Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.

Boost O2

Posted by Shirley M. (Sedona) on 01/20/2021

This is a good reason for carrying a can of BOOST O2 in the car and have handy in the house until medical help arrives.

EC: Thank you so much, what a great idea. Added your idea to the supplements section in the CO article above.


Posted by Jill (Toronto) on 01/20/2021

1 teaspoon of cayenne powder in a small amount of juice or water for suspected CO poisoning. Don't forget to give it to your pets if you suspect they also got a nasty hit of carbon monoxide outside. I noticed one of my dogs sometimes gets agitated for no apparent reason after we come back from a long walk. Maybe that's the reason.

Oil Pulling

Posted by Melissa (Kansas City, Mo) on 10/17/2016

Oil Pulling Cured Migraines From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

I was in a carbon monoxide accident a few weeks ago. Although I was very lucky to survive, the migraines felt like a brain freeze that lasted hours of each day. I couldn't think or see straight. I avoided filling the prescription for pain pills from the doctors and was going to wait it out a month and see if I could find an alternative route. I did try aspirin, excedrin, ibuprofen, and Tylenol. Nothing helped the pain at all. I started oil pulling last Thursday night with organic sesame seed oil (medium heat) and I have not had a migraine since that day. I do it twice a day for 20 minutes. A place I spend extra time with the oil is under the tongue, but I also swish it all around. The world needs to know about this. I'm so grateful.
