Natural Cures for Brain Fog

Lemon Balm

Posted by Earthshine (Hillsboro, Oregon, Unitedstates) on 05/09/2011

Lately I've been noticing that I do not have that sharp of a memory well pretty much I have a horrible memory and I am only 21. I haven't done to much research on things that are good for memory but the other day I was told that Lemon Balm is good for your memory. So I randomly bought some at whole food yesterday and was just woundering if anyone else has tried this for brain fog and maybe knows a good dosage to take. The bottle says 30 drops equals one ml. So if you have any information that would be great. I feel like having a bad memory has stopped me from pursuing alot in my life and I think it is a big part of my nervousness and social anxiety.

Lion's Mane Mushroom

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Posted by P Fogarty (Rochester, NH) on 01/17/2020

I had brain fog so bad, I was ready to quit driving. Did research and came across medical mushrooms. Lion's Mane Mushroom gave me back my life within three days.

Multiple Remedies

Posted by Patty (Ontario, Canada) on 05/26/2012

Brain fog can also result from an unbalanced 'gut', hypothyroidism and allergies to certain foods like wheat and gluten. I have been suffering from very bad headaches and brain fog for close to a year now and suspect the long time use of allergic foods and an unbalanced gut. 7 days ago I started taking Probiotics, eliminated wheat/Gluten, added Aloe Vera juice 3x a day as a tonic and am blending lots of greens (spinach, kale, chard, cilantro, cucumber, green appleas and pear) into a smoothie 3 times a day to alkalize my body. Too early to tell yet, but noticed more energy, major improvement of my nails.

I will now add AVC daily. Appreciate everyone's input.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cc (Slc, Utah) on 12/04/2011

For brain fog: 1tsp Lemongrass (loose leaf) 1tsp Lemon Myrtle (loose leaf) 1 White TEA, tea bag. Take 2 cups of hot water brew for 5 to 7 minutes. Drink 4oz to 12oz a day for a period of time. You could add a Rose Hip tea bag to this mix. This cleared my head and it also made it where I can spell and retain words better. It also improved my ability to pronunce words. I wish I had this back in the 6th grade... I would also say I am on a green diet. Lemongrass and Lemon Myrtle both contain Citral. Lemon Myrtle (90-98%) Lemongrass (65-85%). Citral also has strong antimicrobial qualities. Side effects I don't know.

When I was a little kid I had a bad twitch with my eyes, mouth and my neck and in the 60's the doc's didn't know why I did it. Growing up I always struggled with english and spelling. I now think that from a young age my body has been dealing with some type of infection that caused brain fog and now that I'm in my forties I find myself with a much better clarity of thought.

Oil Pulling

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Posted by Burton (Portland, Oregon) on 01/25/2009

I read about oil pulling on this site and decided to try it, though i wasn't aware of any real health problems. I only had olive oil in the house so I went with that for 3 or 4 days and did the neti pot nasal flush afterward each time. I used a tablespoon of oil and swished for 15 minutes, rinsing afterward with 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. baking soda in warm water. Throughout the course of those four days I noticed a startling mood elevation and mental clarity that I hadn't had in a very long time. I also noticed alot of sinus drainage and my ability to smell increased. Also my eyes stopped feeling itchy or dry. I switched over to sesame oil because it was recommended, but have since switched back to olive oil and experienced the same mood elevation and mental clarity. This has made me wonder if I was suffering from low-grade depression the whole time. I feel much calmer and focussed, less confused and find alot more reasons to laugh during the day. I also have a TON more energy and work much harder. This energy caused me to have some problems sleeping for the first few days. One last thing is that my beard seems to have gotten much thicker and softer. I'm excited about such a cheap and simple remedy and would recommend it to everyone.

Replied by Rich
(Boca Raton, Fl)

Many Americans have b-vitamin deficiencies, particularly Thiamin or B-1.

Many diseases can lead to brain fog. Candida, Staph, poor digestion problems. The first thing to test though, is a B-complex vitamin. Sometimes miraculous results can be produced in a day or two (if brainfog hasn't been a chronic condition).

Here is a discussion of sub-cortical dimensia:

This can be caused by b-1,b-12, folic acid deficiencies. Other b-vitamin deficiencies can also lead to brain fog. As a b-vitamin is water soluble, safe, and cheap($5)... if you have brain fog, it may be worth while picking up a bottle and testing this out. It might change your life, or at least buy you some time to figure out the underlying cause.

Phosphatidylserine (PS-100)

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Posted by Fuji (Florida) on 11/29/2013

Re: Brain Fog

This really helps for me...I have an autoimmune illness and migraines. The med I take for migraines is famous for causing brain fog and my other health problems certainly don't help either. I take a multi vitamin, a B Complex and D3. These are the basics. But what helps a lOT in conjunction with that is a supplement called Phosphatidylserine or PS-100. Anyway, the Phosphatidylserine plus my vitamins helped A LOT. Also of help was getting in some exercise (even a little), going to bed 1/2 hour earlier than before, eliminating soda, eating healthfully in general, reducing the intake of sugar, bread and wheat, (eating some fresh fruit is fine) and drinking lots of good quality water. These things should really help with brain fog!

Raw Onions

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Posted by Omar (Bloomield NJ) on 02/19/2022

Instant brain relief : Eat raw onion or add it on top of a stew or salad with good amount of onions.

Chewing a raw ginger works as well but does not last as the onion trick. I have had good experience with onions every time. My sight gets clear immediately and my brain clarity takes over the fog in an instant.

Sea Salt and Water

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Posted by Watercure2 (Ne Pa.) on 10/31/2013

Editor's Choice

1/4 tsp of sea salt in a glass of water stops brain fog. I take it with every glass of water before every meal and between meals & before bed & never got it again.

Replied by Maverick
(Washington, USA)

Pink Himalayan Salt

I have had brain fog for awhile and chalked it up to bad sleep hygiene, sometimes I don't even get to sleep until 4 or 5AM in the morning, had a bad routine from working night shifts throughout my life.

Today, my mom was dumping salt on her fries like she has her WHOLE LIFE. I decided to put about a half teaspoon (tsp.) in my water that I drink when I'm eating my meal for the day. Within the first few sips I started feeling energized and now that my glass is completely empty the brain fog is completely GONE. I'm almost in shock, since I've dealt with brain fog and tiredness for at least 10 years now.

I then read this article below about how Salt (Sea Salt / Pink Salt / Pink Himalayan Salt, etc..) are all good for ADRENAL FATIGUE. Read below


I had stopped using pink salt because of recent articles about lead levels in it. There is a recipe for the adrenal cocktail that includes pink salt. I'm glad you have had good results. :)


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Posted by Jeffrey (Idaho) on 07/30/2023

Leaky Brain repair your BBB Blood Brain Barrier

Hello World,

We all talk about leaky gut, chances are we have leaky brains. Here is a list from neuro scientist claiming to repair the junction blocks that protect our brains from toxins, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and, yes poop particles.

here is my blood brian barrier repair kit, people are noticing better brain function within 1-4 weeks.

Got : migaines? brain fog?


  • b complex
  • d3 vitamin 10,000 ui
  • resveritrol with trans vertrol 350mg-1000mg
  • magnesium L-threonate.
  • L-glutimine
  • Curcumin
  • Caffeine
  • Berberine

Have fun and enjoy life!

Posted by Toourlady89 (Hayward Ca) on 11/04/2013

Brain Fog is a slow process. I felt the same. So I was searching for answers like you have. I feel better after experimenting and searching thru the years.. I can now memorize numbers again, credit cards, Drivers license, car plates, etc. or movies that I have watched many years back, and so much more.. or where did I place or put down my eyeglasses or keys, etc...

1) I found Magnesium L Threonate.. this one takes time to work but it will restore long term memory accurately. (Google it)

2) Gingko Bilova opens up the blood vessels for better blood and oxygen circulation to the brain.

3) Vit B complex 100 mg of the 8 B vitamins to prevent shrinkage and or restore shrinking brain that could lead to Alzheimers disease.

4) Vit D3 ( need to get bood levels checked)

5) Vit C 2000mg and higher

6) Huperzine A helped restore short term memory

7) Selenium helps with functioning of the Thyroid

8) Zinc also with functioning of the Thyroid

9) Make sure your Ferritin or Iron level is NL- up in the 70's and higher. Also have your Thyroid levels checked . TSH, Free T3 and free T4

Yes, I take all these daily and more.. The brain is very important for our health and longevity. We can take charge of our own health and not accept that forgetfulness or going to Dementia is part of normal aging as even some Doctors would say.. It can be helped. It does cost money, but what is money without health.. I get all my supplements on line.

Replied by Rob

Toourlady, thanks for these suggestions... I am trying the Magnesium Threonate as per your suggestion... so far I haven't noticed a memory increase... but it does give a strong noticeably mental relaxing effect. I have ordered the Huperzin and will report back... also am trying Vinpocetine... many report taking it with the Huperzin.

Replied by Toourlady89
(Hayward Ca)

To Rob from Manhattan: Mg L threonate took me about 4-5 months before I really felt the memory results. I also used Gingko a few weeks before that. Many other good effects from Mg L Threonate to my family, like you said, its relaxing, it helps to get sound and rested sleep, it also could stop teeth grinding, snoring (eventually) stops tics, shaking of extremities, anxiety, and depression, fear of the unknown, helps heal allergies that has developed from substances you were not allergic to previously and then so much more..

I added other supplements on the list one at a time after I felt some results from the new ones ..Except these: you need Vit D3 2000 IU to push Mg into the right cells in the body and the brain, then Vit C around 2000mg a day.. Vit B 100 complex according to studies will protect the brain from shrinking ( commonly found in Alzheimer's)

It takes Mg a long time to be replenished in the body. To speed it up, I used Mg Oil spray as well. Pls. Google. It would also help to google Mg deficiency both on line and on You tube.

Take note that if you are on any antacids, this could affect the absorption of Vitamins, Iron and supplements. Also of absorption of B12 from food.

Replied by Herbted72
(Eureka, California)

I would like to second some of Toourlady89's recommendations—I have also found the following to be of great help in alleviating my previously ongoing brain fog issues:

1. Gingko Biloba has been helpful for me and makes me feel more energized and alive, which helps with the brain fog across the board.

2. Natural Vitamin D3 has been a life saver... I found the best way to get it was from a fish oil supplement called Polar Power by North American Herb and Spice Co. It also has DHA/EPA in it which also helps with brain fog so two birds with one stone!

Also, the herb Gotu Kola has been *immensely* helpful as well, perhaps more than anything else I have tried. I learned about it browsing the internet one day researching brain fog and quickly picked some up. Apparently it's one of the best herbs for the brain on the planet.

Anyways, just wanted to add my two cents in for what its worth and what has helped me the most! Best of luck to you all on your journey in getting rid of brain fog!


Posted by Katie (Edina, MN) on 03/24/2009

I have had brain fog /die off (also known as Heximer's reaction) when I have cleansed and toxins are released. I have had success taking an amino acid combination: L-Arginine/L. Ornithine. I read that they absorb the toxins and I have relief from the brain fog within 1/2 hour. I take one capsule, 1000 mg on an empty stomach. Also, I have had good results with a molybdenum 120 mcg & Glutathione 50 mg complex, sublingual tablet. However, I use the amino acid combo more often, because it is easier to find online or in my local health food store.

Replied by Jas
(New Delhi, India)

Hi Guys, I have gone through most of the feedbacks that you shared and seems some of you might can help me. I am not sure If I am suffering from Brain Fog or not but symtops are quite same. It started almost 45 days back when I suddenly had a severe fatigue attack. Dont know the reason, may be due to a bit stress or heat. After that I felt quite low for at least 3-4 days. After recovering I started going back to my work, suddenly in afternoon I have this brain foggy feeling. Unclear mind, Stiffness, missing major feelings and slight on creativity side and throughout its continous..... In short feeling some cloudiness in brain. But I am able to do rest of my works fine, talk fine, walk fine, work fine, but this wierd feeling of brain fog is killing me.

I consulted specialized neurologist, he said its a tension type headache and advised antidepressant clonozepam so as it can relax muscles. Also he said may be its some chemical imbalance due to defficiency in serotonin, but no firm tests are their to prove it. I took medicine for 3 weeks, but it hardly helped, instead when I left, I faced severe headache for 2 days. Right now, I am not taking any medication and foggy feeling is still constant, even I believe its not a stress headache as I do not have any stress other than to get rid of this thing. All my reports, MRI, EEG, Blood tests are normal. Only I am left with thyroid and Vitamin deficiency tests.

Please advise if ACV will be usefull in my case. In addition I am trying to but breathing exercizes in routine, but not much benifit yet. Dont know what to do next.

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Jas, I would venture to say, by what you are describing, that you are suffering from a severe case of candida. Candida can manifest in many ways and it is the root cause of many illnesses of which doctors don't really address or give credibility to what candida is capable of doing to the body. Many people have systemic candida and one of the big tell tale signs is severe brain fog. Medications exacerbate the problem.

There is so much information on Earth Clinic regarding this subject especially from Bill of San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines. It would be redundant for me to go back over it since he has covered this extensively and combated it in himself. I have not had it, only helped others to overcome this, eventually quite debilitating issue. Not long ago, he even addressed what I just said in my first paragraph. Anyway, check out his information here. Another leading authority regarding candida is Donna Gates and you can find her by googling Body Ecology in which her site has lots of info as well. Diet is the first place to start and detoxing.

Wishing you the best, Lisa


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Posted by Raoul (Miami) on 07/22/2023

I've been taking Turmeric to heal brain fog and it is helping me a lot, was having short-term memory problems but now I am going back to my normal self. I am using the formula that contains 100mg of 95% Curcumin with Black Pepper for better absorption.

Vitamin B Complex

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Posted by Terry (Wi, Us) on 08/06/2013

I've had brain fog for well over a year, so bad that I had a ct scan done. It gets better at times but always comes back, doctors told me it could be my allergies and cfs, I have trouble with memory concentration and always feel mentally drained. I've tried vitamin b complex with little success. Any ideas?

Replied by Ed2010

May be fluoride poisoning. Check whether your municipal water has fluoride. Detoxing fluoride will increase mental clarity. Read through Fluoride poisoning in EC. Borax, Tamarind Juice can help. Good Health.

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