Health Benefits

Borax: Unlocking the Health Benefits of a Natural Compound

Posted by Deirdre (EC) on 07/01/2022

Ted's 1/8 teaspoon of borax in 1 liter of water dosage for women is working incredibly well for my stiff hands. It has slightly helped the stiffness of my trigger thumb which is almost now locked into a straight position after a 2nd cortisone shot wore off in April.

I drink about 1/2 liter per day of the borax solution and that seems to be enough at alleviating stiff joints. I did have a severe detox reaction the first few days of drinking it - mostly stomach pain, which I cured by taking activated charcoal.

Highly recommend activated charcoal for anyone going through a detox or for stomach pain. 2-3 charcoal capsules and plenty of water. Take them at least 1 hour before or after other supplements and/or food.

Posted by Renee (Boston) on 06/23/2022 41 posts

I am measuring out 1/8 and adding small amounts from the measuring spoon to my coffee throughout the day. I drink a lot of coffee, lol. It works for me and I'm still drug free. I had to use 5mg of prednisone a few times until the Borax kicked in. I'm still not at the max timeframe for results yet. I still have 2 swollen fingers but I can use them, they're not painful and swelling is somewhat reduced, my elbow is not completely straight yet but that does not hurt either and is much straighter than before. My sciatica seems to have almost completely disappeared. I'm extremely grateful to find out about this miracle. Thank you everyone.

Posted by Jojo (United Kingdom) on 06/17/2022

I have been taking Borax now for several years after reading an Australian doctor's trial result. It has certainly reduced my arthritis symptoms in my hands and if I miss a dose for a few days, the pain quickly returns.

I was unable to knit for many years, now it is easy again. I would recommend it.

Posted by jake from chicago (chicago) on 06/10/2022

I took a pinch of borax in my drinking water before bed last night and had a stretch of 4 and a 1/2 hoursof deep sleep before waking, which is about double of my normal. Question - you say to keep boron in your system throughout the day, but you also say you just put a pinch or 2 or 3 in your coffee and drink just once a day. Could you clarify whether you do the pinch once per day or more often throughout the day. Thanks much!

Posted by Renee (Boston) on 05/23/2022 41 posts

I just want you to know that this is a miracle worker! I followed your recipe for my sore spots and I'm not sure if that or internal Borax worked but it's helping. But besides that, I used the mixture on a giant hive and also a bee sting and it worked immediately. Miraculous!

Posted by Claudi0 (Spring Hill, Florida) on 04/10/2022

Have you tried adding the 2 drops DMSO to your 4 oz. of dist. water and 1 t. of borax solution? This would eliminate the extra streps and handling pure DMSO. I think I would try this myself.

Posted by JenCat71 (TN) on 03/30/2022

Just circling back - but so far, so good! Been getting up and down outta my chair all day with little to no pain! AND there's a storm headed this way - normally, I would be hurting more. Going to continue with 6mg of Boron under tongue for 30 seconds twice/day and two pinches of Borax in both coffees each weekday (1 is caff; 1 is decaff), and then pause on the weekends. Will let y'all know if anything changes.

Posted by Deirdre (CT) on 03/28/2022

Thought I would share my new borax method with the EC community as it's working so phenomenally well, and fast, I am quite stunned actually. I have been applying to my lower spine where I was having severe tailbone and sciatica the past few months as well as on my hand and knees. No more pain, no stiffness. I actually forgot I had a bad back yesterday! I am only on day 4 of this and started seeing results after the 2nd day. This works much faster than the internal borax method, in my opinion. Plus absolutely no side effects.


  • Bottle (I use a 4 oz amber bottle)
  • Borax
  • DMSO (buy on Amazon - 99.99% purity)


  • Fill the bottle with 4 oz hot distilled water.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of borax (20 Mule Team is what I use)
  • Shake vigorously until the borax is dissolved. Make sure to shake vigorously every day before use.

Application Method

  • Shake, and then pour some of your borax solution into the palm of your hand and then apply to any problem areas you want to treat. Make sure to apply to clean skin before you do this because DMSO is a solvent. Right after a shower is a good time.
  • Massage into the skin until most of it has been absorbed.
  • Add a few drops of DMSO to the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, and then apply the DMSO on top of the borax. Massage into the area and then allow the area to dry before you put on any clothes.


No pain in the hands.. increased flexibility in the joints.. no clicking when I open and close my fingers. (Note: my hands are achy from years of karate as an adult and intense gymnastics as a child.)

Back pain - gone.


  • One need apply the borax and DMSO solution only once a day to see results. Perhaps twice is better but one time works for me.
  • The targeted application seems to work much faster than drinking an entire liter of borax 5 days a week.
  • I tried Art's borax arthritis topical cream method last year but had a hard time dissolving the borax, so this distilled water method works perfectly for me. Thanks for the original suggestion, Art!

Try this, please. Would love to hear results from other people.

Posted by Bevil (NC) on 02/19/2022

I can't speak for Mike but when I discovered the borax cure years ago it only took a day or two until I noticed significant improvement, fingers and knees no longer stiff and with in a couple weeks back issues were gone! It works really fast...just be sure to stop your fluoride intake...use distilled water and get the fluoride free tooth paste

Posted by Mike (New Zealand) on 12/25/2021

If you mix a quarter of a teaspoon of borax with one litre of water. Ten mls of this liquid equals one mg of boron. The maximum daily dose of boron is 20 mg. It is best to stay under 10 mg per day. I take 20 ml of the liquid every 12 hours . That is 8 mg of boron per day. Borax powder is around 10% boron. I have severe osteo-arthtitis iin the spine and the borax really works.

Posted by BevilNC (NC) on 11/13/2021

For all of the nay-sayers I can attest to this rapid healing being true. I had several calcified discs in my back from an injury when I was young. My spine was not able to move along those discs and I had a bony projection in my back from the calcification. I could not even be leaned back in a dental chair without turning to the side a bit because of the projection. I could not roll over in bed without groaning in pain and my lower spine had begun to curve.

I started the borax protocol and rid my home of fluoride and within a couple of days my knees and finger stiffness were gone...before the end of the second week the calcified discs broke free and I had normal range of motion in my spine.

It REALLY does work this fast! Borax is less toxic than table salt. When I first was brave enough to decide to try it I got the Material Data Safety sheets for both to see for myself. You can search for them and get them online if you are concerned and see for yourself.

So do not be frightened off by those saying it is dangerouse...IT IS NOT! That was the drivel that the pharma industry used to try to discredit Dr. Rex Newnham when he presented this cure. Natural substances can not be patented so the pharma industry can't profit from it and they will suppress this information at all costs.

Posted by LuRae (AZ) on 11/12/2021

I got liquid boron and take 12 mg or two droppers under my tongue each morning. It completely took stiffness and discomfort of hurting finger joints away.

Posted by Cheryl (Ontario) on 11/03/2021

Hello, I have started using Borax to help with an arthritic knee with much relief after only a few days. I have shared this with a friend who has concerns about taking it while on prednisone to treat an autoimmune form of arthritis..

Does anyone have experience or know if it's ok to use if you are on prednisone?

Posted by DDDDDuane (NYC) on 10/08/2021

I know borax therapy mostly as an arthritis cure...(straight out of the laundry box)... After 6 months of approximately a quarter teaspoon every day cured the arthritis in my ankle...

Posted by RonEBorden (Florida, USA) on 10/02/2021

I started using Borax for arthritis three weeks ago. It is very effective. Arthritis might be a combination of boron deficiency and parasite and fungal infection.

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