Natural Remedies to Deep Vein Thrombosis (Blood Clots)

Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase +

3 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Jj (Usa) on 09/09/2020


I just wanted to share some info on some amazing stuff, maybe you guys know all about it, Nattokinase, Serrapeptase and Lumbrokinase. I was diagnosed with a DVT (blood clot) in my lower right leg, below the knee (serious but not as dangerous as above the knee)...My Docs all ranted about me refusing to take injections of Heparin then go onto Eliquis or Warfarin.I chose instead to treat this with Nattokinase, Serrapeptase and some supplements... DMSO topically 2X/day on leg... with Mag oil.

Will be adding or cycling the Lumbrokinase (Boluoke) starting today.

I have seen amazing progress in this one week, in the swelling, redness and pain, knock on wood! Elaquis and Warfarin do NOTHING to dissolve clots, they just keep them from growing... most times. With all sorts of side effects and risks of major bleeds.

Here is some interesting info if anyone wants to check it out:



Replied by Health Nut

I started taking Nattokinase and Serrapeptase two weeks ago. Seen good results but still have a small lump of blood clot left that I can feel. I had a dopler ultra sound done and do have many more I can't feel. I'm curious to know how much you took? Dosage? How often? How long? How long til you knew no more blood clot?
I have not tried Lumbrokinase and a little undeceive about it as you don't know if worms have contamination. Less documention. And well county it is from deceived us.

Your notes and thoughts, please.


Posted by Bluemoonrising (Hamilton, On, Canada) on 06/08/2013

My partner has deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in both legs and restricted flow in the aorta below the the renal artery. Doctors want to do an invasive procedure of graphing in a new aorta with branches to be attache in both legs below the blockages. We are not wanting this proceedure. The left leg DVT has been there for more than 10 years with 2 pulmonary embolisms and since then only an occasional flair up. 2 years ago due to a physical injury a blood clot formed in the right leg. Emergency surgery was on the table, but the thrombosis specialist stopped in as it was discovered there was a clot just outside the vena cava and not being stabilized it could move during surgery. He has been on daily self-injections of Fragmin for the last 40 months. Couple of questions. Should he stop the Fragmin if he starts any of the remedies I have read... Cayenne & Garlic... Nattokinase... Honey Cayenne Vinegar... Lemon & Baking soda water. Also, has anyone heard of a STRONG tea of Sassafras - 1time - should be dark orange in colour strong.... And whether it has any effect. Supposed to clean out the pipes of plaque and clots. Haven't tried it yet. Told to stop Fragmin for that day because too much thiner. That is why I am asking if Fragmin should be stopped when trying these others.

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Hi Bluemoonrising - Sorry, I don't have information about sassafras. However, to be on the safe side, you may want to work with a naturopath who can monitor your husband while he takes alternative remedies just in case they interfere with his anticoagulant. You could ask the naturopath about taking high-quality serrapeptase or other systemic enzymes (you may want to do an Interent search on systemic enzymes and deep vein thrombosis). I wish you and your husband the best of luck! Bess

Replied by Harold
(Louisville, Kentucky)

Please ask the doctor if your husband is a candidate for a trapeze vena cava filter to keep any and all future blood clots from traveling from the inferior vena cava, through the right side of the heart, and then possibly into one of the lungs. Please make sure you specify a trapeze filter, not one of the others which have been strenuously recalled over the last couple of years. This procedure at the hospital usually takes less than twenty minutes and is a good safety net for moving blood clots in the venous system from the legs to the inferior vena cava in the chest before interring the right side of the heart.

Replied by Shanique

Let him take Ginkgo biloba natural blood thinner works well with the about it.

Sodium Citrate

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tom (Livingston, Tx) on 05/30/2016 64 posts

Sodium citrate did help me greatly after having my blood drawn 2 months ago which resulted in what felt like painful clots in my left withdrawal arm and a kinked feeling on left side of my heart.

I started taking the sodium citrate and my clot pain stopped (clots cleared) and the kinked feeling left within 2 days.

Tumor cyst cheese theory and sodium citrate progress

Before or with meals and snacks (4 times per day) I still take 1/2 level teaspoon of the surfactant sodium citrate. It's used as an anticoagulant in blood products. Also, it removes calcium scale from boilers without shutting them down. It also melts cheese without heating it when making nacho and mac & cheese sauces.

I have a cyst that seems to or may have shrunken a little, gotten a little flatter and softer since I started taking sodium citrate on April 7th, 8 weeks ago as of today, June 3rd. It's hard to tell thus far. I will keep this post updated on any more definitive progress. I buy food grade sodium citrate powder online in a one pound bag. Hopefully my theory will prove correct that sodium citrate can melt cysts or cancer tumors like it melts various cultures of cheese, and that cancers are cheeses of various cultures growing in the body.

Ted's Remedies

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Justin (Chester, Ct) on 03/27/2010

My mother in law had terribly painful phlebitis in her legs. She didn't know what to do, so me and my wife first searched for natural cures. Well, after reading the feedback from several people, we passed the simple recipe from Ted (lemon juice and baking soda). And wouldn't you know it, she called us back after a week, absolutely amazed, and said the pain was gone. She still talks about it. We're so happy to have found something so simple that actually helped and we want to tell other people to give it a try. Now, since being involved in a car accident, she's actually going to try the acupuncture we've been telling will help her with her pain. Small things can make a big difference. Glad to have found your site and like-minded people.

Replied by Lloyd
(Charlotte, Nc)

If the lemon/soda remedy doesn't work try the herb horse chestnut. I suppose that it can be called an herb. I've seen it work many times on deep vein problems. Start with two tablets daily and increase to four if needed. My mother had very serious leg problems, possibly from her MS condition and if the flare up was pain in the vein area, like inflamation, the horse chestnut worked every time... Without exception. I mentioned this to an attendant at my health food store and she responded that many of her customers have great success using it.

For general pain in the legs that might be related to MS causes, I found Calcium AEP was very effective. Dr Adkins used that in his protocol for his MS patients fed into them by an IV. Reading all the amazing things that Cal AEP (not just calcium... it must be the AEP) does, I take two capsules daily.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Joseph (Bend, Or) on 12/12/2009

Ted Remedies, perhaps natural cures would be more accepted if they didn't say things like half to whole lemon/lime, baking soda until fizzing stops, and add water to half a glass. Ted, how big is this glass 300ml, 8oz, 950ml, 32oz.? Then you start talking about millivolts? I guess I am supposed to be a psychic and a scientist.

EC: Somewhat better instructions here:

Glass size: 8 oz.

Replied by Davey D
(Vancouver Bc , Canada)

Joseph your frustration is evident in your post. I for one am grateful for Ted's remedies and through my own understanding have used what seems to be common measurements. That being said I use a 8 ounce glass with enough real lemon juice out of a bottle bought at the local grocery store to equal a fresh squeezed lemon. If you want to know how much juice that is then measure it yourself as I just use a rough estimate. After the fizzing stops I fill the glass ½ full of water from the tap or some times using flavored water. I do this to relieve the swelling in my feet that I feel at bedtime although they don't appear as swollen. My ankles hurt with pressure as well. 10 minutes after taking this remedy I have relief and am able to fall asleep. Thank God for scientist like Ted and their remedies. They deserve more than just a pat on the back for their help and understanding. No need for psychics here just common sense. Davey D.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Charlene (Eagar, Arizona) on 09/23/2009

I want to try the lemon-bicarbonate remedy for blood clots in my feet. I also have varicose veins. But I didn't see the exact amount of bicarbinate to use with the juice of a whole lemon. I did try the juice of one lemon and about 3/4 tsp.baking soda then I filled the glass half full of water. I did not taste the lemon juice but it was the same as drinking soda water, salty. It was supposed to taste like water so I must have put too much soda. Could you please send me the exact measurements. My half glass of combined liquid was probably about 6 oz. Also my doctor advised me to stay away from salt as my blood pressure is too high. Will using soda that is high in sodium increase my blood pressure? I cannot take the blood thinners as I have a bad reaction to them. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Charlene.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Leila (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) on 04/20/2009

Dear Ted, your remedy against Phlebitis works so well, it's absolutely amazing. I have varicose veins, they're not on the surface and so my legs look smooth, but on the inside the veins feel tense. I had Phlebitis three times before, the last time it lasted for 6 weeks and I was in so much pain, I thought I was going crazy.

I work in a shop, so there's lots of standing on my feet all day long. A few days ago, I sensed the first signs of an upcoming Phlebitis; a spot on my calf as large as my hand felt hot and inflamed. Aimed a cold shower at it and searched the condition here at EC. I had one lemon in the fridge (hurrah) and baking soda is always at hand in my house since I found EC, so I mixed teh two just like you said, filled the glass with water and drank it down. Within 30 minutes, the heat had left the spot on my leg! I could hardly believe it, but it's true. Thank you so much.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Karen (Chicago Suburban, Illinois) on 01/14/2008

Thank you, Ted, for the lemon juice/baking soda remedy for phlebitis. My pain started two days ago, but I started your lemon juice/baking soda remedy twice a day yesterday and it is improving all ready. I can't thank you enough. I plan to continue this remedy until the pain is totally gone and then start your suggestion of 500 mg sodium ascorbic acid and 1/4 teas. baking soda in 1/2 a glass of water twice per day for about five days out of the week. Is this the correct dose or do you have other suggestions? I am going to be flying internationally for long periods of time in the next two weeks and am concerned about having a blood clot during the flight. I know flying is renown for the conditions that can cause a blood clot and that I should wear loose clothing, get up and move around, drink plenty of water. I am not a smoker. If you have any other suggestions for me or other travelers about preventing phlebitis, your help is greatly appreciated.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by D (USA) on 11/24/2006

Thank you again Ted, I have good news to report. My brother, after only a few days on lemon-bicarbonate twice a day says that his phlebitis is practically gone (not only better). He has suffered with this leg's vein for three years and tried everything but after just 4-5 days of this remedy his pain is completely gone, he feels the vein "fresh" vs the "fire" he felt before. He cannot believe it... My mother who is 74 and has a lot of problems is feeling much better too. She didn't have any appetite, most of the times she wouldn't have dinner just because she didn't feel like eating (she also has memory loss, stomach problems, always exhausted, what seems a chronic cough etc.) after the same amount of days she says she is very hungry and that she can be active all day long. She is having three meals a day now!! Thank you so much for this really healing water!!! All the best, D


Posted by Amanitav (Swansea, West Glamorgan Uk) on 11/11/2011

I've read with interest on this forum of the various problems that people have had with thrombocytopenia. In my case I was diagnosed with thrombocytopenia in Sept. 04. My platelet count was dropping steadily from 145[x10power9] to 99[x10power9] by Dec. 05. "Normal values are 150-400. I suffered from heavy bruising which was getting worse. I was prescribed prednilosone to reduce my auto-immune response.

However, after some research I decided to help myself. I stopped taking fish oils, flax oil and all omega 3 type oils. By April 06 my platelet count returned to normal values and I was discharged from the hospital. The doctor was amazed but didn't ask me any questions.

Looking back it was obvious to me that the omega 3 oils were to blame and I was mis-diagnosed with an auto-immune disease. At present I do not consume the so called "essential fatty acids" [omega 3 & 6] and my health is better than at any time in my life. For detailed information on "essential fatty acids" I thoroughly recommend Ray Peat's website.

Replied by Sunshine
(Buffalo, Ny, Usa)

I wonder how much Omega 6 you were consuming? I have read articles that Omega 6 is actually INFLAMMATORY.


Posted by Minou (Plano, Texas) on 11/04/2012

I have had thrombocytosis for about 3 years and am taking a chemotherapy drug to lower my platelet count but this has now caused neuropathy in my legs. I am not diabetic. Would someone know how to lower the platelet count other than drugs. Thanks for your help.

Vitamin C

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ann (Potosi, MO) on 04/29/2008

I have used vitamin c for years for bleeding gums, bad nosebleeds and any other bleeding problems. I either take a stress vitamin with 500vit c or just a vit. c by itself -preferably a chewable one. Especially during menopause -taking 500 vit c every 3-4 hours will stop hemoraging and blot clots and normalize the flow. You must take it every 3-4 hrs. or it will start up again. It is better if at least one of the doses is a stress b vit with 500 added vit.c in it. I fell and hit my head on a concrete wall and opened a 4 inch gapin my scalp with excessive bleeding. I chewed 2 500 vit. c and immediately the bleeding completely stopped, helping me on the inside and outside of my head. I didn't have to have any drainage from fluid buildup inside my head and the wound healed very fast. Vit c normalizes the blood-helps with blood clots that are already there to help dissolve them and is so important is excessive bleeding that no one should ever go to the dentist or go into surgery without taking it if you bleed easily. It could save your life. I used to literally take a sheet to bed with me after haveing a tooth pulled to wipe the blood on. After I learned about vit c and took it before i went to the dentist, the bleeding stopped before I got off the parking lot. I really think I could have even done better without the cotton! Hope this helps someone keep from having an hysterectomy or other complications. I have used vit c for these things for over 30 years. I don't take it on a regular basis, mostly if I get sick with a cold or stomach flu which about 10 grams -I take it in peanut butter and syrup- the powdered vit c. Take 2 doses about a hour apart sometimes will kill stomach flu completely out if you catch it in time. Thanks.

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