Natural Cures for Brain Fog

| Modified on May 18, 2024
Posted by Jeffrey (Idaho) on 07/30/2023

Leaky Brain repair your BBB Blood Brain Barrier

Hello World,

We all talk about leaky gut, chances are we have leaky brains. Here is a list from neuro scientist claiming to repair the junction blocks that protect our brains from toxins, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and, yes poop particles.

here is my blood brian barrier repair kit, people are noticing better brain function within 1-4 weeks.

Got : migaines? brain fog?


  • b complex
  • d3 vitamin 10,000 ui
  • resveritrol with trans vertrol 350mg-1000mg
  • magnesium L-threonate.
  • L-glutimine
  • Curcumin
  • Caffeine
  • Berberine

Have fun and enjoy life!

Posted by Raoul (Miami) on 07/22/2023

I've been taking Turmeric to heal brain fog and it is helping me a lot, was having short-term memory problems but now I am going back to my normal self. I am using the formula that contains 100mg of 95% Curcumin with Black Pepper for better absorption.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by bzbrum (bklyn NY) on 03/02/2023

I have used organic Turmeric which helps. you have to figure out how much to take.

if you start feeling thirsty then don't take more, that thirsty feeling is the sign that you are getting enough.

Brain Fog Diet
Posted by Albert (New York, New York ) on 02/04/2023

I find that the sugars enter your body too quickly when juicing can cause the nausea. Add almonds almond butter or peanut butter to the mix to give you healthy fats to slow the absorption of the juices.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Emily (Eugene Oregon ) on 01/23/2023

I so agree! Mental brain fog gone! It's a miracle.

Colloidal Gold
Posted by Kevin (Palmer, Alaska) on 11/18/2022

I had covid fog and the lack of energy that comes with it. The covid brain fog was diminished in 24 hours and even better at 72 hours. My energy started returning at about 72 hours. I noticed my eyesight was clearer the first day. I take 1 oz of Colloidal gold Nano 20 ppm every morning on an empty stomach.

Avoid Fans and Air Conditioning
Posted by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/27/2022

Hi Diane - What is your formula H2O2 to Distilled water in your Net-Pot Rinse?

Avoid Fans and Air Conditioning
Posted by Diane (Gulf Coast) on 10/27/2022

I woke up every morning with frontal lob headache-brain fog with severe memory loss especially with stress. After months of pain it stopped. WHY? because it was fall-winter and my husband stopped running AC on 70. Turned off the ceiling fan that was on high and turned off his table fan that ALL BLEW ON ME. I was having brain freeze with severe Sinus Infection. Similar to eating frozen ice cream. I would have to go out and sit in my truck and turn on the heat. It caused stress, poor job performance. Then it started on him. After a month, I am back to my self at 66 yrs old.... and NO more fans and cold AC. It all stopped when I read how to nitty my nose with drops of hydrogen peroxide and warm water, it thawed my nose-cleared my sinuses. It was so simple.

Posted by Angelclare (California) on 05/04/2022

Can anyone direct me to Ted's borax brain fog remedy? I can't seem to find it. Thanks so much.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Gayle (Upland, California) on 03/27/2022

The brain is made up of about 50% fat. You need fat in your diet. The brain can run on glucose or fat, but there is a lot of evidence that fat may be a better source, that is the ketogenic diet. I feel much better on a ketogenic diet. My brain is more clear, less fog and it puts me in a better mood. Some people speculate that paleolithic man lived in ketosis because he did not have the massive amounts of carbohydrates available to him that we presently have in our diets.

Raw Onions
Posted by Omar (Bloomield NJ) on 02/19/2022

Instant brain relief : Eat raw onion or add it on top of a stew or salad with good amount of onions.

Chewing a raw ginger works as well but does not last as the onion trick. I have had good experience with onions every time. My sight gets clear immediately and my brain clarity takes over the fog in an instant.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Verna (Texas) on 01/28/2022

It definitely works for muscles cramps/contractions.

Brain Fog Trigger: Air Conditioning
Posted by Diane (AL) on 08/05/2021

Cause of Brain Fog

AC... working in artificial Air Conditioning that keeps you cold all day, and night. My husband had AC down on 73, a ceiling fan and a side fan. I would wake up frozen with a horrible headache. When I would leave the house or go outside, I started feeling better, no headache. Then one morning it was so cold my face and arms were frozen. I realize what was happening to me and my dogs.

Lion's Mane Mushroom
Posted by P Fogarty (Rochester, NH) on 01/17/2020

I had brain fog so bad, I was ready to quit driving. Did research and came across medical mushrooms. Lion's Mane Mushroom gave me back my life within three days.

Gingko Biloba
Posted by Katherine (Cincinatti) on 05/31/2018

I take Gingko for memory but found it helps my brain function better, faster and succinctly. I used to have brain fog but after changing my diet and eliminating a lot of sugar and wheat plus Gingko it is gone. I feel the Gingko working 15 minutes after taking it. It also helps my circulation, my feet are not as cold as they used to be. I take two 120mg capsules a day, one in the morning after I drink a glass of warm water with gluten free breakfast bar and then another capsule at 3pm to help the afternoon energy slump at work.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Michael (Michigan) on 05/25/2016

If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, my advice is to add 200mcg of Selenium and Iodine to your daily regimen. Use Iodoral Iodine, approximately 13mg per tablet.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Christopher (Fitchburg ) on 05/06/2016

Hey man I just wanna say your like a message from the holy spirit bro I have been suffering for over 17 years brain fog confusion, memory loss, fatigue, u name it I had it!! I would cry my eyes out all the time!!! But last night I read your testimony and I tried it 5 minutes after I was finding peace man and I couldn't believe it I was just so amazed?? What the heck!!! Please contact me bro thanks

Posted by Herbted72 (Eureka, California) on 04/10/2016

I would like to second some of Toourlady89's recommendations—I have also found the following to be of great help in alleviating my previously ongoing brain fog issues:

1. Gingko Biloba has been helpful for me and makes me feel more energized and alive, which helps with the brain fog across the board.

2. Natural Vitamin D3 has been a life saver... I found the best way to get it was from a fish oil supplement called Polar Power by North American Herb and Spice Co. It also has DHA/EPA in it which also helps with brain fog so two birds with one stone!

Also, the herb Gotu Kola has been *immensely* helpful as well, perhaps more than anything else I have tried. I learned about it browsing the internet one day researching brain fog and quickly picked some up. Apparently it's one of the best herbs for the brain on the planet.

Anyways, just wanted to add my two cents in for what its worth and what has helped me the most! Best of luck to you all on your journey in getting rid of brain fog!


Posted by Everson11 (Mt) on 01/01/2016

I had serious Brain fog going on, I suspect from trying to do a candida cleanse, and literally couldn't sleep because of it...

I ate 1/2 teaspoon of 35K Cayenne powder, which I would NOT recommend, (turned it into a paste in my mouth and swallowed)... Normally I would boil water...

It worked though, after 20 minutes of pain, which doesn't happen to me with the tea... My head is clear, sinuses are clear, and lungs are a lot better...

I would recommend you make sure your eardrums are clear, as you will feel the blockage if they aren't...

That's my next mission, as mine are waxed up...

Chronic Fluoride Poisoning
Posted by Victoria (Gladstone) on 12/05/2015

Hi, my name is Vickie. I have lived in Gladstone, Oregon most of my life up till the last few years people in Gladstone Oregon drank water with fluoride in their water system as a result. I am 53 years old. I was about fourteen when fluoride was put in the water here. There are so many folks with medical problems today as I know this is not good. I know there are cures and it will take a while for some to get the idea but I ask you the cost of this and the many people that are hurt medically from this . I would like to ask for help for this for love of everyone in and from this town that was affected by this.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sarah (United States) on 10/03/2015

The brain can also use ketones instead of glucose. Hence the concept of the ketogenic diet and other similar diets. Coconut oil aids in the production of ketones so it can help feed the brain in the absence of glucose.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Timh (KY) on 02/18/2015 2063 posts

B: What illnesses are you currently being treated for by conventional dr's?? What prescription or otc meds are you taking??

I am a big believer in detox baths to bring about substantial recover in debilitating or quickly worsening situations. 1/4 cup Epsom Salts - 1/4 cup Baking Soda - 1/4 cup Borax in a hot water bath at least once per wk for at least 1hr per session. This may be too much sodium for some folks who may have kidney or hypertension problems in which case supplementing Potassium would be needed. ACV can help w/ any possible fluid retention, otherwise this is an excellent broad spectrum detox. and instant alkalizing remedy.

You may also consider Oil Pulling for detoxing the body listed in "Remedies" at the top of page.

If you need some assistance for grocery shopping check w/ your local community action office as they may can help you. Also, you can purchase non-perishable grocery items online from major grocers or retailers like WallMart, and will ship to your door.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barbara (Mt Laurel, New Jersey) on 02/17/2015

Help! I have been on most of those vitamins and have had no success. I not only suffer from brain fog but get vertigo spells that are even worse. I do certain head and eye exercises I learned at Physical therapy that help some. I am at this very moment experiencing so much dizzyness and fog and it has been going on for six days now. Saw Doctor and still no relief. I live alone, can not drive and I am running out of food.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Yekara (Jerusalem) on 02/11/2015


Please be very careful with the combo of baking soda and acv. I took it at night for gas and the next day I felt absolutely awful, had a bad nauseous headache and felt awful most of the day. Other than gas, before that I had no headache or nausea and am positive it was the combo that did it. I don't have trouble with Apple Cider Vinegar alone. Yekara

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Faith (Pdx, US) on 11/09/2014

I had A BAD sinus infection and brain fog for over year. I read hidden dental issues can cause problems. A Study revealed 80% of people cavitation sites in the mouth were infected . That is a large number. I had the oral surgery. I had two major infections.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 11/08/2014

Dren (WV, USA) Epsom bath has its merits but not enough Mag. I usually add a handful of Mag. Chlor. in crystals for that reason. On Dr. Sircus' web site you will find useful info. He advocates topical treatment for best absorption. Just google it.

Namaste, Om

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee ) on 11/08/2014

Dear Dren,

We have experinced Epsom salt baths to be a good way to get magnesium. It has immediately relieved a toddler's constipation, and helped my daughter with an asthma attack. It may not be the best way to get magnesium. I really don't know which is the best. But it works. There are other ways to get it into the system. We have used magnesium oil, sprayed on the skin and we have used Natural Calm. And there are other ways to supplement but the above are my favorites. We use all of the above frequently.

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dren (WV, US) on 11/08/2014

I read somewhere that Magnesium can be absorbed through Epsom Salts soaks, either just feet or full bathing in it. Anyone heard if that works?

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Ron (Portland, Oregon) on 10/04/2014

Your symptoms sound like wheat allergy. It's very important to get tested for celiac as it can do alot of damage. The biopsy is not necessary just a blood test.

Brain Balancing Exercises for Brain Fog
Posted by Glynis C. (Missouri) on 09/22/2014

After reading about inhaling into one nostril and exhaling via the other a few times I was very sceptical but my fear of the cause for my brain fog was bigger than my sceptism. It worked. I did it about four or five times before I felt better and then several more times just because it was working. I had tears behind my eyes and after two weeks of wondering if I was in the early stages of dementia, 20 minutes later I realized that it was my medication. That post was written in for me in 2014. Thank you so much and thank you also, Earthclinic. You have been my go site for a very long time.

Phosphatidylserine (PS-100)
Posted by Fuji (Florida) on 11/29/2013

Re: Brain Fog

This really helps for me...I have an autoimmune illness and migraines. The med I take for migraines is famous for causing brain fog and my other health problems certainly don't help either. I take a multi vitamin, a B Complex and D3. These are the basics. But what helps a lOT in conjunction with that is a supplement called Phosphatidylserine or PS-100. Anyway, the Phosphatidylserine plus my vitamins helped A LOT. Also of help was getting in some exercise (even a little), going to bed 1/2 hour earlier than before, eliminating soda, eating healthfully in general, reducing the intake of sugar, bread and wheat, (eating some fresh fruit is fine) and drinking lots of good quality water. These things should really help with brain fog!

Posted by Toourlady89 (Hayward Ca) on 11/25/2013

To Rob from Manhattan: Mg L threonate took me about 4-5 months before I really felt the memory results. I also used Gingko a few weeks before that. Many other good effects from Mg L Threonate to my family, like you said, its relaxing, it helps to get sound and rested sleep, it also could stop teeth grinding, snoring (eventually) stops tics, shaking of extremities, anxiety, and depression, fear of the unknown, helps heal allergies that has developed from substances you were not allergic to previously and then so much more..

I added other supplements on the list one at a time after I felt some results from the new ones ..Except these: you need Vit D3 2000 IU to push Mg into the right cells in the body and the brain, then Vit C around 2000mg a day.. Vit B 100 complex according to studies will protect the brain from shrinking ( commonly found in Alzheimer's)

It takes Mg a long time to be replenished in the body. To speed it up, I used Mg Oil spray as well. Pls. Google. It would also help to google Mg deficiency both on line and on You tube.

Take note that if you are on any antacids, this could affect the absorption of Vitamins, Iron and supplements. Also of absorption of B12 from food.

Posted by Rob (Manhattan) on 11/24/2013

Toourlady, thanks for these suggestions... I am trying the Magnesium Threonate as per your suggestion... so far I haven't noticed a memory increase... but it does give a strong noticeably mental relaxing effect. I have ordered the Huperzin and will report back... also am trying Vinpocetine... many report taking it with the Huperzin.

Posted by Toourlady89 (Hayward Ca) on 11/04/2013

Brain Fog is a slow process. I felt the same. So I was searching for answers like you have. I feel better after experimenting and searching thru the years.. I can now memorize numbers again, credit cards, Drivers license, car plates, etc. or movies that I have watched many years back, and so much more.. or where did I place or put down my eyeglasses or keys, etc...

1) I found Magnesium L Threonate.. this one takes time to work but it will restore long term memory accurately. (Google it)

2) Gingko Bilova opens up the blood vessels for better blood and oxygen circulation to the brain.

3) Vit B complex 100 mg of the 8 B vitamins to prevent shrinkage and or restore shrinking brain that could lead to Alzheimers disease.

4) Vit D3 ( need to get bood levels checked)

5) Vit C 2000mg and higher

6) Huperzine A helped restore short term memory

7) Selenium helps with functioning of the Thyroid

8) Zinc also with functioning of the Thyroid

9) Make sure your Ferritin or Iron level is NL- up in the 70's and higher. Also have your Thyroid levels checked . TSH, Free T3 and free T4

Yes, I take all these daily and more.. The brain is very important for our health and longevity. We can take charge of our own health and not accept that forgetfulness or going to Dementia is part of normal aging as even some Doctors would say.. It can be helped. It does cost money, but what is money without health.. I get all my supplements on line.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Manhattan) on 11/03/2013

added to the suggestions above...except for the salt?...Try taking a good quality Co Q10 softgel, or better Ubiquinol (more absorbable CO Q10).

2. Take it with a Krill oil supplement before going to bed. Krill may have more brain protective qualities than omega 3 alone & help boost mood.

3. Add Turmeric to your diet...or take as supplement.

4. Occasion take a Alpha Lipoic Acid..make sure it has Biotin in the formula.

5. Eat a simple vegetable, berries, nuts, wild salmon, (paleo, or anti inflammatory diet)

These five should help and all have brain protective qualities.

Sea Salt and Water
Posted by Watercure2 (Ne Pa.) on 10/31/2013

Editor's Choice 1/4 tsp of sea salt in a glass of water stops brain fog. I take it with every glass of water before every meal and between meals & before bed & never got it again.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Jan (California) on 09/27/2013

I'm sorry but the brain feeds on glucose not on fat.

Dietary Changes
Posted by S Cornwell (Nyc) on 08/08/2013

I actually was going to respond with the same comment. I was battling brain fog for years and changed every aspect of my life. The biggest change came from cutting out wheat and moving to a low carb low sugar diet.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 08/06/2013

May be fluoride poisoning. Check whether your municipal water has fluoride. Detoxing fluoride will increase mental clarity. Read through Fluoride poisoning in EC. Borax, Tamarind Juice can help. Good Health.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Terry (Wi, Us) on 08/06/2013

I've had brain fog for well over a year, so bad that I had a ct scan done. It gets better at times but always comes back, doctors told me it could be my allergies and cfs, I have trouble with memory concentration and always feel mentally drained. I've tried vitamin b complex with little success. Any ideas?

Brain Fog Trigger: Cipro
Posted by Joy (Battleground, Wash) on 06/20/2013

time for a new beginning. I got c-diff that ruined my intestines from an antibiotic. REALLY SUCKED THE LIFE OUT OF ME. I was never as successful as you, so my fall didn't hit me as hard as yours. I'm sorry for your great losses. Coconut oil heals the body -mouth to rectum- and also probiotics. Read the water cure site by Dr. Batmanghelidj to get autoimmune systems back under control. As long as you have breath, there is the possiblility for a full recovery. Nothing is impossible. Fecal transplants can heal the intestines. Try to forgive your fellow humans and it will heal your heart. I have had to forgive much, so I do not say this judgementally, but to help you recover your life. Release your captives and you will find that you are set free.

Brain Fog Trigger: Cipro
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/20/2013

Bill, don't give up!! Read up on clearing out flouride etc. And start slowly. The body has AMAZING capabilities for restoration and a positive attitude always helps!

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