Graves' Disease
Natural Remedies

Natural Graves' Disease Treatment

| Modified on Sep 17, 2024
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Apricot Seeds
Posted by Rose (Malaysia) on 09/14/2014

HI..I have had bulging eyes for 13 years from Graves' I have find the answer..bulging and swelling eyes gone because I am using apricot seeds...please try it. I just want to help anyone in the same condition as I am.

Eye Exercises
Posted by Niecy (Dallas, Texas) on 04/26/2011

Hi. I came across a couple of sites that talk about eye exercises for bulging eyes from Grave's disease but didn't really explain what to do. I suffererd from bulging eyes for years until 2 weeks ago when I did eye exercises. I put a couple of drops of moisture eye drops in my eyes, laid down and started moving my eyes around (while eyes closed) and looked as far right, left, up and down as I could to where I felt pressure in my eyes while doing it. I felt a tingling sensation behind my eyes. The more I moved my eyes around the more the sensation would go away. The next day my eyes started to return to normal.

It's been about 2 weeks and my eyes have returned to normal! I do the exercises while laying down just about everyday. Please let me know if this works for anyone!

Posted by Beatriz (Mexico City, Mexico) on 08/19/2007

Honey drops cured my bulging grave's disease eyes; I just put a drop of honey, pasteurized butter in each eye at night after I wash my face. it hurts so much and you will cry but it's worth it, then after 20 minutes I just wash my face not letting water get into eyes and I go to sleep, in morning I apply water of roses concentrate in each eye, two drops, and my eyes are cured almost 70%, I have them like a frog before,now the lids are again defining and below the brow bulgings are almost gone, day by day.

Posted by Kay (London, England) on 05/07/2010

I have had graves disease for about 4 years now. I had an overactive thyroid which was removed 3 years ago but my eyes are still bulging and swollen around the eye area. I am so depressed with looking "like a frog" and would appreciate any advice. I take levothyroxin 150mg daily but this doesn't help the eye disease. I really don't want to have surgery although I couldn't yet anyway as the disease is "still active" I have read the bugleweed can help but I'm not sure how I should take it. I have just today started taking apple cider vinegar supplements in capsule form. Please help me as this disease has already ruined my relationship and depleted my self confidence.

Food Allergies, Supplements
Posted by Jen (Bozeman, Mt) on 08/10/2011

Hi I just want to say DONT do RAI or surgery. Why would you remove an organ in your body that is the victim of your immune system. Your thyroid is not the problem it is actually your immune system. I was diagnosed 3 years ago but I know that I have had it since I was a child. Looking back I can remember episodes of hypo and hyper at different points of my life. I have been to an endo who perscribed methimazole. I stopped that about 6 months in when my hair was coming out in clumps and my lab tests were not getting better. Of course my endo wanted me to get rid of my thyroid because Dr's don't like diseases that they don't have control over. If you get rid of your thyroid they can give you fake thyroid for the rest of your life. Not to mention hypo is less fatal in comparison to hyper.

I went to two naturopaths. The first helped a little but the second was the one who helped most. His idea of treating the whole body not just the thyroid really made sense. He started by addressing my immune system which for some reason was attacking my thyroid. He placed me on desicated thymus gland (thymus is part of your immune system that dr's believe is useless to us after childhood). He also tested me for food allergies. I had so many intolerances that I was absolutely shocked. Gluten, dairy, peanuts, almonds. Things that I had been eating in huge amounts. He explained that it might be possible for me to stop all of the intolerant food for six months and I might be able to begin eating some of them again. Gluten it seems was the main culprit. I stoped all for six months and the only one I cannot tolerate now is Gluten. My naturopath explained to me that Gluten is like a bat and when I ingest it, I am hitting my immune system with it as if it were a bee hive. My immune system freaks out and begins attacking my thyroid, adrenals, skin etc.... It made sense to me that. I can have one crouton and I will have a dabilitating migraine and trembles etc. Anyhow I started taking many suppliments as well.

*copper (hypers are usually deficient)

*selenium (hypers and hypos are usually deficient)

*magnesium (helps heart palps)

*potassium (helps heart thumping)

calcium (muscle and bone weakness)

D3 (I was difficient as most people are)

iron ( anemia and to counter the copper intake)

valarian (sleeplessness and stress)

chromium and green tea ( stress and muscle weakness)

Relora (adrenal fatigue that was due to stress)

I know it's alot but they all have a purpose....

Spanish Black Radish (just started recently and is supposed to help sooth graves and release bile from liver)

B Compex (for everything:)

Vit A, C, E, as well.

I am completely in remission now and have been for over a year. I believe that the thymus support was the start of my healing and the * suppliments are the most important ones for maintaining my health at this point.

My 15 year old daughter was diagnosed about 10 months ago. I have skipped the endo and gone for the same treatment that helped me. So far she is getting better and on the rode to remission.

Please don't have surgery to remove an organ that is so important to your health and well being. Afterall it isn't the thyroids fault right. Focus your treatment on the real problem. Your immune system and why it is attacking you. God bless and good health to you all.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Pekka L. (Helsinki, Finland) on 08/01/2018 2 posts

Editor's Choice

I am a 70 years old man. I am interested in sports: tennis, golf, cycling, alpine skiing, cross country skiing.

Two years ago I got sick of Grover's Disease. The whole body had a lot of itchy Grover's Disease.

I used a lot of hydrocortisone and other oils. There was no benefit from these.

I stopped eating the whole wheat. All the rash Grover's Disease was lost in two weeks.

I tried twice to eat wheat, Grover's Disease immediately came back.

Now it's good to be, not Grover's Disease. I am happy when I found the cause of Grover's Disease

Now I live a happy athlete's life, not Grover's Disease, no wheat.

Ashwagandha (Ayurvedic Herb)
Posted by Mitra (Bangalore) on 08/30/2016

By taking 500 mg of Ashwaghandha twice a day, i.e after breakfast and after dinner, all my symptoms of Hyperthyroidism/ graves disease came down in two weeks and I am permanently cured. If this remedy works for you, continue the treatment for one and a half years since it takes a long time for the adrenal glands to heal (see article by Dr. Axe for the connection between adrenals and thyroid glands).

I also took and continue to take Patanjali's Madhunashini Vati and Mukta Vati to stabilise blood sugar and blood pressure, both of which were not normal due to hyperthyroidism. Now I take no allopathic medicine at all.

Ashwaghandha is also curing my melasma which was on my entire back, hands and face. This is happening gradually and permanently.

Eye Exercises
Posted by Karen (Ca) on 09/04/2016

OMG, I'M SO HAPPY!! The exercise really works, my eye looks so much better it looks more normal than the other Eye. I only had bulge in one eye, I cried every night. I started 2 nights ago and I already see the change, GOD IS GOOD!!

Posted by Barry Richardson (Melbourne, Vic Australia) on 01/25/2010

My wife took 4 drops of bugelweed (orally) every day for nearly two years (2006 -2008) in order to treat and eventually "cure" Grave's disease. During those years she increased and decreased the dose to check for changes in the symptoms which were -- increased heart rate (at night especially) sleeplessness, and agressiveness/intolerance. She increased or decreased the dose accordingly.

That was nearly 3 years ago and she's now clear.

Our GP had not heard of it and a specialist advised against its use.

Dr Barry Richardson

Posted by Lori (Chesapeake, VA) on 11/09/2007

Editor's Choice

re: graves cure -- The herb Bugleweed (Lycopus virginicus) has long been used in Europe for treating hyperthyroidism. Bugleweed can be used alone for mild conditions or in combination with anti-thyroid drugs. It works by inhibiting iodine uptake and metabolism, reducing the amount of hormone produced by active cells and it reduces the activity of TSI, the antibodies responsible for Graves' disease. The leaf extract of bugleweed is more active than root extracts. A tincture (alcohol extract) equivalent to 20 mg of the drug is more effective than a tea. If bugleweed is used as a tea, amounts as high as 1-2 grams daily can be used. Lycopus is often used in combination with Melissa officianalis (lemon balm). Although the effects of herbal preparations are mild compared to anti-thyroid drugs, herbs such as bugleweed should not be withdrawn suddenly. As with anti-thyroid drugs, herbs should be weaned with steadily decreasing doses as improvement is noted. The variety Lycopus europaeus (gypsywort) is reported to be as effective as bugleweed.

Green Tea
Posted by Bagpuss (London, U.K.) on 09/30/2012

There are quite a lot of people asking about the green tea method for curing eye bulging with Graves disease. I haven't come across the green tea method but I think I can guess as I have some experience that I would like to share using normal everyday teabags which are made from black tea.

(I have graves disease with multi-nodular non-toxic goitre. ) A couple of years ago, for the first time ever, I developed a stye on my eye. I went to the chemist and got some ointment which did nothing and this stye was getting huge. After maybe two weeks my whole eye was really swollen and red, I started to have a good look around on the internet for remedies as the eye drops weren't doing anything. I came across a lot of feedback about normal black teabags being good for various eye ailments so I can imagine green tea is doing the same - :

Method: Moisten the teabags by pouring on a little hot water on them whilst in a saucer. Let them cool and give them a squeeze so they are fully drenched and the dark tea is coming out of them then gently squeeze some of the excess tea off so it doesn't go everywhere and place the tea bags on the eyes and relax back. Leave on for as long as you want. You want the tea to gently go in the eye so leave enough tea liquid in the bag to do this and pat them into your eyes (your eyes are closed) and you may want to rub the teabag around a bit - don't be scared just get that tea in there:) it doesn't sting at all. I left the bags on for 30 mins the first time and saw immediate redness looked less angry. Carried on doing this all day - maybe about 6 times using same tea bags which I left on the side all day and picked them up and popped them back on when I had a spare 15 mins. Have some tissues handy as the tea drips down your face.

Why I'm telling you this is because the stye came to a head, popped and disappeared in two days and this thing was huge and it was on the rise before the teabags:) So when I had done this for a couple of days, my eyes felt loads better all round - which got me thinking. Normally my eyes are a little bulgy from the graves. They are normally very dry and sandy. Feeling better from the stye situation and feeling like my eyes felt a lot better compared to normal, I carried on every day doing the same with the teabags thinking it may help my graves eye problem. After maybe 2 weeks, my eyes were completely normal. No sandy, gritty feeling, no swollen bags or bulgy, no staring look, free movement of the eyeballs and just felt very good and normal. Amongst this teabag treatment, I did two eye bath washes by bathing my eyes with an eye bath using a solution of mineral water and a little splash of ACV as I had also read somewhere that this helped with eye ailments. I would definately reccommend the combination of the teabags and ACV in an eye bath. The measurements for the ACV wash were a guess when I tried it out so I don't know what to say - maybe one part ACV to ten parts water but I don't think it matter so long as there is some ACV in there. It stings a fair bit so you need it weak but it makes your eyes crystal clear and I really felt like it did them a lot of good. I have never had problems since with my bulgy eyes and if I feel like they are even a little dry, I place my used teabag on my eyes after making a cup of tea:) Or, I may bathe them in the ACV and water for maybe a minute or as long as I can stand it for just to make sure the eye problem doesn't come back but I maybe only do this once in every six months. Make sure it's weak though the ACV - Very important and your eyes will be bloodshot after for a little while but when they clear they look and feel great! Hope this helps and thank you for everyone's contributions. Love.

Royal Jelly
Posted by Cathy (Buffalo, Ny) on 01/02/2011

Royal jelly does help the soreness and bulging of the eyes caused by graves disease. I was diagnosed about a year ago with graves disease and my eyes have been sore, dry, and bulging. My husbands family owns an apiary, so we know how well honey and hive products can be so helpful with health issues. About two months ago I started taking 3000 mg of royal jelly each day as a capsule. My eyes are so much better. You can purchase the supplents online. Just do a google search.

Posted by Paloma (Nyc, Us) on 05/14/2010

I just started taking BUGLEWEED extract more than month ago. I take 20 (pipette) drops X 3 time a day. My doctor told me. that it will take year/years to cure myself but I am already feel a bit better. Take care

Unda Drops, Thyroid Glandular
Posted by lonny (canada) on 09/17/2024

I'm a wholistic doctor practising in Canada for over 2 decades. Last week, my left eye started bulging and my right upper eyelid was drooping. I diagnosed myself as suffering from Graves Disease - and as a wholistic practitioner, could trace the cause. It was due to extreme stress, soy and sesame allergy that threw off my thyroid. I had experienced rash and swelling due to these foods before, but not extreme enough that I put all the pieces together. Thyroid issues might actually be allergies and stress in combination.

My eye bulged, got very sore and gritty, I saw floaters, my vision was blurred. I cleared myself for the soy and sesame allergy using NAET. And then put myself on the following remedies (see your own holistic doctor for your specific needs; this is not a generic prescription): Unda 10 every few hours, and Unda 1000 every few hours, thyroid glandular twice daily, adrenal glandular twice daily. After a few days, I decreased Unda drops to twice daily. Within a week, everything is balanced and normal again. My eyes look symmetrical - actually better than before. I will not eat soy or sesame again this lifetime.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Evelyn B. (Singapore ) on 01/31/2019

Hello, I was diagnosed with Grave's disease 6 months ago. TRAB antibodies very high. I did not take medication from the doctor.

I took L-Carnitine 1000mg 3 times a day, from Life Extension. I also took Alpha Lipoic Acid 3 times a day. Both L- Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid slow down the thyroid. In addition I took bugleweed and a plant mixture called Thyroid Calming ( Herb Pharm). It worked wonders for me.

I also brought my Vit. D to a high level, which is key in autoimmune disease ( I was Low) I am also taking Zinc, which is also key for autoimmune disease. I am now in remission. So I stopped taking L- Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Bugleweed and Thyroid Calming drops.

What I continue with is large doses of Omega 3, Selenium, Zinc, Vit. D, Vit. A, Vit. B complex and twice a week Glutathione IV 1000mg. The glutathione helps to prevent eyes from bulging. At the beginning of the disease one eye started bulging. With the glutathione IV it went back. As I read that the eyes are at risk for about 3 to 5 years even after the thyroid is back to normal I will continue with the Glutathione.

My eyes are good except for dryness. In the left eye I was diagnosed with Superior Limbic Keratoconjunctivitis ( SLK) It is a rare eye disease which is often found in people with thyroid problems. A very excellent webpage for Graves' disease is the one of Dr. Osansky, Natural Endocrine Solution. In fact I followed completely his advice!!!! Please go and read on his webpage, it is all in there.


Coconut Oil
Posted by Lori (Saint Cloud, FL) on 09/08/2008

Most definately Virgin Coconut Oil is soothing to the thyroid. My friend has Graves' disease, she swears by it. She mixes it in her AM shakes and cooks with it.

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