Effective Natural Remedies for Sepsis (Blood Poisoning)

Epsom Salt Poultices
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 02/07/2009 495 posts

In reply to:

Marc (Jacksonville, Fl) on 02/04/2009: "possible blood poisoning. I scratched my arm with a piece of metal about a week ago. Now in that area it is swollen and red. I have my tetanus shot, what will bring the swelling down, and heal my arm?"

Hello Marc,

If you haven't gotten started on that swelling/redness by now, run, don't walk to the nearest Dollar Tree or such and get a 2 lb. carton of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) and start doing hot epsom salts compresses 4 times a day to take care of it.

Mix it about 1/4 cup per quart of water as hot as you can stand to wring the cloth out without burning your hands.

Garlic Tea Enemas
Posted by Sue (PA, USA) on 01/20/2020

The article asked if I had ever used a natural remedy to treat sepsis. Yes. I have used garlic tea enemas successfully to treat sepsis.

Garlic Tea Enemas
Posted by Makayla (Fort Worth, Texas) on 05/08/2021

Could you please post the recipe for this? I have a horrible case of sepsis but couldn't afford a pick line.

Garlic Tea Enemas
Posted by Lina (NJ) on 11/24/2022

Did you use organic garlic tea? I just have regular garlic from the supermarket. Please let me know if I can use it in to do my enema.

Sepsis Remedies
Posted by Heidi (Usa) on 01/13/2014

Sepsis: My friend is in the hospital with toxic blood and the doctors are giving her a 60% chance of survival. She always died last year around this time of the same thing. Once she leaves the hospital, what are some natural remedies I can recommend for her. When I think of toxic blood, juicing beets comes to mind- but I don't want to tell her wrong. Any suggestions??

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 11/10/2011

Well, you are asking for last ditch efforts. IF SEPTICEMIA is a virus that has a coating that contains lipids BHT [ butylated hydroxytoluene ] MIGHT help. This BHT has proven to be a compound that in some way has a profound effect in destroying such viruses. The only website I found that discusses this virus`s structure is NOT clear about whether it is such a virus or not. Here is that website. It seems to say it is :http://books.google.com/books?id=3WvYMKmIvY8C&pg=PA625&lpg=PA625&dq=is septicemia a lipid coated virus&source=bl&ots=mYe

BHT MIGHT help. I do NOT know....Oscar

Posted by Shayden (Alabama) on 11/29/2020

What's the difference between an Irish potato and a regular Russet or Idaho potato? To heal the sepsis, do you have to use a Irish potato?

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