Effective Natural Headache Remedies: Holistic Relief

Posted by Lisa (Coto de Caza, CA) on 03/29/2009

For 15 years I had daily chronic headaches with an occasional migraine. I saw many DR's and "headache specialists". Most wanted to put me on anti-seisure meds with horrible side effects. At one point, I was on mobic(prescription pain killer) and muscle relaxants, and sometimes the very popular anti-migraine meds.

I found a "alternative medicine" center in So. Cal. who put me on a Myers' Cocktail IV with additional Magnesium. Within a few days of the IV magnesium, my headaches are gone. It's such a relief! Unfortunaltly, I have to do an IV about once a month or they come back. One side effect is that I'm very relaxed and a little sleepy afterwards. Note: I've taken LOTS of magnesium pills with no help, and have cut out all MSG and other triggers.

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by Amber (Portland, Oregon) on 03/27/2009

I've been using Hyland's homeopathic Headache remedy for the past year, and it's worked wonders on almost every headache I've had in that time. I will be pursuing even more simplistic remedies for headaches as well as prevention that I see listed on this site, but I believe that Homeopathics are natural and 'folk' remedies for the most part. They are a useful compliment to herbs, vitamins, and other natural healing methods. And they are also very convenient to take in a purse or when traveling.

White Willow Bark
Posted by Amber (Portland, Oregon) on 03/27/2009

White Willow Bark helped immensely when years ago I was getting intensely-amazing headaches, each afternoon, which I could not get rid of with even the strongest otc med: exedrin, and most certainly there was no end in sight. I was using so many otc headach pills that I developed gastrointestinal bleeding. This was the first time I consulted a health food store owner for natural remedies, and successfully was cured. She suggested White Willow Bark, and peppermint tea. The WWB didn't work immediately, but I believe within a few days that my headaches absolutely vanished, and never came back, at least in those circumstances.

Posted by Amber (Portland, Oregon) on 03/27/2009

This one is so simple, I often forget how well it works. I too, have had success with drinking lots of water upon getting a headache. I've also used it for general aches in the body, or stomachaches. I got the idea after reading about 'The Water Cure' which generally stated that almost any ailment can be helped by drinking lots and lots of water. So far when I've remembered to try this, it has worked.

I've also had some successes with doing just a little bit (5-10 minutes or so) of cardio exercise for getting rid of headaches, although it sure isn't tempting to do it when the pain is on! But you would be surprised. Do not, however, attempt this if you believe you may be coming down with a cold or other illness; in that case, let your body rest.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Sara (Aurora, CO) on 02/25/2009

Cayenne pepper in hot water for headache: I was reading through here because I had a sinus headache from the day before and nothing was helping. I gulped 1/8 of a tsp of Cayenne Peppe r(wasn't brave enough to sniff it up my nose ;D) in hot water, then I swished with cold water and swallowed that too. Took a couple of very deep breaths.(not too hard to do when your mouth is on fire.) And the headache is gone less than 2 minutes later. Even the ache-y-ness in my body is gone!

I <3 Earth Clinic!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Jenna (Austin, TX) on 01/19/2009

I tried cayenne pepper on the tip of my toungue and it worked immediately. I used just a pinch, let it stay there for about 30 seconds (yes, it burns a bit) and then swallowed it with a large glass of water. No more headache. Thank you Veronica!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Veronica (Lubbock, Texas) on 01/05/2009

I frequently have headaches and migraines and was complaining at work one day about how nothing works and a coworker suggested that I try cayenne pepper on the tip of my tongue. Her grandfather swore by it and she agreed it worked. Well, today was the moment of truth. I woke up with a headache and reached for a pinch of cayenne to put at the tip of my tongue. Since it is a pepper it does burn a bit, but within minutes my headache was gone. I'm a believer!

Posted by June (KC, KS) on 09/07/2008

Almost without exception, if I have a headache and drink a couple large glasses of water it will get rid of my headache. Why? Because the extra water helps eliminate toxins in the bowels! I have been doing this for years and I rarely get headaches. If I do, I drink as much water as I need to go #2 and I almost always get instant relief. A naturepath friend of mine used to say: If you've got problems with your head, start with your tail! I believe in almost every instance headaches are caused from toxic buildup. At work I see many people gulping down otc pain meds when really they are just dehydrated and suffering from toxic overload!

Posted by Kari (Murfreesboro, Tenn) on 09/03/2008

I decided to take some Turemic followed by a glass of water to help with my joint paints. When I took it I had a headache and later was going to take some pills for that. Within 30 minutes I realized my headache was gone! I have NEVER had that to happen so fast before. I was amazed. From now on when I have headaches I am going to start taking Turemic. I put about one tablespoon and a little bit of water in it. Mixed really good and drank it really fast. Still am so very amazed that I took that for something else and it helped with my headache and cured it. I highly recommend TURMERIC for headaches to see if it helps any.

Posted by Derek (Fort Worth, Tx) on 07/24/2008

Acupressure helped cure my severe headaches. I have been having severe headaches for about a week now and was tired of medicating myself with Tylenol, Alleve, etc. I remembered I saw an email passed around that listed natural cures for things. I searched the internet and found this website. Once there, I looked up headaches remedies and found the one that mentions having someone squeeze or put pressure in the space between your thumb and index finger for about 5 minutes. It was late at night so I just did it myself and was amazed that in 5 minutes I was completely pain free. I dont know how and I dont know why it worked, but I'm certainly not complaining! Give it a try. Good Luck!!

Posted by Stefanie (Minden, Louisiana) on 07/17/2008

I found this remedy when I was looking for herbal remedies for my daily headaches. I found 5-HTP. According to the article,some of the things it helped with are insomnia, headaches, anxiety & depression. I thought could it be? I immediately went to my husband to show him what I had found because he had problems sleeping at night as well. We went a few days later to our local drug store and picked up a bottle of 50mg. 5-HTP. We had decided on the lowest dosage available in our area, upping the dosage as we went along if it was necessary. We have only been on it for a few days now but there is a very noticeable difference. We both have been sleeping through the night and feeling more refreshed when we wake. My anxiety attacks are gone as well as my headaches. We both are much less snappish than what we were before. We haven't noticed any side effects so far. We are taking them with a meal or a small snack and so far we have stayed at 50mg. Thanks for the very useful information that lead to this discovery!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Angel (Sinking spring, Pa) on 07/08/2008

I immediately got a headache which turned to a migraine after I left the dentists office today. When I got home I had to lay on the couch with ice which normally helps a little but I still felt like I was going to throw up it was bad and I had to make dinner for everyone. So I tried the cayenne pepper and I am really shocked at how much it relieved the pain. It made me sneeze alot and it burns a bit but my head isnt throbbing like it was. Its amazing!!!! I love this site!!! Thank you earth clinic!!!

Latex Pillow
Posted by Stella (USA) on 06/21/2008

re: Stiff Neck and Headaches. If you have a constant issue with bad pillows as I have had then a Latex Pillow may be the answer.I have invested so much money in bad pillows. I've tried all makes and models, then I finally bought 100% latex pillow. Wow! it's a dream come true, It's not too high, not too low, It's very cushy and doesn't bottom out, which means no more stiff necks and morning headaches. I never cared for memory foam, but I love latex.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Diane (Magnolia Springs, Alabama) on 06/01/2008

June 1, 2008, for a living I deliver mail as a Rural Carrier in a right hand jeep. In Baldwin County along the Gulf Coast, the roads here are dirt or red clay probably about 4 to 5 miles on my route. During the dry months, the dirt covers the vehicles inside and out and of course your hair, body and you breathe in the dirt particles in your nose and mouth. I would suffer with horrible headaches in the evenings and morning until I discovered Nitty (rinsing your nose with water and small drops of hydrogen peroxide) it's wonderful at removing the dirt and pollen that gets trapped inside your sinus cavity. I do this immediately when I get home and no headaches.

Lavender Oil
Posted by Sonia (Los Angeles) on 08/25/2006

Lavender oil cures migraines and headaches. I use essential lavender oil under my nose so I can smell and breath it in. The smell clears your nasal passages and it much easier to fall asleep. I also use an ice pack over whichever side of the forehead I have the migraine. I fall asleep easily and the headache subsides.

Cold Showers
Posted by SP (NYC) on 09/11/2006

Cold water shower is simply amazing. I tried it today after reading the comments here. First few minutes I was shivering to death. I actually thought of turning the hot water. But I then after few minutes my body temperature got well adjusted to the cold water. It felt so good. I went in with a headache and came out so fresh and renewed. Thanks!

Lemons or Limes With Salt and Pepper
Posted by Ed (Santa Clarita, CA) on 02/04/2008

Lemons or Limes with Salt and Pepper" remedy for headaches. My wife gets headaches and often, and we have concluded that she gets 2 types of headaches, one caused by her neck/back injury and the other cause is unknown. When the headache is caused by her neck/back, the pain begins in her neck/back and eventually spreads to her head. Usually from sleeping in a poor position, or being at the computer too long, and sometimes it just seems to start for no reason. The only remedy we have found for headaches that begin from the neck/back is painkillers and ice packs on the forehead/temples, which doesn't work very well.

However, sometimes she gets headaches that do not begin from the neck/back, and we have tried the heated lemon with salt and pepper remedy, and it has worked. 4 our of the last 6 headaches did not begin from the neck/back, and it cleared up those 4 within a matter of 5-20 minutes. She has never had a headache last only 20 minutes in the last 7 years, usually they last 12-36 hours, so we know the lemon was the remedy. The other 2 headaches that it didn't work for had began in the neck/back. So I would say that so far it has worked 100% of the time for her headaches that did not begin from the neck/back injury.

She tried the apple cider vinegar, but it didn't work for her headaches. But we now take it daily for all the other potential health benefits.

Thanks earthclinic!

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