E. Coli
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for E. Coli - Colloidal Silver, Garlic

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E-Coli Sinus Infection Remedies
Posted by Smartattimes (La, California) on 02/25/2013

I finally figured out the simplest, natural and most powerful way to get rid of my long standing E. Coli sinus infection. I purchased garlic liquid extract and I put a few drops in my Neti Pot with distilled water a few drops of natural apple cider vinegar and a pinch of baking soda and then I rinsed my sinuses with this mixture 4-5 times daily this wash really worked wonders and I also put this in a nasal spray bottle to use when I'm out. I think the key is to be consistent. Also drank ACV 3 times a day.
