Natural Cures for Brain Fog

Dark Chocolate
Posted by Roger (New Smyrna Beach, Fla USA) on 02/19/2009

Hershey's Special Dark Mildly sweet chocolate.
This will clear BRAIN FOG.

It is high in antioxdants to help the brain make faster elect connection. The chocolate and sugar speeds up the blood flow to the brain.

You should take one section three times a day.
Most people the fog starts to clear in about 4 hours.
It will also help your memory.

It is a cheap fix that the Dr. will not tell you about as it is not approved by the Medical Board.

Try it it works great for brain fog.

If you take it everyday you will also lose weight.

If you have a question e-mail me.

EC: Actually, 100% dark chocolate (no sugar) is best if you can find it. A friend of ours, an osteopathic doctor, recently turned us on to the 100%. We buy it here: Click on the Pralus image (, then scroll down towards bottom of page to find 100%. Be forewarned, it is BITTER!!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Cathy (Villa Park, Illinois USA) on 02/13/2009

I have been using Extra Virgin Coconut Oil since April of 2008. One tablespoon per day. I have Hypothyroidism and was having a lot of problems with brain fog. I was having difficulty doing my job and sometimes would forget where I was going when driving home for a few seconds. I am a creative person but was totally unable to express my ideas in artwork or my writing. I could not organize my thoughts. I could not make decisions or remember what I was supposed to do. This on top of all the other symptoms of hypothyroidism. 2 weeks after I started taking it the brain fog totally went away. I am very dependent on the coconut oil now as I do not want to go back to not knowing what I was doing. As for my other symptoms such as totally lost my sex drive which is destroying my relationship and sleeping too much and low energy etc. it has not changed any of that. My thyroid has gotten worse and I have had to double my thyroid medication (Thyroxine). I am working with a Naturalpathic doctor which was a very wise thing to do. She told me to keep taking 1 Tbsp of coconut oil per day. I just wonder if I should take more than that since I have heard of other people have been able to go off the thyroid meds when taking 2 Tbsp per day. She is also treating me for Adrenal Fatigue and cervical dysplaisia and fibrocystic breasts. I guess I'm a mess right now and just want to be well again. I am a big fan of the coconut oil because it is the one remedy that has made the most difference for me. Also I want to add that the doc specified I should use the solid coconut oil instead of the capsules which I started out on because she said that way you can tell if it has gone rancid. But I still use the capsules for backcountry trips and road trips for convenience.

If anyone knows a way to bring back the sex drive I would be grateful.

Cold Showers
Posted by Nate (Los Angeles, CA) on 04/08/2008

Cold showers for brain fog are great for waking up in the morning and actually lifting one's mood. Takes a bit to get used to (heavy breath intakes and shivering) but after you step out you feel alive and then, as you warm up ... awesome! I have been doing them for 4 days now - do it slightly "cool", to get used to it, then cool it down even more. I make it about a 3-4 minute affair. Seems to have cured morning "head fog". If you're new to it - get ready for a rush.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 11/28/2012

To Debbie from Jackson Miss.... You say that both you and your son have the brain fog condition. That might mean the fog is caused by a viral infection. Many viruses can be spread from one person to another, of course. I don't dispute anything said by any of the writers in this section about possible causes of brain fog, but the viral cause is one that also should not be overlooked. Look up the CDC web site on viral meningitis and see all the viral issues relative to the brain and the viruses that can cause problems. And that doesn't exhause the possibilities with a viral or fungal link.

Note the CDC links previous infections such as mumps, shingles virus to name only a few as culprets in causing viral meningitis. And there are many "similar" brain infections that might cause brain fog but would not have the other symptoms of meningitis.

If nothing else works consider assuming it is a virus.

Colloidal silver can kill virus and fungal infection. For long term infection one would need to stay on the silver solution twice daily drinking about 1 tablespoon per dose for three months at minimum. I suggest six months. And to accelerate the treatment I have recommended the use of the same silver solution and adding a few drops of DMSO, a solvent, and using a white paper towel applying to the back of the neck daily for at least two months. The DMSO will carry the silver solution directly into the brain if the paper towel is allowed to soak into the base of the skull for ten minutes. We are talking about four drops of DMSO to fifty drops of Silver solution.

One case I know of who was nearly bedridden with migraines and nausea for two years, cut the migraines in half within two months and cut the duration and intensity by the same in a month by both drinking the silver solution and applying the silver solution plus DMSO to base of skull. He is back working again. Of the many doctors he visited, none suggested to him that he might have a viral infection in the brain.

If the condition is caused by a virus, the consumption of the silver solution and application to base of skull will start showing immediate results. Within ten days the patient will begin feeling more energy and clarity. That alone will indicate the brain fog problem was viral in nature and a continuation of the protocol should continue.

Raw Onions
Posted by Omar (Bloomield NJ) on 02/19/2022

Instant brain relief : Eat raw onion or add it on top of a stew or salad with good amount of onions.

Chewing a raw ginger works as well but does not last as the onion trick. I have had good experience with onions every time. My sight gets clear immediately and my brain clarity takes over the fog in an instant.

Brain Fog Trigger: Air Conditioning
Posted by Diane (AL) on 08/05/2021

Cause of Brain Fog

AC... working in artificial Air Conditioning that keeps you cold all day, and night. My husband had AC down on 73, a ceiling fan and a side fan. I would wake up frozen with a horrible headache. When I would leave the house or go outside, I started feeling better, no headache. Then one morning it was so cold my face and arms were frozen. I realize what was happening to me and my dogs.

Posted by Herbted72 (Eureka, California) on 04/10/2016

I would like to second some of Toourlady89's recommendations—I have also found the following to be of great help in alleviating my previously ongoing brain fog issues:

1. Gingko Biloba has been helpful for me and makes me feel more energized and alive, which helps with the brain fog across the board.

2. Natural Vitamin D3 has been a life saver... I found the best way to get it was from a fish oil supplement called Polar Power by North American Herb and Spice Co. It also has DHA/EPA in it which also helps with brain fog so two birds with one stone!

Also, the herb Gotu Kola has been *immensely* helpful as well, perhaps more than anything else I have tried. I learned about it browsing the internet one day researching brain fog and quickly picked some up. Apparently it's one of the best herbs for the brain on the planet.

Anyways, just wanted to add my two cents in for what its worth and what has helped me the most! Best of luck to you all on your journey in getting rid of brain fog!


Carbon Monoxide Cause
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 08/16/2012

Make sure there is no leak in your house in terms of carbon monixide, etc, or growth of mold causing brain fog. Get someone to come and inspect your living quarters to make sure environmentally everything is ok and you guys are safe.

Brain Fog Diet
Posted by Gaye (Greenwich, CT) on 03/19/2008

I find that I have extreme brain fog (and brain fatigue for that matter) when I eat wheat and sugary things. I have made a great effort in the past few weeks to radically reduce my sugar intake and limit wheat consumption. I have also been eating tons and tons of cooked vegetable dishes with brown rice (Indian, Morrocan, etc. -- you can't believe how many recipes there are for vegetables!). I have also reduced my chicken and fish intake. And forget about beef after the humane society's video. NO WAY! Well, the most amazing changes I have discovered in the past week are that I have a very clear mind and sharper concentration that lasts consistently all day! My skin is also softer and my eyes are brighter.. dark circles not quite so noticeable. My husband and I just got a juicer and we have been having carrot and celery juice every few days. My current issue with juicing is that it appears to cause an acid pH quite quickly, but I might be doing the wrong concoction of ingredients. I tried cabbage and beets one day but felt nauseous for the next 12 hours!

Brain Fog Diet
Posted by Albert (New York, New York ) on 02/04/2023

I find that the sugars enter your body too quickly when juicing can cause the nausea. Add almonds almond butter or peanut butter to the mix to give you healthy fats to slow the absorption of the juices.

Posted by Raoul (Miami) on 07/22/2023

I've been taking Turmeric to heal brain fog and it is helping me a lot, was having short-term memory problems but now I am going back to my normal self. I am using the formula that contains 100mg of 95% Curcumin with Black Pepper for better absorption.

Phosphatidylserine (PS-100)
Posted by Fuji (Florida) on 11/29/2013

Re: Brain Fog

This really helps for me...I have an autoimmune illness and migraines. The med I take for migraines is famous for causing brain fog and my other health problems certainly don't help either. I take a multi vitamin, a B Complex and D3. These are the basics. But what helps a lOT in conjunction with that is a supplement called Phosphatidylserine or PS-100. Anyway, the Phosphatidylserine plus my vitamins helped A LOT. Also of help was getting in some exercise (even a little), going to bed 1/2 hour earlier than before, eliminating soda, eating healthfully in general, reducing the intake of sugar, bread and wheat, (eating some fresh fruit is fine) and drinking lots of good quality water. These things should really help with brain fog!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Manhattan) on 11/03/2013

added to the suggestions above...except for the salt?...Try taking a good quality Co Q10 softgel, or better Ubiquinol (more absorbable CO Q10).

2. Take it with a Krill oil supplement before going to bed. Krill may have more brain protective qualities than omega 3 alone & help boost mood.

3. Add Turmeric to your diet...or take as supplement.

4. Occasion take a Alpha Lipoic Acid..make sure it has Biotin in the formula.

5. Eat a simple vegetable, berries, nuts, wild salmon, (paleo, or anti inflammatory diet)

These five should help and all have brain protective qualities.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Verna (Texas) on 01/28/2022

It definitely works for muscles cramps/contractions.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Cc (Slc, Utah) on 12/04/2011

For brain fog: 1tsp Lemongrass (loose leaf) 1tsp Lemon Myrtle (loose leaf) 1 White TEA, tea bag. Take 2 cups of hot water brew for 5 to 7 minutes. Drink 4oz to 12oz a day for a period of time. You could add a Rose Hip tea bag to this mix. This cleared my head and it also made it where I can spell and retain words better. It also improved my ability to pronunce words. I wish I had this back in the 6th grade... I would also say I am on a green diet. Lemongrass and Lemon Myrtle both contain Citral. Lemon Myrtle (90-98%) Lemongrass (65-85%). Citral also has strong antimicrobial qualities. Side effects I don't know.

When I was a little kid I had a bad twitch with my eyes, mouth and my neck and in the 60's the doc's didn't know why I did it. Growing up I always struggled with english and spelling. I now think that from a young age my body has been dealing with some type of infection that caused brain fog and now that I'm in my forties I find myself with a much better clarity of thought.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Misty (Bloomington, In) on 02/25/2012

Will refined coconut oil work for brain fog?

Dark Chocolate
Posted by Roger (New Smyrna Beach, Fla) on 03/04/2008

re: Fibromyalgia Brain Fog. I had this after a heart problem. A friend said have you tried Dark Chocolate Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate. I said no what does it do for you? Clears the Brain Fog.

I got one bar at the Drug store. The next day half of the bar was gone and so was the Fog. It did not come back. I still keep three large Bars in the ref. I tell everyone about this stuff.

Colloidal Gold
Posted by Kevin (Palmer, Alaska) on 11/18/2022

I had covid fog and the lack of energy that comes with it. The covid brain fog was diminished in 24 hours and even better at 72 hours. My energy started returning at about 72 hours. I noticed my eyesight was clearer the first day. I take 1 oz of Colloidal gold Nano 20 ppm every morning on an empty stomach.

Posted by Toourlady89 (Hayward Ca) on 11/25/2013

To Rob from Manhattan: Mg L threonate took me about 4-5 months before I really felt the memory results. I also used Gingko a few weeks before that. Many other good effects from Mg L Threonate to my family, like you said, its relaxing, it helps to get sound and rested sleep, it also could stop teeth grinding, snoring (eventually) stops tics, shaking of extremities, anxiety, and depression, fear of the unknown, helps heal allergies that has developed from substances you were not allergic to previously and then so much more..

I added other supplements on the list one at a time after I felt some results from the new ones ..Except these: you need Vit D3 2000 IU to push Mg into the right cells in the body and the brain, then Vit C around 2000mg a day.. Vit B 100 complex according to studies will protect the brain from shrinking ( commonly found in Alzheimer's)

It takes Mg a long time to be replenished in the body. To speed it up, I used Mg Oil spray as well. Pls. Google. It would also help to google Mg deficiency both on line and on You tube.

Take note that if you are on any antacids, this could affect the absorption of Vitamins, Iron and supplements. Also of absorption of B12 from food.

Dietary Changes
Posted by S Cornwell (Nyc) on 08/08/2013

I actually was going to respond with the same comment. I was battling brain fog for years and changed every aspect of my life. The biggest change came from cutting out wheat and moving to a low carb low sugar diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debbie (Jackson, Ms) on 08/16/2012

This Brain Fog is getting worse and worse. I've battled this for about 10 yrs or so. The worst part is is almost happens overnight. Very scary. Makes me not want to get out in the public.. Can't think or speak very clearly. My 25 yr old son has just recently had 2-3 episodes, affects his work. He's an electrician and when he's at his worse, he can't think clearly enough to work.. What can be done about this?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by bzbrum (bklyn NY) on 03/02/2023

I have used organic Turmeric which helps. you have to figure out how much to take.

if you start feeling thirsty then don't take more, that thirsty feeling is the sign that you are getting enough.

Brain Fog Trigger: Canola Oil
Posted by Sangeetha (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands) on 06/03/2009


I found out the cause of my brain fog. No, it wasn't my hypothyroid, nor my anemia. And ACV seems to have been totally innocent. IT WAS CANOLA OIL.

I have been very sensitive to not-so-good quality of oil from my childhood. As we couldn't find the regular vegetable oil I use at the supermarket around beginning of April, I bought Canola oil. As the container was leaking, I transferred it to the vegetable oil container I had at home which was empty and forgot all about canola oil. Shortly after I had started using it, I had trouble with my memory and concentration, but I had forgotten all about my sensitivity to oils and about canola oil as it was coming out from the vegetable oil container. Just 5 days ago I remembered my sensitivity and researched about canola oil on the internet and found others who have had similar problems. It was also mentioned that it effects the central nervous system and could cause blindness in the long run. I stopped using it right away and started feeling better the next day itself.

I am glad I am sensitive to not-so-good oils as I feel the effects immediately. My family members who are not sensitive, would have seen worse effects after a few years if we continued to use it.

While I was reading about oils, I also found that the vegetable oil (the container of which has pictures of vegetables on the front) is actually a soy bean oil. I never read the ingredients as the name says vegetable oil and it has has pictures of vegetables. I found that soy bean oil is not at all good for thyroid and generally.

I have been using olive oil for normal cooking and vegetable oil for deep frying (sometimes) since. But since the vegetable oil isn't good and olive oil is not suitable for deep frying - it leaves the question...which is the best oil to use?

I would appreciate input from others as to which oil to use - which will not be hard on thyroid and which will also not cause brain fog or any other health issues.


EC: Read the rest of Sangeetha's posts on this subject here.

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