Effective Natural Remedies for Bartholin Cysts

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Aacb (US) on 03/04/2022

TEA TREE OIL is the only thing that works and it work fast for my bartholin cyst. I put a drop or two on a piece of tp and leave it on. Within a day or two it drains.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Brooke U (New York) on 07/29/2016

Editor's Choice Bartholin cyst: I had a marsupilzation done in November. After this terribly painful procedure I believed the cyst would not come back, it came back ten folds about four days ago. I did not want to go back to have this done again, so I googled natural cures and found Earth Clinic. This was the best thing I could have done!

I started with the tea tree oil rubbing it on the cyst with a cotton ball, then taking baths with Epsom salts. I stayed in the bath for about an hour due to the severe pain I was in. I put castor oil on a wash cloth, plastic over that( it did does stain) and boiling water in a water bottle, and propped my butt up on a pillow, applied the washcloth, then the plastic and then the water bottle to the cyst and went to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, I was in severe pain. I took another Epsom salt bath, and then rubbed the castor oil right on the cyst, and covered it with medicated white tape. I suggest letting this come off in the shower or bath. It's quite painful to just rip it off.

That afternoon I was in so much pain I decided I had to go to the Dr, just as I was on my way out the door, the cyst started draining.I took a cotton ball and started pushing lightly all over my golf ball sized cyst, and it was instantly so much relief! I used the castor oil pack that night, and then again in the morning took another Epsom salt bath, only 20 minutes this time, and rubbed the castor oil right on it again. The cyst drained again. This was a miracle for me, way better then an awful procedure, at least 3 days of recovery, and in my case no sex for 5 weeks.

The natural cures took 3 days with none of the terrible after math. I do have a dr appointment in a few days just to make sure, but that's just a safety precaution. If I had done this the first day I had noticed the cyst instead of when it was awful, I could have avoided all the pain. I am so happy this information is available, and I do not have to go through torture every time I get one.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Freddie (Germany) on 12/16/2022

I had this Bartholin cyst since Monday (Today is Friday) yesterday it started to hurt really badly so I started googling and found this page.

I bought Teatree oil and some coconut Oil.

Yesterday night I mixed a Teaspoon of coconut with 4 drops of the oil, put it on a pad and wore it for 20 Minutes. There was an Instant pain release.

This Morning I did the same thing again.

2 hours later, I made myself a warm bath with 2 tablespoons of tea tree Oil and Camille for 10 minutes. After that, I wanted to lay down and the cyst burst (maybe 5 minutes after the bath) now the pain is gone and it feels so much better than befoer. I wish I would have found this sooner! Thanks to this site!

Epsom Salt
Posted by Kim (Montreal, Canada) on 09/22/2021

Editor's Choice I discovered I had a Bartholin cyst two weeks ago. It was the size of a grape. I read up on DIY home remedies and tried several things like applying a clay paste, apple cider vinegar compresses castor oil with tea tree essential oil massages and sitz baths. These seemed helpful at first because the swelling seemed to reduce during the night but suddenly, the cyst got really hard and painful. (Now I realize that it must have been in its way to bursting which is the goal) I did more research and decided to try epsom salt baths and magnesium sulfate paste application. That did the trick. After my first sitz bath with half a cup of epsom salt followed by an application of the paste, the cyst burst a couple of hours later. Then I took another bath to disinfect and applied more paste.

The cyst is gone but there is still some hardness or tension in that area. I'm not sure If it's the gland or just ligaments. Hopefully, my gland will heal, the duct will be unclogged and the infection will subside.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sashab (Atlanta, Ga) on 09/22/2015

Bartholin Cyst:

I've suffered from these cyst for 7 years. My first experience I thought I was given a STD however, after a check up by my Gyno-- he informed me of the glad and how common this is in women who are sexually active. My last three experiences all 2 years apart consisted of a painful cyst size of a golf ball in my right genital area. These all very painful ruptured on their own after 4-5 days-- and sitZ bath...pain was worse as the days went by took way to long ti rupture and very painful!!

This recent experience was 4 days ago. I noticed after my cycle was ending a slight itch, I figured it was due to my ph off given my cycle. Two days later I was intimate with my boyfriend and realized something was different. Sex was uncomfortable but not painful, so I tried to enjoy it.

The next day I realized that the glad began to act up so I applied pressure knowing what it was from past experiences.

Day 2 I was able to apply pressure and get out some fluid but it did not get better.L uckily this did not get to a size of a golfball more like a walnut.. by day 3 I was in pain And had to clear the remainder of my schedule for the day.

I applied pure Tea Tree to the area..instant relief!!! (Tingling) Followed up by a sitz bath with 2 tbsp Epsom salt And a few more drops of tea tree In the water..this helped but the pain continued .. I was over it!!

I purchased womens probiotic for vaginal support, 3 capsules 1 when I woke up, and 1 every hr until I had 3... clove oil and grapefruit oil. 1000mg vit C and Vit D.. I applied the clove and grapefruit oil directly to the area. And took the vit as directed..Tingling occurred. Within 3 hours the cyst ruptured and it was instant relief, I can walk again!!!

Hope this helps... I had to share...!!!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Heayawn (Dublin, Ohio ) on 02/04/2016

The alkaline diet works for me too!! I tried sitz baths and some other treatments, it just doesn't work!! I was so frustrated and I didn't want to go to the doctor to get rid of it so I tried the alkaline diet and man it works wonderfully!! The pain not only lessens so much but it did go away too!! Man I was just so happy!!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Monica (Sudbury, Ma) on 07/25/2017

Tea tree oil saved the day!!!

The first and last time I had a bartholin abscess was 7yrs ago. I didn't know what to do, so by the time I had gotten to the doctor it almost the size of a golf ball and I had to have it surgically drained.

This time I started feeling off over the weekend and woke up Monday in pain. In the shower I noticed a small marble shaped ball that was hard. It was already midday and I couldn't get to my OB until the next morning. I knew a sitz bath would help but as I researched the internet, I found many websites (including this one! ) that talked about tea tree oil. The cyst was rapidly growing so I was willing to try anything!

I took two sitz baths in a bucket in my shower. I had added about a tsp of the oil (4-5ml). I sat for about 10min once in the afternoon and once at night. I also did try a soaked cotton ball in the oil directly on the bump for about 20min. It does have a slight hot sensation but nothing compared to the pain of the cyst. Rinsing off and swabbing with some witch hazel on the area helped to soothe it. I wore a heating pad overnight to help with comfort and also took ibprophen thoughout the day.

The next day my cyst was about half the size! I saw my doctor who confirmed that tea tree oil has been known to have positive effects. He put me on 3 days of antibiotics to kill any infection and told me to keep doing the sitz Baths. I had to run errands in the afternoon so I put a soaked cotton ball down there with a pad. At 4p I checked it and it had shrunk even more and there was a discharge that had been released. So in just over 24hrs tea tree oil helped to break down my cyst. Amazing!

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Sha (Malaysia) on 03/15/2017

For the past 2 years, I had 4 Bartholin Cysts/ Abscess. The first time I had it I was so scared and went to the doctor with excruciating pain that I never felt before. Walking, sitting down is a torture. The doctor subscribe me with antibiotics and on the 4th day, it rupture own its own. The first time I had it I never did much research on how to do home treatment because at that time I am too focused with the pain I totally relied on the antibiotics.

The second time I had it, I couldn't think much because I know how painful it's gonna be so I went straight to the hospital. I was admitted for 3 days and was about to do marsupiliazation when it ruptured in the operation room right before the operation so the doc decided only to lance it. Even that is so painful.

The third time I had it I was like I am just gonna wait till it burst own its own. Without antibiotics it took longer time to burst, but the amount of pain is still, indescribable. At this stage, epsom salt/sitz bath helped me alot to relieved the pain. You could get the epsom salt at the pharmacy.

The fourth (hopefully last) was recently about 2 weeks ago. This time I decided to do home treatment and combined it with the doctor's antibiotics. I used tea tree oil at least three times a day. Just wipe it on the cyst, you will feel a tingling sensation but only for a little while. It will make you feel relieved as well for awhile. And guess what? It ruptured 2 days after I started using the tea tree oil. I recommend the australian tea tree oil as the smell is quite relaxing as well. At the same time, I took sitz bath with Epsom Salt three times a day.

Good luck! Hope this post could help you.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by carlianna95 (Georgia ) on 01/04/2023

I’m going to be long winded so bear with me, please. I recently noticed a lump and found out it was a Bartholin cyst. It wasn’t hurting too bad until Sunday afternoon. I didn’t have pain, it was more uncomfortable because of the knot. I started doing research on natural cures because I have had a pilonidal before that I had to get lanced and it was an awful experience. I was young and embarrassed and I didn’t know what it was so I waited too long and the local anesthesia didn’t work and it was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced so I was determined not to have that happen again. When I realized that this cyst was getting sore I started researching and I want to help someone else get rid of it naturally like I did. I tried a few things to get rid of it but I want to let you know what I think worked.

First of all I started with the sitz baths. I probably did 4-5 a day where I sat over boiling water and let the steam hit the cyst. I put apple cider vinegar, epsom salt, and witch hazel in with the boiling water. I also did a few baths where I sat in the water as hot as I could stand with the same ingredients. I was using a drawing salve, but I’m not sure if that worked or not. It seems like it might have brought things to the surface but it didn’t really help the cyst break loose. It wasn’t painful until Tuesday night.

I looked for answers here and I saw that a lot of people recommended tea tree oil. I’m scared of tea tree because I’ve burned myself with it a few times but I took a chance. I put only one drop with a lot of carrier oil. I used castor oil. And I also put 3 drops in my bath and one drop in my sitz bath. I’m not sure if I would do that again because it did make me feel really itchy that night and I was scared I might have burned myself again. I think I would stick with one drop of tea tree with a bunch of carrier oil on a gauze pad for a half hour and not put it in the bath water.

I went to bed in pretty bad pain and I put drawing salve and castor oil on overnight bc I was feeling itchy and dry from the tea tree. I woke up Wednesday morning in really bad pain and I was about to go into the ER to have it lanced. I took another bath and put a gauze pad soaked in witch hazel on it. I took a few ibuprofen to help the swelling and my mom made me a drink with pineapple, ginger and coconut water to help with inflammation. I also took a turmeric shot that I found at Aldi and I’ve been taking turmeric vitamins for the past 2 days. The pain started going away so I decided to hold off on the er visit because I switched insurance and I wasn’t sure of the hospital I would have to go to. I wanted to go to sleep so I lay in bed, and I started to feel it drain. I’ve never been so happy. I laid on my side, hoping gravity would help it drain more. I think the best thing is to dry it out. Maybe the drawing salve worked, but for me it seemed like the pain went away when I used the tea tree and the witch hazel and it got worse when I used the castor oil and the drawing salve and kept it moist. I hope I don’t get another one but I’m happy I’ll know how to take care of it if I do. And hopefully, knowing what I know now, I’ll be able to get it over with much sooner.

I hope this can help someone because the previous posts on here helped me a lot.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Sonali (Uk ) on 11/07/2022

I read about tea tree oil treatment in Barthlion cyst condition. I put a few drops of Tea tree oil with some Alum powder in small round bath tub. I sat for 10 minutes and press over the cyst gently. My cyst bursted its own in next 10 minutes . I couldn't believe it as I was so much in pain that I was screaming day and night for the past 4 days. I was given antibiotics and painkillers by the doctor and A&E but nothing helped. Thus was an amazing treatment. Thanks.

Posted by Llars (Nj) on 11/07/2017

While wiping myself three days ago, I noticed a smallish bump which I believe is a Bartholin Cyst after it has tripled in size and doing research. I didn't have anymore tea tree oil in my house so I made a paste of coconut oil and turmeric, drenched a cotton ball in it and put it on the cyst. 5 hours later I came home and the cyst had popped. I cleaned the area and applied a new paste. Woke up this morning and the cyst has gone down by half. So thankful for the first person who reviewed the turmeric.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Wani27 (Riviera Beach) on 06/26/2017

This is for anyone suffering from bartholin cysts. I have had them on and off since I was 23 i am now 27. I have tried everything serrapeptase worked great the first few tries along with 800mg ibuprofen which helps with fluid retention. Then I tried epsom salt soaks only to find that it did nothing for me. I bought some tea tree oil and which hazel but that did nothing for me. So I was reading about essential oils I found 100% tea tree oil and I put it on a cotton ball and less than 30 minutes it burst and i felt istant relief. I caution you to buy real essential oil they are more potent and they really do work. But when you use it be sure to dilute it with another oil like coconut oil because it is will burn the skin a little bit.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Maya (Seattle From Phoenix ) on 12/08/2016

Tea Tree Oil for Bartholin Cyst

I don't know where I read it but tea tree oil is the best! I hadn't had a cyst in 2 years! The last 2 I had (out of 5) at the time opened on their own after a painful week. The first 3 were helped with a catheter. The most recent 2 (total 7) opened on their own with tea tree oil along with hot compresses! It opens up my scar from the catheter and drains with no pain. Just gotta follow up with hot compresses and make sure you drain it well!

Witch Hazel
Posted by Christina (Kansas City, Mo) on 10/03/2016

Have had a Bartholin cyst for several months now-before today it was less than the size of a grape and not painful or even uncomfortable. Today it swelled up to the size of a walnut and became very painful to sit down on or walk with. I had previously tried tea tree oil, compresses with water and tea bags, and apple cider vinegar, and none of it worked (though the tea tree oil softened it a bit for a while). I had some witch hazel pads leftover from when I gave birth a couple years ago, and so I put one on the cyst hoping it would at least soothe it a bit. Within a few minutes the pain was almost gone, and when I went to check it ten minutes later I couldn't even feel where the cyst had been. This was from a pad that was almost completely dried out. Luckily my mom had a bottle full of witch hazel, so I reinvigorated my pads and put another one on. Going to keep using it for a few days to be sure it stays gone, but I am absolutely thrilled that this worked so quickly. Wish I had used them several months ago when I first found the cyst!

Posted by Leilani (Kona, Hi) on 10/28/2015

Just endured painful cyst this past week, and it finally ruptured last night! Hallelujah!

Short Term Causes and Remedies: I had been wearing pantiliners for a month and it has been horribly hot and humid here. Plus eating too much sugar! So, once it started, the horrible cyst, I tried everything. I ate yoghurt, I put Tea Tree oil on it (dilute, or it burns! ), Witch Hazel, and compresses of Epsom Salts. Even tried a paste of Diatomacious Earth, to dry out the cyst. I took Colloidal Silver, some antibiotic, Vit D, and Silica. This all likely helped but it wasn't until I received the Serrapeptase that I rush ordered from Amazon, that it finally burst six hours later. I took three pills so that it would be at the suggested 120 dosage. I'm sure the others helped, but I think the Serrapeptase helped it to rupture on it's own. Years ago, when I had this, the doctor sliced me open, so painful and it came right back the next day. Has to rupture on it's own.

Long term causes and remedies: eating too much sugar and acidic diet, so off sugar and switching to vegetarian, alkaline foods.

So happy to be able to walk and sit down again! Hope this helps! I was there, just a day ago!

Alkaline Diet
Posted by Amber (Florida, US) on 02/23/2015

I completely agree with you! I've had a recurring bartholins cyst for the past 5 years coming every 2-3 months and 5 times I had to get it drained-the others were lessened by antibiotics OR it got so bad that it would naturally rupture on it's own (which I think is a better alternative then draining) Anyways, I tried everything but knew the problem was internal. I was having digestive problems and my cyst would always flare up after being constipated for days. Now I know that GLUTEN was the problem and I got my blood tested and I have a severe intolerance to gluten. Having eliminated it from my died and eating more leafy greens, I have gone 6 months now without a problem which is the longest I've home without a cyst. I'm so relieved to find the source of the problem:)

Vitamin E
Posted by Kelsey (Baton Rouge, Louisiana ) on 04/16/2023

I have been suffering from a Bartholin cyst for about a week now. It was so big, it was affecting me walking and sitting and was super tender. I have had one before and had to get it drained at a hospital and it was the most painful thing I had ever experienced. I did not want to go through that again!! So I started researching and on this website I found only two people saying they used Vitamin E oil and I had already tried epsom salt baths, drawing salve, and castor oil but nothing would work. Well within 3 hours of using vitamin E oil it formed a head and started draining!! The best thing ever!!

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