Enlarged Adenoids
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Enlarged Adenoids in Children

| Modified on Jun 21, 2024
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Coconut Oil
Posted by Lisa (West Sussex) on 02/28/2018

Editor's Choice

I figured...that substances penetrate through the skin. My daughter is 3 and a half and been suffering with a a thick bacterial build up in one sinus area since may 2016...I have been spreading coconut oil over her nose as she has a developmental delay. She was fine before May 2016, I believe. She had a flu, type illness that left her with a thick, clear mucus slime in her right nostril and as a result of this problem seemed to develop horrifying sleep apnea since then until last week. I'm here as I wanted to see if anyone else had realised the benefits of coconut oil regarding sinus and congestion. I used it and realised that her nose was excreting more mucus and the sinus areas, on her cheeks were red areas that started to show. I want to scream that it works! I knew it! My daughter does not understand to blow her nose. No sleep apnea, no humidifiers or near death multiple times whilst sleeping. Amazing. Truly If only I'd known soon. Our Creator is the best. And the medics didn't know, suggest extracting adenoids, tonsils and steroids spray. Left for nearly two years to suffer as she has. Sorry for mistakes I cannot get back to check..It works. Spread over sinus areas on face a few times per day and I will keep giving a spoonful per day. :)

Colloidal Silver
Posted by East Coast Mom (East Coast) on 02/25/2018

Well I am on earth clinic looking for natural remedies for my daughter's fever, between waiting for ACV, egg whites and potatoes to decrease the temperature, I've been reading the website. My heart hurts for us moms because I was in the same boat with my little one. from birth until about 3.5 my little girl adenoids were so enlarged her pediatrician was suggesting surgery. I am a heath care professional and did not want to come off as hippy dippy, so I attempted to go the antibiotics and steroid route. I wanted to know that I had at least tried all of her MD's options before even discussing surgery.

Well one month of antibiotics and steroids the nasal drainage cleared up for about 1 week and then returned in all its snotty glory. Also at that time I was on a journey to slowly discovering natural products that actually worked and had recently began using colloidal silver as an immune boosting supplement. She had an upper respiratory infection that did not want to clear up and I read that you could use a nebulizer for those types of infections. Well it cleared it right up, so I wondered if it would work if I used a nasal squirt bottle and spray it directly into her nasal passage.

Well less then one week later her drainage dried up, no more runny nose and her adenoids shrunk back to normal size. Her doctor was amazed but I am happy to report 1.5 years later she has not has a recurrence of the drainage. Its gone. I now use it at first sign of sneezing and we as a family take it internally and topically also. Rashes, ringworms rashes, all gone with the application of the colloidal silver. it one of my current natural tools against illness. between colloidal silver, ozonated water, the ultimate zapper, ionic footbaths, anything to create an alkaline body PH and etc. I just wanted to share something that worked for me in hopes it would work for others as well.

Here is to no adenoid surgeries for our babies.

All the best.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Shirley (Ma) on 12/29/2017

Editor's Choice

Regarding children with enlarged adenoids:

I worked as a school nurse for 8 years and found consistently when we removed milk from a child's diet all their swollen tonsils, adenoids, and earaches resolved. When the child resumed drinking milk all inflammation symptoms came back. Replace cow milk with another milk derivative, ie; soy, rice, almond, cashew milk or eliminate all together. If removing dairy resolves symptoms, notify the school and nurse student is dairy sensitive. Wishing you health!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Holly (Toronto, Canada) on 11/30/2017

Hi Concerned MOM,

It can be so disheartening when a child isn't well especially when it's swollen adenoids for 1-2 years.

I'm concerned about the duration as adenoids are known to predominantly protect the child from infection as they act as a filter and are the first line of defense which traps the invading bacteria and virus.During the process, adenoids then may become swollen.In instances where the adenoids continue to stay enlarged and refuse to return to their original size, the condition is known as swollen or enlarged adenoids ( like you've stated ).

These swollen glands then develop deeper crypts and pockets which can trap and house infecting germs like bacteria and virus for a long time, leading to further increase in size of the adenoid glands.

Some of the more commonly trapped organisms which can cause infection are entero virus and H Pylori.

Most likely why she is experiencing bad breath at this time as well.

My suggestions to you are first of all, get a warm wet face cloth and apply it to her jaw area, neck and collar bone area ( use two face cloths if you need to ). This will loosen everything up.

After about 5 mins ask her to sit up and cup your hands and gently tap beginning at jaw joint below ears making your way all over jaw bone, down the sides of her neck then make your way down to her collar bone area.

Stay in each area for at least 10 taps and make sure you start from the top and always make your way down as this will help to stimulate and drain her lymphatic area.

Repeat this as often as possible and if she's interested you could explain to her how to do it herself.

A mini trampoline would also be fantastic for her to get the lymphatic area draining.
Sipping on warm clear broths would also help with the enlarged adenoids.
Gargling with warm water and 1/8 tsp. pink himalayan sea salt few times a day, especially at night before bad would help kill bacteria but make sure you supervise her and that she doesn't swallow any.
If she's unable or unwilling to gargle then you could always put a pinch in the warm clear broth for her to sip and pink himalayan sea salt is great for killing bacteria.
I would also suggest a good full spectrum plant based enzyme at least a few times a day on an empty stomach especially before bed, as this also really helps to clear up the lymphatic system.

I wish her a speedy recovery, much love and light. Holly

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/01/2017

MOM, read up on activated charcoal.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Naturemama (Boston, Ma) on 11/30/2017

Hi there,

My 7 year old daughter has had very swollen adenoids for 1-2 years now. They don't give her any problems, such as sore throat or sleep issues, however I suspect her immune system is working to clear something and I would like to give her some targeted help. I suspect Candida and she is gluten and dairy free and we limit sugar as she has a history of stomach pain with gluten (no celiac). She takes Olive Leaf extract, Monolauren and an excellent probiotic. We have done many other remedies in the past including homeopathic lymphatic drainage remedies, and nothing has reduced the swelling. She also suffers from bad breath. I really want to help her! Do you have any other suggestions?

Many thanks,

Concerned MOM

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Shadreck (Blantyre Malawi) on 08/08/2017

Thanks for this whole thing, l was pondering whether to go for surgical with my two year old girl but was scared & don't have a clue to non surgical remedies. Thanks

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Naefiya (Pallikkaranai, India) on 03/08/2017

No, your point that Infants under the age of 1 shouldn't take Honey is wrong, because elders give Honey to below 1 year olds everyday because intake of Honey, everyday by Infants who hadn't yet began to talk, will help them in begining to talk basic words earlier than other children who don't intake honey.

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Enoto (Abuja) on 03/03/2017

@Innocent: Please, I will like to know if you tried this remedy and how it worked out for you.

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Lamya (Bahrain) on 01/12/2017

Thank you! Can I ask about the dosage for each kid? How much of the mixture they took?

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Lamya (Bahrain) on 01/12/2017

Thank you! Can I ask about the dosage for each kid? How much of the mixture they took?

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 01/12/2017

Wow, if it is helping, I would keep at it and see if the condition completely resolves, even if it takes a few months.

~Mama to Many~

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Arunachalam (Connecticut) on 01/12/2017

Thanks for this information. How long does it take for snoring and noisy breathing to stop when tbese remedies are taken? I'm giving it to my 3 year boy. Conditions are now better but not fully recovered. Can you please suggest?


Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 12/30/2016

Dear Vikram,

Honey should not be given to infants under a year old. Perhaps you could use the ginger juice and lemon juice in water instead of honey. The ginger and lemon alone may be enough to cure the issue.

~Mama to Many~

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Vikram (Bangalore) on 12/30/2016

Thanks for the remedy and happy that it worked for you. I have a daughter 4 months old and she is suffering from enlarged adenoids. I am not sure if this remedy can be used on 4 month baby as I have read that honey for infants is not safe as it contains some botulinum component which is not good for infants. Has anybody tried or heard about trying this remedy on infants and is it safe?

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Sree (Plainsboro, Nj) on 12/05/2016

My 6 year old daughter is also having adenoids issue. There are many organic honey brands available in the market. Which is the one you used for your kids? Hope this helps my daughter.

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Innocent (Lagos Nigeria) on 11/20/2016

My daughter is 15 months and she had adenoid which result to noisy and sometimes difficult breathing... though she has a PDA issue.... do you advise I administer the honey, ginger and lemon solution to her instead of opting for surgery. Can this solution cure in totality the adenoid. Thanks waiting for your response.

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Laxmi (London) on 10/05/2016

Thank you for the post above, Arun. It's really nice that people like you are willing to share such info. My 2.5 year old son snores, has some nasal polyps and I suspected swollen adenoids. You remedy seems to be helping It's the 3rd day today and snoring is greatly reduced. I can still hear some noisy breathing. But not as much as in the previous days. Can I please ask, do you give this honey ginger lemon mix everyday? Thank you again Laxmi

Posted by Jackie (Pennsylvania) on 08/07/2016

My 6yr old son has had 4 surgical procedures to fix clogged tear ducts to no success. He also has enlarged adenoids. His Pediatritian has done a range of tests including cancer. Thankfully all negative and they have decided that enlarged is his "normal". He suffered from chronic eye/sinus infections. I stopped all antibiotic as it only masked the symptoms. He now gets local raw organic honey and immune & echinacea. He is not completely healed yet, but definitely much better.

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Lamya (Bahrain) on 07/28/2016

Great! My 5 year old has this problem. How much should I give each day? Is the quantity for two dosages for one day?

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Lilly (Newburgh, Ny) on 03/07/2016

How long did you use this remedy for? In the mornings after the breakfast or on empty stomach? Thank you.

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Sumaira (Muscat ) on 02/15/2016

Hi! Hope everything is great at your end.thanks for sharing this remedy.my 4 years son also suffering this problem n I want to ask how long I should use this remedy? Plzzzzz reply.tia

Honey, Ginger, Lemon
Posted by Arun (Sydney) on 02/04/2016

Editor's Choice


I will share with you both side of the stories here.


My son had Adenoids and snoring problem with recurrent ear infection since he was 2 years old, we managed symptoms until he was 5 and then finally decided to bite the bullet and agreed removing adenoids (not tonsils as they were ok) and grommets on both ears, ever since he is sleeping perfectly. So In hindsight we thought it was a good decision to opt for surgery but, recently we found another cure for adenoids while have to deal with the same problem now for our daughter who is only 17 months old.

My daughter started developing snoring and ear infections so often that we had to get her admitted into children's hospital and did sleep study , although sleep study didn't show much of a problem sleep physicians suggested to take adenoids out because of her recurrent ear infection. We were absolutely distressed.

Eventually my mum suggested to try traditional medicine which we did not try for our son.

The medicine is Honey, Ginger juice (few drops) and Lemon Juice (few drops), but a good quality organic honey, take nearly a tea spoonful and then add 3-4 drops of freshly squeezed ginger juice ( the best way to get juice out of ginger is to grate them finely and then squeeze them) and also add 3-4 drops of lemon juice, mix them and give it to your kid twice a day morning and evening before going to bed.

It did wonder for Evani and she has now stopped snoring all together, last week after stopping the honey for about a week and have been away on holidays, she had runny nose and snoring again and we started with the medicine and after 2 days she stopped snoring and no fever and runny nose.

I hope this remedy works for your kids as well.

Thanks, Arun

Posted by Sam ( Miami) on 04/09/2015

Go gluten free and it might miraculously disappear. It has been proven in our family. Dyslexia, snoring, asthma, chronic sinusitis all disappeared when kids were fed 100% gluten free diet.

Posted by Charity (Faithville , Us) on 04/09/2015

I had mine out, I still snore if I eat a poor diet, or when under stress. Msm with vit c, help. I use 2050 mg .Magnesium is the muscle mineral. Charcoal capsules at bed have helped detox. People get tonsil stones and bacteria build up and causes a lot of health issues in the mouth . Oil pulling might help , some children are doing it with good results for their oral health. Some families have more tonsil issues than others . My brother an I had tonsils cut out the same day , my adenoids had to go. I had terrible ear problems after the proceedure for three months and lost 1/4 of my body weight. The other three siblings did not have to get theirs out. Whole family snores loud.

Our kids all snore and one got infected tonsils out, still snores. Our grand daughter had to get her infected tonsils out . Both had yrs of high fevers before getting them out and are healthier now.

Posted by Janitza (New York, US) on 04/09/2015

Hi Joi,

Did you have any success with your daughter's adenoids? My toddler has sleep apnea and snores because of his adenoids and I'm avoiding the surgery discussion like the plague. Help!!!

Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 10/02/2011

Hi Joi, I would like to encourage you to seek some professional advice (if you have the finances that is) to deal with what is causing the mold. You may not have a damp course to stop the rising damp or even have an unseen simple leak into the wall. The reason why I want to encourage you to check it out is because we are still recovering from living in a house that had mold. It was unseen at first then became obvious. My husband has nearly recovered but I am now still a ways off. As my blood pressure was so high (220/120 became normal) I went onto blood pressure meds, big mistake, just to live there. Now a few years later am still recovering from the side effects of the meds. Now I use natural remedies for blood pressure issues which happens occasionally. Even family and friends would have sinus problems or get a cold when they stayed with us in that house. It turned out to be a leak into a wall cavity that caused the problem.

If you are unable to fix the mold issue try at least to have your windows open as much as possible (hard I know when your next season is winter). The herb Tulsi, Holy Basil, taken as a tea will also be a help for you all. Add ginger and lemon peel to it sometimes. I'm sure you already know to use tea tree oil diluted but though I'd mention it anyway. The other thing that helped us was some support for our liver. All the best as I know this is not an easy time to go through.

Posted by Joi (Decatur, Ga) on 10/01/2011

Thank you, Maria. We do have mold in our house, but it is systemic (in the drywall) and we cannot begin to tear our house apart to erradicate it.

I noticed a sinus polyp in her nose today. I gave her some ACV to drink, and dabbed the polyp with TT oil. and will do some cold liver tomorrow.

I will help her to strengthen the immune system, lower the inflamation, and hopefully it will work this time!

Posted by Maria (Gippsland, Australia) on 10/01/2011

Hi Joi, The adenoids are part of the lymphatic system. Their main function is to filter the system and prevent it from any infection. Cod Liver Oil (if your child is under 12 then they need the liquid as they absorb it better this way), garlic and hot lemon and honey (better if local and raw) drinks are what our Grandparents used with success. I would also add a teaspoon or two of ginger juice or pre-steeped ginger to the lemon honey drink for its anti-inflamitory actions. Vit C and zinc are important for immunity. Echinacea and Astragalus are good for the lymph system and I do beleive you need to also work on the lymph for this condition.

It would also pay to check if you have any hidden mold in your environment. If you have carpet lay on it with your nose to it and smell. I have read of a few people who have had success with the removal of carpets when all else had failed. Don't know any personally as the few I know of personally used the cod liver oil, garlic oil capsules (usually squeezed out and not swallowed) and the lemon/honey drink. All the best.

Posted by Joi (Decatur, Ga) on 10/01/2011

My daughter has adenoids that are partially blocking the back of her nasal passages, and it was causing sleep apnea. I tried many natural treatments with no lasting effect. I took her to an ENT that suggested surgery. Her pediatrician suggested trying steroid nasal spray and allergy testing.

She seems to have allergies: dark circles, stuffy nose, itchiness, red eyes. We tested her and she came up with zero reaction to a large panel of allergens.

We tried the nasal spray and it seems to help, but her adenoid is still huge, and the allergist did xrays and also suggested surgery.

Any ideas to help shrink the adenoid naturally?