Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

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Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sandra (Valparaiso ) on 11/05/2016

My periods started to become irregular 3 years ago they got longer and heavier and passed several clots too. Now, remind you I don't like going to doctors they put you through test after test and find out nothing and you have bills to pay so I have gone out on my own and experimented on my own and this what I'm doing now and it seems it's working----I take daily 3 Vitex, 1-B-12,1-B-6, 2 vitamin E, 2-green tea vitamins, 1-Zinc and a iron pull as needed for energy no bleeding or spotting and period ALOT better no clots no heavy bleeding and cramps are less and I have more energy I can do a lot more now more a normal life then worry about going out somewhere and have a gusher and have a embarrass moment when leaked through your clothing. I also changed my diet no red meat, diary products, alcohol, no pop when I do it's just NO caffeine like orange, sprite and root beer, no sweets (sugars) pasta and breads (just wheat), no saturated fats, I eat mostly chicken, turkey, fresh fruits and vegetables and toss salads and I drink a lot of water. I have never had no surgeries of any kind so I am scared if I ever went to a doctor that helped me that they would tell me I need a hysterectomy, that word terrorizes me. They say when Menopause comes Fibroids stop growing and they die off, I'm turning 50 next March so I'm hoping Premenopause or Menopause is around the corner for me and my fibroid problem will be gone.

Good luck!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mma (Lagos, Nigeria) on 09/24/2014

My fibroids were 13 cm and 11 cm. 11 cm shrunk and am still working on the other 13 cm that is now 9cm. Here is what I did: Drinking plenty of water early, avoiding milk, drinking of aloe vera gel, drinking of ginger mixed with burnt castor beans, alligator pepper.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nic (Usj, Selangor, Malaysia) on 07/28/2012

Hi, I am from Malaysia. I have been diagnosed with 2 fibroids, 2.2 cm and 2.3 cm, in early 2011. After a few months when I went back for check up, 2 fibroids have become one at the size of 5.5 cm. After 2 mths, it has grown to 6 cm. Doctor advises me to remove it completely but I refuse because I afraid it might render my chances of pregnancy. Then I started taking chinese med which the lady doctor claimed that she has curred many patients with fibroids.

in May 2012, the med. Check up shown the fibroids has grown to 7.6 cm, when I went back to the lady doc, she found out that I didnt change my diet and consuming too much tea, coffee, diary products, and etc. Since then I tried to change my diet and quitted many unhealty foods. 3 weeks ago, when I went for med. Check up, the report shown it has grown to 8.6 cm. This has frighten me as it seems growing fast. Luckily I have never experienced pain and bleeding problems during period.

One day I came across a website in Malaysia,Ã¥ and found some recipes that could shrink fibroids.

1) having this juice every morning (blend them and drink the whole thing)

1 x red carrot , 1 x banana, 1/4 slice lemon, 1 x yellow capsicum, 1 x green apple, and 1 stalk of celery

** a 3cm fibroids found in a lady has disappeared completely after continuing taking the drink for 1 month.

2) 2 herbs which can be found in Malaysia (not sure abt other countries). These herbs have cured many patients with cancer, fibroids, thyroids and etc

**sabah sneak grass - Im taking 150 pcs per day blend with apple.

I am following these 2 recipes for 2 weeks, suprisingly, I realise that I dont go to toilet so often like the past 1 yr. Especially during night time, I used to woke up 2-3 times every night to pee, but now I can hold until morning with no problem at all. Every night when I touch on the lump, it seems getting smaller.

Today, I have decided to add blackstrap molasses into the plan. Hopefully it will give a better result to combating fibroids.

I will go for scanning again by end of August, hopefully it will be a good news....

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Stacey (Boston, Ma, Usa) on 03/13/2011

Hi, I found this site after being diagnosed with a huge fibroid last month after 6 months of terrible periods. My fibroid was about the size of a softball, I'm 32 and relatively healthy (although apparently very anemic from the fibroid). Mostly vegetarian and try to not to eat a lot of processed foods but I do drink a ton of coffee. I'm terrified of having surgery so I immediately began taking 2 tablespoons of ACV morning and night (I definitely forget to take it some mornings/nights) I tried taking a teaspoon of molasses (blackstrap unsulphered) but I find it upsets my stomach, I'm assuming because I don't generally eat a lot of sugar) but I do take it a few times a week.

I also have been doing castor oil packs a couple times a week and have been taking cayenne pepper almost every day (in capsule form). I tried taking Vitex but I felt like it made me depressed and made me very tired and I broke out almost immediately, I only took it for 4 days though so I did not give my body time to adjust to it so I may try it again.

So I just had my period for the first time since beginning this and there was such an improvement! I didn't even know it was coming and even began to get nervous that I wasn't going to get it but I did and at first it started out very heavy like normal (but with no cramping) but that only lasted for a few hours and then it slowed and by the next night it was completely gone and it normally lasts 5-7 days. I had literally no cramping the entire time, I consider it a miracle. Also immediately after beginning the ACV I had so much more energy. I have no way to know if my fibroid has actually shrunk or not but I do feel so much better!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mo (Beltsville, Md) on 02/14/2011

I have had fibroids for about 5 years. The pain during my cycle was incredible. Motrin barely put a dent in the cramps. I have tried the following remedies and found them to be successful to different degrees:

Turmeric capsules - When I take one of these with a Motrin I feel much less pain.

Pommegranate Juice - This juice completely wipes out the pain for me. It does make me a little sleepy so I usually drink it at night or when I can stay at home.

Pistachio Nuts - I know this sounds crazy, but these really help with the pain also. I tried them after I read an article on-line about a study done in Iran which stated that Pistachio's helped with women's monthly cramping.

Green Tea - Really gets rid of the pain. But I am sensitive to caffeine so I can only drink it during the morning and early afternoon.

One more note, DO NOT DRINK COFFEE DURING YOUR PERIOD. I was feeling fine one morning, no pain and then I drank grande latte and within 1/2 an hour I was in terrible pain.

These are my weapons against fibroid pain. I hope they help someone else.
