to have cortizone injections. I started wrapping my heel with an ace bandage soaked in ACV. I also starting taking it orally 2 T daily as I have read many other benefits of ACV. Also, a huge plus, the wrap on my heel took away all the built up callus. I am going to wrap my other foot as well!

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Carol (Keller, Texas) on 06/07/2011

I don't know if I have a heel spur or planter fasia, but I read some of your remedies and I just tried organic apple cider vinegar by rubbing and massaging it on my heel and the side of my foot. It is so much better and I didn't have any problem walking when I first got out of bed this morning. I am in no pain and it feels great.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Ronald (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 01/25/2009

I have had a heel spur for about 4 years. Buying high quality shoes - a well known jogger brand but the black office type helped immensely but didn't get rid of the problem. The other day I went for a 9 KM run and the ankle flared up. I tried the wrap and it is working. Two days later there is almost no sign of it. I highly recommend the ACV wrap.

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Donna (Palm Coast, Florida) on 07/08/2008

Hi this cure is true, the doctor was going to do surgery, But I said NO I wanted to try something first and I did. I tried the apple cider vinger wrap first for about six every night at bedtime I put on the wrap and my heel spur is cured. Thanks alot and God Bless. Donna

Apple Cider Vinegar Wrap
Posted by Christian (Rowlett, TX) on 05/03/2006

Editor's Choice Apple Cider Vinegar cures heel spurs.

Instructions: Soak apple cider vinegar with a cloth and applied on your heel for 6-8 hrs. You can wrap it with a plastic bag around your heel while you sleep. You might need to repeat the process for several days.

Depending on how bad the heel spur, the process will take longer. If the pain is not relieved after doing this process for long period of time, then you might have a different problem and advised to see your doctor.
