Ease Heartburn Naturally: Top Home Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Patty (Suburban Philadelphia, PA USA) on 05/25/2009

I've suffered chronic heartburn for 8 years and finally got myself down to one OTC PPI every other day but that really was not enough.I had heard that PPI's are bad for the bones. I am a 54 y/o woman, so I just had to get off this stupid pill. I have tried and tried to get off the proton pump inhibitor but always had to go back. Well I am so glad I found this info! I got the organic made in USA apple cider vinegar. 2 TEAspoons in 8 oz. 3 times a day.A little honey makes it quite refreshing on a hot day. I have it first thing in the morning, around midday and before dinner. No heartburn and I can even enjoy my cup of coffee and a before dinner beer. wow! It's only day 3 but usually by this time I am chewing antacids like crazy. have not even had one! I told my gastro guy I was going to do this and he said go ahead, it won't hurt you. I can't wait to tell him i am cured!! (fingers crossed)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Patty (Suburban Philadelphia, PA USA) on 06/03/2009

Just a follow up on the ACV comments I made.. I had a great first 5 days on ACV then heartburn started to creep back in. I wes so disappointed. I took one heartburn pill one day, skipped a day and then heartburn OTC H2 blocker again. All the while taking the 2 teaspoons organic raw ACV 3 times a day. Now I've been 3 days without any medication, just the ACV and things seem to have settled down and I think my body is adapting. It is good! I'm guessing that heartburn could have been part of the "rebound" of long term PPI use. I'm being careful in my diet and will stick with the ACV.So if you are just starting on the regimen, do give it a chance and expect a few bad days as you adjust. Good luck everyone!

Posted by Sherry (Uniontown, Pennsylvania) on 05/23/2009

I tried a remedy for heartburn or gerd that I read on another website. Take 1 tsp. of yellow mustard followed by about a half glass of water and to my surprise.......immediate relief. I,ve been doing this for about 3 days now and I haven't had any heartburn. I really get it bad, too. I've gotten heartburn from a glass of water. I've been taking Prevacid for at least 10 years. I had to stop taking it because it interfered with a more important medication that I take. Doctor gave me Zantac instead. It does nothing so I decided to try mustard.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gage (Poland, Ny) on 05/10/2009

apple cider vinegar cured my heart burn! i swallowed 2 tablespoons and then the heart burn flared up so i was on the floor holding my chest then, bam, gone. i will never suffer from heart burn agin!

Apples, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lynn G (Columbia, Maryland, USA) on 04/17/2009

To Katherine from New York. Have you considered eliminating ALL gluten-containing foods (wheat, oatmeal, barley are the worst offenders) from your diet for at least six weeks as an experiment to see whether your condition improves? You can have gluten sensitivity that is "subclinical" in nature, that is, not full-blown celiac disease, which is an extremely debilitating condition that can cause substantial damage to your gastrointestinal tract. I found out that I have this sensitivity when I eliminated gluten from my diet about 20 months ago. I no longer have GERD (acid reflux) for which I took proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs for about 8 years.

To Elaine from Columbia, SC. Since your gastrointestinal upset is very recent (and sudden), you should investigate whether you have suffered some form of food poisoning or other insult to your diet. If your bloating symptoms don't resolve in two more weeks, you could consult a naturopathic doctor (ND) or another type of alternative medicine doctor who is well versed in issues of diet and knowledgeable about nutritional supplementation. Regarding urine color, be sure to drink enough water for your daily needs, but don't overdo it. Never drink a lot of fluid during or right after a meal--that dilutes your stomach acid and digestive enzymes too much, and you need these at peak concentration in order to digest your food properly.

Coral Calcium
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/23/2009 391 posts

Some people have intolerance of calcium by just 1/4 of a teaspoon one single dose. Some people who take even a small amounts coral calcium it made their conditions worse, although initially it did give them relief.

Apparently too much calcium causes some clumping of blood cells as calcium is one of the minerals, in excess helps the blood clots that may lead to some circulation problems of the heart, especially if the person has weakness. Most heartburn remedies I used tend to avoid this such as 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 1/4 teaspoon of potassium citrate, in 1/2 glass (if a person can't drink too much water) to 1 glass of water. That's taken twice a day. Sometimes a sharp pain can be possible whenever a blood clots and caused heart problems from consuming coral calcium, as in a sharp pains to the left upper arm, which is one sign of heart attack or possibility of a circulatory problems.

A magnesium on occasion also helps. In general, calcium alkalizes the blood, but it's often too slow for many people as calcium carbonate are converted to calcium bicarbonate, too slow and has poor bioavailability. Minerals if that's to be desired in a coral calcium, I believe I can get better minerals source from a dead sea salt, or and sea salt that's unprocessed. A deep sea salt, which has a better mineral comes from sea salt told to fish aquarium are also better as they have clearly labeled minerals in back of their packages. It takes about a week to get the heartburn to be reduced significantly, but I believe it's a fungal like organism and tends to worsen with more calcium. It's possible to actually extract most of the salt from a sea salt by adding some sodium carbonate to the sea salt solution of 20% by adding 1 tablespoon per 500 cc of 20% sea salt solution and precipitates the minerals to the bottom, for example, by waiting for a couple of hours, then decant the liquids, and wash this by not removing the precipitate about 4 times, and then take them directly. A simpler way is one cup of sea salt and added 4 cups of water, then add sodium carbonate until the pH becomes 9 or 10, or until no more additional precipitate forms. What you have here is calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, plus a minerals in the precipitate. If a carbonated water or soda water is added after the resultant precipitate that's wash, what you get is calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate, plus many minerals also. This is an alternative form of coral calcium without too much calcium as sea salt have a tendency to have more magnesium than a coral calcium. In any event, a magensium chloride or magnesium citrate might be more convenient of sea salt method of extraction is inconvenient. Or I can prepare a water with added sodium thiosulfate to dechlorinate the water, and then add a small pinch of fulvic acid, or in a one liter of water (dechlorinate) i might add 1/8 teaspoon of fulvic acid and then may consume 1/4 or 1/2 glass, one dose to get some minerals also. Certain minerals, as in chromium, vanadium, molybdenum for example is helpful in reducing the blood sugar and generally starve the fungal like organisms that causes heartburn as they are generally resistant to acid, and hence a mineral from sea salt or just sea salt plus some baking soda and potassium and some magnesium is a preferred method of ridding of heartburn. I don't get heartburn since I am practically been alkalizing all my life, most from baking soda, but I have modified the alkalizing remedies of the years.

I therefore have reservations of coral calcium, especially for certain people with other conditions such as lupus, allergy, morgellon's often make the conditions worse with the coral calcium. A sea salt such as 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in one liter of drinking water plus baking soda and potassium mentioned, twice a day is a preferred method and it helps to take some magnesium supplements as in 500 mg a day. If weakness is indicated from a heartburn, then a B complex if often taken to restore that. On the otherhand if a sharp pain from the condition then I might take baking soda with aspirin, where baking soda I have added is used to buffer the acidity of the aspirin to prevent blood clotting, but that's only if I have a sharp pain.

Therefore, the use of coral calcium is an individual decision and I can't say what is best but this is simply my experience from their use. I am sure everyone has different experience.


Posted by Pamela (Los Angeles, Ca. USA) on 03/04/2009

Mustard is the best for heartburn. i just had dental surgery and was under alot of medications which i believed were the cause of my heartburn. well i forgot that when i was pregnant it worked, too. just a 1/2 teaspoon always seems to help.

Saltine Crackers
Posted by Judy Parada (Abq, NM USA) on 03/01/2009

Hi everyone, and (CHAD from Rochester) try saltine crackers,sometimes I get heartburn in the middle of the night and I eat about 4 saltine crackers and my heartburn is gone within 5 minutes, my husband also, we never run out of crackers in this house and another item that works for my husband is the pickle juice. the doctor prescribed medicine for my husband for his heartburn years ago and they did not work, so I started him on crackers, he believes me now. Try the crackers Chad.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Alan (Orem, UT) on 02/28/2009

So, every once in a while, I get some bad heartburn. My diet was horrible, Wendies and McDonalds because its cheap. I have since started eating better and cut back on the caffeine and that has been what has cured the heartburn. I even eat spicy foods with no problem. Before, though, when I did get the heartburn so badly that I couldn't sleep, I told my dad about it and he suggested pickle juice. My friends scoff, but it really does the trick. We always have pickles in the fridge so I tried it. Never fails. Everytime I get heartburn, I use it and it works everytime. Milk doesn't work or water. sometimes bread does the trick but fills you up and then its back with in an hour or so. Just a couple of swallows of pickle juice and its gone. I promise.

Posted by Meg (Auckland, New Zealand) on 02/19/2009

Aloha, thanks for the great suggestions on here for heartburn. I tried the mustard and it worked really well.

I suspect the reason the mustard, ACV and baking soda are the ones that work well for people is this: When I attended Natural Med.School - we were told that when someone has heartburn it is not because they have too much acid - but not enough. So taking mustard or apple cider vinegar or baking soda (all acidic) for the stomach and calm it down which stops the feeling of acid in the ribs and up. Thanks.

Posted by Ece (Albany, Ca) on 11/16/2012

Baking soda is alkaline, not acidic. Baking soda provides some relief to some individuals because it reduces acidity in the stomach (it's an antacid).

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) when combined with acetic acid (vinegar) makes sodium acetate, carbon dioxide, and water. The sodium acetate provides some relief for heartburn as well. As the conjugate base of a weak acid, a solution of sodium acetate and acetic acid can act as a "buffer" which is a substance that maintains to keep a relatively constant pH. This is useful in the stomach b/c it can maintain the stomach's proper pH and acidic environment, so there is not too much and not too little acid.

This is what happens when you combine baking soda with ACV.

Posted by Corina (Victoria, Newfoundland) on 11/13/2008

I have been having heartburn daily for the past 2 years ..almost everything i eat ...and i thought i would try the net for a cure ? and here you are !! about half hour ago i took a spoonfull of mustard and i could not believe it less then 5 mins and my heartburn is gone !!! i just want to say thank you for having this site and for helping me with this heartburn !!!

Pine Needles
Posted by Duane (Pensacola, fl) on 11/10/2008

Chewing green pine needles stops heart burn alot better than tums.

Pine Needles
Posted by Lorraine (Charles Town, WV USA) on 11/12/2008

PLEASE remember that if there are pine trees in your yard and you choose to eat the needles for heartburn, WASH them. Pesticides and general residual debris could be a lot worse than heartburn!

Posted by Susan Hickman (Marion, Indiana) on 09/17/2008

my son had ate too much peper. had heartburn, we looked up cures. we read mustard and after five minutes it was gone, amazing he used one tablespoon.

Posted by Chris (Semmes, Alabama) on 01/20/2011

yes, plain old yellow mustard. I was at my brothers earlier this evening, and I asked him if he had any tums, and he said no, but try a half teaspoon of mustard. I did and within ten minutes, my heartburn was gone. I cant beleive it. Been having a lot of heartburn lately, no more tums. im sticking with the mustard.

Posted by Lemarque (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 01/22/2011

Hi Chris, you may like to try slippery elm bark to treat your heartburn. The mustard is effective, however it is only for symptomatic relief. Slippery Elm Bark is well-recognised as an effective treatment for simple reflux (Heartburn). You can continue to use the mustard for symtomatic relief as required but I think you will find that you need it less and less. Good Luck

Posted by Roderick Robinson (New Orleans, Louisiana) on 05/06/2008

mustard, one tablespoon of, can relieve from heartburn instantly AND acid reflux. i had a real bad case of heartburn one day so that i was holding my chest and a elderly woman ask whats wrong and i told her i had heart burn and she told about this remedy and it works for me. one tablespoon.

Posted by Danielle (Huber Heights , Ohio) on 02/09/2009

I'm pregnant and have been having horrible heartburn. I do not suggest the apples because that causes my heartburn. Real ones or juice.

Posted by Sharon (Lockport, IL) on 03/19/2008

Eating a handful of raw almonds stops GERD dead in its tracks. My daughter ate almonds throughout her pregnancy whenever heartburn hit. It worked for her also.

Posted by Veronica (San Antonio, Texas) on 02/21/2008

I noticed a couple of swallows of milk will always relieve my heartburn. I thought everyone knew that milk was good for burning sensations in the mouth and throat, but it seems that is not so. Milk also works much better then water on stopping the burning sensaton from hot sauce.

Posted by Becki (Washington, Indiana) on 12/11/2011

Throughout both of my pregnancies and afterwards, both dairy and non-dairy milk has always worked for me. During my menstral cycle, I notice that I become lactose intolerant. So, I will drink soy, almond, rice, and even coconut milk to soothe my heartburn. I find that when I drink the non-dairy milks it will take a lot more to soothe the burning than dairy milk. However, my favorite remedy is chocolate milk and dark chocolate almond milk. I suppose, it is because of the thickness it helps to ease off in a matter of seconds.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cheryl (San Juan, Trinidad) on 01/18/2008

I started using Coconut oil about three days ago for my heartburn.I did my own test by specifically eating the foods that causes me heartburn and to my amazement I can honestly say it really works!Next I am going to try it for weight loss and see how that works out.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by chris a (san antonio, texas) on 01/04/2008

Hi just writing to let you all know that that I was looking for a remedy for Hep c and stumbled across H202. And ACV for high cholestrol. well i have been taking H2o2 as directed with a dropper. And i have noticed that this product cleared an annoying cough. The ACV helped out with the bad heartburn that i had. When the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob made this world he made it perfect. Praise the lord for the natural remedies that he has made. CGA, Sa,Tex

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