SEA BUCKTHORN CAPSULS, It is a very good remedy for dry mucos membranes.
Change Toothpaste
What toothpaste did you change to? Sensory new makes my mouth dry too.
Change Toothpaste
I have been suffering with dry mouth for a while. It has probably been due to hormones. I'm post menopause. Well I came to this trusty website and thought about everything said. The thing about the toothpaste was worth a try. I changed last night from a sensitive tooth paste to a toothpaste with the first ingredient is Glycerin. I also took a potassium supplement. Happy to say I slept so much better. These really helped. I will continue this.
What is the K? I have bad dry mouth. Is it potassium or K?
Vitamin E
Oil pulling definitely helps, I use any oil available including olive. After swishing around for 10-15 minutes, spit it out then open one capsule of raw probiotics ( I use vaginal care) pop it in your mouth, let it melt. oil pulling helps to get rid of toxins, probiotics repopulate good bacteria.
Celtic Sea Salt, Then Water
Sounds like Sjogren's Syndrome. Dry eyes and dry mouth are symptoms of this.
Dry Mouth Remedies
Hi all, my mom is recently having problems with dry mouth at night, she'd wake up feeling very thirsty. She has been a diabetic for almost 20yrs now and also has rheumatoid arthritis. But I don't think that is the problem since this has never happened to her before. I'm currently letting her take FGHP everyday which is a tremendous help to her. The nodules that are have manifested due to her arthritis are actually going away. On top of that, I'm also letting her take fulvic acid. And recently, giving her the ACV/BSM/BS combo. She has been off her traditional meds (Antibiotics and BP meds for the most part) for quite sometime now and is only taking insulin shots. But she is worried about the dry mouth which occurred a week ago, although it comes and goes. She does drink a lot of water so I don't know what is causing this. I'm telling her that maybe its just a phase and that maybe the body is trying to rebalance itself or something, since she has always complained in the past of water retention, but she feels that its waaaay overboard. Any advice would be welcome.
Thanks for the feedback! I recently found out that my mom has been taking Carvedilol for her blood preassure and after I did a bit of research, it seems that this has been the culprit for a lot of her problems including getting very thirsty and she never told me about it (some parents are very hard to treat). Since she's been weaned off of her toxic meds for a while now and using natural meds, it seems that the side effects, when taken again, get more pronounced.
Cayenne Pepper
Just got this dry mouth thing. Omg-it sucks. Am getting to menopausal years so hormones maybe. Will not do medication. Excited to try potassium. A deficiency in something perhaps. Or just age. Yuck.
Dry Mouth Remedies
Question for Bill.
I started about 2 months ago waking with dry mouth to the point that it was difficult to close or open. About 6 weeks ago I started having ulcers on my tongue then Burn Mouth. Extremey painful all inside mouth, throat, lips, sometimes nose and ears. I went to the dentist he gave me a magic mouth concoction, didn't help. Just made my mouth numb for a short time. Then he said I have Burning mouth syndrome. Gave me a trycilic antidepressant which has a side effect of dry mouth. I finally had a good day yesterday but was overwhelmed with dry mouth last evening and today with dry and burning. My tongue is mostly creamy colored. Has been that way for days. have been drinking Ted's baking soda off and on and today. I drink lots of water. I had a uti and was treated with that 2 weeks ago. I also have hyperthyroid and have taken tapazole 10mg for 8 years. Do you have any suggestions or could this be a question for Ted. I am almost 62 years old, female, 5'6", weigh 128 lbs and loosing more, and most miserable with this 24 hr condition.
Hi Bill,
Sorry I have not responded sooner. Thanks for your reply. Just read it today. Lots has happened with family and myself since I contacted you in April I was hospitalized twice in last month for Diverticulitis (upper left colon) of which I am not sure that is my real problem. I had surgery Oct 2008 to remove 8 inches of my lower colon. Only had about 6 months of freedom from digestive pain. I now have consistent lower abdomenal pain that started in May after my Dry burning mouth started. Everything has been negative for female and bladder conditions. Also was tested for Sjogren's in April. Came back negative. Seems though that my symptoms are very similar to Sjogren's with the lethargy and digestive symptoms. Had 24/7 severe nausea, ab pain with ocassional vomiting for 2 months prior to hospitalization. My dry, burning mouth was almost gone until I was loaded with antibiotics while in hospital. The dry mouth has returned with a vengance. I am also being treated for severe anxiety which is enhanced from external circumstances. I drink approx. 64 oz of water daily. At time of hospitalization I weighed 112 lbs. Am now up to 118 lbs. I had considered the tapazole and was wondering if I should have redioactive iodine to irradicate the hot nodule that is causing the hyperthyroid. Think some of the anxiety comes from that even though blood tests are normal. Then I would have to deal with hypothyroid and keeping that in check. I have always been very active and full of energy. Walked 3 miles and climbed 500 steps daily. Have done woodworking, carpentry, plumbing, drywall, and you name it, I have done most every thing. Fortunately I have a new gastro/surgeon specialist who does not believe in massive antibiotics and unnecessary surgery. I am now at 180 degrees of what I was spring 2009. I have tried grapefruit seed extract liqud but not sure the brand I have is the purest first letter S last letter Y. Surely there is an answer with something natural that God provided for us on this earth. I know God does not intend life to be this way.
Got any more suggestions? Will be most grateful.
Dry Mouth Remedies
Hi Bill,
I have gotten my dry mouth under control for most part but am now presented with another problem. I visited my endocronologist last week. He did an ultrasound on my thyroid. The 1 in. X.5 in. nodule on my left thyroid lobe is now the size of a small egg and I have one larger than a quarter on my right lobe. He has scheduled a visit with a surgeon and planning to have the thyroid removed. Also I don't think my thyroid produces anywhere except the hot nodule on the left. He mentioned that I had what he called holes in the ultrasound where the thyroid has died out. I am very uncertain about the total removal of my thyroid. Have been reading some of the symptoms of thyroidectomy and doesn't sound good. I have dealt with depression and anxiety since I went thru menopause and that is the same time my thyroid started to act up. I lost 43 lbs before anyone would give me medication. I am at 5' 6" and weigh 130 lbs. And get very sluggish if I gain as much as 5 lbs. Those who are heavy for their height are always telling me I need to gain weight. Are there any alternatives I can take to keep from having the surgery? Is there something that I can do to reduce the nodules and get my thyroid operating properly? I was surprised it had grown so even though I was taking medication. It has been 4 years since I had an ultrasound. Thanks in advance for your reply.
Coconut Oil
Me too. Feel dry. But mouth thing is new... Aging and hormones perhaps? I'll try the coconut oil and potassium. Let me know how you have fared.
Coconut Oil
Have you had your thyroid checked? When mine went bad my hair was breaking off and my skin, mouth, and eyes were dry.
Coconut Oil
Well, I've had these symptoms for years, including dry eyes. Look up Sjogron's syndrome-unfortunately this might also be your problem. To help-look up coconut oil - it's done wonders for my dry skin, still working with it for the mouth...I'm thinking of trying"pulling" for it as eating coconut oil at night seems to really help with moisture. Good luck to you.
Forgot to say- definitely do something for the dry mouth- it can cause serious dental problems!!!!! Also I have dry nose-coconut oil there too-
Dry Mouth Remedies
Dry mouth: When I lay down to sleep my mucous membranes in my mouth become VERY dry and the inside of my top lip sticks to my teeth.My tongue becomes dry as if I have have an extended time on the "booze" ,something I have never done. On standing up the "juice" flows again into my mouth. OK I know I am a mouth breather and have been all my life but this has only become a problem in the last 2 years and its getting worse. It wakes me four or five times each night. I have a few sips of water, everything is fine for a short while and then it starts all over again. Can anyone help?
Howard I don't have dry mouth quite as badly as you, but lately I have been waking up with a parched mouth. The one thing that stops it is if I drink a tall glass of water before going to sleep. That means I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee, but it gives me another chance to rehydrate with more water. Let me know if this helps!
Dry Mouth Remedies
I drink alot of water everyday...it's the only thing I drink. Even drinking all this water my mouth still feels dry.
I brush my teeth every morning after breakfast and every night before I go to bed. My question is how come my mouth always feels dry afterwards...it never feels fresh and "alive" sort of speak. :(
Also I always get this build up of white film on my gums or teeth which I think is just nasty. Shortly after brushing my teeth I can run my pinky finger across my gums and this white film just accumaltes... :(
I stopped using commercial toothpaste/mouthwash a couple of months ago. I came across a natural toothpaste and mouthwash(it's called THIEVES)and it worked great(the first time I used it my mouth felt fresh and alive for the first time...it was great) but it was just too expensive to keep getting. So I went searching for another natural toothpaste...found one so tried it out. It's made up of like 21 herbs. Tried it and no good. My mouth feels like I haven't had a drink in 2 days...my mouth was just really dry and the white film came right back.
So how do I get rid of this dry mouth feeling after I brush my teeth AND how do I get rid of this white film(which is on my gums or teeth).
Thank you for any help.
I was experiencing the same thing! I was constantly thirsty. I drank 3 gallons of water a day once. I even tried the WATER CURE which added sea salt to your water but it required waayy too much salt and I ended up more thirsty.
What has helped is adding 1/16th of a teaspoon of quality sea salt to each cup of water. I went from drinking 2 gallons of water to 1 gallon (which is good since Im working out and living in a hot environment).
I think its a good idea to get tested by your Doc b/c excessive thirst is an indicator of diabetes.
Dry Mouth Remedies
Don't be so cheap! Buy the natural toothpaste :) it's worth it... Helped me big time to solve dry mouth!
Dry Mouth Remedies
Other options besides biotene... that's full of CHEMICALS. THKS
Dry Mouth Remedies
I add the sea salt to my oatmeal... is that the same?