Memory Loss, Art Solbrig
Natural Remedies

Art Solbrig's Memory Loss Protocol

on Sep 05, 2020| Modified on Dec 14, 2024
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Memory Loss Supplements.

Updated: August 2, 2021

For the last 3 to 4 years, a close friend of mine seemed to be having more and more memory lapses where she would lose track of what she was talking about right in the middle of what she was talking to me about.

The condition seemed to be worsening with time, and my friend went from pausing and regaining her train of thought, to being unable to remember what she had just been talking about. She would often say, "I can't remember what I was thinking or going to say!"

I also noticed that if we watched a movie together and I were to ask her any specifics about the film a day or two later, she could not remember much if anything about the movie.

A couple of other issues she was having were when she was doing research online, she had to write down what she wanted to search for on Google. Otherwise, by the time she went to enter her search on Google, she would forget what she wanted to search for. This was happening with increasing frequency.

Another issue was going into another room to get something, only to forget what she was going to get. This is a common issue that you can have and not mean that your memory is declining, but in her case, these events were increasing to almost always.

This started occurring with greater frequency and I felt terrible for her and hesitated to ever mention it to her for the first 2 to 3 years or so because that can be an awkward conversation to have with a close friend or anyone for that matter! By the third year, I finally decided that I better throw caution to the wind because letting a memory deficit go for too long may get to the point of "no return," and I definitely didn't want that for my friend!

From what I have seen and learned, I think the best chance of reversing a situation like this is to attack the problem as early as possible, but easier said than done sometimes.

So I did eventually have that conversation with her, and it actually went reasonably well.

I asked her if she realized that her memory had been worsening for quite a while, and she told me, yes, that she realized she was having more and more "senior moments" and in remembering things in general and said she really didn't understand why. I asked her if she would be interested in seeing if she could improve the situation because once it starts like this, it generally continues to worsen. The available meds are not very effective for the purpose of improving memory longer term!

I asked her if her doctor had brought the subject up with her, and she told me no, her doctor had never mentioned it to her. She had never mentioned it to her doctor, which means she was never diagnosed with a possible cause for her memory issues.

I was very clear with her and reminded her that it had taken her over 75 years to get to this point, and any improvements would not happen overnight. She should figure on allowing at least a year to see any noticeable or significant benefits at best.

So we met again, and I suggested that since I was thinking of multiple supplements for her situation, it might be best to start with one at a time so she would be able to first make sure she could tolerate the supplement and to see if it was helpful for her or not. She had other health issues, so I started her with a supplement that might also be helpful for her other health issues and memory, had a good safety profile, and was readily available at a reasonable cost. I told her that this process may require more than the label suggested dosing in some cases, and I asked her if she would be comfortable doing that, and she said yes as long as it did not cause her any problems.

Amla Extract Capsules

So the first supplement I suggested she start with was Amla Extract capsules.

I chose this because Amla has shown potential in multiple studies to have a beneficial effect on many of her existing health issues such as pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, and memory problems.

I explained that just because it has shown benefit for these common health issues, it may not work out that way for her because we are all different, and like the studies, some people got more benefits than others.

Amla Berry Studies for Memory Loss

Here are some studies regarding Amla and memory, dementia, other health issues, or AD:

She started on Amla Extract immediately at the lowest dose used in a couple of studies.

I told her that we would start by seeing if she tolerated Amla at that dose and that if she did, she could then consider increasing her dose toward the highest dosing used in the studies that I showed her, and everything went well.

Hence, she went up to the higher dosing, and I told her that as soon as she determined that she was tolerating the higher dose well, we could consider adding another supplement to her regimen. She settled on 1,150 mg/day.

My friend reported no problems with Amla Extract, and so we moved on to the next supplement, vitamin D-3.

I should mention here that although I had 15 supplements in mind for her particular situation, I was going to try and limit her to about 5 of the 15 possible supplements that I had picked for her to consider, taking 15 supplements every day can end up with compliance issues and side effects.

I wanted to try my best to make sure that compliance would not be an issue for her.

Another issue that can happen with 15 supplements is a negative interaction between supplements. The advantage of having 15 supplements to choose from is that if one is not tolerated well, you can substitute one of the 10 remaining supplements for the offending one.

Vitamin D3

She added vitamin D-3 at high dosing of 5,000 IU per day, and she gave it a month to make sure she could tolerate that dose, which she did. I told her it would be a good idea to have her doctor check her 25 OH d level regularly as I told her to shoot for the upper half of the reference range ( 30~ 100 ng/ml) and she could adjust her dose as needed to get there in conjunction with regular testing by her doctor.

Research Studies

Here are a few links suggesting that vitamin D may be useful for memory, AD, and dementia:

Lithium Orotate

Next, I told her about possibly adding another supplement with little science behind it in terms of memory improvement. Still, it has fairly significant anecdotal evidence, and that supplement is Lithium Orotate at a very low dose of less than 21 mg/day.

Again, a good safety profile at this very low dose range compared to prescription-strength Lithium, which doesn't have a very good safety profile.

After discussing it with her, she agreed to start a very low dose lithium orotate immediately at 5 mg/day.

As with the other supplements, she tolerated it well with no apparent problems. She agreed that if it appeared that she needed to do more to improve her memory, she would consider going as high as 20 mg/day if needed, but she has remained at the 5 mg dose/day.


After about another month of testing to see if she would tolerate these three supplements together, she said she was open to the next supplements now as she had not observed any issues with the three supplements she was taking.

Based on her input and her desire to get to the next supplement, she started on the popular supplement Vinpocetine which studies suggest may be of benefit for dementia and Alzheimer's Disease and is used for this purpose in other countries.

Studies show 30 mg/day as a good dose, and she started at 30 mg/day. Here is a link to two studies suggesting that Vinpocetine may be useful for the purpose :

The following Vinpocetine human study is interesting because, to me, it highlights that there is a possible "point of no return" in dementia patients as I alluded to earlier in this post :

She encountered no problems with Vinpocetine's addition, so she said she was ready to consider the fifth supplement at that time.


So we met again and discussed adding Melatonin to the mix at 10 to 20 mg/night one hour before bedtime.

In studies, Melatonin has shown benefit for AD and PD, has a very good safety profile, is readily available, and is very reasonably priced.

I would like to say that at this point, it was becoming clear that her memory was definitely improving before the addition of Melatonin and though she still had these senior moments/memory lapses, they were becoming far and few between.

For example, before she started this regimen, whenever she would visit, it was common for her to have at least 6 of these memory issues where she would give up trying to remember what she had wanted to say. Now she might have one episode per visit, and with a little mental effort, she could get herself back on track and continue the conversation!

She started at 10mg of Melatonin per night one hour before bed with the idea that she could go up to 20 mg/night or more if she felt she needed more memory improvement.


Although I had told her 5 supplements, I ended up telling her about Lecithin for one of her other health issues, which she added to her regimen with no problems and is taking the 6 supplements with no side effects other than improved memory and health!

It would have been 5 supplements for the memory issue alone, though, so I am not counting Lecithin as part of the regimen. While a study or two has suggested that Lecithin may offer benefit for dementia, the majority of studies do not, so I consider the evidence for this use of Lecithin to be too weak to consider it for this purpose.

Memory Loss Issue Gone After 1 Year

About a month later, and just over a year since she first started with the Amla Extract, her memory is what I would consider "normal" and better than some at her current age of 78!

She is now rid of all of her memory deficits and related issues that were readily apparent before and is very happy with all of the improvements she has seen with the addition of these supplements. I am very happy for her as I have seen enough people succumb to dementia / AD or memory issues who only wanted to use what their doctors gave them for their memory issues!

She has been able to get off of Metformin for her pre-diabetes, off of Lisinopril, for her high blood pressure, and she was able to avoid statins which her doctor wanted to put her on.

Yes, she is quite happy now and said she can clearly see the improvement in her memory!

Signs of Progress

I went with her a few months ago as she was going to lease a new car, and it required her to keep up with the fast-talking salesperson who was preparing the lease agreement and trying to sell her upgrade options.

They got to a place where the salesman wanted her to agree to a clause in the contract where she would waive her rights to using her own attorney and instead use an arbitrator if any problems arose with the lease agreement or the car.

She asked the salesman, who pays for the arbitrator, and he said that the dealership would as though that was an expense she wouldn't have to incur. I didn't know why she had asked that question, but it soon became apparent as their conversation progressed.

She asked him to remove that clause from the contract, and he told her he couldn't do it because it is pre-printed in the agreement, and there was no way to remove it. He then said that all customers sign and agree to that clause with no problems.

She answered by saying that she was not going to sign her legal rights away to use her attorney, and she told him that all he had to do was cross that clause out, and they both could then sign as agreement to the removal of the clause.

He said his manager would not allow him to do that, and if she insisted, he would not be able to lease the car to her. I guess he thought she was bluffing and would back down, but she just looked at me and asked if I had time to take her to another dealer who had already agreed to lease her the car that she wanted.

Before I could even say yes, the salesman said, hold on, I think I might know a way to do it, and he simply deleted the clause from the lease agreement! This is not something she would likely have been able to do just a year earlier and was just further proof to me that she was definitely back on track with a very improved memory and all that comes with it! She didn't stumble once in that meeting!

We watched a movie the other night, and I had to keep getting up to take care of other things, so I was missing a lot of the movie, and I had to keep asking her what I missed, and her recall was impeccable whereas before she would just say, I don't remember. She was even telling me about movies we had seen months earlier, and she was remembering them better than I was! I may have to give this regimen a test myself!

Finally, I noticed that her skin looks healthier and younger than it did 2 years ago!


Remember, I am not a doctor and can not give dosage recommendations, I can only relate the dosing my friend used to good effect in her specific situation.

I am not recommending that anyone try this regimen, just telling my friend's experience with it.

It is also worth noting that the only supplement of these 5 that is listed on Earth Clinic for Dementia or Alzheimer's disease is vitamin D. It is also important to mention that there are multiple causes for memory issues such as B12 deficiency or multiple forms of dementia, having a diagnosis by your doctor would be very useful in trying to determine a path forward.

If you or someone you know is considering this protocol because you are having memory issues, it is always best to discuss it with your doctor to be sure it will be compatible with any medications you are taking and that it is safe for you!


Latest Update From Art

August, 21, 2021

When I originally designed this supplement regimen, it was for a specific person with very specific health issues, one of which was her "senior moments" as she described it to me. As such, the first supplement I used, Amla, was mainly meant to deal with those other health issues, but not as much for memory. She ended up starting to see noticeable memory improvement about a month or two before she had been on her regimen for a full year.

Here is the original order of supplements that my friend used to good effect:

1. Amla Extract : One 575 mg capsule at breakfast and one capsule at dinner for a total of 1,150 mg / day.

2. Vitamin D-3 : One 5,000 iu soft gel with breakfast.

3. Lithium Orotate : One 5 mg capsule with breakfast

4. Vinpocetine : One 30 mg capsule with breakfast.

5. Melatonin : One 10 mg capsule an hour or closer to bedtime.

I just wanted to say that if I ever have another friend that wants to test this 5 supplement regimen, I would suggest changing the order of the supplements and I would start with taking two of the 5 supplements at the same time.

The new order would be the following :

1. Vitamin D and Lithium Orotate (LO) started together. 1 to 1 .5 months @ breakfast

2. Vinpocetine once vitamin D and LO are determined to be acceptable. 1 to 1.5 months @ breakfast

3. Melatonin 1 to 1.5 months @ 1 or 2 hours before bedtime

4. Amla Extract 1 to 1.5 months 1 capsule with breakfast and 1 capsule with dinner

The reason for these changes is because most people are going to be able to tolerate vitamin D and by combining the vitamin D with another supplement, the potential course to improvement is likely shortened by a couple of months at a minimum. My thinking is that this particular order is more likely to offer initial memory improvement sooner than the original order and this may make it easier for a person to stick with the regimen if they start to see improvement earlier. If you were to allow testing of each step for a month to a month and a half instead of 2 months and there are 4 steps, the potential benefit could be seen in the 4 to 5 month range instead of just under a year.

In my friend's case, the Amla Extract seemed likely to be helpful for other health issues that she had and less so for memory, but getting control of those other health issues was more of a priority for her. But for the case of memory only, I think this new order and timing of the supplements would be a more effective as well as faster approach to see if the regimen will work for another friend.

On a related note, I had a very lengthy conversation with this same friend today and she did not miss a beat! She is sharp like she was when she was much younger and this to me suggests that this regimen is durable.


Where to Buy Art's Supplements & Dosage Summary

1. Amla Berry Extract

Buy on Amazon



Amla Extract Capsules- 600 mg Amla Extract Formula - High in Natural Vitamin C - Immune Support - Amalaki Gooseberry, by JIVA BOTANICALS



Amla Dosage for Memory Loss

1,200 mg/per day

2. Vitamin D3

Buy on Amazon


NOW Supplements, Vitamin D-3 2,000 IU, High Potency, Structural Support, 240 Softgels






Vitamin D3 Dosage for Memory Loss

5,000 IU per Day

3. Lithium Orotate

Buy on Amazon



Lithium Oratate Dosage for Memory Loss

5 mg per day.


4. Vinpocetine

*Not Available on Amazon

Amazon does not allow vendors to sell Vinpocetine. However, you can easily find it at most health food stores in the brain enhancement section and online., Vitacost, and Life Extension carry it.  Prices range from $7 on up.

Vinpocetine Dosage for Memory Loss

30 mg per day.

5. Melatonin

Buy on Amazon

NOW Supplements, Melatonin, 10 mg, 100 Veg Capsules

Natrol Fast Dissolve - 10 mg - 100 Count - $12.99

Puritan's Pride Melatonin 10 mg 120 Capsules (3-Pack)- $23.00


10 mg of Melatonin per night.

About The Author

Art Solbrig is a researcher who has been reading scientific studies and testing natural remedies for over 30 years searching for useful studies and alternatives that apply positively to human health issues and natural treatments using minerals, vitamins, amino acids, essential oils, herbs, homeopathy, colloidal silver, combination treatments, and other alternatives to improve the quality of life of others by writing about his findings and test results in places like Earth Clinic. He documents and writes about many of his experiences in helping others. Art is a native of sunny California.

Related Links:

Top Natural Remedies for Alzheimer's and Dementia
Vitamin D Health Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Article Reviews

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Earth Clinic on 08/02/2021

Hi everyone,

Art has just added a new update to his memory loss supplements article. You can find the update towards the bottom of the article (but above the product listings) here:

Thank you, Art!

Replied by Charity
(faithville, Us)

Hi Art,

Nice to see a list of helps for memory. My memory issues were two fold, split personality . In that your parts would pop up into the front and listen to something and then go into the backdrop with the information and the core person had no clue what went on. I don't have that anymore, Praise the Lord for showing me how to get whole. Now the other thing is digestion . The gut affects everything. I take a couple of things on your list plus magtein, coconut oil, water, salt, and a whole lot of supplements to catch up on old problems depleting me. You might like this article. I read death by calcium at the library a long time ago. Interesting that calcium needs silica, boron, all the minerals in balance, D, and K and some other amino acids to get it into bones and teeth and keep it out of soft tissue.

Should I Take Vitamin K with my Vitamin D Supplement? (

2366 posts

Hi Charity,

It's good to connect with you!

Thank you for the info on supplements needed to direct and manage calcium properly. Interestingly, melatonin has recently been established as healthful for warding off osteoporosis and osteopenia so it should fit well with the ones you mentioned. In the mouse spine, it has shown the ability to reduce or reverse disc degeneration.

I will take a look at your link in a moment, thank you!


Replied by Pacific Coast Lady
(Crescent City, CA)

Hello Art, I realized this is a fairly new post so I hope you will see my reply :) It's interesting that I would find this just when I am realizing I have the same issues that your friend has had.

I enjoyed reading your whole article, then researching the supplements you listed. I'm started with the D-3 as you suggested in your addition to your article (order of supplements). The rest I am not sure about yet, whether I should try them or not. Lecithin I think, it's been a couple or more years since I tried it, gave me some side effects.

I'm 70 and on the far NW corner of CA near the border of CA and Oregon. I have T2 Diabetes, under control with a ketogenic diet, no pills, and regular walking and weight-training. If anything has a side-effect, I seem to be susceptible but I am good with D-3 and was diagnosed as being deficient in 2018, but I didn't continue to use the 'script. It's better for me financially if I can have a script instead of buying out of pocket.

I'm sharing the info at my senior forum but few are taking notice. Neither Dementia nor Alzheimer's runs in my immediate family, or my grandparents but I don't like how dull my mind is in some areas. I also take only Magnesium 500mg 2 x per day right now, and an anxiety drug called clonazepam, 1mg per day.

In 2 years on Keto, I've lost 30 lbs with only walking 30 minutes 3 times per week. So my bod is in better shape, but the brain needs more of something. I'd love to be as successful as your lady friend :)

I can't thank you enough for sharing your information so thoroughly with us. I am a firm believer in trying alternatives to drugs, being my own guinea pig, rather than leaving everything up to the conventional Docs. I do believe there is a place for both, but I refuse not have my own medical records, and my own say in what I allow into my own body. I'm taking responsibility for my own health. Have been since I joined EC, Thank you again, Denise

2366 posts

Denise/PCL, you're welcome!

You sound like you are doing a very good job in managing your own health!

The magnesium, exercise and keto are very useful for the diabetic aspect of your health.

Admittedly, my friend did not have a reaction to any of the supplements she tried, so she is probably pretty hardy in that sense. The lecithin was not part of her memory regimen, just strictly to lower her high cholesterol and it worked well toward that end making it possible for her to avoid the statin drug her doctor wanted to put her on.

If you decide to try the memory regimen, please update us on how you do and if you have a problem with any supplement during the testing steps, I can recommend one or two others that are also effective and have very good safety profiles. One of which also has anti anxiety effects. Allow at least 6 months to see noticeable results. Good luck!


(somewhere, europe)

PCL/Denise, read up about coconut oil for the brain.

Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

Hello again Art! Yes, I will keep you all posted on my progress in trying the D-3, and I'm going to get the Lecithin as well since I have very high cholesterol, 358, and my doc tried for 2 years to get me to take statins but I won't because of the studies and other info I've read online. Even so I am nervous in it being so high, I hear that it's most important that the Trigs divided by the HDL number is most important in lipid panels. I'm not saying it's true, I'm just saying I am willing to follow, basically, Dr. Benjamin Bikman (and others) on this controversial subject. Especially since I've had success with my alternative methods for T2. I will also keep a notepad for any side-effects with any new supps I introduce in, this time around.

Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

Hi Mssg, I have coconut oil every day. Although it's a small bit that I put into a cube tray that I pour my fat-bombs into for my ketogenic diet. For 12 FBs I use a 1/4 cup of Coconut Oil so I'm just getting 1 tsp a day as I have just one after my last meal of the day.

I will read up on it like you suggest though. I could add some other ways during a day as the coconut oil assures that I get enough good fats in my diet. Thanks so much for your for the info, Denise

2366 posts

Denise, Sorry for the delayed response, I just saw this. The effective dose she used was two level measuring tablespoons of lecithin granules a day. She put it in 3 or 4 ounces of water without stirring and drank it straight down. Art

Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

Ok Art, I've done my ALA, Lutein for 3 days now (but not my 2nd dose of ALA yet) and have had no weird issues. My Citicoline arrives today and D-3. When I've been into all of what I'm trying I will make another reply. I was so lucky on the prices, and also got the little gel capsules, or regular capsules so easy to swallow. Thanks again Art, I'm in your posts now to see if you have anything on PND or allergies, Denise

2366 posts


The 5 memory supplements are :

Vitamin D + Vinpocetine

Lithium Orotate



So it looks like you have the vitamin D and Citicoline so far.

Regarding PND, are you referring to Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea (PND) ?

If that is correct, I can save you some time as I haven't written anything about PND. The nocturnal breathlessness is generally caused by heart or lung problems or both and which ever of those might be the contributing factor in you is what I would try and go after. On that note, the melatonin in the memory regimen would be beneficial for both issues. There are others that would be helpful for the heart and lungs, but that is already on your list so it will be worthwhile to see how you respond to it.

Good luck and I look forward to your updates!


Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

I'm sorry I didn't specify PND, but it's Post Nasal Drip I struggle with, it's year-round, have air purifier, salt lamps in my smaller 1 bedroom apt. so I have 3 or those and keep things dusted and floors vacuumed.

I don't know of anything supplement-wise or herbal that might help me get rid of it, been going on at least 6 years. It help to irrigate my sinuses with Pink Himalayan salt, and my change of diet for last 2 years has helped so it isn't so think but I still have trouble in a.m.'s with voice issues, I constantly have to swallow as I cannot blow it out, or cough it up. It's never in my lungs and am positive it isn't coming up from my stomach like LPR. I also drink electrolyte (home-made for my water). It is clear mucus by the way, no infection detected. I'm just over-producing it somehow, can't figure it out. I do 1/2 cup of yogurt a day, and 1 ounce of cheese. I quit all that and it didn't make a difference so I don't think I have a dairy issue.

Feedback welcome, and I totally understand when you can't get right back to me, this is a huge site and you are helping so many of us. I do a lot of research most days, especially if I'm having a tantrum over just one of my issues, of which there are many things and mostly I learn to live with them until I think I can find answers the doctors never seem to find except a 'script and I won't do anymore unless I'm unconscious and can't tell them no, laughing out loud here. Denise

I think it is somehow also related to my tinnitus.

Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

I'm so sorry Art, I completely missed seeing the Vinpocetine. I looked it up and sounds very good but did you want me to just take that with my D, and if so, what dosage? Looks like 30mg is highest on Amazon?

2366 posts


I see, post nasal drip (PND). If you haven't already tried it, you might consider Xlear Nasal Spray (XNS) at the maximum label dose. It has grapefruit seed extract (GSE) and xylitol in it and both have shown the ability to breakdown biofilms which can form to protect pathogens. GSE is a potent antimicrobial. I am currently working with a friend with a similar issue and she is starting off with XNS at the maximum label dose and said she will try and draw it in deeply with each spray to spread it as much as possible in her sinuses. She has had a constant sinus condition dating back to the 1970's so it may take a significant effort to try and ameliorate her sinus issue. She is going to go through a full bottle and let me know how she is doing.

So if you give it a try at max dose, keep us updated on how that goes.


Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

Ok Art, that is spendy stuff, but I will try and get it. Xylitol is a sweetner and not sure why they would put that in a nasal spray, but I've read it's safe to use in food/drink, or whatever, with my T2 Diabetes so I don't need to be concerned about that.

Thanks again, so much and I will let you know. BTW, I can't do all the supps in the protocol for memory loss right away so I am just trying the D and the Citicoline to start, I am also doing ALA, my magnesium citrate, and Lutein. I do collagen from Ancient Nutrition. I don't want to do too many things, and my foods provide a lot of nutrients but do believe I need to supplement.

I'll keep you posted for sure Art, Denise

2366 posts

Hi Denise,

Xylitol in the sinuses has a couple of useful effects, it is anti inflammatory and it helps prevent allergens from sticking to the sinus tissues. It also has biofilm busting activity and overall its effects are complementary to the potent antimicrobial qualities of the grapefruit seed extract.

Here is a study that discusses how xylitol in just water as a nasal rinse works :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

' Xylitol in water is a well-tolerated agent for sinonasal irrigation. In the short term, xylitol irrigations result in greater improvement of symptoms of chronic rhinosinusitis as compared to saline irrigation. '

Good on the vitamin D because that is overall healthy for you anyway. I look forward to your updates!


Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

Thank you Art, love the PubMed studies, read a lot of those since I got into Ketogenic eating. I didn't know about the other benefits of the Xylitol so I will definitely get that for my sinus rinse instead of salt, I'll keep you posted.

Something in my 5 supps 6 counting the collagen (half what the dose is on the jug for now) are giving me weird, vivid dreams. Not nightmares, just things like going through the gas line, and I'm always younger, and I'm driving my old Buick I had 20 years ago. Just odd stuff. I'll keep up on my supps though and see if that changes, but I'm think either Citicoloine or ALA as I've never used that supp before.

Since I'm taking things to improve my brain, maybe that why, thinking/remembering too much. Thanks much, again, Denise

2366 posts


I would be more inclined to attribute that effect to the Citicoline rather than the ALA. If it isn't too bothersome, you should be able to continue it.


2366 posts


This is a direct quote from my post on memory supplements :

' Studies show 30 mg/day as a good dose, and she started at 30 mg/day. Here is a link to two studies suggesting that Vinpocetine may be useful for the purpose '


Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

I have to check the prices but want to get the Vinpocetine, Lithium Orotate, Amla ordered today @ recommended dosages. Thanks much, Denise

PS I will read the studies on the Vin, as well as LO and Amla.

Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

Hello Art, I re-read your original article to your friend, and picked up on more info I didn't the first time through. I guess it's pretty clear why I've asked for help on EC, smiley face.

I wanted to tell you something I didn't mention before but I am weaning myself off clonazapam that I think probably has taken it's toll on my body. I only ever was prescribed 1mg dose 1 per day but took it since 1988 for Essential Tremor and anxiety. I am only down 1/4 tablet so far, but that's every day for a month so far, so I take .75mg a day.

I tried this once before and I think the doc pushed me to go faster by giving me .5 tablets so I am doing it myself this time because I know my own body better than he does. I may have had a TIA during that time, but no one is finding anything, or found anything that indicated that. The whole left side of my body went numb and the medics hauled me to ER. That was 2 Summers ago and my bod came back to life in under 3 days, except my left arm (this is all another story for another thread).

After my numbness attack, doc put me back on 1 mg clonazapam.

I wanted you to know because some of your protocol could help me off these darn pills, at long last. I'm not asking you for any feedback, I can see how much work, effort and help you are giving all of us. I just wanted you to know about that drug I am on, it's the only one thank goodness, except for Immitrex which only is used if I get a bad migraine which you already know those are all but non-existent at this early point in just part of the protocol.

I did get 3 more things ordered today, the Alma, LO, and the Lithium Orotate. I had to get a couple in different brands for expense purposes, but I read the labels, sound very straight up. Thanks much, again, Denise

2366 posts

Hi Denise,

Just a reminder that Amla is no longer part of the 5 supplement memory supplements, it was replaced by the Citicoline.

The five supplements are :

1. Vitamin D

2. Vinpocetine

3. Lithium Orotate

4. Citicoline

5. Melatonin



How much of the Citicoline should be taken and when?

2366 posts


Since you just ordered the Amla today, you should be able to cancel it as the Citicoline replaced the Amla. I explained this in the original post, but you must have missed it. The reason for the change is because studies for Citicoline were better than they were for Amla.


Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

I'll keep both of them anyway Art, and yes, I did fail to realize the Amla had been replaced. I am having worse tremors last 3 days for some reason, only changes being supplements, diet is still the same. I will narrow it down to see which could be causing it, or if any are at all. It could be the tremor has just gotten worse, no idea, yet.

If citicolene is doing it, then I'll have the Amla for backup. Thank you for getting back to me, I have a doctor appt this a.m. at 8:30 and plan to ask him if there are any labs I haven't already kept up on, ones that do an in depth look at deficiencies I may have. I'll let you know if we come up with more info, Denise

2366 posts


Here is a link to people discussing ALA and how it affected them :

One poster said the following :

100 mgs once a day in a multivitamin for about three years. The ALA worsened my essential tremor. It gave me dementia, ataxia and nystagmus. The decline was slow I eventually ended up housebound unable to even safely cross the street by myself. I surrendered my driver's license. I have since had my mercury fillings SAFELY removed by an IAOMT dentist. I am detoxing with a daily sauna and some Quicksilver products. '

It's just one anecdotal report, so take it with several grains of salt. What you can do is stop Citicoline or stop ALA for a week or two and if your tremor normalizes you will know which one is causing the problem. If you stop citicoline and the problem persists, ALA may be the problem. If you stop ALA and the problem persists, then citicoline may be the problem.


Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

Oddly enough, I'm not having the worse tremors this a.m. Art and I took all my stuff yesterday. I'll see how it goes and look for any signs that it could be the supps. I did get a good workout at the gym yesterday, and hadn't been doing my routine for 5 days, blamed it on weather but just got lazy.

As I mentioned, my foods were the norm, as well as the last 9 days of supps. Hard to really know but I'll keep you updated for sure. I think it's been 13 or 14 day now. Thanks for all your help, Denise

2366 posts


The jumping back into your exercise routine after taking 5 days off, may be the contributing factor.


Denise E
(Crescent City, CA)

I'm off everything except my D-3 and Magnesium Art. I had the worst migraine (no aura or numbness) steady pain in right temple, and can't remember the last bad one. I took my immitrex and couldn't stand the pain an hour later so took 3 of my 200 mg ibuprofen, and that finally stopped the pain in about 2 hours. I kept ice on my head for just a few minutes, had to lie down finally, couldn't keep going and then suddenly I think the immitrex or ibu kicked in.

Yesterday a.m. I took nothing except my D-3 and mag, didn't want to stop those two as I don't believe they were the cause. I can't tell anyone it was the other 3 supps (citicolene, ALA, Lutein) but I was too afraid of it coming back to take anything else for now.

I'll let you know if I decide to try something more again Art, but honestly, I just feel unsure right now. I'm pretty good this a.m. Just having my decaf with turmeric and half dose of collagen, which never caused any issues. I'll be doing some more research to see what happened but for 70 years there's never really been a rhyme or reason for my migraines but this was a wopper. Any worse at all and I would have been at ER.

I broke down and took an antihistamine called Loratadine because when I went to ER they had to give me 2 shots of pain killer, and 3 shots of antihistamine to stop the pain, eventually knocked me out basically. Gave me one each hour or so but really don't remember that well.

Again, I really can't blame the new supps, could have been the weather, or just still going to have these migraines once in a great while, I am hoping if I must have one, it's only that often.

2366 posts


I understand. I'm glad you are better now. Please keep us updated on the path you decide to take.


Art's Memory Remedies Q&A

Posted by Helen (Nc) on 09/20/2020

My husband is experiencing loss of memory, he is 70 years old. Very forgetful, confused, sudden state of being defensive, sleeps a lot. Can you help?

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HELEN, ORH here, studies show that nicianamide at 3500 mg a day will reverse dementia. You must start off slow and work up to that number. All this is in EC archives. It was proved at the U of CA, Irvine with mice.


Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, Usa)
529 posts

This is a tough one but I seem to be talking about it a lot lately as I've been exploring a new theory I'm formulating about dehydration so, I have to say, Alzheimer's, seems to me, to be an effect of long term, chronic dehydration. Basically, years of the body being in "emergency mode". I suspect one way it deals with that is with adrenaline which would definitely keep one alive in an acute situation but can't be good in a chronic situation. Or, at least, it seems so to me.

Ordinarily, I'd say a timer set to go off every two hours during waking hours, at which time I'd drink 8 oz of water but at 70, I'd say it's up to him and he's earned the right to make the decision for himself.

There isn't much we can do to it that the body can't manage or repair but to do that, it needs hydration. It needs to get out of emergency mode but the sleeping might put him off the idea.

I would also add neither "correcting" nor ignoring him when he gets things wrong because his state of being is probably the only thing that will get him off the sleeping and taking the water. Laying down is one way the body gets someone who is "too" dehydrated to take a load off their heart so, no nagging.



Thanks for posting.

I'm taking care of my Mom, doing most of the cooking, the laundry, the cleaning.

She has memory issues, probably dementia or Alzheimer's or both.

She does not drink enough water. She might have a few sips a day.

This is so frustrating.

I've perused the book "Your Bodies Many Cries for Water" and I talk to her and try to encourage her to drink more water.

She sometimes replies with, and I'm paraphrasing: "I'm a nurse. I know ..."

She was a Registered Nurse.

I have videos cued up on my computer about how to hypnotize people and I'm thinking about learning if I could hypnotize her to think that water is coffee. She likes coffee.

I've spent a lot of money and time researching natural cures here and on Substack and other websites, researching Miracle Mineral Solution, Chlorine Dioxide, DMSO, fasting, ketogenic diet, urine therapy, and more, but it appears that if someone is not drinking water, how can they get healthy.

Water is the vehicle necessary for cellular respiration.

If anyone has any suggestions for getting my Mom to drink more water, please let me know.

I'm on the verge of leaving and letting other family members determine what to do. One mentioned putting her into a nursing home.

In moments of frustration, I've warned my Mom that if I leave, then my brother and sister will have to take care of her and they probably will not care for her like I am, and that she needs to drink more water, in order to get better, and that water is the vehicle to help her, especially with all the supplements that I've ordered.

Your advice and suggestions are appreciated.

Is there a cure for stubborn behavior, for defiance, for someone who refuses to do what is necessary to help them get better?

Replied by Art
2366 posts

Hi Helen,

I very recently posted about a friend of mine who is 78 years old and was having memory problems and was able to reverse it using 5 supplements and is now back to normal. Here is a link to how she did it:

Good luck!



Hi Art!

Thanks so much for this detailed information on improving memory! I am trying this method on myself! I was already taking vitamin D3, melatonin, and lecithin. So I added in the amla a month ago and vinpocetine a week ago. Just waiting for the lthium orotate for next month. I am 65 with memory problems, not too bad, just lose my words from time to time, and forgetting things. Hoping to see improvement! Did it take your friend a whole year to improve?

Replied by Dee


First of all to stay healthy change to a Mediterranean diet, exercise, and get rid of stress.

Do not cook with Coated teflonor Aluminum pans, only stainless steel, glass and cast iron.

Stimulate the brain puzzles, reading, etc. I am a senior and had foggy thinking. Plus I have Pre-Diabetes and High Cholesterol.The Fenugreek powder helped my pre-diabetes.

I take a Multi Vitamin, extra Vitamin C, D & K, Magnesium, B12, Alpha Lipoic acid, CoQ10, Omega oil, Amla, Olive Leaf, Milk Thistle, Turmeric paste. B complex Vitamins are very important. Most people are deficient in Vitamin D & Magnesium When I took extra Vitamin D all of a sudden no foggy brain, my jumping pains and fatique were gone. Plus I had sleeping issues, and restless legs at night, the Magnesium and Melatonin cleared it up. Everyone is different I need 6 mg. of Melatonin. With the Vitamin D I need 4000IU. When taking extra Vitamin D after a month or two have it checked. I must have been deficient in D my numbers went up to 48.

Plus I learned so much from Dr. Richard Becker TV show "Your Health". They have all his you tubes listed:

2366 posts

Hi Jill,

She saw some improvement probably around 6 months and the improvement continued to increase to around 14 months and seems to have stabilized.

As a quick update, it turns out she was having dizziness for the past year and a half or so that her doctor said to just wait and see if it goes away on its own. She told me about it a while back and I thought her doctor would work with her on the dizziness, but her doctor didn't and she seemed to be getting worse with the dizziness that she had been drinking an herbal tea for that a friend of hers had recommended for her dizziness, but it was not helping her at all, so I asked her if she had tried the Epley Maneuver for the dizziness, but she didn't know what that was, so I explained it to her and she did it a few times at home with each time improving her dizziness more to the point now that she almost never feels dizzy except when bending over deeply to pick something up and then she says she feels just a little dizziness which she said is very minimal. I told her to tell her doctor to perform the Epley Maneuver on her at her next visit and hopefully that will fully eliminate the dizziness, which I would say is about 95% diminished from where she started as she would use a cane regularly during that period. She now keeps the cane in her car just in case, but I have not seen her use it in many months!


Replied by Danielle

Does niacinamide reverse AD in humans too?

2366 posts


The testing Nicotinamide/Niacinamide for dementia were done at the University of California Irvine (UCI). The first study (2007/2008(, a mouse study, showed extraordinary results essentially reversing the disease in the mice.

The second study, also done at UCI in humans, showed almost zero benefit as described here :

The third study which is also being done in humans is in progress and no longer recruiting participants. It started in 2017 and is scheduled to complete in about 3 months as outlined here :

If UCI decided to do a second human study in early AD patients even though their last human trial showed almost no benefit, they must feel that Niacinamide/Nicotinamide must still have some benefit in early stage AD patients, but perhaps not mid or late stage patients or they discovered an error or errors in their first human study, otherwise they probably wouldn't waste their study resources on another study. Even though the trial is listed to complete estimated at August 30, 2022 (5 year study), the results may not be available to possibly the end of the year. Based on the study design requiring a 12 month follow up schedule, that means the results could potentially not be released until late 2023.


2366 posts


Here is another link that gives a bit more info on the trial that is currently in progress :

As you can see, they are using the same 3 gram dose per day as the first human study in two divided doses of 1500 each day.



Hello Art,

It says "join the conversation," so I thought I would. My husband, Jack, was taking niacin daily when we got together in 1981. I don't know when he started, I only know he said it was something that was going around at school, he was teaching at Florida Atlantic U., and everyone was taking niacin! He probably meant the professors. I think it's safe for me to say he took niacin every single day of our 37 years until he died four years ago...with dementia. Fortunately for me, he wasn't grumpy or mean, he just got more silly, but if he was taking niacin for his brain, I'd say it didn't work in his case. He was taking a minimum of 100 mgs a day, but, he had bottles of it that were 1000 mgs. I'm guessing he was taking niacin in hopes of avoiding the dementia his dad, wonderful Ernest, had in his last years.

2366 posts


Thank you for "joining the conversation"!

I am sorry to hear about your husband, but happy for you that he did not get grumpy or mean as I have seen this happen multiple times and it is unpleasant for everyone involved.

I do not consider the current evidence for niacin vs dementia to be that strong and that is one reason I did not include it in the 5 supplement memory regimen. Given the great length of time your husband was taking niacin and the fact that he still got dementia, tends to confirm my feeling about niacin vs dementia.


(British Columbia)

Hi Michael –

This must be incredibly frustrating for you.

First, though, kudos for taking such good care of your mom!

Is there a type of water she might be more willing to drink – such as sparkling mineral water?

You could always put some electrolytes in regular filtered water which gives it a more appealing taste or use frozen berries or juices as ice cubes.

Is she getting fluids from other things like smoothies, bone broth, soups, diluted juices, fruits and vegetables with high water content (melons, cucumbers, celery, lettuces, etc.)?

Some older women (I'm one of them!) have bladder issues. Perhaps your mom feels she has to urinate too often if she drinks water and she is worried she won't make it to the bathroom in time.

You asked if there was a cure for stubborn behavior ... sometimes there is.

Perhaps appeal to her nurse sensibilities.

She knows that dehydration can lead to painful urinary tract infections (UTIs) and, in some cases, lead to hospitalization where she would have to get IVs for hydration.

At times, when you get older, you feel you aren't in control any more.

Ask your mom to help you set up a written schedule (nurses had to work with schedules all the time) where she gets the hydration that she needs but it would be on her terms.

Water, water-content food, etc. spread throughout the day would be more manageable. She can choose what to eat/drink.

Keep her motivated with compliments – she seems more alert, less tired / her skin isn't as dry / she isn't suffering from dry eyes any more, etc.

Another thing: is there someone she would be more likely to listen to – like a friend, a nurse?

As an example, my late father would ignore ANY suggestions I made – wouldn't even try it.

YET, all my husband had to do was tell him that he had the same problem as my dad (e.g., constipation, headaches) and this is how he solved it.

Ta-da - my dad was totally on board with it. Always did what my husband suggested and then thanked him for solving the problem.

Hey, whatever works ...

I wish you the very best of luck.

Please don't give up – you are making a huge difference in your mom's life. She may not say it (stubborn, remember!) but she appreciates all that you do.

Take care.


Sorry I accidentally posted my reply before while I was in the middle of it and couldn't find it to finish it so here is my full reply :)


Reading your story I had to reply (I'm a long time lover of EC but never posted)

I also cared for my mum(she passed recently) so your story is very familiar to mine.

Firstly I want to say that I totally understand the level the frustration gets too, as well as as feeling extremely helpless at the same time when they won't listen or do something needed for their own survival, and when it's such a simple thing to do.. I seriously understand the exact emotions you as also experience...

My love for mum was so strong that ITS why I was able to continually be there for her.. Even when walking away entered my head or when I literally felt I was about to self combust out of frustration (omg that just made me LOL because I swear the things Mum used to do wow self combustion describes exactly what I felt like was about to happen)

The only difference between my 70yr old Mum is she didn't have dementia/Alzheimers (was showing early signs though) she was very frail with a few major physical conditions (previous spine break so titanium plates in place, major prolapse) diabetes type 2, insomnia... What she loved was her wine (denial of wine dependence) and cigarettes, and had a huge rebellious stubborn type of character


Mum had authoritarian trauma from her childhood so if mum felt like someone was telling her what to do (ie even me saying "I think you should drink some water mum") She instinctively turned into a rebellious 13 yr old and do everything in her power to do the complete opposite of what was spoken to her... As you can imagine this made this task very difficult to achieve because one single word had the power to turn mum 13

She was that stubborn that she was able to not listen to a single word spoken to her if she felt she knew best, or she was right, or the way she felt was the only way.. meaning IMPORTANT information as to WHY or WHAT or HOW I needed her to absorb and apprehend was almost impossible... IE the Consequences of drinking and diabetes as well as so many other important issues

Don't get me started lol

Mum thought she was getting fluids through the wine, she also hated urinating slot, especially at night.... soooo in her stubborn ass brain water=more urination (yes explaining diabetes + alcohol + kidneys + toxins + no water = kidney overwork/ urinating more and the seriousness plus every issue regarding this situation)

She would go days without water, and would even lie to me about drinking it ( I would put undetectable tiny dots at water level on water jug thennnnnn I put undetectable indication level dots on practically everything mum would touch to keep track :s)When I would question her she said she drunk it from the tap blah blah

I TRIED everything... And I mean everything.. so much so I spent every new day by trying using different levels of voice volume and tone mixed with different emotions I would portray..

Every few days = a different approach

I tried by bribing her

I tried by manipulating her

I tried by emotional blackmail

I tried by begging

I tried by scaring her by way of threatening unfavorable outcomes if she didn't

I tried by crying to her

I tried by acting emotionless

Some worked occasionally, but I was not capable of maintaining the amount of energy and strength the above used up for only an occasional win.

Along mission impossible I knew something had to change, and it wasn't going to be her, so I had to become extremely cunning and overly strategic to make this something that could be not only achievable, but something that had to be achievable DAILY .. REPEATEDLY.. for the rest of her life....

And I definitely did figure out a way to make it alot easier to get her to drink and eat regularly enough to make the situation not so dire and life threatening

After some deep reflection and analysing everything above I've written about, HER STUBBORNNESS, her character, my attempts and her reactions to them and her reasoning/excuses i

I came to the conclusion that the only way to get her to drink was to get her to think it was her idea to to have a drink and/or make her want to want to do it....

and that I had to stop trying by being so repetitive and stop applying any form of pressure because in reality all I was really doing was pushing mum to close off from me and pull away..

I tried different methods to plant the seed in her brain, and the easing off the repetitive pushing out of sheer desperation trying to make her drink also helped to change the situation.. it did take a bit of time, but it worked

I started telling her about a "new skin care" I was using but it only worked at its best if I drank more water along with it.. of course she wanted to try the new skin care I had miraculously come across so I ordered something online (she never looked at the labels or brand just wanted the new shiney crémé lol) and along with it she started to drink more

I would read out some story from some thing that would interest her and slot in somewhere something about that particular character and how drinking water helped them for something (I did this multiple times with multiple scenarios using either a life saving example for something tying it in with a story/article I was reading or an "if only' type of senario .. all to make her go hmmmmmmmm if that were me etc

If I saw someone on television who looked younger than mum but could say was actually a similar in age to her I would say I saw an interview with blah blah and they were into blah blah did blah blah drank slot of water blah blah that's why they look so much younger.

There were different ways I would use this technique also via different mediums

It wasnt fool proof but it changed the situation 180 degrees pressure wise within a few days and made both our lives alot let stressful for the longer term.

If you taylor this approach or maybe something similar using a category your mum is interested in it may help you as well, especially because stubbornness is a factor with your mum also

Getting my mum to drink water or anything other than wine or to actually eat something was up there as one of the most emotionally hard, stressful and lonely things I've ever had to do

Trying to find answers was relentless and constantly researching in my spare hours was brutal, whilst I was caring for mum I also felt very alone. Nobody(not even my brother)cared about mum as much as me therefore were mostly absent (brother checked in once a month maybe or saw mum once every 2-3 months for an hour, he would have dumped her into a home first chance he could without a second thought), Mums Brother saw her once a year, and her Beautiful sister lives in South Australia with a large family of her own which rely heavily on her and Dad passed away in 2016 without warning...

I know it's alot to read but I hope my tactic can give you some form of idea or path to go on, as for the rant just showing you you're not alone


Art's Memory Remedies Q&A
Posted by Syd (New Mexico) on 09/09/2020

Thanks for this great post, Art! I am experiencing the very thing your friend was, and also finding myself getting a bit confused. (I'm only 58.)

QUESTION: I'm wondering what constituent in the Amla berry you think makes it so helpful? Does it have polyphenols in it? (I have an oxalate issue and if I take things that are too high in Vit C., I get cystitis. Trying to find a work around if possible, like taking something else that is similar or finding a way to tolerate the amla.)

Replied by Art
2366 posts


Amla has many active components that have individually proven their worth in terms of overall health improvement and this is the reason I mentioned it to my friend first before the other 4 supplements as I wanted to also try and get her off of her medications and also just in case her meds were contributing to her memory issues.

Amla is essentially in a class by itself and I am not aware of another supplement that has as many positive health effects as amla. Here is a quote from an article on amla that I will link to below.


' The fruit is rich in quercetin, phyllaemblic compounds, gallic acid, tannins, flavonoids, pectin and vitamin C and also contains various polyphenolic compounds. A wide range of phytochemical components including terpenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins have been shown to possess' useful biological activities. Many pharmacological studies have demonstrated the ability of the fruit to show antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, antitumour, antigenotoxic, antiinflammatory activities, supporting its traditional uses. In this review, we have focused our interest on phytochemistry, traditional uses, cancer chemopreventive activity of Phyllanthus emblica both in vivo and in vitro. In view of its reported pharmacological properties and relative safety, P. emblica could be a source of therapeutically useful products. '


As you can see from that quote, amla is loaded with health beneficial components of which vitamin C is one.

Amla is noted as having a relatively high vitamin c content, but amla is also noted as a home remedy for UTIs and bladder infections. Vitamin C has been reported to trigger cystitis in some people, but this is normally vitamin c supplements and not so much from plant based sources. Have you found this to be true for you? If so, then maybe it will be worth trying amla. If not, then you will either need to select a replacement for amla or deal with the cystitis issue if it arises.

If you decide on an alternative to amla, obviously you will not get the other health benefits that amla is likely to provide, but if memory improvement is your main objective I can suggest another proven option that has shown benefit on its own. To give you a good idea of what it can do by itself, I will link you to an article that discusses this option, but if you are not interested in that option, let me know and I can give you another!

Compared to other probiotic studies, what is unique about this one is the very high dosing of four very common bacteria that showed improvement in just 12 weeks! This study makes you wonder what would have happened had they gone 24 weeks instead of 12 weeks? Would the improvements have continued to increase or would they stay the same? What if they had doubled the dose? In any case this is a viable alternative to amla that is likely to offer other health benefits aside from improving your memory!


Replied by Art
2366 posts


I forgot to mention that the dose of amla that my friend used will likely deliver less than 20 mg of vitamin C per day.


(New Mexico)

Thanks very much for the super helpful, informative response, Art. You rock! I can do 20mg of Vit C/day. In general, how much amla berry delivers 20mg of Vit C?

And yes, I'm using this for memory. (It's more like mild cognitive impairment, as I'm also doing things like putting tissue I've just used to blow my nose in a drawer rather than the trash can and can get very confused. There's much more to it than that, but I'll spare you!! I'm in conversations with my doc about it, but want to go as natural as possible.)

I'll also explore the probiotics! Thanks for that great info, too! My understanding is that some now think that probiotics only help in the short term and don't colonize long term.


Thank you, Art, for this well balanced and informative posting!

I had recently started taking Amla after watching several videos by Michael Greger who raves about its benefits. One in particular tooting its cholesterol lowering effects. I am trying the powder in water, overly sour on the stomach, so will try the pills next. I noted some immediate positive effects as well.

Replied by Art
2366 posts

Hi Rob,

You're welcome!

I wanted to mention that the study used "Amla Extract", as opposed to non extract capsules. It does have cholesterol lowering effects, but lecithin's effects, in my opinion, are stronger and that is why it was the 6th supplement added to my friends regimen to insure that she would not have to do what her doctor wanted her to do, take one of the statins which have known significant side effects. As far as I can tell, this was the one used in at least two of the studies I read :

Regarding lecithin and cholesterol, this study describes its effects on cholesterol :

As you can see from the study it is quite effective!

Thank you for your feedback and comments, Rob, as they are helpful for other members on deciding what supplements may be useful for their needs!


Replied by Barbara

What were immediate positive effects?


Reply to Barbara:

Immediate effects were blood circulation. (I am in my late 60s) If you go to Nutrition type in Amla in search. Dr. Greger lists a number of studies to which he is "blown over" by. His data is usually solid, citing Double Blind studies.. or noting when not.

Replied by Mary

For Art:

I cannot take soy lecithin. Does sunflower lower cholesterol, as well?


Great info Art, et al. I'll be trying a few.

Regarding cholesterol and vascular health, Methyl Sulphonal Methane (MSM, a form of biological sulphur) and vitamin C are important parts of the primary repair and maintenance of the vascular system and all connective tissue. If short on either, but particularly Vit C, the blood vessels harden, crack and are subject to the damage of such things as the shards of milk fat produced by homogonisation or merely bodily movements. When this happens one is susceptible to capillary bleeds that can be strokes or heart attacks. So the body goes into phase 2 repair: coating with cholesterol, etc rather than have an immediate problem. (Sure the blockages resulting are a big problem but danger is years down the track.) Then the gateway drugs, statins, are prescribed. Up, or start, the Vit C and MSM and things often go back to normal". Did for me.

By the way, the numbers used to indicate the necessity for statins seem to have been lowered since statins were put on the market. I think the numbers are too low, particularly for older folk and I think most readers will agree that the closest to natural you can get the better you will fare.

FYI, if you are in the right climatic zones, Aloe Vera is high in MSM (tastes terrible) and acerola very high in Vit C followed by Barbados Cherry which can tolerate lower temps. Consider liposomal Vit C as it probably has the ability to scavenge the toxins in the fat of the brain. Glutathion and ALA are other good options..Perhaps these were further along Arts' list.

2366 posts

Hi Cris,

Thank you for the useful info on cholesterol control! Alternatives to statins are important! Art

Replied by Art
2366 posts

Hi Barbara,

The benefits my friend received from that memory improvement regimen were a complete reversal of all of the memory issues that she told me about such as now she never loses her train of thought in the middle of a conversation or says she can't remember what she was talking about or what she was about to say and her speech when talking is now uninterrupted with no pauses at all. She also does not have to write things down to remember, such as when she would go online to research, she had started having to write down what it was she wanted to search for because if she didn't, by the time she turned on her computer and got online, she would forget what she was going to look up. She stopped forgetting what she had gone to look for in another room. It is common to go to another room and forget what you went there to get, but in her case, that had become an everytime event and that is no longer an issue for her. Her ability to find the right word when needed was restored. Her ability to remember specific events in a movie we had just watched or recently watched was restored very well. Previously if I asked her a question about a movie we had just watched or very recently watched, she would simply say I don't remember, now she is ready with all of the details. I had noticed that she had started withdrawing from conversing with others when previously she was always fully involved in conversations and was quick to initiate a conversation on her own with others.

She would have moments where she might get a little confused or foggy, but when I saw how she dealt with the salesman at the car dealership, it was clear to me that the moments of mild confusion were a thing of the past. She was sharp as a tack with him and quite willing to impose her will.

Another thing I noticed was that she was beginning to lose interest in going places or doing new things and now she seems to have no problem with going wherever she needs to go when she wants.

These are things that I have noticed have improved. I can't get inside her head and see things from her perspective, but I can clearly see that she is no longer withdrawn and is more engaged when around others and never hesitates to converse. For me it is like I am talking to the younger person that I remember who had somehow slipped away.

I think the way she was is what some doctors call age related memory decline and those doctors will tell you that this is normal in the elderly and is expected with aging, but I am not willing to accept that age related memory decline is normal as I see people in their 70's, 80's and 90's who are still mentally sharp. So why is it normal for them to be sharp, but others not so much? Had her doctor told her that, she may have just accepted that this is normal for her age of 78, but to me there is nothing normal about it and should not just be accepted by a patient. On EC people have shown that they can manipulate health to their benefit and I believe this is possible when it comes to certain memory issues too. I'm not saying that a person can be brought back from severe dementia, but I do believe that if a person takes steps to try and improve themselves at the first signs of memory issues it is possible in many cases to improve!


Anna M.
(Brady, Texas)
12 posts

I was just recently diagnosed with Micro Vascular Brain Disease and only because I told my "new" doctor that I knew there was something wrong. I had fallen the day before and don't know why I fell because I was holding onto the rail. It was 3 steps right outside my kitchen door. The only injury was to my right hand that was holding on to the rail, bruising and scrapes, even though I fell to my left side. I also was having trouble with balance and also bumping into things and felt the need to hold my husband's hand whenever we are out, which is not unusual but when I felt I had to is very troubling to me. She ordered an MRI on my head and labs of course. I was also diagnosed with high cholesterol. The doctor wanted to put me on statins and a baby aspirin daily. I DO NOT take prescriptions if I can avoid it so I started looking at my "go to" research site, EarthClinic. Yay! I am wondering if these other people also have Micro Vascular Brain Disease. I was already on several supplements on my own because I felt I needed them and am now ordering the rest that I have read here. Thanks EarthClinic.

Replied by Art
2366 posts

Mary, the studies for sunflower lecithin and cholesterol are nil. Alternatives to consider are food grade diatomaceous earth and fenugreek.


2366 posts

Anna M.,

I haven't discussed it before on EC, but you might discuss the possibility of using Vinpocetine, Melatonin and Lecithin for your condition with your doctor as preliminary approaches prior to going on pharmaceuticals. All three have very good safety profiles

Vinpocetine can increase blood flow to the brain quickly in an attempt to reverse poor blood and oxygen availability in the microvasculature of the brain.

Melatonin is protective of the brain and has antiinflammatory effects in the brain and very significantly lowers damaging oxidative stress. It can help repair damage from TIA and ischemic strokes while having anticoagulant activity. It is also useful for stroke prevention as I have written about on this forum.

Lecithin very significantly lowers LDL cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL cholesterol and avoids the bad side effects of statins such as tendon and ligament damage, muscle pain, muscle damage and sudden memory deficit.

Since this is mainly affecting the brain and although you sound like you are opposed to pharmaceuticals, you definitely need your doctors supervision for something so critical.

Good luck on your health journey and keep us posted on your progress!


Anna M.
(Brady, Texas)
12 posts

Thanks for the quick response. I did order the Melatonin and Vinpocetine today. I had ordered the Lecithin last week and have received it and will start taking it post haste. I will definitely keep this site updated, if I remember, lol.

Art's Memory Remedies Q&A
Posted by Dick (Zwolle) on 09/09/2020


Graag advies. Bij mij is enige tijd geleden beginnende Alzheimer geconstateerd. Krijg geen medicatie, maar ben wel hele delen kwijt, vooral van onlangs. Bijna 70 nu.

Google Translation from Dutch


Please advice. Some time ago, I was diagnosed with starting Alzheimer's. Do not receive medication, but have lost whole parts, especially from recently. Almost 70 now.

Replied by Art
2366 posts


De combinatie van supplementen werkte heel goed voor mijn vriendin, maar ze had geen diagnose van de ziekte van Alzheimer. Als haar dokter de diagnose dementie had gesteld, zou ze precies dezelfde supplementen hebben geprobeerd uit wat ze me vertelt.




The combination of supplements is what worked very well for my friend, but she did not have a diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. If her doctor had diagnosed her with dementia, she would have tried the exact same supplements from what she tells me.



1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld. ) on 12/17/2020

Art S. does mention melatonin in his memory loss article and here is some evidence.

Finally, a supplement that actually boosts memory. Melatonin:

Replied by Art
2366 posts

Hi Frances,

Thank you for the link to the mouse study regarding memory improvement as I had not previously seen it.

I wish there was a way that scientists could do more studies like these more often! Right now, the high dose melatonin (HDM) studies are going to give us the most useable data that can help us get the absolute maximum health benefit from what melatonin has to offer. The human HDM studies for specific disease states would be of very great value and most timely.

Thank you, again, Frances!


Memory Loss Supplement Contraindications

Posted by Marianne (Ontario) on 09/08/2020 12 posts

Dear Art,

I have Hypothyroidism, high B/Pressure - can I safely use the recommended 5 supplements for improving Memory Loss??

Your answer is very much appreciated.

Thank you,


Replied by Art
2366 posts


Given your other health conditions, you definitely need to include your doctor in a decision to try this protocol, especially with high blood pressure! You need a doctor to monitor you under those conditions as the supplements may interact with whatever medications you are on or could possibly have a negative impact on your other health conditions. This is well beyond the scope of what anyone can do for you on a health forum and why I specifically said the following in the original post:

"If you or someone you know is considering this protocol because you are having memory issues, it is always best to discuss it with your doctor to be sure it will be compatible with any medications you are taking and that it is safe for you!"


12 posts

Hello Art - thanks for your reply - but there is a big "BUT" - consulting my Doctor sounds almost like a joke. Doctors are NOT available in person but over the phone only - and most do not know anything about the "alternative Healing" - only how to dispense "Pills". I told my Doctor that he is a "Salesman" for BIG PHARMA - did not go over very well.

Therefore I will be on my own - thank you for your advise.


Replied by Art
2366 posts

Hello Marianne,

I understand what you are saying about doctors. Some are not helpful when it comes to things that they are not prescribing for you themselves, but at a bare minimum they need to have the supplements you are taking on file so they will know what to do in case you have a problem.

As far as interfering or reacting to any drugs, your pharmacist may be more knowledgeable than many doctors and are usually willing to go over your list of drugs and supplements to check for contraindications. My doctor asks about all that I am taking other than prescription meds and puts that information in my file.

It is our health that doctors are dealing with so if they are not helpful to your needs, perhaps it is time to consider another one.


12 posts

Hello Art - sorry to be late with my reply - just letting you know that "Looking for another Doctor" is just another one of those jokes - there are NO Doctors available.

I had a fairly good doctor - he got his license suspended for writing too many prescriptions for OPIOIDS.

Our medical system is completely BROKEN and many people have the same problems that I have.

Just went this morning for a Blood Test - sign on the door of the Lab said: "You have to wait outside for someone to let you in "

and outside is on the sidewalk - nice in rain or snow!!

I will be trying some of your suggestions ( I have been on Amla for digestive problems - I am fine with it ) and see how it goes.

Thanks again for your valuable advise.


2366 posts

Hi Marianne,

You're welcome!

I agree about our medical system and given that the majority of pharmaceuticals are designed to treat symptoms rather than try and cure anything, I can see why some doctors become disenchanted with the options they have to offer their patients.

About the delayed feedback, no problem, better late than never. Feedback is very helpful for other members of the EC community as well as myself!


Memory Protocol Update From Art

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Art (California) on 04/21/2022 2366 posts

Editor's Choice

I just wanted to update this memory thread as I haven't updated since last year.

Recently my friend who had excellent results with the memory regimen outlined in the original post told me that she had another health issue where her heart was getting reduced blood flow in a lower portion of her heart and her doctor was very concerned about it and quickly scheduled her for a chemically induced stress test of the heart. That was back about two years ago when she was having significant memory issues and she cancelled the scheduled test because of Covid-19.

More recently she told me that she had forgotten the actual reason her doctor scheduled the test, but she remembered that she was supposed to have it and rescheduled the stress test again. She took that test last week and the doctor told her that her heart function was now normal! She asked me what I thought caused the improvement. I reminded her that late last year she had increased her melatonin dose up to 72 mg/night and melatonin has shown in studies to be heart protective as I previously wrote about here :

And here:

There is no way that I know of to say positively that her increased melatonin intake is the reason for the normalization of her heart function, but it certainly seems in line with the available studies. The other supplements from her memory regimen may have been contributing factors, but of those supplements, melatonin has the strongest evidence for heart protective effects. Btw, I think it is worth mentioning that she will turn 80 next month and her improved memory is still very much intact!


Replied by Lisa
(Houston, TX)

Has anyone else had success with Art's protocol for memory loss?

Memory Protocol Update From Art
Posted by Art (California) on 10/04/2020 2366 posts

I just wanted to give an update on my friend(1) on the 5 supplement regimen to try and improve her memory. This past Friday she came to visit and we watched a movie in the evening. The next day, we were talking with another friend(2) and friend1 told the story of the movie to friend2 in great detail! To say I was impressed would be an understatement. She told the story in such detail, I couldn't believe this was the same person from a year ago who couldn't remember just a short snippet of the movie when I had gone to the bathroom and asked her what I had missed. Friend2 later told me that he could clearly see the improvement in her and he said she seems so happy now!

When friend2 wasn't around, I told friend1, "You realize you couldn't have done that just 1 year ago, don't you?"

She looked at me and smiled and then she said, "Yes, I know, and I like it!"

Then she said something that surprised me. She said she realized that back then she couldn't remember, but in her mind she had rationalized that she couldn't remember because she wasn't interested in the movie. I imagine this is a coping mechanism to help deal with memory issues because the alternative reason is too hard to face head on and admit to yourself.

She also clarified for me what she meant when she had to write things down before she did a google search of anything on her phone. She said that whenever she thought of something she wanted to google search, she had to write it down right away or by the time she got her phone and got to google, she had already forgotten what she was going to search for! Now she says she never has to write things down anymore! Not scientific in anyway, but imo, she has improved further to a level of a younger person! I am very happy for my friend!


Replied by Ophelia

God bless you, Art. Thank you for sharing your experience, strength, hope and kindness. You have made a difference in my life today and I appreciate it.

2366 posts

Hi Ophelia,

Thank you very much!

I hope it helps others as it has helped my friend and I am grateful to EC for affording me a place to share this information!


Replied by Toni
(New South Wales Australia)

Can you please give me the 5 protocol for memory please, my memory is so shocking that I cant recall anything back ....

EC: Please read the top of this memory page for Art's article!

2366 posts

Hi Toni,

Here is a link to the original post which contains the list of 5 supplements and dosages that my friend used to reverse and normalize her memory issues and senior moments. There is also an explanation of what her memory issues used to be.


2366 posts

Here is another study showing that Citicoline (Recognan) is useful in patients who already have mild cognitive impairment. So this is further confirmation that Citicoline belongs as part of this memory improvement regimen. Here is a link to the abstract :

Here is a relevant quote from the study :

>>> 'After 2 weeks of treatment with Recognan, there was an improvement in concentration in 81.9%, memory in 50% (p=0.008), verbal imagination productivity in 68.2% (p=0.015), counting functions in 60% (p=0.015), visual-motor coordination and dynamic praxis - in 86.4% (p=0.003), increased speed and efficiency of mental work (p=0.001). After a 30-day course of treatment with Recognan, there was an improvement in memory in 58.3% of patients (p=0.007), an increase in concentration in 64%, an improvement in counting functions in 64.3% (p=0.011), verbal imagination productivity in 63.3%, visual-motor coordination and dynamic praxis in 86.4% (p=0.007), speed and efficiency of mental work (p=0.006), which indicates a complex positive effect of Recognan on higher mental functions in patients with mild cognitive impairment. ' <<<

This is the latest version of this simple and easy to follow memory protocol :

1. Vinpocetine @ 30 mg/day + Vitamin D @ 5000 IU/day up to 8,000 IU/day

2. Lithium Orotate 5 mg/day up to 20 mg/day if needed

3. Citicoline 500 mg/day up to 1000 mg/day if needed

4. Melatonin 10 mg/night up to tolerance if needed


(Thousand Islands)

Thanks Art! I will be adding citicoline to my memory regimen. I cannot take the lithium orotate because it caused weight gain for me (7 pounds in one month! )

2366 posts


Thank you for the feedback! I have not heard of that issue from low dose lithium orotate, but rather from prescription strength lithium. In any case it is good to know.

The Citicoline should make a good replacement for the LO and it is noted for other health benefits!



Posted by Pam (Ponte Vedra, Fl) on 05/08/2023

What are your thoughts on Nootropics-especially for older adults with memory concerns?

Replied by Art
2366 posts


This may be of interest to you regarding improving memory :

