Effective Natural Anemia Remedies

Foods High in Nitrilosides for Sickle Cell Anemia
Posted by G. Michael (Reading, PA) on 12/05/2007

About 3 years ago I was at work when I noticed that a co-worker was very upset, so I asked her why she was so distressed. She responded that a co-worker's son was in the hospital in terrible condition with sickle-cell anemia. I told her that the Lord had given me a ministry in helping people overcome their illnesses(this was before I realized that He wanted me to write a book about the matter.) The next day I went to Albright College where I ususally did my health research. While driving to the college I started to say to the Lord "Why I am going to research a disease for which there is no cure?" Of course, the Lord ignored my ridiculous objection and I continued to the college. I went to the library, got on the computer and googled "Sickle-cell Anemia, Natural Cures" Within a couple of minutes the "de-facto" cure was on the screen. Praise The Lord! The treatment is eating foods that are high in nitrilosides. These nitrilosides are transformed in your body to thiocyanate which prevents your blood from sickling. Some are these foods are millet, african yams, sorghum, and apricot seeds. Of course, it is always important when you're adding to your diet what is going to help you, to stop unhealthy food, especially fast food. The combination is devastating to illnesses. By the way, the National Institute of Health knew about what I just told you and said that thiocyanate is a wonderful anti-sickler. Unfortunately, they did nothing with this wonderful information. After the Lord revealed to me this wonderful treatment for sickle-cell anemia I drove to work, talking to myself all the way. When I got to work I saw the father of the child whose son had the sickle-cell anemia and I told him what the Lord had just revealed to me. Within a short time his son was doing wonderfully and has been in great health ever since. And for a long time whenever I would have contact with the son's father there was such gratitude on his face. Praise The Lord
