Diabetic Neuropathy: R or Alpha - Lipoic acid helps with circulation as well as with nerve repair.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
I would like to thank Echoechoecho and the folks at EC for posting this amazing cure for diabetic nerve pain. I had severe pain in my right lower leg as described so perfectly in Echoechoecho's initial post from 2012. The pain would begin early in the evening and would become more profound after I went to bed. It was excruciating and kept me awake for two nights. I logged on to EC, read the post, went to my pharmacy and purchased alpha-Lipoic Acid capsules (600 mg). I took one capsule that morning and miraculously had zero pain that day and all night. I have been taking one capsule daily for the past three days and have not experienced any more pain. Sleeping like a baby. Thanks again and God Bless.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
During "diabetic neuropathy" research I found comments such as these about ALA, which - being a U. S. citizen - I had {of course} never even heard of.
Interested, I bought a bottle of 600mg ALA at a GNC store and in less than 24 hours, the terrible stabbing, electrical-shock-type pains in my feet had gone down 90%! I've taken 2 of the 600mg per day for 3 days.
Now, in my 3rd day I am having next to none at all, and have not noticed any side effects. Everyone with diabetes should be on this supplement, as they are in Germany. Maybe word will spread here in the states.