Effective Natural Headache Remedies: Holistic Relief

Posted by Courtney (Texas) on 09/22/2015

I was having these dull headaches for months and pain relievers did not work well. Day after day I'd have a slight headache. I read about sungazing by accident and decided to try it. The first time I tried it I kept my eyes closed in the early morning. Almost immediately I felt this warmth enter my eyes and wash over my brain relieving the headache.

The ecstasy of having a slight headache disappear after months was wonderful. My mood improved and my energy increased as well as my physical strength. Thankfully I've never had glasses but both my parents did at my age and I have slightly better than 20/20 vision. I gaze for about 2 minutes with my eyes open now, but I do skip days if I'm busy. I think everyone should do research into this and consider trying it safely.

Ice Packs
Posted by Anonymous (Ohio) on 09/07/2015

For headaches:

Pure and simple use a ice pack or get a freezer bag and fill is with ice apply to temple or where the headache is head will feel like its freezing remove a few min. and the put back on for half to whole hour.

Drink a little warm green tea in conjunction with this. Hope it helps.

Raw Potatoes
Posted by Yadi (Nj) on 06/22/2015

It actually works. My mom used to do it all the time for me when I suffered from severe migraines.

White Willow Bark
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 03/20/2015

Dear Mary,

I have used White Willow Bark over the years on and off. No one in my family has ever had a side effect. But of course, that does not mean there are no side effects. Everyone is different. Some cautions that I read about in my Herb reference books are the following:

Mark Penderson, author of Nutritional Herbology, reports of at least one instance of someone finding it to be too harsh for his stomach. At the same time, Philip Fritchey, in Practical Herbalism, explains why it is gentler on the stomach than aspirin.

Philip Fritchie, in his book, Practical Herbalism, cautions that anyone with an aspirin allergy should probably avoid White Willow because it contains Salicin, which is the precursor to acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin.)

Because of the risk of Reye's disease, aspirin is not recommended for children with the flu or chicken pox. For that reason, it may be wise to not give children white willow any time aspirin would not be recommended.

I would tend to think that because aspirin thins the blood and should not be taken prior to surgery, white willow could have the same effect. But I do not find any information that says it does. In fact, Philip Fritchey, in his book, Practical Herbalism, lists it as a remedy for internal bleeding. But I would tend to err on the side of caution and not use it a couple of weeks prior to surgery.

I hope all of that does not sound scary or intimidating. White Willow is considered very safe, and we have found it to be so. Humbart Santillo, author of Natural Healing with Herbs, offers no cautions in his description of White Willow.

~Mama to Many~

White Willow Bark
Posted by Mary (Clemmons, Nc) on 03/20/2015 10 posts

Hi, I'm trying to get some information about white willow bark supplements. I had read a comment somewhere on EC that this remedy had a negative side effect but I can't remember what it specifically said. I was wondering if you could lead me to some idea about it for my own information.

I love your website and haven't contributed anything yet but have spent hours reading various pages. It's a wonderful site for people to use. Thank you so much! Mary

Avoid Gluten
Posted by Jon (Australia) on 03/03/2015

Getting rid of Gluten from our diet stopped the recurring headaches. If some gluten is ingested the headache comes back. Try it for youself by going gluten-free for 2 weeks.

Posted by David (Arizona) on 01/26/2015

Gatorade contains electrolytes (salt and minerals) which restore your body's natural balance. Unfortunately, Gatorade also contains colorants. preservatives and low quality sugars or sugar substitutes that counter good health. Look up "homemade sports drink" and learn how you can make your own, healthy version of the shyte that is Gatorade (a pinch of baking soda, a pinch of Himalayan or sea salt and some fresh squeezed juice).

Breathing Technique
Posted by Vve (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/03/2014

It worked!! Thank you SO much!!!

Posted by Sam (Miami, US) on 06/21/2014

Thank you for sharing Harriet.Sorry you and your daughter had to go through this nightmare.She might out grow her headaches eventually.Sometimes body just restores its balance on its own. At her age I had something similar so I understand the agony.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Sam (Miami, US) on 06/21/2014

Re: Oil of Oregano for Headache: One should always dilute a therapeutic grade essential oil.The ratio is usually on the bottle.

Breathing Technique
Posted by Shannon (Toronto, On) on 12/19/2013

Last night I was looking at a book I have about yoga and how specific poses/techniques can help with all sorts of issues such as infertility, depression and anxiety, back pain, low-libido, lack of confidence etc. I came across a breathing technique that claims to help with headaches and migraines. I happened to be reading this right before bed, and lo and behold I had a splitting tension headache in my left temple as soon as the lights went out. I was too tired/un-motivated to get out of bed to search for a pain-killer, so I decided I'd give little technique a shot. Well it worked! As soon as I was done the breathing exercise my headache had vanished and I felt more relaxed and ready to ease off to sleep. If you search online there are many different variations to the breathing technique, but this is what helped me:

- Cover your eyes with both hands and breathe very slowly/deeply for 5 breaths. In through nostrils and out through mouth, and concentrate on breathing.

- Next cover mouth with a hand, and breath deeply in and out through nostrils for five long breaths.

- Next cover your ears and do the same, in through the nose and out through the mouth for 5 breaths, always concentrating and breathing.

- Then move on to alternate nostril breathing. Block one nostril and breathe in with the other and out through the mouth for 5 breaths, and then switch sides.

I also did this in the comfort of my own bed with the lights off. When I was done headache was gone and I quickly dozed off to sleep.

Hope this helps someone else!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Tiffany (Berkeley, Ca) on 10/17/2013

I was suffering from a headache that wouldn't go away. Probably got the headache from eating too much honey. Anyway, I read about cayenne pepper on this website for head and ear pain. I took 1/2 tsp pepper in 1/2 cup of milk; head pain went away in 15 minutes. I did this again the next morning and it worked! I plan on continuing this treatment once a day to clear my throbbing ear which I suspect is a blocked eustachian tube. Will update as I see improvements.

Blackstrap Molasses, Salt Water
Posted by Mama To Many (Middle, Tennessee, Usa) on 06/22/2013

Yesterday my 12 year old son took a 12 mile bike ride in the heat of the afternoon. He was careful to drink a lot of water. However, he started to get a headache in the evening and it soon became severe. He is very healthy and never has headaches and is not a complainer. But he was literally in tears from the pain and got in bed with the light off. I know that dehydration is one of many causes of headaches and it seemed the most likely for him. But I knew he wasn't actually dehydrated as he had taken in a lot of water. But I was suspecting that he had sweated out minerals and such and while the H2O had been replaced, those had not. So, I gave him a Tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses (for the potassium, magnesium, and calcium) and a glass of salt water. (I put about 1/4-1/3 of a teaspoon of Celtic Sea Salt in about 10 oz. of water. He didn't actually finish his water but drank a good bit of it. ) I offered him some Tylenol but he doesn't like to take anything that isn't natural, so he declined. About an hour later he got out of bed and said his headache was basically gone! Thank the Lord for such simple, cheap and amazingly helpful natural remedies!

~Mama to Many~

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Art (Vancouver Bc, Canada) on 02/07/2013

Dear Mindy. We are our own worst enemy when trying to self medicate. We all make mistakes and learn from them. I usually put some Vicks Ointment on the headache and rub it in. I find it works well and can be washed off in the morning.


Posted by Mindy (Temple, Pennsylvania, United States) on 02/07/2013

Often if I have a headache, I'll pour a generous amount of lemon juice on a paper towel and dab it or lay it on my forehead. I don't know why, but this usually helps lessen the headache or make it go away completely!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Mindy (Temple, Pennsylvania, United States) on 02/07/2013

After having the worst headache ever, I tried doing a shot of cayenne pepper and water, well that was a BIG mistake! I've done shots of cayenne before (with garlic and lemon for colds) and it usually helped, but this time it burned so bad and I was coughing so much that my headache got WORSE! Maybe works for some, but just beware, I will not make that mistake again! :(

Raw Potatoes
Posted by Jan (Liverpool, England) on 12/18/2012

We used to put potato cut in slices on your forehead. That's a mediterranean tradition.

Posted by Fayefaye (Portland, Maine) on 12/08/2012

From what I understand it's dehydration. Gatorade helps me too with dehydration headaches. Gatorade is filled with electrolytes wich help the body rehydrate! Good one! I've had a headache now for three days and I know I've been dehydrated and forgot about the wonders of electrolytes! Coconut water is a great natural alternative.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by James As Cmmonly Called ;-) (Rugby, Warks) on 11/18/2012

Honestly, Bonnie with the pepper up the nose and cupboard ACTUALLY had me crying with laughter :-D

Raw Potatoes
Posted by Nare (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/05/2012

This is SO funny because my mom told me this same remedy and I thought "momma you crazy! " but it works :D

Oregano Oil
Posted by Catscradle123 (Shanghai, China) on 10/11/2012

Had a massive migraine/ headache all day yesterday. I drank 8 oz with 2 tbsp of ACV and it didnt help. I thought I was dehydrated so I drank a ton of water and coconut water too. Nothing worked! I decided to massage the oil of oregano onto my temples and placed a drop of it under my tongue. It was like magic!! Gone in a few minutes!! Thank you so much for your recommendation!!

Posted by Carmel (London, England) on 10/02/2012

Maybe the reason the apple helped is because it is one of the main carriers of quercetin, which helps to stop inflammation and inflammation is often the cause of headaches. Other foods which help a lot with inflammation are onions - red are best - blackberries - brocolli, cranberry juice, spinach, cherry tomatoes (they are better because it is ther skins that help) lettuce. Red vein leaves, sweet potato, citrus fruits, grapes (black are best), oats, whole grains and seeds. Headaches can be caused by inflammation and it can be temporal arteritis adn many people mistake it for sinusitis. I kept taking steroids and anti biotics for headaches which I was told and assumed were caused by sinusitis yet whenever I stopped taking the steroids it was just as bad as before. I now have changed my diet and I also take herbs etc to help with the inflammation. Apart from the headaches it can cause confusion, bad memory (after all it is about blood flow around the brain) and if it gets really bad and is not treated it can cause a stroke.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Jparadiseoneluv (Decatur, Ga, United States) on 09/27/2012

LMAO!!!! Classic! It works for me. I swear by the stuff. I drink it in water 3 times a day. For a headache I mix one half teaspoon neem powder, one teaspoon moringa powder and a quarter teaspoon organic cayenne in about three ounces of water. Drink staright down then sip water afterwards to dilute in your belly. The neem brings down your blood sugar and blood pressure as the moringa and cayenne also do. I love it!

Posted by Merrin (Perth, Western Australia) on 06/27/2012

Over the past ten years I have suffered weekly headaches from stress/work/computer usage and used paracetamol, aspirin or codeine regularly. Over the past six weeks I have stopped headaches using acupressure. Pinching the webbing between thumb and index finger works for me.

Feet in Hot Water
Posted by Kelsie (Pickering, On, Canada) on 05/09/2012

Hello, Woke up with a terrible headache this morning. Checked the EC site for some ideas and came across the 'Feet in hot water' post. Took my normal dose of ACV (1-2 tsp in Apple Juice), and then ran the bath and soaked my feet for about 5 minutes. My headache is not completely gone, but its much, much better and is still continuing to go away!

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Alia (Queens, Ny) on 03/24/2012

I got this remedy from my sister, who carries all her essential oils in a little baggie for use on her daughters.

I rub a few drops on my forehead, temples, nostrils, and the nape of my neck. If I don't feel better in 10-15 minutes, I repeat. Works like a charm every time.

Eliminate Msg
Posted by Mary (St. Petersburg, Florida, USA) on 02/23/2012

Hi Everyone, Last week I wrote in complaining of throbbing headaches and received very helpful responses. The first thing I did was remove MSG from my diet and the headaches ceased literally overnight. I am here to report that I am still HEADACHE FREE.

I went through my kitchen and cleaned out the canned/processed/added-chemical food items. I started shopping at stores where they maintain a meat department that offers fresh items, especially chicken. Frozen chicken has "broth" added. I found that there are very few canned items that are acceptable and without added chemical components. There is even added stuff in the simplest items like cream for the coffee. Why does simple cream need anything added? Did you know that it is illegal to sell "raw" milk or cream here in Florida? So unless you own a cow or goat you have to take what they sell in the stores.

One responder suggested considering an alkaline diet. I find that eliminating processed food items and switching to fresh makes great strides toward alkaline without really trying very hard. I still need to get some pH test strips and see how I am doing.

A big plus for alkalizing and eliminating MSG is that I eat less. I know the MSG makes you crave a particular food and we know MSG is in almost everything. That makes you crave almost everything. I have often wondered why, as a grown adult person, I could not control my food cravings. I thought something was wrong with me. I'm sure others have felt this way too. These last few days of being chemical free have been a real eye opener for me. Grown adult people are well able to control their food habits when they are not being influenced by brain-chemistry altering substances.

OK, and now the bonus points. I am sleeping better. I have been able to go to sleep at night and stay in the bed. That is not my usual. In the past I would always toss and turn, get up and down. Prowl around the house because I couldn't sleep, etc. Etc.. On and on. It is wonderful to be able to lay down and sleep peacefully.

Thanks again to all who responded to my questions.


Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Susana (Creston, North Carolina) on 02/10/2012

I'm laughing so hard I have tears running down my face, almost as severe as when I snort cayenne pepper!!! Yes, thanks for the belly laugh--what a great remedy for a headache! I find the cayenne pepper brings temporary relief only. I have concluded that my sinus headaches are about irritation and believe that practicing mindfulness about life's irritations help me reduce the number and severity of these irritations. What did help recently was applying a few drops of peppermint oil to a tissue and relaxing while breathing it for the hours it took for the headache to finally go away.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Monica (Twinlake, Mi) on 11/14/2011

I'm just reading along... Then bam... That post was hilarious!! ... I must say... But sorry that happened- lol.

Posted by Kelly (San Francisco, Ca) on 11/02/2011

I've found that pressure helps, too, actually in conjunction with hot and cold packs.

Headache Triggers - Barometric Pressure
Posted by Susana (Creston, North Carolina) on 10/28/2011

I get frequent headaches/nausea and I am beginning to wonder if they are triggered by barometric pressure changes, as I live in the mountains of NC where weather changes a lot. Can anyone address this and what might help me with this sensitivity?

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Kathlee (Vancouver, Canada) on 10/23/2011

My gosh! That's the best laugh I've had in a long time! (I'm sorry to laugh at your calamity but you did put a smile on my face. Thank you! Hugs

Breathing Technique
Posted by Mark (Melbourne, Australia) on 10/21/2011

Sometimes solutions can be so simple. All you may need to do to relieve this may be to cup your hand gently over your nose and mouth and breathe gentle slow breaths for a few minutes... If this works you are habitually but mildly hyperventilating. Other times it could be a matter of drinking more water.

Posted by Blindedbyscience (Asheville, Nc) on 09/11/2011

I took 50mg twice so far when I had a headache with amazing fast relief. The first time it went away so easily that I thought it was a coincidence. I took another 50mg last night after taking 50mg earlier for the headache for sleep and and I didn't have any problem falling back to sleep when awakened during the night. Also I recently went vegan after being lactovegetarian for 31yrs and I think the 5 htp gave me a sense of relaxation kinda like dairy does.

Posted by Nik (Visalia, Ca) on 06/15/2011

this helps because it releases dopamines in your head that is a natural cure for headaches.

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