Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Posted by Glenn (New Braunfels, TX) on 05/28/2021

Borax worked for me! Shortly after starting a Borax regimen, I noticed that I stopped popping ibuprofen and acetaminophen all day like candy.

In context: I am days from 70, and previously made lifestyle changes to overcome prostate issues: high PSA and BPH. Three years ago, my right shoulder started to hurt a little, maybe from mousing all day at work.

I started some shoulder exercises with Dick's #10 bands, and have worked up to about 3 hour workouts twice a week with #40-70 bands, and mow with a push mower. Still, there was continual right shoulder pain. If I do a 40# bench press, it will creak and squeak a dozen times per down and up.

So I had a heating pad, and a car heating pad, applied Icy Hot and Capzasin-HP and other salves, took the allowed daily limit of Ibuprofen, and Acetaminophen, and all these supplements: Turmeric-Curcumin, Glucosamine-Chondroitin, a Multivitamin, C, Omega-3, Ashwagandha, and Alpha Lipoic Acid, plus three for prostate/testosterone/libido. Still, chronic pain.

About 2-3 months ago, I learned of Steve Mabey's Borax video, goggled hard all the facts, did the math, and added this daily:

When I wake up, I drink two 12-oz mugs of water with 1/2 tsp baking soda in each cup, first thing, to hydrate and alkalize my body. Then, spread out over the day, in about three of my many frequent mugs of Green tea + Instant coffee + Cacao, I drop in about 1/16 tsp of Epsom Salt (for Magnesium) and 1/16 tsp of laundry Borax (for Boron). That's small enough to barely taste. In perhaps a couple of weeks, real relief has come upon me. Nice!

Posted by You are what you eat (Dallas, Texas ) on 04/14/2021

Borax for arthritis

I use I every day. Last year, I was a month out from getting a knee replacement and my nurse sister told me about borax. Well 1 week of using it, I didn't get a total knee replacement and am 90% pain free.

1 tablespoon in a 1 liter bottle mix. Take a tablespoon-sized drink of this concentrate. Mix with water or coffee whatever you like to drink.

Posted by Sara B. (USA) on 02/09/2021 1 posts

I had read the Borax, Arthritis connection here on Earth Clinic but didn't try it at first. I have began running again and my knees were clicking and sore as heck even after a long rest period. Then my fingers and shoulders started hurting, I not sure the connection with this and running but maybe my body was out of whack.

I began taking a pinch of Mule Team Borax in my coffee for about a week and had no relief. I then increased my dose to 1/4 teaspoon every morning in my coffee. After five days I started feeling relief in my knees and fingers. I did a seven mile run and my knees felt lubricated and hardly any pain the next day. I am amazed this has worked and will continue.

Posted by oomybeauty (EC's YouTube page) on 11/10/2020

3 months, taking one pinch of mule team borax in my Starbucks coffee. My super painful hip pain, from arthritis, is almost gone. I am still limping but pain is so I can put shoes on, jeans, leggings, = no pain, also pain from sleeping and sitting is almost gone. Added coral calcium/ magnesium and iodine drops. My teeth, nails, whites of eyes, mental sharpness= all improved. Highly recommend a pinch a day of borax!

Also, I did feel the detox effect, I just took aspirin or migraine meds and took a day off from borax. Will continue to update.

Posted by Oomybeauty (Earth Clinic's Youtube Channel) on 08/29/2020

1 month taking a tiny little pinch of borax in my drink like water or coffee ☕ a day. Have noticed a very significant decrease in my arthritic pain in my hip which was at a range of 4 to 8 now it is at a 2 to 5 . I could hardly do anything, including walking, going up and down stairs, shoes, even stretching was excruciating! Now I can do treadmill for 15 minutes to half an hour, not be in wincing pain stretching, no pain sleeping, and the hip has not been giving out like it did. Finding these vids was really a great gift 🎁 from God !! Thank you so very much for sharing this vital lifesaver info 😊 ❤!

EC: Comment on our Borax for Arthritis video here:

Posted by Jack (Durham) on 06/02/2020

Borax is very good for arthritis and general health.

Posted by Deborah (Texas) on 05/18/2020

I have read recently that borax mixed with baking soda is a great combination. I am starting that as of yesterday. I use energy testing and those together test very strong for me.

Posted by Susan (Toronto) on 05/13/2020

I was taking a borax solution - pinch of borax in a tall glass of water - off and on for a couple of months. Then stopped during covid-19 a couple of months ago. In the past two weeks, I have become increasingly sore and feeling arthritic in all joints, esp fingers, hips and knees.

I saw ORH's post on Earth Clinic and remembered that I too had stopped taking borax. Well guess what, in only a day back on a pinch of borax, all aches and pains are gone. This tells me that 1. you don't have to do the borax remedy constantly and 2. The effects last 2-3 months. Very happy the turn-around was that quick.

Posted by Lilikoi (Pahoa, Hawaii) on 12/28/2019

Borax works for me too for arthritis in a few of my fingers that were injured a few years ago. I just use a good pinch in my drinking water for the day. If I forget and skip for a few days they hurt again. When I take it the pain stops. Perhaps I should take more to keep my fingers in better shape!

Posted by Jerry J. (Seattle) on 09/13/2019

Borax works for arthritis, it's natural, from the earth like a clay and received well. My question is that as long as you don't drink baking soda with meals, which of course can lesson your natural digestive acidic juices, you can add it to the water you drink to alkalize it. I've been doing this to my spring water for years, so I'm wondering if baking soda (sodium bicarb) can be mixed with boron, as again my drinking water all has baking soda in it. Thanks.

Posted by Rod (Canada) on 08/23/2019

Hey all, I stumbled upon borax/boron about 5 or 6 years ago after I was diagnosed with arthritis....and told "there is nothing I can do for you". I have been taking it every day for 5 or 6 years. I feel better than I did in high school. I'm 50 and a pretty good athlete, still. Before borax I had to tape my ankles and wrists, and was always in a great deal of pain after sport. Now, I have zero inflammation, and play sports all the time.

Borax GREATLY increased the quality of my life. Sports/fitness has saved me all my one constant throughout my journey. I don't know what I would do without sport and fitness. In essence, borax has saved my life. I call borax the fountain of youth. Rex Neuman and Walter Last are 2 doctors that should be googled. They spearheaded the research on boron a long time ago. Borax also increases sexual function, and a host of other things.

Here is a must read (pretty technical):

Lot's of love and good health. Without health, life is not life.

Posted by Marth (Brooklyn, NY) on 06/24/2019

I am a long distance runner since my mid-teens, now in my late 40s. I was feeling horrendous aches and pains in all joints, esp feet and knees the past few months. Arthritis was setting in! Upon extensive research, I found the borax remedy and started it up immediately last week after locating the borax in a grocery store in my town. It's early days on the protocol but I just wanted to report that within 2 days on 1/8 teaspoon in 1 liter of filtered water (Brita filtered), aches and pains in all joints completely disappeared!! I am stunned that the borax worked so fast. Guessing I became severely deficient deficient in boron recently and my body desperately needed it. I plan to continue the borax indefinitely. Let's spread the word, guys!!

Posted by Sam (Nyc ) on 03/04/2018

I have two bad knees, arthritis for sure, getting worse year by year. I started the borax remedy two months ago. I use 1/8 teaspoon in a liter of water per the instructions. It took about 2 days to feel relief. After 2 days, no more knee pain. My knees feel about 20 years younger, sounds weird but I am not kidding you. I walk everywhere and I have no more pain or fatigue in my legs and knees at night.

I stopped taking the borax to see how long it would take before the pain returned and it was 10 days. So I don't think you need to take it everyday after a while. I'll keep experimenting and report back! Yay!!

Posted by John (Michigan) on 11/14/2017

In Response to:

Posted by Brian S. (Coombabah Qld) on 08/04/2017

I have arthritis in my fingers and knees. Last December I was told about Borax. I mix 1 1/2 teaspoons in 600 mils of water, then take 1/3 of a small glass each morning; now virtually no pain. Last Easter I was away for 5 days, but did not take my Borax. After 2 days the pain started to return.

That is rather strange. The original researcher that discovered Borax as a treatment for Arthritis and many other researchers have said the opposite. After patient had been on Borax for a few months to a year that if they suddenly stopped the pain relief lasted many months to a year after treatment stopped. If you stop and think about it that makes sense because borax is absorbed mostly by bones in the body and they have not found any plateau effect in bone like they see in soft tissues. So you should not see results of supplementation disappear in 2 days or even a few weeks time. Think about it you stop taking calcium and magnesium you bones do not turn to dust in days! If our bodies where that bad with regard to mineral maintenance we as a species would have died off many thousands of years ago. In fact even when you water fast your body does a good job holding onto sodium, magnesium and calcium with phosphorous being the problem child we just can not hold onto well when water fasting. If you are having this much problem when you stop for a 2 days or more you might need to up your does of not only Boron but also magnesium, K2 and vitamin D3. Borax/Boron works synergistic with these. You might also want to look at your faty acid profiles because lesions on articular cartilage are directly related to some fatty acid's but not other's. Remember once your bones are loaded with calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, boron it is like money in bank or a swimming pool full of water a little daily leak is no big deal even if it goes on for weeks if the bank/pool is full. If it the bank account or pool is almost empty though even a tiny leak will have you in trouble fast.

As near as I can tell if you have osteoporosis it takes 75mg-150mg of Boron a day combined with 400mg-600mg of magnesium a day to reverse it. So you might consider these things and a bone mineral density test to see where your at. You do not need DEXA X-Ray study anymore a lot of doctors have in office bone mineral density testing that just has you insert your lower leg into a small device and it reads bone density! Bottom line is that after weeks or months of Boron supplementing you should be able to easily go 2 days with out it and not be in pain. The studies using low doses like 3mg-10mg a day are all over the place with either no statistically significant results or hit and miss results.

The people that have been preaching about Borax for 20+ years usually talk about 50mg-150mg daily doses. Some even advocate 5 days on 2 days off to guarantee that you never over do it since Boron is water soluble and is flushed regularly from your body. Also keep in mind placebo effect works both ways if you think something is a cure or will help with pain often id does even if it is just a sugar pill or salt pill but if you think you can not go with out something guess what placebo works that way too and any interruption of the "cure" and you spiral out of control. Most nutrients are not a daily thing unlike rodents humans do not balance the metabolic books every day.

Sincerely, John

Posted by Barrie (ex-zim) (Brisbane, Australia) on 08/04/2017

I have been using Borax (from Turkey) as a supplement for a few years as there are numerous reports and personal feed backs of the benifits of Borax/boron in Nexus Magazine (a New Zealand publication), particularly in the treatment of arthritis. I have seen amazing results from those I have suggested try Borax rather than surgery or chemical drugs - fingers regain unpainful complete movement, fingers actually straightened up. We need 5mg a day but because of fertilisers in food production our soils are de-mineralised and we are now only getting about 1mg a day, hence all the arthritis surferers today. I have absolutely no pain at 68 years old. Borax is good in many areas of health. Turkey and California produce the highest grade (as I have read) and have be consistently voted the highest environmentally safe mines in the world.

EC: The Nexus article can be read here.

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