Effective Natural Headache Remedies: Holistic Relief

Oregano Oil
Posted by Hlw (Philadelphia, Pa) on 03/06/2010


Wild oil of oregano... because the oils generally come with a dropper, you only need a very small amount dropped on your finger; rubbed into temple and base of neck for severe headaches. less than 10 minutes the pain is gone. oftentimes the pain radiates from the trapesius muscle-- a dab of the oil of oregano won't hurt. gently massage into muscle, then apply pressure. keep away from the eyes. not for the faint of heart: 1/2 dropper full under the tongue will kill any pain. or a small amount dropped onto finger and rubbed on the gums will relieve a toothache.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Tricia (Ireland) on 01/28/2010 84 posts


Deirdre - how about a page for the funniest posts. I'd definitely nominate this one along with ouchy mcnumbface for earache and BC boy from smithers for canker sore. I often go back to those two when I've had a bad day. Wonder if they aren't the same person.

EC: Yes, great idea, thanks!!  Perhaps a new remedy page called "Laughing Remedies". I would also nominate the stress test, which I go to when I need a good laugh and a few Youtube videos.


Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Valerie (New York) on 11/15/2022 2 posts

People, You're not supposed to SNORT Cayenne! Always read many cure experiences to learn things like what type, how much, & how often something is recommended. They are generally talking about professional strength cayenne like the type that comes in 1oz glass bottles with a glass dropper type lid that you can buy in a health food store, tincture section. You use with great caution as it's a very hot substance. Try less first.

I just put a drop or two on the tip of my tongue a little too long, washed it down with my very diluted cayenne water and was looking for something to cool the burn and a tablespoon of coconut oil worked fairly well. 15 minutes later the headache is dissipating.

Posted by Caleb (Humboldt , Ca, Usa) on 07/15/2010

Just make sure you don't take your daily Vitamin with the 5HTP (take the 5HTP with dinner) because the 5HTP will metabolize with your vitamin and go into your blood stream, you want it to go to your brain. It increases the serotonin levels, hence the popularity between 5HTP and users of club drugs such as MDMA or Amphetamines. Thanks for your time, good luck with your headaches. ~ Caleb

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Diane (Magnolia Springs, Alabama) on 06/01/2008

June 1, 2008, for a living I deliver mail as a Rural Carrier in a right hand jeep. In Baldwin County along the Gulf Coast, the roads here are dirt or red clay probably about 4 to 5 miles on my route. During the dry months, the dirt covers the vehicles inside and out and of course your hair, body and you breathe in the dirt particles in your nose and mouth. I would suffer with horrible headaches in the evenings and morning until I discovered Nitty (rinsing your nose with water and small drops of hydrogen peroxide) it's wonderful at removing the dirt and pollen that gets trapped inside your sinus cavity. I do this immediately when I get home and no headaches.

Avoid Hidden Msg in Food
Posted by JOYCE (Joelton, Tn) on 10/10/2007 495 posts

...Again, on headaches, remove the cause, instead of looking for a cure. Aspartame (Nutrisweet) is well known for causing headaches. So is Monosodiumglutamate. If you want to find some other things they can cause, type in Excitotoxins, and hit search. For those who think MSG is only found in stir-fried (Chinese foods), make a list of the names MSG is hidden under in the ingredients list, then go into your kitchen and see how many of your foods have one or more of them listed in the ingredients.

Classic example is the 15% chicken broth that may be contained in a well-known brand of raw chicken that you must take home and cook...The MSG isn't mentioned because they didn't add MSG - they added chicken broth which contained the MSG.....Learn to protect yourself and your loved ones by learning these legal loop-holes. Oh, yes, you will also learn that that they are named excitotoxins because they excite the neural cells (Brain & Central nervous system) to death.

If you also research meta-bolic syndrome X (now called insulin resistance) by orthodox medicine) you will also find that excitotoxins are the same things that cause insulin resistance which ends up as full fledged Diabetes Mellitus,Type 2 which used to be called DM, adult onset, but was renamed to DM type 1 for juvenile onset and type 2 for adult onset, because children (even toddlers, are now developing type 2. So be your own health defender by learning all the names the excitotoxins are hidden under, stop buying these products, and write the supplier telling them why you aren't buying their product. You will only have to make one list because the excitotoxins are the same ones that makes us kick out excess insulin, proceed through insulin resistance, then to full fledged DM, type 2 and all of its complications.

Posted by Jhon (Defo WI) on 10/19/2006

When i was little, i used to get a headache every single day, i hated it. my mom didn't want to give my tylenol every day cause it was bad for you, so she used this remedy: If you have a headache or have one coming on, find a person who will squeeze between your thumb and index finger. Do this for about 5 minutes. It is going to hurt but it makes the pain go away

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Gin (Fort Wayne, IN) on 07/14/2023

I tried ACV and cayenne in 3 oz of water but didn't see much improvement. I tried acupressure but still the headache persisted. What helped the most was the peppermint oil. Thanks EC Community.

Posted by Sandy (Il) on 01/19/2021

I so agree about water for headaches. Any pain goes away when you drink at least two big glasses on warm to bearable hot water.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne
Posted by Lorik24 (Orange County NY) on 09/25/2019

After years of suffering with (what I thought were mild migraines) severe headaches, I discovered a ‘fix' for myself after looking on Earth Clinic for help with a sore throat. Apple cider vinegar in a cup with a teeny pinch of cayenne powder or chili powder (depending on what you may have in your cabinet). I was going to gargle with this mixture to help rid myself of an on coming sore throat. Once I got the cup close enough to put it in my mouth, I naturally took a small breath. THAT did the trick!!! Just inhaling that mixture cleared my sinuses so much that I didn't have any type of headaches for several years. Prior to this I was taking 6-10 extra strength Excedrin per day (which didn't actually get rid of my head aches, it just dulled them). I fully stand behind this method for both sinus headaches AND gargling to help alleviate sore throats. God Bless Earth Clinic!!!

Posted by Keiko (London) on 04/20/2021

Thank you for the remedy posting! I had horrible headaches behind my right ear. This helped reduction of pain.
God sent

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Tiffany (Berkeley, Ca) on 10/17/2013

I was suffering from a headache that wouldn't go away. Probably got the headache from eating too much honey. Anyway, I read about cayenne pepper on this website for head and ear pain. I took 1/2 tsp pepper in 1/2 cup of milk; head pain went away in 15 minutes. I did this again the next morning and it worked! I plan on continuing this treatment once a day to clear my throbbing ear which I suspect is a blocked eustachian tube. Will update as I see improvements.

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Hope (Sacramento, California) on 06/07/2011

I get what are called "ice pick" headaches several times a year and they are very hard to deal with.

After trying several things with no luck (zapping, eft, theta healing), I finally woke up and looked on Earthclinic. I used the suggestion of putting a small amount of cayenne papper on the tip of the tongue, waiting about 30 seconds, and then drinking 12 or so ounces of pure cool water.

It worked like a charm and a few hours later a very slight headache reappeared, but I did the cayenne again and it stopped the pain immediately!

Peppermint Oil
Posted by Sgbellaragazza (Providence, Ri) on 09/25/2010

I agree peppermint oil works wonders. I have also drank peppermint tea as well, which also seemed to work well.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Jillaroo (North Carolina) on 12/17/2018 88 posts

I've had a smashing headache for the last 3 days (dec 17) and a headache since Nov 25. I believe it is from a BP med the doc was having me try out. I stopped the med this morning but still had a headache. I tried this oregano oil behind my ears, on my temples, a little under my nose and one drop under the tongue. I also soaked my feet in hot water for about 15 min. The headache is very mild and is slowly going away. And yes, I stopped the BP med as well. ~jill

Posted by Harriet (Federal Way, Wa, Usa) on 08/21/2009

This is for someone who may have tried EVERYTHING. My daughter had a 2 1/2 year long headache. She lost ages 11 1/2 - 14 because of constant pain. And I do mean constant. It NEVER STOPPED OR ABATED. The headache would be a 3-4 on the pain scale ALL THE TIME but would 'spike' several times daily to 7-8-9. We had CT & MRI which showed nothing.

Believing in alternative care we had her seen and treated by two chiropractors, one being our regular who knew this child's body well, a cranio-sacral massage therapist, theraputic massage, acupunture, and in addition was seen by her own GP, 2 neurologists, was given drugs that did not work: for blood pressure control (hers was fine, but they were throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what would stick), muscle relaxers, vasoconstrictors, migraine meds, OTC remedies, hot packs, cold packs, had her eyes checked, had her dentist look at her, consulted with her orthodontist, had Hashimoto's diagnosed and treated by a specialist, even went through the biofeedback program at Seattle's Children's Hospital. NOTHING worked. She dispaired for her life and we found that she was cutting to relieve the pain.

Thankfully we homeschool and she wasn't under stress of public school's rigid structure. One school year she did nothing more than read 8 books and turn in book reports to me. Yet her year end SAT (require testing) were above average and she isn't an 'A' student!

We didn't do food allergies as we saw no correlation there. After Thanksgiving when she was 13 1/2 the headache level went to an 8-9 all the time with spikes of 10 (or 12 as she put it!). She began throwing up. Over the next 2 weeks she had an urgent care visit with some sort of injected pain killer that didn't help at all. Then an ER visit that helped marginally. During that 2 weeks she ate little, drank little and slept even less as the nausea was everpresent. At the end of that 2 weeks, and on the eve of our final conference with the biofeedback doctor she began throwing up again. She couldn't stop and after a sip of water would egress more than she ingested.

We were so pleased with Children's Hospital's ER staff. She was attended by 4 neurologists including the dept head and was eventually admitted. Morphine did not help; Dilauded helped marginally. She was nearly dilusional by this time, terribly hungry, dehydrated and sleep deprived. It took 4 days of IV Zolfran to calm the nausea to where she could take her thyroid meds and not barf them up.

After about 3 days of constant flow of neurologists, p-shrinks, etc, they came to a diagnosis: "Chronic non-progressive headache w/o migraine". I thought it was a garbage can diagnosis. But they told us they were going to try the anti-depressant "Amitriptyline" with a low dose as they'd found that it raised Serotonin levels in some patients and alleviated the headaches. We even had a neurologist asked us if we'd investigated food allergies and when we said 'no' he retorted "Good! You wouldn't have found anything!"

After 6 1/2 days in the hospital she was released and found that this prescription began to work. Within 4 months her pain was down to a 1 or 2 on the pain scale. They upped the dose slightly and she began living with NO pain. Two days of not getting to the pharmacy for a refill, however, produced the 7-8 pain again for a whole week!

After about 16 months of faithful use she was able to wean off and for 5 months now has had no recurring headaches.

So, yes, this site is about alternative methods, which we tried. But the remedy for this was rather obscure and all alternative methods failed. Doctors were clueless though compassionate while attempting to help with the exception of one neurologist who, after her sample prescriptions didn't work (and had consultated with us for 20 minutes on the 2nd visit) told us that she "had no magic pill...you need to take your daughter to a psychiatrist". We left and never returned.

I submit this for the one or two desperate persons out there who are reading this headache page dispairing of finding something that works because they have exausted all other avenues yet still have themselves or a family member incapacitated. Maybe our child's story will help them find another avenue to pursue. And yes, I may be contacted by email if someone wishes more information. Thanks for this great site. It has been a help to me and I only found it last week.

Feet in Hot Water
Posted by Selena (Chula, GA) on 05/20/2009

Try putting your feet in hot water (not scalding hot) but as hot as you can comfortably stand it. Sometimes with a very bad headache it will stop the pain instantly and sometimes it takes a few minutes. It doesn't seem to work as well with sinus/congestion type headaches.

Posted by Kari (Murfreesboro, Tenn) on 09/03/2008

I decided to take some Turemic followed by a glass of water to help with my joint paints. When I took it I had a headache and later was going to take some pills for that. Within 30 minutes I realized my headache was gone! I have NEVER had that to happen so fast before. I was amazed. From now on when I have headaches I am going to start taking Turemic. I put about one tablespoon and a little bit of water in it. Mixed really good and drank it really fast. Still am so very amazed that I took that for something else and it helped with my headache and cured it. I highly recommend TURMERIC for headaches to see if it helps any.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Brynne (Irving, Texas) on 12/17/2007

I listened to a nutritionist last night who reminded me that the brain is mostly fat, and when we aren't sleeping well, feel irritable, can't concentrate, or even have headaches, our brains may be crying out for fat! As we add the coconut oil to our diet, our brains may find greater balance and we feel the soothing nature of the unctuos coconut oil internally as well as externally. This all happened when I recently' took only 1 TBS of Coconut oil per day for 2 days and then started my cycle without the usual 4 aspirin headache...my cycle was so peaceful. I felt so quiet and easy throughout my body; there was no struggle to have my normal cycle.

Posted by David (Arizona) on 01/26/2015

Gatorade contains electrolytes (salt and minerals) which restore your body's natural balance. Unfortunately, Gatorade also contains colorants. preservatives and low quality sugars or sugar substitutes that counter good health. Look up "homemade sports drink" and learn how you can make your own, healthy version of the shyte that is Gatorade (a pinch of baking soda, a pinch of Himalayan or sea salt and some fresh squeezed juice).

Hemp Oil
Posted by Steve (Meridian, ID) on 12/09/2021


Rub two, or three drops of medicinal grade Hemp Oil to the painful area. Apply an equal amount an hour, or so later if pain persists. Works well for me on any area of the body where there is muscle tightness involved in the pain.

Raw Potatoes
Posted by Jan (Liverpool, England) on 12/18/2012

We used to put potato cut in slices on your forehead. That's a mediterranean tradition.

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