ACV, Molasses, Ginger, Castor Oil Packs
Blended Whole Lemon
For the last month, I have suffered from constant chronic right shoulder pain that started about a month ago from what I believe is a sluggish gall bladder (possible gallstones) as I do have tenderness under my right ribcage when I press the gall bladder area. It has severely affected my sleep as I am a side sleeper and sleeping on my side is so painful that I am forced to sleep on my back which sets off a mild case of sleep apnea.
While searching YouTube for health videos concerning a different health issue, I came across a video titled Amazing Benefits of Eating WHOLE Lemons – Peel, White Part, and Seeds by Dr. Eric Berg DC. I remembered that the bitterness of real squeezed lemon juice is very good for a sluggish gallbladder and healing a sore gallbladder (tender to the touch) which often also results in chronic right shoulder pain as the inflamed gallbladder impinges on a nerve that runs up from the torso and into the right shoulder area that causes deep throbbing pain. Dr. Berg's simple explanation of “why you should consume the whole lemon” (video time 1:44 to 6:22 minutes) provided enough similarities with what was going on with me that I decided to give it a shot. I drove to my local supermarket that carries a small organic section (most nationwide grocery stores carry organic lemons and or limes– usually a bag of 10 for under $5) and bought organic lemons. It must be organic lemon or limes as non-organic citrus fruit is heavily sprayed with pesticides which you will consume if you eat the whole non-organic lemon. When I got home, I cut one lemon into 10 equal parts, threw the parts into a tall quart size wide mouth mason jar, filled with around 12 oz of water, and used a hand immersion blender for 3 minutes (enough time to make sure everything was really cut and blended – no big pieces especially any seeds or peel parts.
A counter blender or bullet type blender will work as well). You can watch the video to see how to blend the lemon and drink. I didn't have any liquid stevia at the time, so I just drank it straight in one go. It was bitter but not so bad where I gagged. I can see where the liquid stevia could help offset the bitterness. To be honest it wasnt bad tasting and from start (cutting lemon) to finish (cleaning the blender) was roughly 5 minutes.
The only side effect was I had diarrhea that night and I could see bits of the lemon pulp floating in the water. Other than that, no problems. I drank a blended lemon for the next 3 days and by the fourth day I noticed that my shoulder pain was lessening. It wasn't the constant throbbing pain anymore. In fact, it felt like it had reduced in pain by 60% and now really only hurt when I moved my arm back or above my head. That night I was able to sleep on my left side for the full night and actually got restive sleep. By day six, all pain was gone from my right shoulder; I could now sleep on either side; and the tenderness under my right ribcage at where my gall bladder is located had vanished. It's now been 12 days of consuming a whole blended lemon and I really feel good. I have tons of energy, my outlook on life is good, and I am pain free throughout my entire body. I no longer have to take any kind of pain medication. I cant tell you how awesome that is. So give it a shot. You will be pleasantly surprised. I have gotten so many additional benefits that I am beginning to wonder if drinking a blended lemon a day, might not be just the panacea we are all looking for in this day and age.
I took one teaspoon of MOM every 8 hours, and it worked so well. I also tried taking magnesium supplements, (chelated form) but the MOM worked far better.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Note! It hasn't gotten rid of my grey hair, but, so what. I'm pain free.
When I finally got to the store, I bought apple cider vinegar, but it did not seem to have as much effect as the white vinegar. The white vinegar really took the heat away, and it brought the swelling down. I used it FULL STRENGTH, 5%. I read online, all these warnings to never use it full strength, so I tried it watered down, but it did nothing at all!!!
Borax Poultice, Avoid Dairy
I was hesitant to drink the solution, so decided applying it topically would be OK (not sure why I thought that, the skin is a huge organ which absorbs all kinds of things, including Epsom salts and baking soda in a bath) The application at room temperature felt so good and relieving. After about a week, the swelling in my shoulder had diminished and pain was greatly relieved. I kept it up for weeks, and the bursitis went away. My orthopedist wanted to inject cortisone. I said I would consider it if taking glucosamine and condroitin didn't help and that I would let him know. He actually told me that some of his patients had good results from quitting dairy consumption since dairy is an inflammatory...so I did that, also.
Check for Infected Teeth
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
After an X-ray & Ultrasound my doctor said it was bursitis, might be due to some shock or trauma from falling down or sports, although I couldnot recollect any. Could have been just due wrong position I slept that might have twisted the tissues causing inflammation which was internal but apparently not visible externally but caused much trouble in my daily life & I panicked a lot. Although 2 weeks of medication : VIMOVO seemed to have controlled it still, I felt the pain during walking & other activites. Also standing for sometime like cooking kind of aggravated it.
I didnt want to depend on medicine as I did a bit of research and found that the medicine is quiet strong & not good for intestine as well.
So I came to earthclinic & found people talking about it. Many suggested Apple Cider Vinegar as a cure. So I thought lets try it the natural way. I ordered ACV (Bragg or Filsinger both are equally good) and blackstrap molasses.
From then I mix 2 Tablespoon of ACV & 1 Tspoon of molass in a glass of lukewarm water & drink it first thing in the morning around half an hr before before having any breakfast. I noticed my pain gradually went away which had not completely disappeared even with strong dose of Vimovo.
Also it seems to have given me immunity to cold, coz Canadian Winter is chilly & temp is below -10 many a times, and I came to Canada recently on business for a year, not much used to winter.
Also mix honey with ACV if I run out of blackstrap molass, seems to be good.
So thanks to every one who is discussing their experiences in earth clinic, and I hope mine also helps some one too.
Milk of Magnesia
I'm 40 years old and a keen cyclist. I recently started up running and basically overcooked it too soon...and after seeing the physio, he told me that I had inflammation of a bursa, or bursitis as I have come to know it.
The damage was caused on a 17km run the monday before last and I tried everything, ice, ibuprofen, rest, turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties. Now, I'm not saying these didn't have any effect - the ice was soothing, the Ibuprofen killed the pain (I needed full dosage) and I have every faith in turmeric but the Milk of Magnesia - I believe - has done the trick. I started taking MOM yesterday morning - 1 x10ml which I repeated twice more so I had 30ml. This morning I had 10ml and another 10ml this afternoon and the improvement is significant. The pain is bearable - I've had no painkillers since 4pm yesterday and the affected area no longers hurts as much to the touch as it did yesterday...I'd say by about 50% at least.
This could be down to a variety of factors but there was no progress being made before I had MOM and whilst I'm not out of the woods yet I have every faith that I'm getting there.
One other problem in England - MOM is very hard to get hold of due to EU legislation which says it contains too much sulphate! Old stocks are all that is available and most of those are found In Boots the Chemist.
There are side effects, - the laxative (and diuretic) properties have well, flushed me out and I am having intermittent headaches which I think is down to dehydration.
Either way, I'll report back when I get more of an idea...
Apple Cider Vinegar
Anyway, a couple months back I started practicing kung fu and qi gong more intensively than in the past (like 2 hours a day). Right shoulder started getting sore enough so I couldn't lie on it at night (turns out to be a standard sign of bursitis).
Finally one day it started getting really inflamed and the pain just getting worse. Worst pain I ever experienced for a solid week. Couldn't even move the arm. Excruciating. Aspirin helped the most among over-the-counter pills. Couldn't even wait the 4 hours between doses.
Anyway, accurately verified diagnosis as bursitis online and found this site. Got a bottle of apple cider vinegar and started taking a spoonful in water 3 times a day. Wasn't sure at first whether it was helping or my body was just following its natural course of healing.
After a few weeks, inflammation was down to maybe 25% of the original and I was doing light exercise again. Cut the vinegar treatment down to once a day and improvement seemed to stop. So, after a week I went back to 3 times again and improvement picked up again.
It's now 6 weeks since it all started and I'm able to sleep on the arm again, and am working out again, although much more carefully. I try to avoid exercises that rotate the arm in a 360 degree circle as this causes a "click" in the tendons that I think may be most responsible for irritating the area.
My bottom line is that I'm pretty sure the vinegar is doing something, so I'm going to continue it perhaps indefinitely.