Dry Mouth
Natural Remedies

Dry Mouth Remedies

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Black Walnut Wormwood Tincture
Posted by Maiyah (Eagle Moutain, Utah) on 03/08/2022

Dry mouth after taking OTC cold medicine. This is my first time posting, so hope this gets to the right place. After taking a cold medicine for a month, I developed dry mouth. Never had dry mouth till then, and now I realize I shouldn't have taken the cold medicine for a month.. I tried almost all the posts for potential aid for dry mouth on Earth Clinic, but so far none have worked for me, although many aid suggestions for other ailments I have gotten from Earth Clinic have greatly helped me, which I am very thankful for! . Then as I did more research, I came across a website that stated that one of the benefits of wormwood supplement (not plant food) helped with sweating production. I rarely sweat, except my face.

The thought came to me if that supplement helps with sweat production, maybe it can aid in saliva moisture production. I purchased a bottle of liquid wormwood and it helped immediately that night. I've been taking it for a couple of weeks now. When I don't take it, I have dry mouth again. I'm hoping eventually the dry mouth will be gone without having to continue taking a supplement. What I purchased is “Green” Black Walnut Wormwood Complex” by NOW. I take 1 or 2 drops when I nap in the afternoon and the same before going to bed at night. It works every time I take it.
