Effective Natural Remedies for Sepsis (Blood Poisoning)

Epsom Salt Poultices
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 02/07/2009 495 posts

In reply to:

Marc (Jacksonville, Fl) on 02/04/2009: "possible blood poisoning. I scratched my arm with a piece of metal about a week ago. Now in that area it is swollen and red. I have my tetanus shot, what will bring the swelling down, and heal my arm?"

Hello Marc,

If you haven't gotten started on that swelling/redness by now, run, don't walk to the nearest Dollar Tree or such and get a 2 lb. carton of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) and start doing hot epsom salts compresses 4 times a day to take care of it.

Mix it about 1/4 cup per quart of water as hot as you can stand to wring the cloth out without burning your hands.

Bentonite Clay Poultices
Posted by Dianna (Austin, TX) on 02/07/2009

In reply to Marc (Jacksonville, Fl) on 02/04/2009: "possible blood poisoning. I scratched my arm with a piece of metal about a week ago. Now in that area it is swollen and red. I have my tetanus shot, what will bring the swelling down, and heal my arm?"

The first thing that comes to my mind is a bentonite clay poultice. mix up some clay and glob it on and let it dry. if you get red stripes on your arm or it continues to hurt and stay red go to the ER.

Posted by Nancy (Mt. Airy, NC) on 05/26/2007

Hello, I just love your website and I just wanted to tell your readers about another wonderful old-time remedy for blood poisoning and infection. We have used this many times in my family and I couldn't tell you how many times I have seen it work.

For a nasty infected cut or in my worst case a nasty puncture wound from a rusty nail. Within about 6 hours I had a red streak going up my leg from the blood poisoning. My mother took an Irish potato and washed it, cut it in half and scraped out a pile of mushy raw potato. She put it on a piece of plastic bag to hold in the potato juice and wrapped it around my foot. The next morning the red streak was gone and my foot was healing with no sign of infection. Over the years I too have used this folk remedy on my family. Just make the potato poultice leave it juicy and use it inside bandaging for an infected wound. Plastic helps to keep it wet and keep you dry. Leave it on the wound overnight. Then take it off and examine the wound if it's still infected clean it off again and reapply the poultice. Somehow it draws the poison and infection out.

Mother nature is simply amazing!

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