Natural Parvo Treatment for Dogs

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thankful (Arizona, US) on 05/17/2014

I just want to say thank you for the information. My 3 month old dog who only weighs 2 pounds and will only grow to about 5 pounds was showing signs of Parvo. Because I had just recently had a Pit Bull who had the same symptoms I knew it was Parvo. With my Pit Bull I took him to the vet and spent money on IV's and antibiotics to get him well. I did not have the money this time around to do the same thing so I came online and found this website. I mixed a combination of a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, two table spoons of Activated carbon, Water and Pedialyte into a 16.9oz bottle of water. I began giving the solution to her every two hours. Because it was around 2 in the morning I was only able to give her two doses of that and in between I gave her one dose of just 50/50 Pedialyte and water. When I woke up this morning the baby who was not drinking or eating, throwing up and would not move was waiting on the edge of the couch wagging her tail and waiting for me to put her on the floor. She immediately ran to her bowl and began drinking and eating on her own. I am so grateful to all of you who shared your stories. What could have cost me hundreds of dollars only cost about $25 total and she is back to running around and playing with her best buddy the Bugga the Pit Bull. I will be forever grateful for the advise I received on this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barbara Ann Daca (South Lake, Ca) on 02/13/2014

Two weeks ago I received two german shephard puppies. They had diarrhea and were completely dehydrated.They were raised outside and You could see ribs and hip bones. By this time at eight weeks several of the litter had died. I was completely unfamilar with parvo but grew up on a farm. I mixed a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with the mother in their water and gave them treats of carrots rolled in peanut butter. In two days you could not tell they were the same dogs! Now two weeks later they are fat and happy and healthy with bright shiny coats! This week raw pumpkin for worms or unseen parasites. I would just like you to pass it on. Ps. Love your site!