Natural Remedies to Detox Heavy Metals

Posted by Ariel (Las Vegas, NV) on 05/14/2024

Chelate Metallic Smell From Underarms With a Turmeric Tincture

Some years ago I remember buying a shirt from a secondhand store and noticing that it had what looked to be deodorant caked on it. I felt weird buying it but it was a really nice shirt so I did with the thought that I could wash it off and remove the metallic smell that it had in the left arm of the shirt. I wore the washed shirt and took it off after realizing that under my left arm, it started to have the same metallic odor. For years, my left arm continued to smell like metal. Recently, I began to feel the worst pain under my left arm that traveled deep into the left upper part of my chest. I read that turmeric could be used to chelate heavy metals, and so I decided to take the tincture I had and rub some under my arms and chest to see if the metallic smell would go away, and it did! It took about half an hour for me not to feel the throbbing pain. I smell normal again and after some days of treatment the pain is gone.
