Natural Remedies for Angular Cheilitis Relief

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 10/28/2020

Editor's Choice My 12 year old is prone to chapped lips. Over the weekend he developed a crack in the corner of his mouth. Nothing I was trying was helping. It looked awful.
I came to Earth Clinic and took notes and started him on B complex, which I had in the house.

No joke, within hours it was improving. Here 3 days later, taking 1 B Complex daily, he is almost 100 % better.

Thanks, you guys!!


~Mama to Many~

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Anon (Usa) on 07/20/2020

Many years ago when my young daughter was at her dental check up, her dentist noticed she had angular cheilitis and told us it is a sign of a B vitamin deficiency. We immediately began giving her a supplement of B Complex vitamins and her skin returned to normal very quickly.

Best wishes for healing!

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 07/19/2020

I believe angular cheilitis condition is from low b vitamin, I had it when I stopped my vitamin bs for a while.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Bamasnowgirl72 (Gadsden, Alabama, Usa) on 02/19/2013

Editor's Choice I had those horrible cracks appear in the corners of my mouth years ago & tried different items like lip balms, creams, & oils. A friend reccomended taking a vitamin B complex. She had a bottle on hand & gave me one pill. In less than 24 hours my mouth was almost completely cured! I took one more the next day, about the same time, & by the next morning, I was totally healed! For good measure, I kept taking them for over a month. Now, when I have any symptoms beginning to appear, I immediately take a vitamin B complex & within hours, I always notice a difference. Try it! You have nothing to lose except the sore corners of your mouth. ;)

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Alison (Syracuse, New York, Usa) on 12/26/2011

I started to have cracks in the corner of my mouth about 3 months ago. These cracks were not only annoying and painful, but embarrassing as well. They seemed to appear out of nowhere and for no reason. I would literally begin bleeding from the corner of my mouth sometimes, and there seemed to be nothing I could do to heal it. Every time that I opened my mouth wide to eat I could feel the corner of it splitting. I was completely unsure of the cause of this issue. I thought that I may of had some strange case of a cold sore. Therefore, I began soaking these cracks with organic Apple Cider Vinegar (since it seems to be the "cure-all" for everything. ) However, the ACV did not seem to help. In fact, the cracks started looking worse and began to scab over.

At first, I thought that maybe the scabbing was a healing process and that the cracks would soon be gone. Nevertheless, even if they began to heal, inevitably they would split again.

I began researching my condition and from pictures and related articles I determined that these cracks in my mouth were not cold sores at all, but in fact Angular Chelitis. I learned that angular chelitis can be caused by a few different things, but is common to those who have a Vitamin B deficiency.

I tried many natural remedies that I found on various holistic websites, but nothing seemed to help. Finally, I bought a Vitamin B complex from a local health food store. I have been taking this vitamin for merely 2 weeks and my angular chelitis has not only healed completely, but there is also no evidence of it reappearing. In addition, this vitamin seems to give me an amazing amount of energy throughout my day, helps suppress my appetite, speed up my metabolism, and improve my overall attitude and stress management.

I normally wouldn't post on this website, but I feel that I must spread the word on this amazing natural vitamin. Hope this helps!

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Martin (Tipperary, 0) on 06/15/2011

I found a message board from Dr. Stoll when doing some searches on Angular Cheilitis Home Remedy. I found no other solutions online except Dr.Walts recomendation to take b 100 vitamins. A few weeks later and its totally cleared up and hasn't come back.

Vitamin B Complex
Posted by Rascal (Vancouver, Wa) on 04/30/2010

I had a growing spot of angular chelitis on the left side of my mouth, and had tried fungal cream and constant application of all natural lip balm. After about three works, I started to get desperate. I eat a really balanced diet and didn't think I could be B deficient, but I bought a B complex and took one at dinner one the next morning, the crack had healed considerably and was not as painful. Two more B complexes later and a little lip balm for the dryness and I am back to normal 100%.
