I had a constant subtle pain like the beginning of a UTI for almost a year! It was so annoying. Nothing came up in my blood and urine analysis, it was so frustrating. Sometimes I was having a crisis, got antibiotics, the acute pain was gone, but that annoying little pain remaining, like a little pinching. And then I had a cold and a friend recommended raw ginger (add milk, or yoghurt, or some food, it's very acidic!).
Well my flu didn't stop, but within 2-3 days my UTI symptoms totally disappeared. I continued taking it for about one week or two. And it has been gone.it's now been about 2 years.
When I feel the slightest beginning of pain(it really almost never happens) I just eat some ginger, smaller quantity now. I hope this helps someone too.
Oregano Oil
Over many years, I've been prescribed Cipro for recurring urinary tract infections (UTIs).
Five years ago, I tore my left hamstring simply taking one step from my porch into my home! It has never completely healed, although doing leg exercises has strengthened the surrounding muscles in my leg. Then, @2 years ago, the hamstring area directly behind my left knee "popped" again by just taking a small step up into a restaurant. My nutritionist back then let me know about the debilitating side effects of these particular antibiotics.
Recently, since my kidney transplant 3 years ago, and since my immune system is compromised due to the immuno-suppressants, I've been getting the monthly UTIs again. Docs put me on 3 different antibiotics over these past months, including Cipro, to stop the infection. However, after each 10-day course, I'd get another infection 4 days later! Turns out I had the klebsilla pneumoniae super-bug (most likely in my digestive tract/intestines), which is NOT killed off by the antibiotics, thus causing and allowing (IMHO) the UTIs to recur! I then did my research, and discovered the essential oil, Oil of Oregano, which is purported to kill off the super-bug.
I started taking it regularly and for the past 3 months have not had another UTI. Now, when I initially had a urinalysis done the superbug count (the klebsilla pneumoniae) was greater than 100,000!
Since then, I've had very minor UTI symptoms (I can spot them a mile away!), and each time have requested a urinalysis & culture only to find out that the results are clean. I attribute these current mild symptoms to "cheating" with sugar and "bad" carbs (for me, it's breads, pastas, ice-cream, caffeine, etc.).
Once I cleaned up my diet, and added the D-Mannose/Cranberry supplement (found at WF), I've had no symptoms whatsoever.
Also, anyone else suffering from recurrent UTIs, super-bugs, etc., please do your research and meet with a qualified health professional, including functional medicine professionals, keeping your primary doc in the loop! You need to be very careful ingesting/using new homeopathic remedies because everyone is different, and these remedies could affect different people differently!
Also, per the Oil of Oregano instructions, do not take it (capsule form or liquid form) longer than 2 weeks at a time, which is what I did. I took it for 2 weeks, then took a 1-2 week break, then only took it again for another 2 weeks IF I still had symptoms. Of course you really need to get both a urinalysis AND culture done (ordered by your doctor) to confirm exactly what bug you have.
This is especially important for females as our private part is in close proximity to our rectum! I used to get many Urinary tract infections until I started doing this:
1.Religiously after each bowel movement I remove my clothing from the waist down.
2.I sit at the edge of my bathtub and I keep a plastic cup and mild baby wash soap near the tub, and I wash out my bottom area until it is clean, I am talking about the rectum. (do not soap your vaginal area--nurses orders.)
And I use the plastic cup to rinse my private parts with clean cool water until I am rid of all soap and feces from my body!
I have never felt so clean in my life!
Since I started this new way of cleansing I have not gotten a Urinary tract infection! I believe that our feces entering our vaginal area is causing UTI's.
This is my personal opinion.
Multiple Remedies
Currently taking pure cranberry mixed with d-mannose and drinking 70 oz of lemon water. Anything else should I use? Borax, Baking Soda. Need to add something else.
Can urinary tract infections cause stoke, is it dementia or a urinary tract infection, in most older adults it is hard to tell. Most doctors go straight to AMS-altered mental state instead of testing for a UTI.
We need to be our own doctors because the medical community is a total failure.
Having said this, I am also very careful about what I eat: no sugar or fruit of any kind. I don't use any artificial sweeteners. I avoid wheat and other grains. I eat canned beans, eggs, fish, chicken, vegetables, and brown rice. I have to avoid nuts.
I just wanted to let people know that I was having bad Urinary Tract Infections all the time! Off and on! I was a big coffee drinker but I switched to "decaffeinated coffee" and I no longer have UTI's! I don't know if this will work for all women, but it is a relief not to have this painful problem anymore! It had gotten to the point where urinating was very painful. I hope it works for others. Thank you!
The cranberry juice worked for me....Oscar
Methylene Blue
i think such upping the MB dose is the way to go -- esp. that somewhere I read that small doses of MB also work wonders!
Avoid Caffeine
I do not even drink decaffinated coffee!
I eliminated Coffee 100% and I got rid of my UTI's entirely!
No coffee at all helped me! Diane C
Avoid Caffeine
Oregano Oil
Try homeopathy. It works.
Here are some helpful links that I found here on EC (and have been using since)
Clinical case series:
Oregano Oil
In addition to my earlier post above, I also take a probiotic specifically designed for urinary tract health. It's a proprietary brand "prescribed" by my Functional Medicine Practitioner.
So, at least for me, the combination of a clean, healthy & diverse diet (lots of fresh seasonal veggies & fruits, good-quality meats & fish; no junk food; no bad carbs, etc.), lots of water every day, & the probiotic, I have not had a UTI in @ONE year (fingers and toes crossed, of course! ).
The second I feel a twinge (a little bit of pain) in my urinary tract, or when I pee, I know I've eaten something in excess that may have caused this twinge. So I think back to what I ate and make the decision either not to eat that food, or eat much less of it. It really is all about listening, and making smart decisions, about your own body.
Avoid Caffeine
Methylene Blue
Oregano Oil
I appreciate your story. I'm seeking a solution for someone close to me that just got over Sepsis CAUSED by a bladder infection. We will try Oregano.