Maximize Your Health: Unveiling Diatomaceous Earth Benefits

Good Sleep
Posted by Jazz452 (Uk) on 10/09/2017

You go to sleep quicker cause you don't sit down much when taking DE, energy levels are higher, which makes you fitter and don't really need as much sleep. That's my findings anyway.

Food Grade Vs Industrial Grade
Posted by Marya (Vermont, US) on 04/02/2015

I am reading a book on Diatomaceous Earth by Tui Rose called "Going Green Using Diatomaceous Earth How to Tips." She says that straight food grade DE is not sharp like glass, it actually works to kill pests through dessication, or dehydration. Industrial grade DE is heated and the heating process makes it sharper, like glass. If you are using food grade DE it is not glass and not the sharp edges that are killing the pests.

Accidental Diatomaceous Earth Inhalation
Posted by Breanna (Sedalia,mo) on 03/07/2014

Hello! We were told to use diatomaceous earth in our house to rid it of fleas. I took precautions by wearing a mask when I put it all over our house, which is 4000 sq ft. I left it there for 3-4 days. During that time my 2 year old was running and playing all over the house and moved around all of the particles in the air. Well after that she started coughing and 7 months later she has been diagnosed with asthma. She was fine before this exposure. My concern is that she got this from inhaling all of that in our house. She is too young to have tests to check her lungs and her function but my concern is that she could have serious lung problems and have read that this can lead to tuberculous, cancer, and death. Do you know how serious this is? How many cases has there been. What can I do to help her! ? Thanks

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Posted by Madeleine (Pawtucket R.i.) on 09/29/2013

Doc has told me that I have gastroesophageal reflux disease. I was taking omeprazole 40 mg a day and even that at times didn't help at times. No more bad heartburn.

Well it's been for 32 weeks on diatomaceous earth ~ I have now made this a big part of my life ~ I eat it, bathe in it, I give it to my birds, and dust it on their cages ~ Love it ~

Posted by Dakina (L.A., California) on 07/24/2013

To Saraaa from Paradise, Narnia on 6/24/13 -- My heart goes out to you. I felt that way when starting my health journey many years ago. For some reason, many people get introduced to the holistic path through detox. Having tried every experiment out there for various issues over the years, I came to understand that the so-called "healing crisis" isn't necessary or even good for you. From what you describe, I would like to suggest you skip over all this and go straight to an acupuncturist for your issues. Now, everyone says "oh acupuncture is great" – as if it were some generic thing you can just go down the street and there it is. But the reality is, you need to find someone really good or you won't get the amazing results promised with Chinese medicine. Specifically, you need to find someone really, really good – someone who has done it for a looooong time (like 30 years) and has true mastery of the art. And you do that by looking them up online and looking at their bios or their background. If they just graduated a couple years ago, say no thanks. They should be working with a mentor at that stage. If they are directly from China and have practiced for a long time, that is a really good scenario.

On rare occasions, I have had American-born acupuncturists who were excellent, but they had also been in practice for a loooooong time, were on the board of the acupuncture college, etc. So find someone who has mastered their craft and get better NOW. There is absolutely no reason you should be suffering this way. Also, sodas with caffeine can cause acne, so if you're drinking soda, STOP. As for detox, it is a good idea once in a while, but some reason people can get really carried away with it and it all sounds really good – you'll just go through it to the other side kind of thing, and you'll be great on that other side. But the body isn't a garbage can that you can just purge out all the icky stuff. Be aware that detoxing can harm organs and systems in the body (very hard on the spleen especially) – people will tell you it's just "die off" or just "detox" or "healing crisis". Your body doesn't need that. You are having real symptoms and you need to know what is going on and get relief. Chinese herbs and acupuncture address the unique patterns in your body, the imbalances that are causing these symptoms. And the knowledge is 5,000 years old and backed up far more than any other medicine available. When you're having lots of painful and extreme things going on with your body, that is NOT the time to do experiments (such as detox). Hope this helps. There is no reason you should be suffering like this!

Posted by Nicole (Fayetteville, Ar Usa) on 08/07/2014

Hi! Don't know if you will ever get this, but the following have really helped my skin -

Beef gelatin
Diatomaceous Earth (Its full of silica, and a great detox)
Magnesium oil, magnesium citrate supplements, epsom salt bath (I've heard some people get migraines from a magnesium deficiancy)
High quality fish oil supplement
Or eat lots of fish

Hope this helps! - Nicole

Avoid Inhaling DE
Posted by Sj (Tn) on 10/20/2015

How much did your friend use for curing stomach cancer? I have someone in the family going through treatments for it and would like more info. I've just recently started using myself (not this particular brand) and am feeling the benefits after just a few days! Thanks

Posted by Palma (Navarre, Florida, Usa) on 08/11/2011

To ALL who have problems, and posted here for help.

I have purchased FOOD GRADE DIATOMACEOUS EARTH for internal parasites (husband, myself, and two cats). And we also use it to "dust our carpets, beds, and even plants. It works by dehydrating the parasites, and works on most all types, including tapeworm.

Besides killing parasites, it has good health benefits for humans & pets, and is safe for children.

For adults: At bedtime take one heaping Teaspoon in 8oz warm water, then follow with another half glass water.

For children and also for small pets dosage is 1/2 teaspoon in 8oz warm water followed by additional half glass of water. I would do this for 30-45 days. Tapeworms will often come out in pieces. Can sprinkle directly on pet's food and mix it up if they won't drink the water.

The website I purchased from also sells a duster container which the DE can be poured into to easily dust beds (also kills bed bugs) and carpets. Dust lightly on carpets, as it can clog vacum if sprinkled too heavilyI would suggest a GOOD QUALITY intestinal/colon cleanse after 45 days, though not necessary. We purchased Dr Natura colon cleanse. A bit expensive, but very good.

As for the Diametrous Earth, we bought from Wolf Creek Ranch website. They also give detailed information on dosage and other uses. It has stopped my itching in areas of my body. Avoid getting it in eyes. Can also be lightly sprinkled on pets fur to kill fleas etc. I offer the two brand names as I know their quality, but there are other good ones out there, I am certain. DE MUST BE PURE FOOD GRADE.

Posted by Artistwifey (California) on 05/27/2015

I distilled my own well water for 10yrs-for the most part one can get minerals in their food, especially if you eat fresh food often.

Posted by Pamela (Houston, Texas) on 12/28/2008

Thanks for Earth Clinic I was totally free from mites pick up from handling fire wood. My doctor had prescribed medication that I had read on Earth Clinic was very toxic and didn't work that well. I didn't want any part of this if I could avoid it. I also read someone on Earth Clinic recommended Diatomaceous Earth which I have used for years for internal parsites with great success. I decided to try the diatomaceous earth first. Wasn't real sure it would work because the mites are in my skin not inside of me. Since diatomaceous earth is non toxic I wanted to try it first. Have to interject I did try other topical remedies - different essential oils and others things with no relieve. I am amazed in 3 days of diatomaceous earth no mites. I took 1 heaping teaspoon in a half of glass of water a day. I did have trouble with the mites remaining in my hands. I read in the Young Living desk reference book that equal amounts of peppermint oil and oregano oil would kill chiggers or ticks. I mix these two together and experienced lots of itching for about 30 seconds and then they died. Thanks Earth Clinic and all of those who post here.

Diatomaceous Earth Tips
Posted by Anon (Salem, Or) on 06/06/2018

DE will settle if not consumed immediately. Some people and pets will not take it down immediately, so mixing it well with food, to me, is a good solution. After all, one brand of bottled water has Silica in it, as do bananas, and I haven't seen any warnings about these products. However, do not overdo the water as the body can't tolerate more than 800 mls at one time. Moderation. If you eat bananas regularly without a problem, you're introducing your system to Silica. Adding some water now and then helps, too. Start slowly with DE. Some people go full out and survive, but it's not recommended. And some people never go beyond 1 tablespoon and get results too.

Posted by Reba (Chicago) on 05/30/2018

DE will give you detox/die-off symptoms. Go lower with your dose until it becomes tolerable then slowly increase. I went 1 tsp right off the bat and I thought I was poisoned. Not true- just too much detox at once. I've been on DE for a week and now I'm at 1/3-1/2 tsp. While there are some detox effects, they're becoming less every day. Perhaps the antibiotic you're taking is also contributing to the way you feel. Not sure if it's recommended to take all of that together. Best of luck.

Nail Growth
Posted by Ali (Wales) on 09/23/2018

This may be a detox response. Most ‘illnesses' are not illness at all, but the body purging. Coughs, colds, zits, rashes, boils, sweats, fevers, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, tears, discharges, etc, are all purging outlets. When given the tools & opportunity the body will purge unwanted matter if it is able.

Having said that, ensure you are not breathing in the DE dust when you put it in the water. I find it floats everywhere as I put it in the water, so cover the glass with my hand or a cloth for a minute or two until it's settled. It's not good to breathe in any dust & DE is no exception.

Posted by Art (California ) on 07/10/2016 2155 posts

There seems to be some confusion about food grade DE and industrial or pool filter DE. The pool filter DE is exposed to high temperature in the manufacturing process which alters it considerably, converting it to crystalline silica and making it not fit for human consumption and it is very important that people realize that fact as it will harm you if consumed and that is why I asked the question in the first place, to make sure,

Sarah, was actually using FGDE as opposed to pool DE or the DE that also has a pesticide in it. I have a bag of the pesticide type DE and it has a very distinctive smell to it........kind of like the smell of moth balls, but milder. In any case, a little safety here can go a long way! Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is what you should look for.

Here is a link that gives a detailed discussion on the difference between pool grade and food grade. Definitely worth reading for people who are considering consuming DE.

Here is an important quote from the link:

Crystalline silica is very dangerous and can be harmful to the health of humans and animals. For this reason, Pool Grade diatomaceous earth should NOT be used for any purpose other than filtration.


Posted by Rachel (Flagstaff) on 10/10/2015

I have also been taking DE for about 2 weeks and am feeling tried and breaking out and experiencing headaches and dizziness. I want to know if this is just part of the detox and if you're still taking it. Does it get better? Thanks! Rachel

Multiple Cures Reported
Posted by Hjdez (Beatty, Or) on 06/29/2013

I have taken vitamins, minerals, and supplements for over 50 years and have researched internet for 30 years and have enjoyed excelent health all my life with very few health issuse. If I have a health problem I research it and take care of it. Health scientist say all health is dietary and cureable. I believe this and has worked for me. Recently I stumbled upon diatomaceous earth. I do that a lot. My two most helpful have been Dr F R Kenner's vitamin C therapies six years ago (internet) and human grade diatomaceous earth's value was picked up as near as can tell about 8 years ago and has been gaining excited users ever since.

Since I injest so many supplements I did not think diatomaceous earth would have the impact on me it did in so many areas in just two weeks. Users have reported increased energy levels, better sleep, less pain in so many areas headachs, menstral, joints, stomach, colon, joints, teeth, feet, etc. Clearing of skin ailments, beatiful skin hair and nails with increased hair growth, lower choleresterol and blood presure levels, less digestive stress, diarrhea and constipation. Kills parasites man and animal. Some distress noted by those with heavy parasite infestation, clears up when parasites are controlled. Children are especialy affected, calmer, do better in school and home, less disruptive more alert. One mother reported her child with a learning disability seemed to have improved. People are buying human grade diatomaceous in bulk at local feed and garden stores and on line, giving it family and friends of all ages. I found it for less than $30.00 for 40 lbs.

Posted by Lottie (Cornwall, St Austell, Uk) on 06/14/2013

Try to cut down on gluten, gluten stops the absorption of nurtrients and vitamins from your food.

Posted by Vc (Canada) on 11/19/2016

Sounds like parasites. Billions of people all over the world are infected. There are many natural herbs and treatments. Some people take borax. 1/8 teaspoon in 1 litre of water. You should use very little. Search the benefits of borax. and get the testimonies. Countless people say it works. It is an old product and some people have been taking it for decades. They urge you not to take too much. Or you can try a combination of many herbs. I hope you choose a winning regiment. Just remember to drink lots of water. You must get the dead parasite bodies out of your body. Many people use coffee enema's. Organic coffee only. Checkout Gerson therapy. Many people swear by it. Be blessed.

Avoid Inhaling DE
Posted by Bo Jangles (Texas, US) on 02/23/2015

Muriatic Acid is dilute Hydrochloric Acid.

Receding Gums
Posted by Teresa (Texas) on 03/05/2022

Diatomaceous earth taken in water daily for several weeks helped tighten receding gums. I think it is high in silica.

DE and Amalgams
Posted by Bill (Barton, NY) on 01/25/2022

DE will not help you remediate amalgams from off gassing. Amalgam fillings continuously off gas 24/7. There is only one way to eliminate this as you are aware of. My advice would be to not chew gum, do not drink hot liquids, do not drink acidic liquids. Just the process of chewing encourages off gassing. With that said, you do need to eat and chew your food. If removal of the fillings is not possible just taking DE internally would help soak up some of the oxidation coming off them. Also, psyllium hulls or bentonite clay taken daily would offer some help in elimination. Just remember, as long as you have those fillings they are off gassing with every breath you take. I had my amalgams removed 18 years ago. It is expensive. Fortunately my dentist did my in quadrants so I would do one quadrant and then another a month or two later. Helped financially.

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 07/07/2016 2063 posts

R: I once tried D.E. orally and experienced ulcerative colitis, so from your report, it appears that you have some "leaky gut" issues which is allowing those sharp Silica mineral fractions to go directly into the bloodstream where they are cutting into the kidneys.

For now take Slippery Elm or Marshmallow to restore Kidneys.

Likely culprit is either Parasite infestation or candida infection or both in the gut. Once these pathogens are removed your intestines should heal back to normal.

I now add D.E. with other minerals for daily footbath and experience the benefits of Silica this way.

Posted by Art (California) on 07/10/2016 2155 posts

I forgot to mention that "Feed Grade DE", not "Food Grade DE" can have more heavy metal in it.

Another quote from that previous link:

What is the difference between food chemical codex grade (food grade) and feed grade diatomaceous earth?

Although these two types are very similar there is one very important distinction between them. Food Chemical Codex Grade (commonly referred to as “Food Grade") DE must meet certain specifications regarding heavy metal content. To be considered Food Grade, the diatomaceous earth must not contain more than 10mg/kg of arsenic and no more than 10mg/kg of lead.


Posted by Art (California ) on 05/24/2016 2155 posts


Are you sure it is " food grade" DE? There is non food grade which is used for pool filters and is toxic. There is another type that has added pesticide for insect control and obviously should not be taken by humans.


DE and Amalgams
Posted by Autumn (Louisville, Ky) on 06/07/2014

I read a post on here about someone saying do NOT use DE internally if you have Silver Fillings. I cannot seem to find any info on the internet and I am on my 2nd day of taking DE. Does anyone who has silver (amalgam) fillings use this? Or does anyone have any links or info to share about if this is safe or not? Thank you for your help. I am trying to use this to make myself better and do not want to hurt myself in the process. Thanks again!!

Diatomaceous Earth Tips
Posted by Clara (Youngstown, Ohio) on 04/30/2014

DE works excellently. However, needs to be started slowly!

Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 11/18/2013

... "Estimates are that 60% to 70% of us with FMS have symptoms very similar to costochondritis. No one is exactly sure whether it is true costochondritis or why it occurs with FMS, especially since FMS doesn't cause inflammation."


Notice the contradiction in FMS definition says FMS does not cause inflammation while costochondritis which most people with fms is ignored. Costochodritis inflammation was the most painful part of the fms condition. The sleep disorder is caused by the physical pain.

Tiredness or difficulty exercising is not distinguishing. Stiff muscles - what does that mean. People can get stiff muscles by just being inactive.

They have fms - "classified as mild cognitive disorders". many fms labeled people would not agree with the word "mild".

One person talking about fms may be world's apart from someone else who has fms. I think the fms label needs to be broken down further. I think infections (inflammation) vs non-infection groups may need to be separated especially symptom wise along with cognitive aspect.

Posted by Smokeypokey (Ironwood, Michigan) on 06/13/2013

Hi. I just started taking DE about 2 weeks ago maybe. not sure exactly...

my integrative doctor suggested it. I suffer from food allergies that keep my body from absorbing nutrients and my hormones are being thrown out of balance. I have acne, which is my main consern right now. Also my hair sheds more than usual. Mood swings. Delayed periods. migraines.

So ive had my acne and other symptoms somewhat under control for about 5 months. I started breaking out and having the mood swings again before I started the DE. Well my break outs are getting worse and I feel terrible right now. More migraines. When will I start seing clearer skin? im out of town and trying to enjoy myself but I feel miserable and gross. My head hurts. I just dont feel right. I do get migraines from the weather changes and it is spring and thats the worst time for me with the migrianes. But if anyone can give me some advice or encouraging words that wud be great!!! Im so tired of this acne problem. I had it under control for a while and was looking forward to summer and enjoying my nice skin, but now im just sad and dont wana do anything...

Posted by Mary (Tomball, Tx) on 10/10/2013

Going on 6 months now GMO free only eat whole foods that are organic, my itching skin went away, I lost 25 lbs I feel 20 years younger, all the pesticides in our food is making us sick. I had back aches all the time with these 2 cyst in my lower back, back pain is gone and the cyst is way smaller, started on Diatomaceous Earth to see if it would help and so far I see that it is making my real thick and ugly toenails shrink back to normal. You need to get off white sugar and white flour they are fulled with pesticides only eat sugar cane sugar which is found mostly in organic foods. 80% of the food in the grocery store is poison to our body, but look for the Non gmo list on the internet and start getting your health back.

DE Contraindications
Posted by Q (Houston, Tx) on 05/14/2013

No, having a shellfish allergy won't be a problem with DE. I've taken it many times and I'm extremely allergic to shellfish.

Candida and Parasites
Posted by Yehsams (Ncal) on 03/07/2014

For Rad_city from Brea, Ca

I am also a user of DE, and any other item I can use instead of going to the Dr for every little thing. Had some pretty miraculous things happen. AND, had some scary thing happen. Went for a long time working on a painful lower back, right side. Finally caved and had a Colonoscopy. Now the scary, I now have about 1/3 less larger colon on the right side. ALL my pain was in the lower right back. Cancer stage was 3a. What I want you to know is that your symptoms are identical. My suggestion, get a colonsocopy to make certain your good to go before you continue with anything else. With all the GMO in american food, no matter how well we why try, we are not immune to cancer. Now I am on my way to recovery, doing well. AND right back to my good old natural remedies. Have a good life! Yehsams

DE Tips
Posted by Anonymosaurus Rex (USA) on 08/28/2012

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is one of the richest sources of silica around, at ~80%. In comparison, Horsetail has ~4% (often touted as the highest source), and bamboo stalk has ~28%.

Silica is important for bones, hair, teeth, nails, ligaments and especially the skin. Silica is best absorbed with acid (stomach acid works quite nicely) as silicon dioxide must first convert to orthosilicic acid before it can be utilised by the body. Silica will convert to orthosilicic acid when in contact with water.

If you are making your own toothpaste, face cream, toner, nail treatment or moisturiser you should consider adding a small amount of DE as it will be very beneficial and is absorbed by your skin.

To supplement your daily intake of silica, here is a method on adding DE to water that I got from - Earth vs Horsetail Grass.htm (I am not afilliated with this site whatsoever, but this article is a really, really good read. If you are interested in Silica, DE or Horsetail I strongly recommend it.)

"...add a spoon full of food grade DE to a gallon of water and allow the DE to settle to the bottom. This may take a few days initially. Pour the water you intend to drink from the top of the container, but be careful not to disturb the DE on the bottom of the container. Refill the container with water and allow it to settle out again. Keep repeating this process. A spoon full of DE should last several years if it is not poured off in the water."

This method of adding DE will work especially well if you have a water urn/dispenser that has a spigot (tap) slight above the bottom - you can put a touch of DE in the bottom and it should supplement your water without any problems.

- Diatomaceous Earth must be food grade if you are considering using it for yourself, as many other posts have mentioned.

- DE contains ~2-4% aluminium oxide, so if you are avoiding all aluminium then do not consume this as a supplement. It should be known that orthosilicic acid reduced aluminium uptake in digestion as well as increasing the excretion of aluminium through urine. The DE water method above uses a very small amount of silica over a long period that it will minimize your ingestion of aluminium.

- Vegans/vegetarians generally should find DE acceptable, as it consists of phytoplankton (algae) but it is important to be aware of this just in case.

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