Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

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Maca, Essiac Tea
Posted by Celteyes (Pearland, Texas) on 08/19/2010

Editor's Choice

I had a problem with fibroids. My O. B. Said it was the size of a 4 month fetus. Recommended it out. I don't know if this is the usual treatment, but my naturopath, who had never failed me.. Put me on Maca, 2 capsules 2 to 3 times daily and Essiac Tea. Not only did it work but it gave me energy. I took it for a few years before I went back for a check up and it was gone. I still continue with both, because the maca is supposed to be good for other things and essiac tea saved my life. I have been drinking that for years. It is a great detox besides being anti tumor, both malignant and benign.
