Natural Remedies

Top Natural Remedies for Fibroids

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Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Stella (Ontario, Canada) on 03/16/2014 4 posts

Editor's Choice

When I was 69, I was using a small amount of topical hormones and knew that I had Uterine Fibroids and a thick Endometrium for about 12 years. Finally the doctor said it was dangerous to go on like this and I would need to go OFF all Hormones and have a 2nd Uterine Ultrasound, after 6 weeks had passed. The doctor thought the hormones were part of the problem. A Hysterectomy was in my future. I said I would stop using them but I didn't.

I had recently started taking Lugol's Solution (5%) Iodine and was at about 50 mg. minimum at that time. I increased it slowly to 100 mg. during that 6 weeks.

When I went back to my doctor for the results, she said "so you stopped the hormones?" I replied that I did, just so not to get in trouble. My Uterine thickness had now gone back to normal and the Fibroids had all shrunk in that 6 weeks time.

Dr. David Brownstein's book said Lugol's was used for any Fibroids and it turned out to be true.


Lugol's Iodine
Posted by Karen ( Calgary, Alberta) on 02/04/2014

I suffered with fibroids for many years. The turning point came when I used lugols iodine as an enema. I had used it years before as drops in water but it didn't do much. Now use 1/2 teaspoon in about 2 cups spring water in an enema bag I get from the drugstore. I leave it in my body for 5-15 min. I feel great now. No more fatigue or mental fog. I speak more intelligently. I am no longer sensitive to heat at night. Have lots of energy. Have stopped the iron pills. I also take 1 tablespoon blackstrap molasses with some peanut butter. That's better than the molasses alone. A holistic nurse on this site wrote that they do that in her hospital for patients that refuse transfusions. It works great. You do the molasses and peanut butter 1-3 times per day depending on how serious the anemia is. But the iodine enema is what really changed my life. The directions are in the following article from

ENEMA - Use a Fleet enema bottle. Empty out contents, wash out with hot water. Wipe off lubricated tip thoroughly with a dry paper towel and wash with hot water. Do not use any detergent! Fill up bottle with room temp water poured through a coffee filter. Preferable to boil water in glass container and let cool. Add up to 1/2 teaspoon of Lugol's. After a few enemas, it can be increased to one teaspoon. Avoid spilling, it stains. To lubricate tip, use only olive oil, butter, vitamin E gel. Do not use any commercial chemical lubricants. Do tuhe enema. Hold it in for 5 to 15 minutes or as long as you can. Initially, you may only be able to hold it in for a few minutes. It is preferable to lie down. Expect loads of mucus, gel, trash, undigested food and several movements within hours as mucus keeps coming out. If you're mucus loaded up, repeat enema daily for 2, 3 or 4 days. Then, once a week for 4 weeks until mucus/trash free. Maintenance, one enema a month.
