All signs pointed to looming Hashimoto's with an initial hyperthyroid phase (hashitoxicosis.) Finally one physician (I consulted with 6) came to this diagnosis. I had suspect the same but was tired of trying to offer my view to physicians as it seemed to set their will against me and my impressions.
In any event, I saw a man who had posted on this site who had taken Ivermectin for Hashimoto's and when he had blood work done after some time (months?) it came back as completely gone. I did everything I could: bugleweed, motherwort, lemon balm, selenium, black seed oil, inositol, etc. But I still had these frightening attacks. I awakened with a racing heart nearly every night and whenever I would stretch, my heart rate would go up 20 or more bpm. (I believe this racing heart from stretching may be due to higher cholesterol since my thyroid became less active.) In any event, taking 1/2 mg of Ivermectin at bedtime stopped these attacks. I should add I was also taking LDN and it may have been effective to some degree. but it also caused me to awaken at 1 and 3 am nearly every night. I stopped the LDN. Well, something worked because last blood work showed TPO at 71. That was 2 months ago and the attacks seem to have stopped and I feel quite good. I should add that I followed a NO SUGAR, anti-inflammatory diet. I also had to do AIP for 3 weeks because the beta blocker I took, Carvedelol [sp?] caused me to have food sensitivities I had never had in my life. Three weeks of AIP was plenty for me. Also, a British woman had posted that ascorbic acid healed her leaky gut. It did mine too. I turned the corner taking 3 mg ascorbic acid a day.
I would be fascinated to know if anyone has a theory as to how or why Ivermectin alleviated my symptoms. The gentleman who posted about it initially said, "TPO antibodies behave like parasites in the body." Godspeed to all who struggle with health issues. Goodness knows the drug pusher, pharmacy trained doctors know next to nothing about helping us. They're good for testing, x-rays and the like, but treatment? They offer mainly symptom masking poisons.
Thank you for remembering and thinking of me!
Actually, I am always very happy when people come back with details about how effective a treatment was for them, not just ones that I suggest, because these replies are very useful for anyone who is considering a particular treatment for their health condition.
I have seen so many times on EC and other health forums where people post their remedy that was effective for them, but they leave out relevant information that leaves the reader wishing they could use the remedy, but something important is missing such as brand, dose, frequency of dosing, best time to take it etc. So I am always happy to see people update their progress, give a revised dosing schedule or just give enough information in their initial post so as to make their remedy useful for others without having to ask questions because often times the person is asking a question about a remedy that is years old on EC and the original poster may not be around to answer those questions!
Hi Art and good that you spotted my recent post- I hope this finds you well and full of beans?
I think that the link you advised me to pass on to my Homeopath was the above one and they reported that after many weeks of treatment, things have improved significantly for the patient.
I guess any required information, dosage, frequency, potency etc can be found on this link.
I do not claim to be a Homeopath in any shape or form but have relied on numerous similar Homeopathic remedies in the latter part of my long life and am a believer but my original Practitioner claimed that "only" 70% of people / patients (?) derive any benefit and that is possibly at least part of the reason for the widely-held view among some persons that it "Doesn't work".
The other group will express dismay that, "How can this substance become increasingly powerful the more it is diluted?". Search me . Do I look as if I care, as long as it works? Mind you, an essential part of the skill of said Homeopath is in the accurate diagnosis of the malady in the first place and also of the patient "Type". So I was lucky that my Practitioner had had plenty of years of practice and had not just switched from being a panel-beater yesterday.
("Thanks a Bunch" to the 14 people who liked my post- does this constitute a "Cult Following? or even a "Gone Viral"?? Down Boy Down!!)
Cheers from Down Under
General Feedback
I would love to know how others are doing and feeling, what protocols you are on, etc...
Dietary Changes
The best colon and parasite products are "Experience" and "Clear" made by Awareness Corporation. However you might also look into Dr. Natura prodcuts.
Don't believe the "it's not curable" crowd... it's because they haven't done the right research.
Eliminate Gluten
Dietary Changes, Thyroid Supplement
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
As a Hashi patient, I see a naturopath which I love. She has helped me so much more than all the medical doctors I have seen! They spend less than 5 minutes, then bill insurance!
Water, Supplements
I knew I was dehydrated so I started increasing my water intake to 96 ounces a day. I weigh 180 lbs and Dr. Batmangheldj recommends drinking half of your body weight in water each day. I also started taking extra potassium, magnesium and I take my multi vitamin 3 times a day instead of once because it has iodine in it and the water causes flushing out of your system. The goiter went from golfball size to half of that in less than a week just from the water and increase in supplements. I also do not feel as many bumps as I had on my goiter as I had been feeling when I lay back and stretch my throat.
Also my edema is much better. My hands and face are less swollen and my skin is no longer sticking over my socks a quarter of an inch which they had been for a long time. This past week I have started with the apple cider vinegar and baking soda (2 tbsp ACV and 1/8 tsp of baking soda) twice a day and the goiter has gone down even more. At 52 I thought I was getting arthritis but I guess it was dehydration because almost all aches and pains are gone now.
I live in New York, we have chlorine and fluoride in the water so I am getting a shower filter and the Zero water pitcher (it's supposed to remove fluoride from the water) and maybe my thyroid will improve even more. I will also be trying the Borax to rid my system of fluoride. I'm so glad I found this site. I was feeling kind of hopeless after I left the endos office.
Eliminate Gluten
I will share what I am doing for my Hashimoto's which includes virgin coconut oil. I do take 1 TBS _____'s organic vinegar about once a week as well. Everything I am doing is under the supervision of my healthcare provider. She practices integrative medicine and that makes a huge difference in treatment. Most conventional/western doctors will put you on some type of synthetic thyroid hormone. Here is my current protocol:
1) Gluten free diet is a must and has made a huge difference : )
2) I take 1 TBS of virgin coconut oil daily - usually I just put it in my tea but some people prefer to put it on toast or in a smoothie, etc... I know some people take up to 3 TBS/day but I have found 1TBS to work great for me, no side effects.
3) sublingual B12 (methylcobalamin)- 1000mcg per day
4) 200mg CoQ10
5) 2000mg krill oil
6) pro-biotic -I use Jarrow brand but there are many good ones out there
7) D3 5000iu daily
8) daily raw multi-vitamin
9) adrenal cortex was just added to support my adrenals - I haven't started taking this yet.
10) L-Theanine for anxiety when needed but since going gluten free my anxiety is pretty much gone : )
I know this is probably more than you wanted to know. But I didn't want it to seem like I was just using VCO for my Hashi's.
Health and wellness to you~
Gluten-Free Diet
For years I have been telling my son to remove gluten out of his and his daughter's diet, to no avail until he finally took his daughter to a doctor that told them to take his daughter off all gluten. She had been on Adderall since 4 years old, she is 8 now. We have been trying to inform him of the dangers of Adderall for years and they won't listen to us. After removing the gluten from her diet she has gotten better. I tell everyone about gluten and the dangers and some of my friends have removed it but others just keep eating it anyway. I will never go back to eating gluten.
Dietary Changes
Here are some websites that you can also investigate for yourself which might help to change your thinking about how to treat your son's Hashimoto's condition.
Eliminate Gluten
Low-Dose Naltrexone
My mom started and continued with 3.5mg. Supersensitive people, people with MTHFR polymorphosms MIGHT want to start with 1mg, but it is not necessary in my opinion. LDN cost is about $90 for a 90 days supply.
Dietary Changes, Thyroid Supplement
Eat simple foods and organic. Veggies and meats and following a Paleo type diet can make things easier. Cook all cruciferous veggies such as kale, broccoli, etc. Since they contain goitergens which cause the goiter for people with hyperthyroid conditions and watch out for nightshades due to inflammation. Avoid iodine foods and products. Maintain healthy vitamin D levels as well. And careful on exercising. Give yourself time to heal then keep it simple. Walking and gentle stretching yoga a few times a week is best. Learn to listen to yourself. The body does talk to us, we just need to pay attention and go with what makes you feel better not what doctors, media or what works for others. Each case is individualized so learn what works for yourself.
Chapter 7 described the apoptotic (i.e., anticancer) effects of the iodinated form of lactone (delta-iodolactone). Iodolactone is not only important for preventing cancer, its production is also necessary to help regulate the oxidation of iodine. Figure 3 illustrates this regulatory step in the oxidation/organification of iodine.
As previously mentioned, the oxidation of iodide to iodine occurs through the interaction of H2O2 and TPO. Iodine is a necessary product in order to provide the correct molecule in the cell so that organification can occur. If organification does not take place or is blocked, thyroid hormone and iodo-lipids will not be formed. As can be seen from Figure 3, this reaction is controlled by intracellular calcium levels and iodinated lipids delta-iodolactone.
Intracellular calcium stimulates this pathway. On the other hand, delta-iodolactone and other iodinated lipids act as a brake on the system. If there is not enough iodine in the cell to organify and produce adequate amounts of delta-iodolactone, it can set the stage for damage to the thyroid cell and the development of an autoimmune thyroid disorder such as Hashimoto's or Graves' disease.
A Proposed Mechanism For The Development Of Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders
The NADPH oxydase system is found in the mitochondria of our cells. The mitochondria are the energy-producing cells of our body. The mitochondria produce energy (i.e., ATP) through a complex process called oxidative phosphorylation. All medical students (and most physicians) are familiar with oxidative phosphorylation because we have to memorize the many steps responsible for producing ATP. This production of ATP requires many items including: oxygen, magnesium, ADP, and amino acids.
Many people with chronic illnesses, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune disorders, complain they have no energy. ATP is the molecule that stores energy for the body. The body is constantly producing and utilizing ATP. Its production is a complex process that is beyond this book. However, there are two cofactors, Vitamins B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin), that are integral to stimulating oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production.
Hydrogen peroxide is a byproduct of oxidative phosphorylation. It is this production of hydrogen peroxide that is so critical to the oxidation process of iodine. Hydrogen peroxide and TPO help to oxidize iodide to form iodine.
If there is a deficiency in iodine, which is common when ingesting the RDA for iodine, there will not be enough substrate (i.e. , iodine) to produce iodinated lipids. As can be seen from Figure 3, the lack of delta-iodolactone and other iodinated lipids results in a loss of the 'brake' in the pathway to oxidize iodide. This may result in a temporarily production of too much hydrogen peroxide. This excess hydrogen peroxide can damage the enzyme TPO.
What Happens If TPO Is Damaged? Autoimmune Thyroid Illness
The body's response to TPO damage is to produce antibodies against TPO or anti-TPO antibodies. A diagnosis of Hashimoto's disease requires the presence of anti-TPO antibodies. As the damage worsens, surrounding proteins can also be damaged such as thyroglobulin. Damaged thyroglobulin will result in the body producing antibodies against thyroglobulin - anti-thyroglobulin antibodies.
In most cases of Hashimoto's disease, there are antibodies to both TPO and thyroglobulin present. Although Graves' disease may also possess these same antibodies, antibody production is not necessary to make the diagnosis of Graves' disease. However, my clinical experience has shown that the treatment for both Hashimoto's and Graves' disease can follow a similar course with similar positive outcomes.
How to Treat Autoimmune Thyroid Disorders
1. Ingest enough iodine in order to provide adequate substrate to iodinate lipids.
2. Take Vitamins B2 and B3 in amounts necessary to stimulate the NADPH system to produce adequate amounts of H2O2.
3. Correct oxidant stress in the thyroid gland and the mitochondria with antioxidants.
4. Ensure adequate magnesium levels.
5. Minimize oxidative stress in the body.
To rid the body of gluten, which takes about six months to remove from deep tissue and cells, there's a detox program for 7 to 21 days with a select group of foods to choose from.
Be sure to drink pure water (reverse osmosis) which can be purchased at select health markets. Dry body brushing before showering can help with smoother skin. Moisturize with a gluten free lotion.
There is so much to learn about what and how to manage this disease but it can be done with determination and awareness. It isn't always easy to do but you can always get right back on course once you've fallen off but ask yourself, was it worth it?
Dietary Changes
Eliminate Gluten
Water, Supplements
Just order these four medicines. bottle size 1 oz,
6 tablets (which should be kept below tongue) and taken only once in month.
1. sulfur 200 (after getting this tablets you may get some aggravations to pull out ailments from root, don't be afraid its for good & it will be temporary)
then after one month take again 6 tablets of (only once)
2. Calcaria carb 200.
then after one month take again 6 tablets of (only once)
3. Lycopodium 200
then after one month take again 6 tablets of (only once)
4. silicea 200
then after this treatment if you still have any problems then mail me on 4all.ritesh(at)gmail.com.
Homeopathy does not have any side effects. If medicine is chosen correct then it will surely give good lasting affects.
I have been taking Russian-Rhodiola for a week now, 300g in the morning. I'll see my Doctor tomorrow, as I am also under pills for my thyroid, and I would like to replace thyroid chemical pills (Levothyroxine sodium - thyroid hormones) with rhodiola's cure, let's see what he's going to tell me. I feel definitely better, from the first day. I used to be chronically tired, now not anymore.
EC: Read more about Rhodiola here.
Low-Dose Naltrexone
Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug, so if it is able to alleviate your disease, then chances are you have got parasites in or around your thyroid.
Why is it that you keep getting misdiagnosed? Because medical schools ignore parasites as much as they can, I.e. the typical MD is trained to ignore parasites, AND blame their action on something else, such as autoimmunity.
No, I am not saying that TPO antibodies behave like parasites in the body. What I am saying is that you might have a microscopic intracellular parasite infestation resulting in the inflammation of your thyroid and the presence of TPO antibodies.
May I suggest you continue using an anti-parasitic drug such as Ivermectin, and stop saying it is an autoimmune disorder.
I hope this will help.
You may find the following article link useful regarding Hashi's and homeopathic options:
Please keep us posted on how this works out and good luck!
Will let my friend know about this now.
She will be impressed at such prompt feedback, as she asked for information only yesterday. My kudos will be inhanced!
Cheers and keep up the good work you are doing.
You might also mention to your friend that keeping her gut microbiome in tip top shape may be additive to the homeopathy for Hashi's. Synbiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, fermented foods and fermented drinks are a few ways to help toward that end.
I will try to keep you posted when I get a little more feedback on this one.
All the best to you.
Hi, I understand that it is ok to use iodine if you have Hashimotos as long as you are supported with selenium - according to Dr Brownstein MD but he also warns that some people can be allergic to it. As long as you only use small doses and have used selenium for a few weeks beforehand there should be no problem for most people with iodine. Thanks, Jane
Eliminate Gluten
Eliminate Gluten
Dietary Changes
General Feedback
I have been diligent about not cheating since going Gluten Free and I have been faithful in taking 1 TBS of VCO daily along with other supplements. I had a follow-up appt. On 04/19/2011 and my doctor could not find the nodule! I have also felt increasingly better since going GF. I noticed a huge difference after about a month of being GF and I am feeling better as time goes on. She will check my thyroid levels in June, including antibodies.
Currently I am not on any meds and she has said she hopes to keep me off of any medication as long as possible. I do believe it is the combination of the VCO and GF diet that have helped with the Hashimoto's. The supplements I am on, I have been taking for a long time. So I think at this point I am actually able to absorb the nutrients and am benefitting from those from a nutritional standpoint. I have also been told that people with Hashimoto's need to be very careful about supplementing with iodine since our issue is an immune system issue and not rooted in the thyroid per se. I am not saying nobody should take iodine but at this point I am not using it and and being cautious. My doctor said she did want to check my iodine levels as well but for now to continue on as I have been doing. Here is a link to Dr. Kharrazian's site: http://drknews.com/iodine-and-hashimotos/ author of the book titled: "Why do I still have thyroid symptoms when my lab tests are normal"
Any feedback or input is greatly appreciated!
1) 2000mg vitamin C in the form of ester C - this is essential for adrenal health. Most people with a thryoid condition also have some form of adrenal fatigue.
2) 12 mg Zinc 3- x's week ( the zinc I use also has vitamin C and vitamin A)
3) 400mg magnesium daily - I use a topical magnesium gel that is in a sea water solution. This has helped with heart palpitations, and I sleep much better. My healthcare provider also said that magnesium taurate is great but I didn't want to take another pill so she is fine with me using the gel. Magnesium is very important - if you want to learn more just google "symptoms of magnesium deficiency" or "benefits of magnesium" - very interesting reading. I wonder how many people would benefit from this supplement alone but doctors never even mention it!
God Bless~
General Feedback
My recent appointment on June 5, 2012 went well. My bloodwork is as follows:
Free T3: 3.0 normal
FreeT4: 1.12 normal
Ferritin : 28 low
CRP : 4.0 high
Vitamin D: 55 good
Cholesterol: Triglycerides 132, HDL 55, LDL 69, ratio 2. 7 all normal, low risk.
My antibodies were normal the last time we did bloodwork so I guess that is why she didn't check them this time.
One of my most frustrating issues is not being able to lose 20lbs. My doctor thought since my T3 is low normal that could be hindering the weight loss so she put me on cytomel ( T3 only) for 3 months (12.5 mg 2x's day). After 3 days I was so tired I stopped taking it. I am not sure why I was tired- the usual side effect is the opposite but not for me. I felt better within a day or two and decided that I would find another way to lose weight. Just curious if anyone else has tried cytomel and if it helped or not.
If anybody has any insight on why my CRP is elevated please share. My doctor thinks I might have a parasite, or yeast but I just did a yeast cleanse and don't have any symptoms of candida. I do have a broken back molar that needs a crown but no infection and my other teeth and gums are good.
I am trying to get my supplements down to a minimum ( I am a recovering supplement junkie : ) and at this point I have found the following to be the most beneficial for me:
Probiotic - dairy free and at least 30billion active cultures.
Magnesium - or a topical Magnesium gel
L-theanine - great for anxiety - I don't take this much anymore but it helps with sleep too. Non-drowsy - just relaxes you and helps with GABA production.
N Acetyl Cysteine - 600mg
Tumeric - I take this for inflammation - hoping it will help lower my CRP
Vitamin C - 1000mgs
Selenium from Brazil nuts - I almost purchased selenium and noticed it has wheat in it - be sure to check labels if you go that route.
Krill Oil or fermented cod liver oil - I alternate these 2 supplements
Iron - I will take this until my iron stores are adequate
Coconut oil - organic
Brewers Yeast - I just added this less than a month ago - I was skeptical because I thought it would cause candida but I read up it and this kind of yeast is good for many things. So far, no side effects at all. I like the fact that I am getting vitamins and amino acids from a food source rather than a pill. Only taking 2TBS a day not the 3 that is recommended.
Liqui-Kelp - I just started this yesterday. I realize this goes against the Dr. K Hashimotos protocol and against what I said in an earlier post but I read an article about how to take iodine if you have Hashi's and my doctor also said that it is necessary for overall health even if you have Hashi's. She recommends Atomidine but I wanted to try a kelp based one. I am only taking 4 drops once a day which is 150mcg - very low dose. I am hoping that this will help with my immune system, lower CRP level, and help with weight loss. Any Hashi's people out there who have used iodine ( kelp, lugols, etc.. ?) with success? I will let you know what happens, still too soon to tell. Here is the article if anyone is interested:
Here are the issues that have resolved for me:
-Thyroid nodule is gone and thyroid is no longer enlarged.
-No more chronic sinus infections
-No more catching every virus/flu that comes around
-No anxiety, heart palpitations
-My eyelashes and eyebrows are full an thick again ( I had bald spots on my eyebrows and was missing a lot of eyelashes)
-Steady energy throughout the day - thank God!!
-My feet don't hurt anymore
-Clear thinking ( clear for me anyway : )
Always consult your healthcare provider before taking supplements. I know some of us are forced to self-treat - I was one of those people for a long time. Now that I found a wonderful integrative healthcare provider - my health has improved greatly.
Please don't give up hope - it takes time but once you get there it is worth it. Sorry this was so long! Health and Wellness to all~
~Carleen -- frog_513(at)yahoo.com
Eliminate Gluten
Since starting my protocol, my brain fog has lifted, I've lost weight without trying and I'm much less tired and heavy feeling. The improvement was very quick for me. My friend is also being treated and has had similar quick improvements. Just eliminating gluten (before I ever started the Kharrazian protocol) eliminated my debilitating menstrual cramps and the monthly IBS that accompanied them. My skin also had a lot less breakouts.
The practitoner I see is Brian Foley, D. C. In Nashville. Dr. Brady Hurst will work with people long distance. http://www.truehealthdc.com/
Dr. Kharrazian also has a list of pracitioners on his site: www.thyroidbook.com Most gluten intolerance doesn't cause gut symptoms (except in true Celiac)- instead, it causes joint, brain skin, heart or reproductive inflammation, so someone may have no clue they have it. Cyrex Labs has new saliva tests that test all 12 forms of gliadin, not just Alpha Gliadin (which is what other tests are based on) and they even have a test to find out which part of your body is being affected by gluten or if there is a cross-reaction going on (casein and coffee are two offenders, here.) As far as the Marshall Protocol goes, it's only applicable when Hashimoto's is triggered by an infection, as far as I understand. Dr. Kharrazian talked about that in an interview and said that he tests his patients to see if they have the situation where they need to avoid D and hardly any of them do. D modulates both branches of the immune system and is very anti-inflammatory. Dr. Kharrazian has found that most of his autoimmune patients do best when their D3 levels are in the high end of normal. Dr. Kharrazian's protocol is pretty specific: balance the overactive branch of the immune system, remove the triggers, heal the gut, balance the blood sugar and deal with hormone and neurotransmitter imbalances. Neurotransmitters can be very affected by thyroid hormone imbalances. It's very all-encompassing. I'm still doing the protocol, now with the addition of dopamine support (Dr. Kharrazian makes a formula for it called Dopatone) and I'm feeling EVEN better! My elimination has improved a lot, my brain feels way more "on" and my libido has returned.
No, gluten avoidance is not the cure all, but a majority of Hashimoto's patients are gluten intolerant (many genetically so) and gluten is a major trigger for cytokine attacks in Hashimoto's. The thinking is that gluten molecules resemble TPO molecules and as the body goes after gluten, it also attacks TPO in the thyroid tissue.
Water, Supplements
On a different note. There is also an association between autoimmune diseases and some sort of traumatic event that may have happened to a person which caused a sort of self blame. In response to this self blame the body begins attacking itself. For myself I have found this to be a possibility. I have a form of thyroid disease called Graves Disease. I did have an event happen in my life right around puberty which is most likely when my disease started. I blamed myself for the event and until recently you could say I may have hated myself for it. I have also read that thyroid disease in particular are associated with a feeling of not being heard or not speaking out. As it is located right where your vocal cords are it can actually cause laryngitis. I have found this to also be true in my case. I used to be very quiet and very rarely spoke my feelings or opinions in most situations. I did find my voice in writing though and that may be part of the reason for my healing:)
No matter what though you are not alone as far as low self esteem goes. I do not have hashi's but there is still this feeling of not being worthy of love and attention. I fight it on a daily basis. I try to stay away from TV and magazines to help the issue but I am still exposed on the internet and while standing in line at the grocery store. I hope that someday we will stop thinking beauty is so important but I also pray for peace on earth and so far it's not looking likely.
Potassium iodide in general has the least side effects when taking the iodine supplements. A lugol's solution for most people, the use is limited to 1-2 drops. However in the case of a client I know, who has severe Parkinson's disease, they are far more sensitive to the lugol's solution, taken either internally or applied externally to the feet or applied to the throat area. Hence I have found another kind of iodine which produces even less side effects then Edgar Cayce's Nascent Iodine, which is the hydrogen iodide. I had to since this particular case is a hypothyroid. A lot of researchers really got stuck into what forms of iodine has the least side effects and allow the body to utilize them. For most people, I will use lugols' 1-2 drops in the evening with 500 to 1000 mg of vitamin C as it is more available. A potassium iodide will also do fine and has few side effects, but iodine in general will cause some people, at least initially of acne, being the most common problems. In practice, the use of iodine against Hashimoto does reduce them, but it's more likely that a person will not increase in energy. The effects of iodine is because it's a halogen, and a required mineral, it will also drive out cancer causing fluoride and bromine out of the body, even after months of use, it will continue to drive them out. The beneficial effects is it re activates the pineal gland, which is considered your organ's clock mechanism, such as a CPU clock in the computer, and allows for more regular sleep cycle. For example, the common benefits from increase energy is likely more regular sleep patterns which is most responsible for the increase in energy.
The reason why there are conflicting information is the body simply has trouble trying to get iodine and utilized them, as many forms of iodine produces side effect. So the Quick and Dirty rule is commonly used by conventional medicine such as giving out, thyroid medication instead of the use iodine. So you get a quick fix approach, which commercial scale is cost effective, for them, but won't cure your condition as you will end up taking thyroid medication for the rest of your life. So that doesn't make economic sense as a consumer. It just makes economic sense for the conventional medicine approach. As a result the best forms of iodine I have found is hydrogen iodide, nascent iodine, potassium iodide (or a similar form SSKI), are the ones with the least problem. A lugol's makes more economic sense for most people as they are more easy to find, but it's limited by the dose a person can take, which is usually 1-2 drops with vitamin C before sleep and this works too, at least for most people.
The other problem is how to get the body to really utilize the iodine, hence it's possible that lugol's solution can be taken with tyrosine, which helps the body utilize them, but magnesium seems to be also an important factor too, not just vitamin C so the person can take larger dose of iodine without problems. Therefore in event of a hypothyroidism, which in severe cases leads to goiter, it was well known that the use of iodine in larger doses was in fact the cure fo thyroid. This fact is known for over 150 years, but in today's meidicine the quick and dirty rule is slash and burn, which translates to remove the goiter, and take thyroid medication for the rest of your life. That doesn't make sense, so some may rationalize and just say it is shut down.
However, too much iodine might not be possible for the body to utilized them, since other supplements are needed so the body can handle them, such as taking tyrosine amino acid along with the iodine. It would be a boon to actually allow the body to quickly utilize the iodine if other supplements are also taken so it can be cured faster. So if a simple case for most people I would modify taking a bit larger drops of Lugol's solution to say 4-5 drops every night, with vitamin C 1000 mg, and 500 mg of tyrosine supplements. Or a more conservative dose, if someone still have problems is just to limit to 1-2 drops again. Another indirect way is to take the tyrosine supplements 500 mg with vitamin C in the morning followed by a 10 drops in 1/2 glass of water with lugol's solution as just a mouthwash. That should also reduce some of the problems. SO the cause of hypothyroidism and goiter has been the lack of iodine, how we can take them without problems is the real issue. In fact iodine can cured malaria as same as MMS, but both has problems with the side effects and some can handle them, some cannot. It's all about finding the remedies that won't cause problems for a great majority of people, not a small minority of people. In general for the questions of Lugols' versus the potassium iodide, the answer is simply that potassium iodide produces less side effects then the Lugol's solution, such as light headedness is the ones I noticed, but I take in much larger dose, such as 10 drops to test for their side effects. I won't get these problems at 1-2 drops. As for potassium iodide in general, there's no lightheadness problem if the dose are reasonable and keeping it at 10 mg dose or below. It's harder to do a 10 mg dose on Lugol's. In general, Lugols' for most people are easier to obtain then potassium iodide, so if it's hard to get, people will just get Lugol's and get around the problem by taking them at night and take the vitamin C to reduce the side effects of lightheadedness. It's taken during the night because lugol's solution does make you sleepy. Hence it's one of my remedies to help sleep also and allows people for regular sleep patterns.
Low-Dose Ivermectin
Thank you for sharing your insights in your various posts and for sharing your insights and making this website available, respectively. One way to decrease the likelihood of an accidental loss of what one has been typing is to do the typing in a text-editing or word-processing program (periodically saving the content in a file while one types) and to then copy the content from that file into the text box of the Earth Clinic webpage.
Nascent Iodine
The Guide to Supplementing Iodine
The Role of Iodine Companion Nutrients
My own preference, and the preference of many independent researchers is to use either the lugol's iodine or Iodoral forms. Triiodide, in the form of Nascent Iodine(NI), is usually given at too low dosages to be effective. NI is also not as good as the other two forms -- for instance the triiodide or NI form will not detox your body as well lugol's iodine or Iodoral which contain all three useful iodine forms -- triiodide, molecular iodine and iodide which all have considerable beneficial action in the body.
Here's some more research on using iodine supplementation for Hashimoto's:
Hashimoto's Questions Answered
Hashimoto's and the Importance of Selenium
Hashimoto's is an autoimmune disorder where your antibodies end up attacking your TPO enzyme in the thyroid. This happens because there is insufficient glutathione peroxidase in the thyroid cells to prevent the excess build-up of hydrogen peroxide free radicals(which are naturally produced from the thyroid hormone producing process). Normal amounts of glutathione peroxidase act to quickly quench these free radicals, so if you are deficient in glutathione then these free radicals will act to oxidize and change the TPO protein structure which the antibodies immediately recognize as the enemy -- so they attack TPO, further damaging the thyroid.
Proper amounts of glutathione peroxidase can only be generated with proper levels of selenium intake in the diet because the central metallic atom for glutathione is selenium.
Some more information on this concerning other factors which might also be involved in Hashimoto's:
Hashimoto's and Molecular Mimicry
i also would not worry to much about your TSH going up if you take the iodine. The TSH normally always goes back down to normal after awhile. I would also monitor your Free T3 and Free T4 periodically, since this is a much more accurate and proper measurement of your thyroid hormone levels. So I wouldn't worry too much about your TSH levels:
TSH: Why This Measurement is Useless
I would first just take all the companion nutrients with no iodine for 3 or 4 days to build up the minerals and enzymes to necessary and adequate levels in order to accommodate the thyroid process. When you start supplement with iodine, start small and go slow until you reach the proper daily dose.
I would also take the the daily dose of iodine in smaller split dosages during the day. Avoid taking larger dose iodine during the evening because it tends to energize you -- and might cause difficulty with sleeping.
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Otherwise, iodine will actually harm the thyroid.
Do not take selenium alone, do not take iodine alone.
Dietary Changes
Eliminate Gluten
Water, Supplements
Water, Supplements
Water, Supplements
Water, Supplements
So, if you are a person of worth and goodly character, you are cheating yourself by not becoming a warrior, and not only for yourself; think of your loved one's, especially children, who are watching your every move and some who even worship you. How you can let others down by letting yourself down. Maybe this is what you experienced as a child.
I have recently had a thyroid disorder that brought crippling fatigue and depression, but am better now (and not without a fight). Take Kelp and or Potassium Iodide, and L-Tyrosine, and Raw Thyroid Glandular. Many good reports of Low Dose Naltrexone for autoimmunity. And of course any number of different detox methods to rid the body of "the foreigners".
Hope this helps and good luck.
Water, Supplements
Kombucha Tea
Tell me what u are targeting to handle, I.e. fatigue, pain, etc. And I'll do my best to offer you how I have found best to progress in life.
I had a longer reply almost finished and then I somehow lost it! Those things happen sometimes.
I am very glad to hear that your homeopathy practitioner is making headway with the patient! There are quite a few variables involved in homeopathy so a good practitioner is very helpful in resolving the issue!
EC: Sorry Art, blame it on the post ghost! Happens to us all the time!
Thank you very much for the tip on preventing loss of a post! I tend to not even give it much thought until the post is actually lost and then I can fully appreciate a tip like yours!
Thanks, Paula
General Feedback
Study, research and take responsibility for your own health...... No one else will. Good Luck.
Eliminate Gluten
Eliminate Gluten
Eliminate Gluten
General Feedback
Iodine and Antioxidants
Eliminate Gluten
Unfortunately, a gluten-free diet was just too hard for a school-age kid. She went back on glutens. Now she is 16, and did her own research on her fatigue, rough skin, etc. and has decided to take herself off glutens on her own.
I take Armor Thyroid, but have limited my own intake of glutens for the last 5 years. I haven't eliminated completely, but only consume gluten infrequently. I notice that my skin is smoother and softer, and I have much more energy.
Eliminate Gluten
Eliminate Gluten
This gets it where it is needed the fastest (in your intestines)and with less insult from the HCL in your stomach. Unless you have a stomach parasite you don't need them in your stomach. You should also take Live probiotics vs. Freeze Dried. The Freeze dried can not reproduce.
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
There are many worthwhile diets. I do not have such a big amount of funds to pay someone to scold me.
General Feedback
General Feedback
General Feedback
God Bless, Marina
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes
Dietary Changes