Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Bursitis Relief

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Milk of Magnesia
Posted by Betsey2u (Troy, Mi) on 02/21/2013


I have been down a rocky road recently, .. Spine issues and arthritis, .. Weeks before this I had a painful shoulder, .. In between appts I mentioned it to my doctor who advised me to do physical therapy. Bursitis, Tendinitis he told me and that I didnt want to get frozen shoulder. And I said no to physical therapy and he gave me exercises to do. Fine and well. But one day I woke up and felt like my arm was going to fall off. I think I actually did get frozen shoulder, .. I dont know. And I noticed my right upper side the affected shoulder area was in major pain and was starting to look deformed! I found this site and the MOM idea and I did 2 tblsp, .. At first when I went to the store I thought this was a heartburn medicine and then when I saw that it was a laxative!! I was like whoooooooooooooaaa because that is the least of my problems. And I took 2 tblsps. Was in the bathroom within a couple hours but I was moving my arm and shoulder around like crazy. It was like pain relief. Major. Next morning I felt a little weak and was also drinking gatorade.. But now I am waiting a day and will try maybe only 1 tblsp. tomorrow. I have to wonder what a person is depleting by useing Milk of Magnesia???? That stuff flushes you out major, . But I swear my arm feels atleast 50% or more better today. And what I couldnt move I can move today and now am hearing clicks in my shoulder. Which would have never been there if I couldnt move it at all lol. So I think it is good!

sounds like a good thing! Buttt, . As I told my friend about all this she mentioned her constipation issues and I told her from what I read magnese (magnesium?) in vitamin form at certain levels are laxative effect also and she said that explained her all of a sudden regularity. And she asked about my vitamins. And I had read that iron may effect that as that is what I found in my multi vitamin. so I wont take that anytime soon.

So all I am saying is for people like myself coming across this information, .. Please be careful. My unaffected arm was shaking this morning because it may have dehydrated me. So I dont know how people could take 2 tblsp of this stuff twice a day! I dont have that much stuff to evacuate to begin with lol. If anyone has any info on what to replenish besides gatorade, . Or what to eat while doing such a thing I would love to hear about it. When I looked up gatorade and MOM I got nothing but what one would do before having a colonoscopy! But I have to say thumbs up because I havent felt this good in months!!
