Maximize Your Health: Unveiling Diatomaceous Earth Benefits

Avoid Inhaling DE
Posted by Ben (Sacramento, Ca) on 12/02/2011

I sell DE for a living and can tell you that in it's dry form it is EXTREMELY hazardous long term as it is chemically inert and you can not eliminate it from your body if you inhale it. It is perfectly safe when wet and can not poison you in any way unless you (or your pet) swallow massive amounts which will bind together in the presence of muriatic acid, also known as stomach acid and create a very strong "mud."

Avoid Inhaling DE
Posted by Violeta (Usa) on 09/17/2017


LOL, you're the one who needed to be educated with your own biochemistry haha. muriatic is hydrochloric acid, it is the same thing. But guess your being funny.... and that was a good laugh :)

Fleas, Bed Bugs
Posted by Melissa (Kamloops, Bc) on 06/17/2011

Diatomaceous earth is amazing! It works wonders as a dust bath for fleas on my dogs and I even had a friend that used it for bed bugs! Bed bugs is apparently a huge epidemic right now and so I thought I would share what my friend learned from her experience. As everyone has suggested make sure you use food grade d.e. but also make sure that it is in a powdered granulation... Not fine! And most importantly she was told not to put it right on top of the matress but rather to put it in the cracks and crevices, in the boxspring, on the headboard, etc. Where the bed bugs will hide!

DE Tips
Posted by Kari (Stephenville, Tx Usa) on 08/16/2010

Diatomaceous Earth is completely safe to use, as long as it's human/food grade and NOT pool grade. Most garden stores sell it as well as a plethora of websites. My only suggestion is to not put it on your carpet. Some people have a lot of luck with this, it mostly just made my vacuum cleaner sound [permanently terrible. It still runs fine, there's just a terrible noise when it's running and I can't seem to figure out the real cause (I've taken it apart down to the motor). Also, it's not healthy to breathe in ANY dusts, so wear a mask and remove your pets until the dust settles. Otherwise it's okay for you AND your pets to consume, it's okay to put some on your pets coat (although use caution, it can dry them out). It is a natural dewormer and will rid your animals of every worm EXCEPT for heart-worms. You need about 1 tsp for cats and small dogs, 2 tsp for bigger dogs... 1 tbsp for humans. It really has a lot of benefits. I strongly urge you to research it. I've found the best remedy for fleas is this... Make sure you've found a successful treatment for your animals. I had to switch spot-on treatments because the one I had been using for years was no longer effective. Then you need to treat the infected areas.. Best method for me? Frequent vacuuming. 3-4 times a week, every day if you can manage it. Make sure you throw the bag out or empty the canister outside. I also recommend NOT bathing your animals in chemicals... If you feel it's necessary to bathe them, try to use something like the original Dawn soap, and make sure the first place you get wet and put soap is around the neck... Fleas will always try to travel up to escape... You should never put soap or lots of water on your pets face, so treat the neck FIRST and get it good and lathered. If you wouldn't use it yourself, you probably shouldn't use it on your animals.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/28/2015 2063 posts

This sure goes against the health minded professionals saying that our mass produced corporate agriculture practices are deficient in minerals.

BSM, raw or cooked Liver, Brewers Yeast, and Bee Pollen are the superfood exception to the rule of mineral depletion. Ionic Trace Minerals from Utah's Great Salt Lake is a superior source of major & trace minerals.

Food Grade Vs Industrial Grade
Posted by Missy (Toronto, Ontario) on 09/28/2008


Pool filter grade diatomaceous earth has been heat and chemically treated and will poison an animal or human who ingests it, so it is always of utmost importance to only obtain food grade diatomaceous earth to use in and around your household.

Quote from: Wolf Creek Ranch web site:

Receding Gums
Posted by Joan (Denmark) on 07/03/2023

How much do you take?

DE and Amalgams
Posted by Brittny (Colorado Springs ) on 09/21/2023

Hello! I also realize I'm responding quite late to the post. I've used DE for quite a few years now to help with the flea, springtails, spiders, and parasite problems. I work with animals for a living. I was curious as to how it was working out for you, because I am anemic as well. This is news to me about not taking it directly if you have Mercury in your fillings. Would you happen to know a specific website where I can find this information? Thank you!

Posted by Wendy (Dublin OH) on 12/11/2023

If you're using food grade diatomaceous earth, for anything, wear a mask! Then you won't breathe it in! In the warmer months, I use it at my door entrances and near the baseboards on the floor to control spiders and beetles. So, before I fill its plastic dispenser with the DE, I put on a mask, and plastic gloves and wear long sleeves so I don't get any of the DE on my skin or breathe it in. I put the bag of DE in the kitchen sink and scoop out what I need with the dispenser. After filling the dispenser, any DE that spills out is in the sink, and I can simply wash it down the drain. Then I throw out the mask and the gloves, takeoff the shirt and put it immediately into the washing machine to launder. Simple.

Posted by Wendy (Dublin OH) on 12/12/2023

Another important suggestion, when preparing food grade DE for use: along with wearing a mask and gloves and long sleeves, wear glasses or protective goggles so the DE doesn't get into your eyes!

Nail Growth
Posted by Willistine (Mt Laurel, Nj) on 06/05/2017

I've been taking a /tsp of DE for a week my nails are growing. I went up a heaping/tsp and I'm getting a headache behind my left eye 3 days now but I don't want to stop.

Posted by Rebecca (Phoenix, Az) on 07/06/2016

Started taking DE in morning (about1/8 teaspoon) and did not increase at all.Three days in I had nausea, headache and lower back ache which I understand is normal but then on 4th morning I had really cloudy urine with small amount of blood in it so I stopped. Anyone heard of this happening? Any advise or comments appreciated. Thanks.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 07/08/2016 2063 posts

Steve: From my recollection, you have made many good post here, but I must disagree with you on "typical" die-off reaction, as it appears maybe "possible". I have had much experience with paras & die-off of all sorts but nothing as severe as these reported side-effects.

Posted by Sarah (United Kingdom ) on 05/23/2016

Hi. I am hoping somebody can give me some advise or share their experience of taking diatomaceous earth please. I've been taking 1 heaped teaspoon a day and some days 2 heaped teaspoons to help detox for about 6 weeks. I had the same initial symptoms that are frequently mentioned in the first week. Headaches and a runny nose and then my tongue got a yellow coating which I still have but it is clearing up. I was fine except for noticing a few strange things that I cannot be sure about when I went to the toilet. Until this last week when I've become quite worried. It started with back pain during the night and then I had a slightly painful tingling prickly feeling on the palms of my hands and the souls of my feet which lasted a couple of days, now my joints are painful mainly in my fingers, wrists and knees. This is worrying me but I don't want to stop taking the DE if it is a harmless side effect of my body detoxing.

I should add that I considered myself to be in good health before I started taking DE but decided to do a detox as I changed to a vegan diet about 5 months ago.

Thank you so much in advance, Sarah

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 05/24/2016

Sarah, maybe you are detoxed already and don't need any more?

Posted by Javonne (CA) on 09/11/2023

I'm having this problem exactly. I hope this message finds you well. Has the problem resolved for you??

Posted by Rose (Tulss) on 02/07/2016

I just started diatamaceous earth food grade 2 days ago and I'm experiencing slight headaches, muscle soreness in my shoulders, a little nausea, weak, had heart palpitations earlier.. I'm taking an antibiotic augmenting and cranberry supplement pills and probiotics so maybe diatamaceous earth causing me to feel kinda like under the weather head hurts, feel like it's starting to get stuffy ..I don't really know for sure..Anybody on here have those effects when they first started on it? If so how long did they last..

Tips on Using DE
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 12/20/2014

If you have ants coming into the house, check for a water leak. I did everything under the sun to get rid of ants and couldn't, then found I had a small leak. Fixed it and no more ants.

Tips on Using DE
Posted by Claire (Westport, Ct) on 12/21/2014

Thanks for the great tips on diatomaceous earth! I was just thinking - beauty supply stores would carry empty plastic bottles that would work the same as a mustard container.. check the hair coloring section.

DE and Amalgams
Posted by Rose (Virginia) on 01/02/2015

I had read somewhere that you need to remove mercury fillings before detoxing. The reason they stated was that the mercury was being taken from your teeth and distributed it into different parts of you body. This could be dangerous cuz it can be redistributed to sensitive areas in your brain and can cause more problems.

DE and Amalgams
Posted by Tea (New Zealand) on 06/22/2015

You can absorb transdermally through baths or use dmso and avoid the teeth altogether!

Accidental Diatomaceous Earth Inhalation
Posted by Sandee (US) on 09/14/2014

Hi Timh ...I used diatamaceous earth (food grade) to get rid of carpenter bees. I used a pest pistol to get it into the openings. The dust did fly everywhere and I was not wearing a mask. Fast fwd several months later and a chest CT scan shows nodules (benign in nature...possibly from old pneumonia which I never had or breathing in some solvent) and slight swelling of lymph nodes. I feel it is safe to assume this was caused by my inhaling the diatomaceous earth as I have an autoimmune condition which keeps my immune system at a less than optimal level. I am going to try your suggestions and have a few questions if you don't mind. I have a nebulizer and will begin treatments with purified often do you recommend. Of these 3 Marshmallow Root, Slippery Elm, and Mullein...which do you think would be best for my situation?

Accidental Diatomaceous Earth Inhalation
Posted by Neal & Lorene (Montgomery Tx) on 05/22/2017

I was told when using DE for carpets/house to "wear a mask" due to the dust when applying. This makes good sense. I don't know about effects on Asthma victims, but would be cautious and be out of the house while someone else does the job. It settles really fast. You might want to dust excess off furniture if ppl are going to be running, raising the dust to inflict into lungs. (?) I would suspect that it is not that harmful. Read the bag! Follow directions. Asthma can be from many things, but mostly from a poorly functioning immune system.

Where to Buy
Posted by Tg (Al) on 01/22/2014

Go to your local animal supply store/farm supply company. Look in the area that deals with flies and other bugs---I see it in huge (50 lb) bags for $15 at my local Tractor Supply. The label will say food grade. It is used in grain stocks to keep weevils from developing in feed corn, black oil sunflower, dog/chicken/other kinds of feed. They are very helpful and will gladly show it to you if you ask. This kind of store is everywhere--esp since people are having chickens in the city.

Posted by Te (Charlotte, Nc) on 06/14/2013

For the headaches and mood swings I use PMS Tea by Traditional Medicinals or some Organic Dandelion Root tea. I havent gotten the hair loss under control yet. Please let me know if you find something that helps. GB

Posted by Saraaa (Paradise, Narnia) on 06/24/2013

Thanks. I've been off gluten for over a year and I cut way back on dairy and eat very little grains. Doesn't seem to be helping all that much. I was doing a lot better for about 4 months or so, periods were starting to get more regular and skin cleared and my hair wasnt falling as much. I was happier and less stressed out. But for some reason it all fell apart. I knew I wasnt being super strict on my diet but I wasnt eating gluten still. I just dont know. Im hoping im going through a detox, but from what ive read others have had much faster results with DE than I seem to be having. I'm late on my period right now and symptoms are worsening. Hair falling a lot, face is breaking out terribly! And I'm emotionally insane feeling. Not literally insane. But very emotional and stressed out feeling.

I research a lot and can only find the good things DE does for skin. Why would it not be helping me? I just don't know why I deserve this. I never had acne growning up. It started when I was 25 and now I'm 30 and it's making me more and more depressed. I don't want to see people or go out anymore. I hate putting makeup on my greasy zit covered face. It just makes it feel even more gross and I dont think I'm fooling anyone with it anyway.

I hate this. I thought I had figured it out and was getting better and now im dealing with it all over again.

Posted by Om (Hope Bc, Canada) on 07/24/2013

Dakina from LA Calif. What a wonderful reply. I agree totally with it. Ayurveda too, thousands of years old agrees, that crisis should not be allowed in healing. It has to be gentle and knowledgeable. My own experience with TCM is very positive except I could not the herbals. Diet plays a major role. All the best. Om

Posted by Renay (Texas) on 06/19/2016

For the headaches and hair loss try pure black seed oil. You can get it on Amazon.

Posted by Elly (Australia) on 09/17/2016

Reading about all your problems I can see what I went through the past 7 years. My health just kept declining and begin getting life threatening health problems, when the source of my problem become apparent. I have Candida overgrowth that even my Dr ignored as significant when I mentioned it. I went on a Candida diet 6 weeks ago and started DE, Candigest and Colostrum 2 weeks ago. This week I finally started to feel better, had more energy, brain fog lifted, headaches finally gone too and my period is stabilizing among many other things. My advice is to you is get yourself tested for Candida or read upon it and start your own journey, because truthfully you can't loose by trying. Hope you will get better soon, kind regards...

Posted by Clarity (Sebastopol, Ca) on 04/28/2018

You may have estrogen dominance! Try DIM. Best of luck.

DE Contraindications
Posted by Drema (Charleston, Wv Usa) on 03/08/2013

If a person is allergic to shellfish could DE be a problem too?

Where to Buy
Posted by Tina (The Ozarks, Arkansas, Usa) on 06/23/2012

This is where I purchased my "food grade" Diatomaceous Earth.

Posted by Angieb123 (Salem, OR ) on 06/27/2009


I have been suffering with bird mites from coming into contact with infected birds. I have tried almost everything. I have tried Diatomaceous Earth and it seemed to work although I was tired of dust being in my hair and throat and I have these bugs all over me and the kids. Has anyone had any success killing bird mites?

Food Grade Vs Industrial Grade
Posted by Marsha (Wichita Falls , TX) on 10/24/2008


I lost a beautiful German Shepherd and the sweetest kitty because they ingested pool grade diatomaceous earth. Keep it away from your beloved pets!

Food Grade Vs Industrial Grade
Posted by Valeria (Athens, GA) on 04/17/2007


I have been reading all of the suggestions and am planning to try some. I don't have a question or remedy to offer, but felt I must let you know about a dangerous option.

I've used Diatomacious Earth for years, I even used it to get rid of a horrific flea infestation in my asthmatic boyfriends house with no bad effects. It works against all insects and parasites. The IMPORTANT thing to note is that POOL GRADE D.E. IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND CAN CAUSE SILICOSIS (scarring of the lungs similar to asbestos poisoning) The only safe D.E. to use is natural pulvarized or ground D.E. that can be found in plant nurseries and food storage shops. This D.E. has NOT been superheated, a process which creates fine threads of silocone glass which makes it a better filtering product, but makes it dangerous to handle or breath. Flour grade D.E. is meant to be used in graineries as a bug and egg deterrant is fine enough to mix with flour. The Regular D.E. can be spread on carpets, or the cracks between wooden floors. Plan on not vacuuming for a while(like a week) in order to allow the D.E. to cut up and dry up the little buggers, and be prepared for a little dust to be produced for a short while as you walk on it. I've even heard of it being used a a coat powder and mixed in feed (for horses, cats,and dogs) but I've never tried that personally. I sprinked it in the carpets and brushed it in with the broom and let it sit for couple of weeks, them vacuumed and reapplied. This with Advantage treatment took care of all the fleas and there were none for the rest of the year.

Well I'm off to try an ear mite treatment on my new cat. Thanks for all the suggestions!

Posted by Deb (Oregon) on 11/09/2006

i tried everything, permetherin, ivamex, tea tree oil, lavander oil, washing bedding, cloths, even tried animal remedies. have battled it for 5 months only with temporary relief. Diatomeceous earth is the one that worked. Its' a natural remedy that you can buy at a grange coop or garden store. i use it 3 times a day putting it on with a powder puff or big cosmetic makeup brush. careful not to get in eyes and don't use on face or breath in dust. i used it for one day and noticed a big improvement but i am going to use it for a few weeks to be darn certain they are gone. I washed bedding and vacumed floors, washed rugs all in hot water with soap and borax. I sprinkled mattresses, couches, car seats in vehicles carpets and bedding daily with this diatomecieous earth. Every day I washed used towels, bedding in hot water. the items you cant wash daily (like comforters, pillows) put in dryer for 20 minutes every day.

Mixing and Store DE
Posted by Space Case (Madison WI) on 11/11/2021


For my cats, I have 2 and together they go through 1 lb of ground turkey meat every 2 days. Today I pre-mixed their DE into the meat as I prepared it, and then it will be in the fridge for 2 days, being taken out several times a day to put some in their bowls. My question is, will this degrade / reduce the effectiveness of the DE? Many, many thanks in advance!

Gray Hair
Posted by Jacqueline (El Paso, T X) on 02/22/2024 22 posts

Hi Chris, ! Thank you for your post. Would you please share how much diatomaceous earth you and your husband take in a glass daily?

DE and Amalgams
Posted by Lynn (Ia) on 01/18/2015

I don't think I would take it internally if it's going to mess up your teeth.

Accidental Diatomaceous Earth Inhalation
Posted by Timh (KY) on 09/15/2014 2063 posts

Sandee: It's always safe to start low and go slow, so one treatment on day 1 and if no bad side effects two treatments per day. You can use all three herbs together for best results. The nebulize water plus herbs should help significantly but true healing will take some time. Other treatment options would be an herbal expectorant like Lobelia or Licorice. The herb Hawthorn Berry has an antioxidant affinity for the lungs which should encourage the removal of anything foreign. After several weeks of treatment and you feel "cleaned out" you can consider the herbs Horstail, Gotu Kola, and Comfrey for removing scar tissue and encourage regrowth. Two other nutrients which will help is Glucosamine and Calcium-AEP. Looking forward to your results.

Accidental Diatomaceous Earth Inhalation
Posted by Sandee (Pa) on 09/15/2014

Thank you so much Timh...I will go today to get the water and herbs. I am so happy and blessed to have figured the possible cause and to "stumble" upon this thread (no coincidences is my belief:)

Would it be ok to do nebulizer treatments along with using a vaporizer at night? Also if I use a vaporizer will my partner be ok ...want to make sure there will be no ill effects for him.

Thanks so have shed much light on this issue for me and others too I am sure.

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