Banish Dark Circles Naturally: Effective Home Remedies

Posted by Melissa (Chicago, Il) on 03/11/2007

I have been taking Black Strap Molasses now for three weeks. 2 tbsp a day In that short time frame, I have noticed an increase in energy, my monthly cycle wasn't the horrid painful nightmare it usually is, it was pain free, clot free, and psychosis free for the first time in my life. And the nasty dark circles under my eyes have all but vanished! And they were bad, I looked like I had two black eyes. I tried everything you can think of to get rid of those dark circles and NOTHING worked before now. I look five years younger! I'm amazed at the results I've seen so far and I've been telling everyone I know about this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deirdre (Atlanta, GA)

I have noticed several things about dark circles under my eyes... Besides being genetic, they are very much related to both food and environmental allergies. Too much sugar and my chronic circles are darker than dark. Too much wheat, same same. If I am experiencing congestion from pollen, my dark circles are worse. My antidote besides cutting out the food? Apple Cider Vinegar tonic: 2 teaspoons taken once a day in a large glass of water. Works almost instantaneously

Oil Pulling
Posted by Karthik (Mumbai, India) on 02/07/2007

Though i come from the country where Ayurveda was invented and popular, thanx to Earth Cinic in giving me insight on Oil pulling therapy. I started with sesame oil the first week did for 10mts, now 20mts starting from mid jan2007. It helped me with totally arresting from bleeding gums and black circles under my eyes dissapeared. I used to get sleep only at 5am and now i sleep by maximum 10.30. So far I have benefited gums cure/dark circles and good night sleep. Therefore I recommend to all. It is win win situation any which way. No side effects, cheaper remedy and simple too

Oil Pulling
Posted by Sheryl (USA) on 07/13/2007

My son is doing well..i have started giving him lemon and baking soda regularly every night . I also give him Chinese parsely. I have been using it liberally in our food ...being Indians we love the flavor. However I didn't know its use. He also takes b50 complex twice a week. Just wanted to update you and say thanks for your remedies. I have spent hundreds of dollars in tonics and supplements without knowing the remedy is so simple. Also, I have been oil pulling last 1 month now -- I don't have any dark circles any more.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Audrey (Gardner, Kansas) on 07/17/2007

coconut oil=so far helped my cracked feet and under eye dark circles...I have had dry feet the last year they have severely cracked...I have been applying the coconut oil for 2 days at night...feet are healing like crazy and circles are diminishing

Colon Cleanse
Posted by kristin (St. Louis, MO) on 12/19/2007

Around your eyes the skin is the thinest...Right? Think of the brown spots if any on your skin. The body is not cleaning itself and it is trying to tell you everytime you look in the mirror...Help! Now your liver and possibly your kidneys need a really good cleanse. You could see the difference pretty fast, the skin is the biggest organ we have and it is the first to give us a warning that something is wrong. Cleanse.... Oh, some people have different colors red, yellow, purple around their eyes, same thing....there is a build up of something your body DOES NOT LIKE...Cleanse... Have a delightful Holiday Season.

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