Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Bursitis Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Milk of Magnesia
Posted by D (Usa) on 03/21/2015

Thank you to all the posts about Milk of Magnesia for Bursitis. It works, and works quickly. Thank you to everyone who said this may be from a calcium/magnesium imbalance, ie., magnesium deficiency. In my case it definitely was.

I took one teaspoon of MOM every 8 hours, and it worked so well. I also tried taking magnesium supplements, (chelated form) but the MOM worked far better.

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Isabel (Tampa, Fl) on 01/26/2014

Editor's Choice

I had used for bursitis milk of magnesium. Take a teaspoon in the morning and one at night with a glass of water you will be fine in 24 hours. I had migratory bursitis and that's all I use.

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Sammer (Clevedon, Uk) on 10/24/2013

Hi one and all, very new here and already very glad I came.

I'm 40 years old and a keen cyclist. I recently started up running and basically overcooked it too soon...and after seeing the physio, he told me that I had inflammation of a bursa, or bursitis as I have come to know it.

The damage was caused on a 17km run the monday before last and I tried everything, ice, ibuprofen, rest, turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties. Now, I'm not saying these didn't have any effect - the ice was soothing, the Ibuprofen killed the pain (I needed full dosage) and I have every faith in turmeric but the Milk of Magnesia - I believe - has done the trick. I started taking MOM yesterday morning - 1 x10ml which I repeated twice more so I had 30ml. This morning I had 10ml and another 10ml this afternoon and the improvement is significant. The pain is bearable - I've had no painkillers since 4pm yesterday and the affected area no longers hurts as much to the touch as it did yesterday...I'd say by about 50% at least.

This could be down to a variety of factors but there was no progress being made before I had MOM and whilst I'm not out of the woods yet I have every faith that I'm getting there.

One other problem in England - MOM is very hard to get hold of due to EU legislation which says it contains too much sulphate! Old stocks are all that is available and most of those are found In Boots the Chemist.

There are side effects, - the laxative (and diuretic) properties have well, flushed me out and I am having intermittent headaches which I think is down to dehydration.

Either way, I'll report back when I get more of an idea...

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by John (Siren, Wisconsin) on 09/20/2013

Bursitis: Milk of magnesia the best pain cure. I had painted 2 bedrooms and overdid it on my right elbow. The pain was excruciating. MOM took it way down in less than 8 hours. Thanks everyone for the great site and info.

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Bonnie (Venice, Louisiana/usa) on 09/17/2011

I tried the MOM because it was the easiest to obtain. I had immediate relief from hip bursitis from which I had suffered for a year or more. I had tried several things: light exercise and stretching (when I could), corisone shots, naproxan sodium, acetiminophen, rest... The MOM work immedately to relieve pain so I can returned to a better quality of life! Since I didn't need the laxative effect, I have had to cut back to 2 T. once a day, right after work. I am amazed at how well it works! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing this!

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Wilson (Calgary, Alberta) on 07/28/2011

I have suffered with hip bersitus for almost 2 years now. I stumbled on this web site and started taking Milk of Magnesia yesterday in the pill form. I took 2 pills 3 times yesterday and I have taken 4 pills so far today. OMG! I can't believe the difference in that short time (better). It is really working for me. Thank you all so much for the relief of pain in the last 2 day! I will contuinue to take this for another few days and I am confident it will be totaly GONE!

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Sarah (Birmingham, England) on 05/01/2011

I read the write ups on milk of magnesium for bursitis and couldn't believe it. I have suffered for nearly a year in my hip, I have had two coritisone injections and taken anti inflammatories but still in terrible pain! So I started taking milk of magnesium on Thursday it is now Sunday and I have virtually no pain! I am so pleased I have found this cure!

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Paul (Port Jefferson Station, Ny) on 07/20/2010

After being hit with my first and hopefully only bout of very painful hip Bursitis I came here for some advice. Tried the Milk of Magnesia 2 TBSP twice a day for 5 days and I was 90% better. In addition, seeing the post stating that when calcium is high magnesium is low and understanding the relationship Vitamin D also has with calcium I added (1) 2000 Unit vitamin D tab to my diet. I did nothing else and felt tremendous relief and was not about to go for Cortisone injections as suggested by others. When my Hip was about 95% better I felt some sharp pain in my knee causing me to limp again. I took another 2 doses of Milk of Magnesia, my knee feels much better, and my hip bursitis is GONE!!! Thank you.

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Isabel (Tampa, Fl) on 08/08/2009

Yesterday I woke up with bursitis on my left elbow,I hardly can move my fingers, Immediately I took a tablespoon of milk of magnesia with a glass of water, one in the morning and one before going to bed, today I feel great no pain at all, all my life I suffered from migratory bursitis, I had been doing this for more than 30 years and never fail, just remember when calcium is high your magnesium is low, and bursitis is an accumulation of calcium

Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Isabel (Tampa, Fl USA) on 12/21/2008

Milk of magnesium cured my bursitis, I had suffered from it for many years, sometimes I saw a Doctor 6 times a year, he told me that I had migratory bursitis, one time I went to the hospital for bursitis on my shoulder, luckily after 3 days the calcium dissolved, my italian neighbor told me that she can't believe I would go to so much trouble knowing that I can get relief taking milk of magnesium.

I used it and within 24 hours I was cured 90%. this was about 20 years ago and it has work for me and my friends, usually when I have bursitis immediately I take a tablespoon of milk of magnesium (I don't care that it will upset my stomach) and 1 teaspoon before I go to bed then for the next 3 days I take on teaspoon in the morning and another before I go to bed,after that I am 100% cured, this year I had to take it 3 times and always works, the only time that I have to go and see a Dr. was when I had the bursitis in my hips (2 times) mybe if I had waited long enough would had work but after a week of pain I had no choice.

One time I was on vacation and I had a bad sunburn since I only had milk of magnesium I used on my back and I was able to sleep.

Your web site is wonderful, I am addicted to it. For the last 3 months I had been doing the oil pulling and ACV, thanks to everybody for their feedback.
