Turmeric for Folliculitis

Posted by Dan (Oakland, California, Usa) on 12/19/2011

I've had folliculitis for 7-8 years now, mainly in the groin area. It is maybe a bit more mild than some other cases I've read about here, but annoying nonetheless. A while back I went on antibiotics but it always recurred. Hardly a day has gone by without at least a pimple or two being present, and hardly a few days without one forming pus. I'd frankly resigned myself to living with it, but then I read this forum and decided to try vinegar. The vinegar didn't really help.

The turning point was a month ago when despite my skepticism, I decided to try turmeric capsules on a daily basis. Since then things have cleared up remarkably. It isn't completely gone, but I think reduced at least 75%.

Posted by Lancey (Johannesburg, South Africa) on 07/26/2011

WOW - I am so happy I cam across this. I have had Folliculitus for over 10 years on my scalp. I have tried all available anti bi's and they have worked but only for a limited time. I have been using Turmeric for 3 days now and my scalp has almost cleared up. Thanks so much for putting the info up.

Still early day but I am really excited at the results.

Posted by Southaussie62 (Adelaide) on 01/08/2016

So its been about a week since I started with the ACV and Turmeric and I'm elated. I havent touched the Bactroban since I started and my symptoms are 95% better than they were. I still get the odd itch in the middle of the night sometimes but leave it until the morning to apply the ACV or Turmeric unless its irritating to the point it keeps me awake (which is rare). When I awake in the morning I apply ACV followed by Turmeric if required. Each time the ACV kills the itch. This stuff is brilliant.

I might also add that I used to also get some itching around my groin area as well with some redness which was just an added burden, (& I still do occasionally), but again an application of ACV & Turmeric kills it dead. The skin around this area is looking much better.

Posted by Lori (New York) on 06/16/2016


Your post has inspired me go to out and purchase some Turmeric products to help treat some folliculitis issues I am facing. Would you be able to shed some light on the company of the pills you were using, as well as the exact mixture of how much Turmeric powder+black pepper should be used, and how many times a day it should be taken? Appreciate it.

Posted by Ron (Portland, Or) on 07/13/2016

Glad that the combo of turmeric and black pepper is working.

Confused by your maintenance---it looks like you are saying that curcumin is black pepper? Curcumin is the major active compound in turmeric...so are you taking two turmeric capsules plus black pepper...or are you just taking turmeric and assuming that curcumin IS black pepper? I am confused...thanks!

Posted by Tom (London, Uk) on 02/26/2017


Hi, I've suffered for 30 years and folliculitis is very depressing as you say. Used turmeric and yes it has helped but it hurts my stomach intensely. I still take it because folliculitis is no joke but I need to get the stomach pain under control. Can you give any advise?
Thanks, Tom

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/27/2017

Tom, take less over a longer time.

Posted by Tom (London) on 03/17/2017

Hi Rose,

I've tried the golden paste for 2.5 weeks now. No stomach ache at all (thank you) but unfortunately it looks like my 30 year lasting folliculitis is too much for turmeric. Going to try another two weeks and then will try apple cider vinegar again if no luck

Many thanks


Posted by Rose (Canada) on 03/17/2017

Thank for the update, Tom. I'm sorry that it didn't work for your folliculitis. How frustrating.

It's interesting to see that you, too, could tolerate the turmeric once it was cooked. I wonder if the cooking process somehow affects the power of the turmeric to heal (as it does for some other natural remedies). When I tried the golden paste, I wasn't really needing it for any specific reason as I have in the past (used to take raw turmeric for boils, with spectacular results), so I couldn't tell if it was actually accomplishing anything.

Posted by Patty (Arkansas) on 05/12/2016

I have scalp folliculitis which is bacterial driven and my derm doctor prescribed spironolactone 50 mill 1 tablet in the morning. However, this medication has many side-effects and a blood test is required while on this medication to make sure the liver is not being harmed. I took 1 pill and started having headaches and feeling week and fatigued which is a side -effect of this drug so I did not take another pill after that. I did not like the idea that I would have to have my blood monitored while on this medication and I did not like the side-effects so now I'm looking for a safer way to get rid of this problem on my scalp.

I have lost over half of my hair and will be needing to wear a wig before long and as a woman this is very devastating. I have tried all kinds of things to treat this nasty stuff to no avail. I have used listerine mouth wash, doxycycline for a month, topical antibiotic on my scalp called clyndamycine, bleach baths, antiseptic wash for body and scalp, apple cider vinegar sprayed on scalp and taken internally, white vinegar with hydrogen peroxide sprayed on the scalp and letting it soak all day while my scalp is wrapped in cellephane plastic wrap and a towel to keep the heat in and let it soak into my scalp and then I use pure unheated alo vera liquid on my scalp and let it soak for a couple of hours to help in healing and I take supplements like iron and turmeric and pantothenic acid and biotin and will soon get on probiotics and vitamin c but so far nothing I have used is killing this out of my scalp pores. I believe it when people say there is no cure!!!

Posted by Follic123 (Uk) on 08/17/2015

Hi Guys, I have used the turmeric that I was suggested on this site and its keeping things at bay for the time being. I do get the occasional outbreak but nothing as bad as things were. I have a few questions though to anyone reading this.

If you have used turmeric with success would you recommend the turmeric in capsule form? ... as I still struggle with the taste, however have read that a lot contain other products. Also is there anybody out there who has treated and dare I say "cured" their folliculitis or have had long term remission from this horrible disease. Its always encouraging to read success stories as it gives us hope we maybe able to all cure ours.


Posted by Antonio (North Carolina) on 06/05/2017

I've had much success with turmeric also!!! Must take everyday though!! So glad I've found something that helps! Acv baths, and benzoyl peroxide wash helps also along with plenty of water, and teas!!!! 😀😀

Posted by Southaussie62 (Adelaide) on 12/31/2015

I'm so glad I found this thread. I believe I've finally found a cure for this hellish disease.

So here's my story:

I've suffered from folliculitis around my back area for I don't know how many years (it has to be 6-10 years or so).

My condition started after I developed itchy pus-filled welts that would appear around my groin area which would split and bleed (absolutely disgusting). I consulted a doctor who prescribed me what I recall was Doxycillin, which knocked it on the head (thank god), though I did get a milder recurrence a short time later. So I consulted a specialist but when I saw him the symptoms weren't there (I had to book in to see him some weeks ahead) and did nothing but tell me to come back when I had symptoms and charged me $150 for the consult.

So back to my GP I eventually went who gave me a follow up dose of the antibiotic which seemed to knock out the welts symptom but then, at about that time, I noticed I started getting itchiness and redness around my rear area. The area would look like sunburn. Its odd I know but in my mind I believed the disease had simply moved from my front area to my rear, albeit with somewhat different symptoms (apart from the itchiness which was the same & which was still present in my groin area but without the split skin etc). Another course of the antibiotic though this time did nothing. I asked my GP for a stronger dose but he advised the dosage he was prescribing me was already reaching 'toxic levels', so this wasn't an option. So at this point I tried all sorts of 'home remedies' including Colloidal Silver, Tea Tree Oil, Peroxide, MSM, antiseptics - basically anything I came across that might have good anti-bacterial or anti-fungal properties (as I was of the opinion it was a fungal or bacterial disease), but nothing worked. At best I would get mild temporary relief but then the disease would return with a vengeance. Its almost like it had a 'mind of its own', developing a resistance to anything I threw at it. So over time I decided I would just have to live with the condition. Blood tests I had had found nothing. Another GP I saw a year or 2 later did the same blood tests and tried different creams etc but eventually made the comment that this condition may be a form of eczema and that I 'just might have to live it' which is not what I wanted to hear, as I was thinking the same and this simply reinforced this 'give up' approach, which was not what I really wanted to do.

So I then had my medical records transferred to another GP who lived closer with a view to getting someone to take a 'fresh look' at my condition. This GP was better. I don't recall what he did originally. From memory he tried different antibiotics which didnt help but it was good in that he was keen to try and find a cure. He subsequently referred me to a Specialist who also was very good. This time I had the symptoms of the red rash and itchiness around my rear area (sitting was painful & I had a desk job so this made it all the more a problem). By now I had this condition for so long and had been scratching the area for so long (it used to drive me nuts at night when I was trying to sleep) that a fairly large area of the skin had 'thickened up'. He diagnosed me with a form of folliculitis. At least now I could take some comfort in the fact I now knew what it was - the condition had a name. He prescribed me a cortisone that would thin the skin and asked me to come back so he could prescribe something else once this cream had done its job. A few weeks later I returned and he said the area looked much better and that the skin had thinned out as he had expected. He then prescribed a cream for me (Bactroban) and a few weeks later I went back to see him. At this point he discharged me as he was of the opinion the condition had improved significantly. He advised me to use the Bactroban if I had any 'flare-ups' and its this that I have been using for some years now @ $15 a tube, which usually lasts me about a month.

Then yesterday morning when sitting down in front of my laptop I noticed the itchiness and discomfort return again (which is nothing new as I have the symptoms pretty much every day) and made the first of probably 6 trips to the bathroom for the day to apply the Bactroban cream. It was then that I decided to google 'natural remedies folliculitis' and the 1st thread I found was this one. I read how simple vinegar has cured this ailment for many people and was keen to try Turmeric so I looked online for the VICCO cream and ordered a tube. I also dabbed some cotton balls in plain white vinegar and dabbed the affected area and WOW what a reaction! Instantly the itchiness disappeared & the redness started to fade. I then rushed round to my pharmacy and bought some Turmeric tablets (3,000mg) and took one and I noticed over the next hour or so the redness had completely gone. Knowing I had to wait several days at least for the turmeric cream to arrive I googled 'Indian Grocery Stores' and found one not far from me that stocked the cream so I drove around and grabbed another tube & dabbed that onto the affected area for good measure. I also purchased some Vitamin E cream and applied that over the top of the VICCO cream, & 24 hours later I can confidently say I believe I've finally beaten this thing. I've said this before trying other treatments but none of them had had such an effect as to remove all the symptoms of this disease as the vinegar and turmeric has. This has not simply alleviated the symptoms to a large degree (as other treatments have) - its completely snuffed it out. I noticed a very slight itch in one area between the folds of skin this morning and dabbed it with white vinegar and the itch instantly disappeared. Bactroban & nothing else I have ever tried has had such a profound & immediate effect. At best they have reduced the itching somewhat but I've always had to go back and apply more cream a short time later but an hour after applying the vinegar the itchiness hasn't returned. I can't stop checking in the mirror expecting to see a return of the redness only to see NOTHING there. I am absolutely stunned (not to mention over-joyed) that this thing has finally gone. Just WOW.

In summary, for me at least, turmeric & white vinegar are god sends. I'm not sure which is most responsible for ridding me of this condition, but I can attest to the immediate affect of directly applied vinegar. It could be the turmeric is preventing it from coming back & possibly assisting with the symptoms. Its hard to say as I started using both the turmeric and vinegar at the same time, however I will continue to use both if & when I notice symptoms again. I will post here again at some stage in the future with an update on this condition and what seems to be - its cure.

As a side note, my partner sometimes suffers from acute bouts of eczema so I have put her onto the turmeric tablets and cream and yesterday she noticed an immediate result also. Hopefully this gold colored substance is a cure for her condition also.

Posted by David (Sa) on 04/01/2016

I use both. And though ACV together with the turmeric is the most effective treatment I've used yet, and the condition is 90% better than it was its still not gone completely. Occasionally I get some irritation and/or itching so need to apply a repeat dose. Its way better than prescription cream but thanks for the Hibiclens suggestion, I'll give that a go also.

Posted by Lou (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 06/22/2022

Hello Neal and all the lovely souls here at Earth Clinic!

I have a quick question for those using turmeric for their folliculitis.....what brand of turmeric has been most effective for you? I just purchased Sunfoods organic turmeric powder today at Whole Foods. Is this a decent brand? Also, do I need to add freshly ground black pepper to it? Neal or anyone else....if you could please 🙏 shed some insight and wisdom I would be beyond grateful. Presently, I am taking oral clindamycin (I am on day 4 out of a 14 day Rx) but so afraid once I stop the antibiotics it will become even worse. I didn't want to go the antibiotic route but was absolutely desperate at that point so I yielded. Sadly, the antibiotics aren't really helping anyway. I am looking for something that will help me at least manage it long-term just in case I am unable to rid myself of this insidious affliction entirely. Sending infinite healing vibes to anyone suffering from all forms of folliculitis as well as any other skin condition. It's absutely horrible and I truly do feel your pain.

I have tried sooooooooo many things (tea tree oil, ACV, white vinegar, Almond Clear, The Ordinary Mandelic Acid, glycolic acid, ginger, colloidal silver, Curad, manuka honey 16 factor, organic aloe vera, Silvex, blackseed oil, Good Molecules Gentle Retinol, milk of magnesia, etc., etc.) to get rid of it but to no avail. 😭

What has worked so far at least to minimize it is: Hibiclens and benzoyl peroxide wash as well as leave on BP cream. Also, I have been extremely gentle with my skin as well. No exfoliation except bare hands while washing my skin and I do that very, very gently.

I am now trying a genuine African black soap bar that I purchased from Etsy. Also, oral clindamycin, and turmeric powder.

If anyone can answer my questions I would so greatly appreciate it. Thank you. Healing blessings to all. 🙏

Posted by Follic245 (London) on 01/27/2017 1 posts

Hi guys after being clear of scalp and facial folliculitis for over a year I had a recent breakout of cysts that were sore and itchy to touch reminiscent of symptoms I had battled before. What was also present was a itchy pus filled sore in my nose and a general itchy nasal area. From my experience in the past, these nasal symptoms seemed pivotal when treating my overall breakouts and I have been applying white vinegar (5% acidity) to the area which hopefully should clear spots at other sites (scalp/beard). Also I have been using turmeric topically.

My question is... has anybody else experienced an itchy nasal area when battling this condition, and if so is there anything more suitable to use when disinfecting nasal area other than straight vinegar which can be quite drying?

I have also been considering using turmeric orally to speed up healing process. When taking turmeric

1. How much should I take and how often?

2. If symptoms clear up how long do I need to take turmeric internally? (as my experience when using antibiotics were upon finishing course the symptoms would come back immediately)

Any suggestions to my questions will be gladly appreciated. Thanks guys

Posted by Caroline (Concord, Nc ) on 07/27/2016

Did you drink it or apply it?

Posted by Joe (Sydney) on 09/18/2016

You drink it.

Posted by Jz (United States) on 06/24/2016


Just wondering how long it took after the first week to really see all of your problems go away at about 95%? Was it after 2,3,4 weeks etc? Thanks for giving us hope!

Posted by Tom (London) on 03/01/2017

Thanks for your reply Rose and Mmsg. I'll try both methods and report back. Folliculitis is very nasty but people think its nothing. Can kind of be frustrating :)

Posted by Tom (London) on 03/28/2017

Hi Rose,

Maybe the cooking does affect its healing power. I think Turmeric probably isn't my thing. Will try Apple Cider Vinegar starting tomorrow. Thanks for your advice.


Posted by Christina (Kingsville, Oh) on 04/10/2016

Just wondering but has anyone who has tried this and had success also had facial and/or body acne? I have scalp folliculitis but I also have acne on my face. I'm wondering if my acne will also get better so I can get off of my antibiotic completely. I take solodyn er 115 mg, which is an extended release antibiotic. When I take it like I'm supposed to, I don't have hardly any acne and most of the time no trace of scalp folliculitis. As soon as I'm off of it for a week or two, my acne gets really bad and the folliculitis starts to come back. I've had folliculitis I think since I was 18 or so (I'm 28 now) but it wasn't very bad. I got on birth control and didn't have it. I got off of my birth control a few years ago because it was making my hair fall out. I noticed very quickly that my hair stopped falling out as much after stopping it but the folliculitis got pretty bad so I've been on this antibiotic for at least 2 years now. Sorry for giving the whole story. Acne is practically in my genes since both of my parents had it but I don't think either of them had scalp folliculitis. I really just want a natural cure because the side effects of my antibiotic are starting to bother me. I'm definitely trying the turmeric while taking my medicine to see what happens. Also, I have combination skin that gets really oily. I think that contributes to the acne and folliculitis even though I wash my hair daily and my face twice daily.

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 04/11/2016

Christina, check out your diet.

Posted by Laura (Beaufort, Sc) on 04/26/2016

Hi Christina,

I had a similar situation to you. Acne from the age of 15 to last year (age 33). I noticed that certain birth control pills made my acne go away (and cleared up my scalp folliculitis, which is actually a type of acne), but I had to stop taking the birth control because it gave me high blood pressure. After a good bit of research, I realized my acne is hormonal, and like many adult women with acne, likely caused by a sensitivity to testosterone in my own body. Find a dermatologist who will prescribe you Spironolactone -- it blocks testosterone, and it is the ONLY thing that has completely cured my acne (even Accutane didn't do it for me). Some gynecologists will also prescribe it, and some of the more aware family doctors will, too. I hear you about the natural cure. Spironolactone is not natural, but it's a much better and more sustainable option for most women than antibiotics.

Speaking of antibiotics: get off of the antibiotics as soon as you can. Taking antibiotics long term is not good for your gut (disturbs the balance of beneficial bacteria that keep you healthy), and will eventually lead to skin bacteria that are resistant to that antibiotic, meaning it will stop working after a while.

I have tried pretty much every natural approach to acne management in the book, but to no avail. If you are still passionate about a natural cure, look into supplements with chasteberry/Vitex, supplements that block estrogen, and burdock root. Those didn't work for me, but they have worked for other people I've read about online.

Good luck! I think spironolactone could really help you. It changed my life.

Posted by Bb (Germany) on 06/20/2016

I am looking to try the turmeric solution also for a lot of annoying bumps on my scalp that I have been battling for a couple of years now.

I used to get some constant acne on my face no matter what I tried to clean it with. Nothing worked. My husband, who never has any acne, always washes his face with plain water, so I started to try that, and believe it or not my acne on my face is gone and I only had one pimple on my face in over six weeks. Plain water. I just rub it around and dry it off.

Still hoping for help for my scalp though. At the moment I am trying using only water and a weak vinegar solution on my scalp because every single shampoo I try seems to make it worse, including medicated ones and ones without sodium laureth sulphate.

Posted by Jon (Ok) on 07/12/2016

I've had folliculitis in the past years ago. Thankfully, it wasn't a chronic issue. I can't remember at the time in particular what I did to make it go away. Unfortunately after a long sweaty hike a week ago it came back very strong. Feet, ankles, legs, all the way up to lower torso. I started the Turmeric capsules last night. Will report back in a week or less to inform of the results. The turmeric capsules I purchased contain between 450 and 500 milligrams of Turmeric and 7 mg of black pepper. The bottle recommends taking one capsule twice daily.

Posted by Nate (New Mexico) on 07/16/2016

I really sympathize with your post. I know this must be traumatic.

My advice: GET ON ACCUTANE. It most likely won't cure you forever if your problem is either bacterial or yeast. However, I really feel like it can provide some temporary relief. Accutane always helps with eliminating folliculitus and acne at least temporarily.

I can't stress it enough. Look into Accutane. It is the gold standard for treating these types of skin issues. I know you can experience SOME relief with it. I am in the same boat with you where nothing cures my follic...However, when I finish a course of Accutane I am clear for at least about half a year.

Please try it, and I hope you get to feeling better. We are more than our skin conditions.

Posted by Penny (Salem, Oregon) on 09/03/2015

Forever11, Have you ever had blood work done to see if you have a blood infection? Many years ago my ex-husband developed something similar on his hiney. He needed to have surgery for a non-related issue and I mentioned these nasty, pussy, nearly green, explosive not pimples or boils either. He had my X's blood cultured and a blood specialist prescribed three different strong antibiotics for him, stating that he had an infection in his blood. I wish I had asked him more at the time but I won't waste time looking back. There were no other symptoms, just the nasties. His hiney cleared up but he did go on to develop diabetes later in life. I am not sure if they aren't related or at least a precursor! Good luck to you~*~

Posted by Forever11 (United States) on 09/04/2015

No, I have not. That is something that I will definitely consider once I give the Turmeric a week or so to see what it will do. I havent thought about going to a regular doctor to see if its being caused by something different. But thank you for letting me know that because if this doesnt work then I will take that step. Thank you so much I appreciate that.

Posted by Ericka (United States) on 09/21/2015

I sure have not, but the capsules are working wonders!! I would definitely take them if you are experiencing this issue too.

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/17/2015

Dear Follic123,

We use turmeric in capsules all the time. I buy turmeric by the pound from Mountain Rose Herbs. I bought a little capsule machine and empty capsules. We have seen it work for a variety of conditions countless times. 4-5 capsules is about a teaspoon, if you use the 00 size capsules.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Melodyk (Tennessee) on 05/23/2015 2 posts

I am ecstatic. I have battled Scalp Folliculitis for a few months now. Doc gave me 2 rounds of anti-biotics, ordered anti-bacterial shampoos twice daily etc etc. Nothing was helping UNTIL I found this site and read about Turmeric. I had Turmeric in my cabinet so I thought, eh, couldn't hurt. I took 1 teaspoon with either 1/2 cup juice or crystal lite type drink 3 times a day. I could tell a difference by day 4 and decided to go buy the capsules. The taste of Turmeric is so strong by my Folliculitis has lessened so much and I am so grateful for this site. I will report back in a couple of weeks to let you know if the capsules work just as well.


Posted by San Jose (San Jose, Ca) on 02/24/2013

I've tried everything from antibiotics to different types of shampoo. Finally, turmeric cream helps to clear it. Please try it.

Posted by Liam (Edinburgh) on 10/18/2013

I have been getting these boils ( pus filled spots) for half a year now, at first I thought it was due to a bit while visiting South Africa and I was already being prescribed erythromycin because of acne. I was constantly at doctors chopped and changing anti bioitics and visiting dermatology and eventually doctors found out I have Staphylococcal folliculitis and nothing they were giving me helped. These nightmarish things kept appearing everywhere and it massively effected my confidence and self esteem but after coming across this website and everyone else's reviews it seems almost too good to be true that turmeric can work so I am super eager to get myself some tomorrow. Thanks so much everyone I hope this can get me back on track and let me focus on other things than nasty infections all over my legs!

Posted by Leslie (Houston,texas) on 10/31/2013

Hello! I have had scalp folliculitis gor about a year now and I've been to the dermatologist several times. They tried many antibiotics and shampoos but nothing works so I tried using sodium chloride and it makes the pus really rise to the top. Is it a safe method to use?

Posted by Jay (Moncton, Nb, Canada) on 08/02/2012

I used a tumeric paste, boiling water and powdered tumeric from the microwave. Applied it topically, covered with paper towels and wore my boxers to bed.

So far, for the last month, I've had no more pubic itch, which I believe was folliculitis caused by shaving. This is the first time in 2 years that the symptoms have been absent for this amount of time!

What an easy (knock on wood) remedy. I suggest anybody try it. So simple, so try it!

Posted by Pratibha (Banglore, India) on 03/08/2012

Try out applying hot water with salt. It really works, I tried. And also have a glass of water with turmeric daily which purifies the blood.

Posted by Littlelebowskiurbanachiever (Central Va, Virginia) on 02/02/2012

My folliculitis appeared about 2 months ago on my stomach and eventually moved down to my inner thighs. While it is a relatively mild case compared to some cases I have read about on here, it is still extremely itchy, distracting, and sometimes painful.

I drank two mugs of water with about a spoonful of turmeric powder in each as well as soaked a cloth in organic apple cider vinegar and turmeric which I left on my thighs overnight. Last night was the first night in which I tried these remedies, and I am already seeing very noticable improvement even just this morning. I had discoloration on my hips that virtually has gone overnight, and the rash, while still a bit itchy, looks a whole lot better. I only have one zit-like bump, and that has become significantly less swollen. I have read/been told that turmeric can make your stomach upset. I have not felt any discomfort but I did drink it after I had already eaten something both times. Definitely would recommend trying this one out! Very amazed at the quick results, hopefully it continues to work as well.

Posted by Jeff (Brisbane, Australia) on 10/26/2011

Hi folks, I have had folliculitis mainly on the scalp and hair line (owww! ) for 10-11 years and have been on prescribed antibiotics several times. The antibiotic treatment was less successful each time and the relief from the ailment at the last prescription was less than two weeks after the full course was taken.

I was so happy when I found this website and read so many stories similiar to mine; relief is at hand!

My approach to defeating this malady was a three pronged attack:

1. Wash hair with anti-bacterial soap;

2. Apply ACV (pew!) or anti-bacterial alcohol solution liberally to whole of scalp;

3. One teaspoon of turmeric disolved in water, drink and enjoy.

Repeat twice daily if necessary, be persistent and victory over this painful and embarrasing affliction will be yours!!!

Posted by Sherifat (Ga) on 04/26/2017

Did you suffer from scaring of the follicles and did your hair grow back....i just started the turmic treatment and I want to know if your hair grew back normal...and did it go away completely...

Posted by Johnathan (Memphis, Tennesee) on 08/20/2017 2 posts

Does is still work? I hear alot of people talk about immediate short term results and I'm wondering does it lose its affectiveness over time or do you still use it?

Posted by Oscar (Irving, TX) on 01/23/2009

I'm so happy because finaly you gave the solution for my folliculitis and YES IT WORKS Turmeric is the Solution. I've been living with this horrible desease since I was 21 and for more than 15 year I was struggling with this and now I feel so good and my life has changed forever. Thanks to Earth Clinic.

Posted by Elizaberh (Chapel Hill, North Carolina) on 09/13/2008

I've had recurring folliculitis (staph) for over a year. I also tend to get urinary tract infections quite often. I got so tired of having to go through the whole doctor's appointment rigamarole, so I started perusing this website for help. Yesterday I started the turmeric remedy, and I am already seeing results. I used the basic suggestion:

1 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 cup warm water

The turmeric is absolutely disgusting, but it seems to be working. I've also tried mixing it with cranberry juice and grapefruit juice instead, and it was a small improvement. I also tried the suggestions using baking soda topically: Mix baking soda, water and vitamin E to make a paste, apply it to boils to "draw out" the infection.
It's hard to say how effective this was, but the baking soda paste did seem to absorb something from the boils, and dried them a little. I'm so grateful to have found a natural cure for these infections, since the vicious cycle of antibiotics seems to just make bacteria stronger. Thanks to all the testimonies and suggestion!

Posted by David (Bayamon, P.R.) on 04/07/2009

Teatree Oil, T gel Shampoo still hasnt cured my folliculitis. Ive tried many things for my scalp folliculitis. Oral Antibiotics that helped just temporarily, and lots of different types of shampoo. I really am glad to have found this website. I just read about Turmeric, and i think im going to give it a try. But i know nothing about it. Is it a cream, is it a spice to mix it with water and drink it, is it pills? Ive had folliculitis about a year and a half, had to stop working cause of it, it was to embarrasing having it. I have it on my scalp. The worst thing that has happened to my, but now i read this webiste and it looks as theres a lot of things i havent tried. This really gives me hope. Thanks to everybody for the information.

Posted by Victoria (Chaplin, Ct) on 04/15/2010

when I take the organic tumeric that I had in my cupboard, I put it in raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and chugged it down, it wasnt too bad!!! Both so good for you. I just started it, so havent seen any results yet, but I cant wait and anticipate the healing!!! :)

Posted by April (Columbus, Ohio) on 07/31/2011

How do you prepare and use the tumeric? Orally or as a sab? Are the pills effective as well?

Posted by Armando (Mexico) on 10/04/2014

I'm amazed by your story, I been struggling with scalp follicullitis, went through 5 dermathologist and now I can't wait to try this one. You just bought raw and eat like that? Please advise me. Greetings!

Posted by Deborah (Digby NS, Canada) on 06/23/2008

I've been diagnosed with first of all, dermatitis on my left buttock for which the doc prescribed a steroid ointment, which didn't do much. Then another doc diagnosed folliculitis and prescribed micocylcine, which makes me terribly sick. I was searching your web site and decided to try the turmeric powder. There was a marked improvement and then what was about the size of a quarter escalated to a small grapefruit, spread down through my groin area and rectum. I'm now trying tumeric, baking soda and also acv and also a lot of prayer. Also, bathed in a full hot tub with 1/2 cup of bleach this morning. It felt great and I actually felt clean for the first time in a long time. I do have some relief today as I type this and I'm looking forward to seeing an even smaller patch tomorrow. No boils per se, just what looks like a red plateau on my buttock with a couple of red pimples. My last doc said it was not contagious, but I do believe that it is. It has occurred to me that it could be MRSA because I've visited the hospital a few times over the last 2 months with my daughter. I'll explore this further. Thanks for the website; it's truly awesome!

EC: Additional pages of interest:
Boil Remedies
MRSA Remedies

Posted by Elise (London, England) on 04/26/2008

Hello, just thought I'd write to you, because after days of feeling hopeless I may have found the cure to my folliculitis, which has been with me for months,with turmeric. After reading the many successes on this site, I thought I would try it myself. I Tried 1 teaspoon in a cup of warm water 3 times a day, only been a few days, but already Ive seen a marked improvement, even my scars dont look as bad.My Doctor said that I had folliculitis and gave me course of erythromycin which actually made me feel very ill, and 'spaced out', and my stomach felt as if it would explode! took the course,although Im not sure if they helped or not, and bought myself some Hibiscrub. Also I have bought some tee tree oil antiseptic wash, as I really really want this embarrassing and painful complaint to go. I havent been tested for MRSA but my Doctor doesnt seem worried about this this. I am thinking of switching to turmeric tablets as the powder can be a little unpalatable and 'gritty' but I am continuing with it anyway. I am so very grateful for finding this site, and hope to see more improvement with my condition in the days to come,and I hope the turmeric remedy helps many more! Best wishes, x.

Posted by Scott (Eugene, Oregon) on 12/05/2007

I purchased a bottle of 500mg Turmeric capsules, and took two pills, three times a day for one week. At first it seemed like things were clearing up, but then I started getting the pimples again. I don't have the large oozing type boils as I've seen mentioned here; mine are more like little red pimples, almost exclusively appearing on my thighs. I get one to three new ones daily which range from only mildly annoying to nicely painful, depending on their exact location. Looking around, I found references to this type as being called folliculitis (sp?) Anyway, the turmeric really didn't help much. I even upped my daily dosage to three capsules four times a day, with the only noticeable result being --perhaps -- that the pimples were slightly smaller and less painful. The stomach upset however was too much to bear at that dosage, and I was compelled to stop.

On another note, it seems like Milk Thistle (also in capsules) seems to be reducing my outbreaks. Other things I tried which had hope but did not come through in the long run: Goldenseal (caps); Tea Tree Oil (worked in large amounts but stunk up the place, and made me conspicuously smelly at the office). I'm just now studying the effects of rosemary soap, which I accidently discovered seemed to help. (My wife bought some rosemary shampoo, and on a lark I tried washing my trouble areas with a light dilution of it. So far it seems it may be having some positive effects. Thanks for all the other great tips you're cataloging here. I'm holding out for an actual medical cure for this nasty little bug -- but not holding my breath.

Posted by Alex (Kingston, Jamaica) on 08/05/2011

I'm 17. You would not believe the effects Folliculitis has on the self-esteem of an otherwise confident girl like. I get the same kind that you get. Small reddish pimples on the inside of my thighs, and ive had them all of my high school life so that's about 5 years -___- I'm gonna try some the remedies I saw here but it's good to find out that I'm not some weird freak with zits on my thighs. And that partners don't ditch you when they find out. #1 weight lifted off shoulders. Thank You Earth Clinic

Posted by Kate (Usa) on 04/17/2014

Oh my I can empathize, I'm 24 now but started getting infected folliculs at 17/18. It's the pits, I'm so glad I decided to look into natural remedies because the gels and crap my doctor keeps giving me are not working. My wonderful boyfriend has been so great about helping me get over the self esteem issues that came with the boils, he even took off work last summer to take me to the ER because one had become super infected and needed to be lanced- so gross, do not recommend. My point is, when you find the right person, they will know that we are all human and illness happens.

Posted by Solida (Brooklyn, New York) on 05/19/2010

I'm simply trying to find out if I can use the regular supermarket spice version of turmeric to drink? Thanks!!

EC: Yes, absolutely. That's the one we use!

Posted by Lauren (Scottsdale, Az) on 07/19/2010



Posted by Djpurity (Berkeley, Ca) on 07/21/2010

Turmeric is one of my very favorite spices. I put it on everything. It is very powerful antioxident and good for the digestive track and immune system among a dozen other bonus things. You can get capsules if you don't want to taste them, or get the spice and put it on all your food -I even put it on my yogurt with fresh berries, granola, agave nectar, cinnamon, and turmeric. Every day. I put turmeric on anything I cook (I am vegan) so if it's tempeh or seitan, it's awesome. But if you eat meat it's great on meat. It's good on rice, on grains, on everything, IMHO. Just the amount may take getting used to. Work up to a good amount. Start small, take a little a few times a day. You can buy soap and shampoo and conditioner and even body wash and oils with turmeric in it to keep you clean. It's very powerful stuff and used in many things and awesome to learn to like. But if you want to skip appreciating one of the most awesome spices out there, then I guess you could gulp it down in water but that sounds really gross. I would try it in kefir and maybe with agave and cinnamon unless you cannot eat those. But cinnamon goes well with turmeric so the flavor really is nice together. Give it a try and let us know what you think.


Posted by Rach (Atlanta, Ga, Usa) on 10/28/2010

I just wanted to say that I am so greatful that I stumbled across this site. I have been dealing with horrible folliculitis on my chin for the past couple of months and nothing seems to help. I bought the tea tree oil, I'm getting the white vinegar tonight, but I have a couple of questions.

1. Should I use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar?

2. Can I use the tumeric that you can buy in the local grocery store or is there a certain type/organic grade that I should look for?

3. How often should I use the turmeric and should it be an ongoing thing?

4. How much turmeric should I use on a daily basis (amount)?

Thank you so much for everyone's input on this website.

Posted by Vineet (Mumbai, India) on 02/05/2011

Hi, I have a basic question regarding the remedy..

Do we eat one tablespoon full of turmeric powder with warm water 2 or 3 times a day or do we form a paste and apply it to the affacted area to treat scalp folliculitis?

Posted by Lita209 (Sanford, Fl, Usa) on 02/07/2011

It would be a good idea to do both. Good luck!

Posted by Countrygirl (Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada) on 09/08/2012

I was so very happy to find this site, just as the rest of the people here. The first time I got folliculitis I of course went to the doctor and took antibiotics to get rid of it. That was about 4 months ago. It came back about a week ago, which was when I decided to try to find a better and permanent solution. Since last week, I have been soaking a cotton ball this the Apple Sider Viniger and applying this, just dabbing it all over the infected area for about 5 minutes three times a day and it is almost all cleared up. I just today started taking the tumeric - but had not liked the idea of putting it in a glass of water and drinking it. It is such a great spice! So I just put one teaspoon in a bowl of rice with virgin coconut oil (cold expeller pressed - another great healing agent) with some fresh spinach sliced up thinly and it was great! I fully believe that the reason the infection had started in the first place is because our immune systems are not up to par - which is where the tumeric comes in. I have done much research on this and it seems to be the answer to a whole lot of health problems. So, I will continue to put the tumeric on anything I think it will go with, (on potatoes, meat, rice etc) every day to build up my immune system and will hopefully never have this happen again. Thanks for all the great advice here from everyone (and from the one post about just putting the tumeric on food - that is the way to go). :-)

Posted by Southaussie62 (Adelaide) on 01/03/2016

So..its been several days since I added my post above and the results so far have been extremely good. I've had a couple of minor flare-ups of the folliculitis over the least few days but nowhere near as many as I would normally get particularly in view of the fact it is mid-summer here in Australia (the heat & humidity exacerbates the condition). I've immediately wiped the area with ACV upon noticing the slightest symptom (usually discomfort and redness) then applied Turmeric skin cream. I continue to take turmeric 1 x3,000mg capsule daily as well. But the symptoms have been very minor since I started with this new regime. I am absolutely elated!

I've noticed the odd minor itch occur a couple of times (but only in the folds of the skin and in 1 small area) and hit it with ACV which removed the itch immediately. I then applied more turmeric cream to the area & the itch hasnt returned.

Interestingly, I noticed the tube of Bactroban yesterday sitting on my bathroom shelf that I havent touched now for several days. I couldn't live without this antibiotic up until now as nothing else gave me relief.

So far the ACV/Turmeric regime has proven to be a winner. It may be too early to say its a cure until I allow more time to see if this disease develops a resistance but I doubt it will. Most things I've tried in the past have only given me some relief of the symptoms (they've not cleared it up) and only for anything from a few hours, to a day or so, before the folliculitis comes back even worse than before. But this time it hasn't and its been several days. At the very least I can say so far that using ACV & turmeric cream are very cheap alternatives to Bactroban and are much more effective. I used to have to apply Bactroban up to 6 times a day or more when it was really bad. Now I apply the ACV & turmeric 2-3 times a day, and that's really more to stop it from returning and/or due to very minor symptoms.

I hope to be able to post here in another week or so to say I'm 100% cured.

Posted by Steve (Pgh, Pa) on 04/01/2016

Do you use turmeric capsules or just put the actual ingredient on yourself, and have you tried hibiclens also.

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